[02:47:05] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:53:57] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [03:19:48] *** Joins: GhostRobot (45fabdfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [03:21:06] Hi, I've connected my 120gb Ipod classic to my Windows 8.1 pc with itunes installed. I've run through the instructions on Freemyipod.org and have UMSBoot v0.2.1 displayed on my Ipod, but do not see the 64mb disk on my computer. [03:23:25] <[Saint]> It can take some time to appear, but, generally speaking, the Windows installation methods are a fucking mess. [03:23:52] Would you recommend booting into a live cd and trying the install on that? [03:23:59] <[Saint]> UMSboot also seems to hate the absolute shit out of USB3, for some inexplicable reason. [03:24:04] <[Saint]> I would, yes. [03:24:22] oh... I do have it connected to one of my usb 3.0 ports. I'll try it on a 2.0 [03:24:37] <[Saint]> Aha. Right. [03:24:56] <[Saint]> Try another port before you go the LiveCD/Virtual Machine route. [03:25:09] If that doesn't work, Do you recommend a specific distro? [03:25:41] <[Saint]> No. Just something debian based and vaguely current. [03:25:50] <[Saint]> Ubuntu/debian/etc. [03:27:01] Can do, if its acceptable I'll stay connected to this channel while i try a different usb port [03:27:30] <[Saint]> More than acceptable. In fact, I would highly recommend it. :) [03:30:00] A different port ended up working :) [03:30:46] <[Saint]> Huzzah. [03:31:28] <[Saint]> One thing the install process doesn't really point out is the emCORE fastboot option. [03:31:48] <[Saint]> 99.999% of users don't give a flying fuck about emCORE besides the fact that it boots Rockbox. [03:32:02] <[Saint]> So the fastboot option allows you to skip the emCORE menu entirely. [03:32:14] <[Saint]> As its mostly useless for the majority of users. [03:33:04] <[Saint]> If you /do/ need to access the emCORE main menu, for instance, to boot the embedded Rockbox fallback image, it can be accessed via holding a key during boot if fastboot is engaged. [03:33:15] What is the benefit of disabling fastboot? [03:33:49] <[Saint]> It would be _enabling_ fastboot, as it is disabled by default. [03:34:04] <[Saint]> The benefit is booting directly into Rockbox, skipping the emCORE menu entirely. [03:34:15] <[Saint]> Which is what an overwhelming majority of users want. [03:35:10] Yes, that makes a lot of sense, thank you for pointing that out [03:47:33] Rockbox has been installed succesfully! :) Thank you for your help [Saint] [03:47:54] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [03:47:56] <[Saint]> Enjoy. [03:48:06] <[Saint]> Come see us over at #rockbox if you have any issues [03:53:30] I do have a few more quick questions if you don't mind. To go back to default firmware, I'm assuming I can go into itunes and restore it there somehow? [03:53:49] <[Saint]> DFU mode; iTunes restore. [03:54:16] <[Saint]> iTunes will sense the iPod is in distress (since we completely destroyed the original firmware) and prompt for recovery. [03:55:11] <[Saint]> I highly recommend uninstalling that steaming pile of shit immediately, though. Unless you have other iDevices in the house that require it, it is of exactly no use to you anymore. [03:55:56] I agree, I was just wondering if I decide to sell it. [03:56:09] <[Saint]> And, no, of course I don't mind. If I minded people asking me support questions I wouldn't be here. But thank you for you asking. [03:56:21] <[Saint]> I'm happy to answer anything I can. [03:56:28] What is your prefered theme for rockbox? [03:56:57] <[Saint]> Personally, I don't use a theme at all, not even the default. I load the fallback theme and icons. [03:57:12] <[Saint]> Just plain boring grey text on a black backdrop. [03:57:29] <[Saint]> I would prefer that RAM get used for audio buffer personally. [03:57:50] <[Saint]> I look at the device so rarely it doesn't really make any sense to have it look pretty, but, that's me. [03:59:02] My last question is, where on the device do audio files go? [03:59:39] Actually better question, is there a rockbox manual or something? [04:00:02] <[Saint]> Wherever you want them to go. As long as its not in the root folders that emCORE or Rockbox provide. [04:00:15] <[Saint]> Most people simply will create a /Music path [04:00:18] <[Saint]> And, yes. [04:01:07] <[Saint]> There is no manual specific to the iPod Classic, due to its "unusable" target classification. [04:01:28] <[Saint]> But, for all purposes the iPod Video manual is identical to what the Classic manual would be: [04:01:29] <[Saint]> http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo.pdf [04:01:53] <[Saint]> It will just contain a few references to features that are not currently implemented in the Classic build. [04:02:13] <[Saint]> Recording, FM, and the iPod Accessory Protocol, to name a few off the top of my head. [04:02:47] <[Saint]> Everything that does align with the two device feature sets will be correct, though. [04:03:02] <[Saint]> We take rather a lot of pride in our manual. [04:03:28] <[Saint]> So it impresses me that someone is willing to R the Fing M, as it were. :) [04:04:46] :) I do software development as well. [04:04:59] <[Saint]> As for media, most people will use a /Music/Artist/Album/{disk}/track_name.ext type arrangement. [04:05:08] <[Saint]> As we provide a full file browser in Rockbox. [04:05:30] <[Saint]> But, we also have a metadata based Database, if you prefer that and your files are appropriately tagged. [04:07:42] <[Saint]> I don't use the Database myself personally, as again, I would prefer that RAM to be given to the audio buffer - but, that's me. [04:07:58] <[Saint]> My Rockbox setup is extraodinarily simple. [04:08:35] <[Saint]> My main menu only has three items in it. Files, Now Playing, and Settings. :) [04:08:44] Do you know how I can access the .tcd files if i wanted to run an sql against it? [04:09:15] <[Saint]> How do you mean "access"? [04:09:27] <[Saint]> As in, where they reside on the device physically? [04:09:33] nevermind found it [04:09:47] http://sourceforge.net/projects/rbdb/ [04:11:46] <[Saint]> That seems overwhelmingly unnecessary. :-S [04:12:33] <[Saint]> We provide means in Rockbox itself to jiggle the Database display however you may fancy it. [04:12:42] <[Saint]> Our fine manual addresses this. [04:13:23] Yes, I'm reading it [04:14:22] <[Saint]> Also - common trap users fall into - its a _full prarbolic EQ_, not a simple graphic EQ, if you're using all 10 bands you're almost certainly wasting a giant fucktonne of CPU cycles. [04:16:00] <[Saint]> The Classic has a very capable CPU, so it'll still do realtime playback of all mainstream codes with all 10 EQ bands active, but you will certainly notice a large battery hit. [04:17:08] <[Saint]> Bah - stupid fucking mobile autocomplete [04:17:17] <[Saint]> *parametric EQ [04:17:32] whoa, you're typing like that on a phone? That's amazing. [04:18:46] <[Saint]> Unfortunately, getting to understand the usage of a parametric EQ, and the differences between it and a simple graphic EQ, requires rather a lot of reading and is quite non-obvious in some aspects. [04:19:13] got it, I'll pay attention to that section [04:19:18] <[Saint]> For most users our simple bass/treble modifiers are entirely sufficient. [04:19:57] <[Saint]> (and have MUCH less overhead) [04:25:39] [Saint]: Thank you for all your help [04:25:53] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [04:26:06] <[Saint]> I hope you enjoy the experiences to come. [04:26:19] <[Saint]> And, freeing your iPod, as it were. [04:27:05] I'm out of the walled garden, and I'm loving it. [04:27:37] <[Saint]> :) [04:28:11] <[Saint]> Except for the terrible disks, its an extremely capable device. [04:28:19] <[Saint]> The disks are just...uuugh. [04:28:34] <[Saint]> They have a habbit of committing a prolonged suicide. [04:28:55] <[Saint]> The disk firmware is fundamentally broken on several levels. [04:29:20] <[Saint]> But its entirely possible to replace that nasty disk with solid state storage should one desire to. [04:29:34] <[Saint]> And the disks are fairly cheap to replace, from the right sources. [04:29:44] <[Saint]> But..I digress. Have fun. [04:30:00] Do you have a link for more information regarding that? [04:31:06] I believe my disk is on the way out, and I was considering replacing it and the battery [04:31:17] <[Saint]> Other than experience, and post mortems on trashed or partially trashed disks, and a huge body of complaints, no. [04:31:34] <[Saint]> Apple hasn't exactly been particularly forthcoming about the issue, surprise surprise. [04:31:51] I meant the replacement process [04:32:32] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p57B4884D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [04:32:42] <[Saint]> Ah. My mistake. Sorry. [04:32:48] <[Saint]> https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPod+Classic+Hard+Drive+Replacement/564 [04:33:12] <[Saint]> and [04:33:14] <[Saint]> http://www.tarkan.info/ [04:33:41] <[Saint]> the latter is the link for the adapter plates that allow replacement of the original disk with solid state storage in varying formats. [04:34:13] <[Saint]> CF/mSATA (or, one can go SSD, but its still fucking expensive) [04:34:38] <[Saint]> bah - sorry: http://www.tarkan.info/store [04:35:39] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B49E29.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [04:36:05] <[Saint]> The various iFixit guides are top quality. [04:36:23] <[Saint]> Just don't buy from them directly if you can avoid it because their prices are fucking ridiculous. :) [04:36:32] Do you know of a reputable store that sells replacement batteries? [04:38:03] <[Saint]> Only in my specific locale, not one that ships internationally, sorry. [04:38:28] <[Saint]> There's a fabricant near me that can make various cells to order. [04:38:52] <[Saint]> Buying batteries online is...very hit and miss. [04:39:30] <[Saint]> The amount of fakes out there is absolutely shocking, almost as bad, if not as bad or worse, than the sdcard/compact flash market. [04:42:31] <[Saint]> A warning is that for the iPod Classic series in particular, you *will* need appropriate tools (at least one of each of a flat bladed metal spudger, a plastic spudger, and a plastic lifter), and it is *not* for the faint of heart. [04:43:02] <[Saint]> The process cannot be rushed, or forced, doing so will almost certainly damage the very delicate ribbon cables. [04:43:23] <[Saint]> The case backing, and its clips, are also very easily deformed if forced. [04:43:36] <[Saint]> But they can be bent back into place with some modicum of skill. [04:46:48] Do you have any recommendation on CF vs Msata vs SDXC? [04:47:59] <[Saint]> Other than cost, not particularly. The decision depends largely on how much you're willing to spend, and how fast you want your device syncing (media transfer) to your host to be. [04:48:33] <[Saint]> Even a class 2 sdcard is plenty fast enough for realtime playback of all mainstream codecs. [04:48:56] <[Saint]> But it'll bite you in the dick during sync. Being painfully slow in that regard. [04:49:54] <[Saint]> You can even do microSD->SD->CF->Adapter if you want. [04:50:35] <[Saint]> But CF->Adapter is likely the cheaper option if you don't have a large capacity fast microsd on hand already. [04:51:36] For the very large sizes it appears SDXC is the cheapest per GB [04:51:41] on amazon [04:52:10] <[Saint]> errr, sorry, yeah - above I meant sd->CF->adapter for the cheapest option, sorry. [04:52:48] <[Saint]> There's a potential caveat of all those adapters wiggling around and dislodging if they're not snug though I guess. [04:53:35] <[Saint]> CF->Adapter or mSATA->Adapter are the more mechanically sound options there I would guess. [04:53:51] <[Saint]> Less points of failure. [04:54:16] Do you see a significant improvement in battery life after an SSD conversion? [04:54:49] <[Saint]> If you wanted to get /reaaaaaaly/ silly. You could probably even do microSD->miniSD->SD->CF->Adapter. ;) [04:55:07] <[Saint]> And, yes. Spinning up the disk takes a considerable amount of energy. [04:56:18] <[Saint]> If I'm not mistaken I believe compact flash to be more efficient than mSATA - but I'm unsure of this precisely. [04:56:41] What happens to the resale value of the ipod classic if modified properly? is there a market for them? [04:57:34] <[Saint]> I'm unsure of that. [04:59:00] Excellent, thank you for your time, it has been an absolute pleasure speaking with you. [04:59:12] <[Saint]> No problem. [04:59:22] *** Quits: GhostRobot (45fabdfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:37:36] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:39:09] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:48:26] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:50:43] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:24:38] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Quit: (Read error: Connection reset by queer)) [10:25:03] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [18:40:33] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:23:16] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [23:24:32] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)