[00:01:45] *** Joins: artymort (~artymort@bne75-6-82-229-247-110.fbx.proxad.net) [00:01:51] Hello ! [00:02:38] *** artymort is now known as Artymort [00:08:20] I'me having a pretty specific question, I've got an iPod 6G (that is, Classic, 80Go, from 2007) I borrowed from a friend because the hard drive is broken. More precisely, I noticed that if you try to put some information somewhere between 15Go and 20Go, the hard drive fails. Somehow I used to make a partition starting at something like 25Go from the begining of the disk, and to install emCore+rockbox on it, and everyt [00:08:21] hing went well with a 55Go iPod for nearly two years, but I recently decided to update everything and now it's all broken. I can't resize the partition created by emCORE installer (GParted won't let me do this) and if I format it and create my own one, emCORE does not know anymore how to boot on it. Any idea on how to make it boot on a partition that does NOT start at the begining of the disk ? ------ TLDR : broke [00:08:22] n disk, boot from a custom partition on the disk ? [00:09:26] <[7]> as long as you use a FAT32 file system, emcore should be able to deal with a manually partitioned drive [00:12:31] Thank you ! The problem is I can't simply resize the fat32 partition it creates, and creating one resuluts in "No partition found, plug USB and fix this" or something like that :/ [00:14:39] <[7]> the former is clear, but I can't see why the latter would happen [00:14:56] "No partition found. Insert USB cable and fix it" [00:15:00] <[7]> this suggests that you might have defined the partition as the wrong type, or formatted it using the wrong file system [00:15:09] <[7]> because usually this should work [00:15:47] <[7]> I'd tend to replace the hard drive though, as the damage is going to get worse rather quickly once this has started [00:15:54] Is there any file I should copy on the parition for it to be recognised ? BTW whet I format it with GParted i *HAVE* to create a new partition table, otherwise GParted fails at doing anything but remove the existing partition :/ [00:15:59] <[7]> sadly I've seen quite a lot of similar cases with ipod hdds [00:16:16] <[7]> yes, that's expected [00:16:20] Well It workes more than a year that way, so I thought I would push it to its limit ... [00:16:26] <[7]> and no, you don't need to have anything special on that partition [00:16:46] Worked* Sry for the poor english :/ [00:19:34] So : emCORE install -> Mount it -> erase partition table and create a new one with a single FAT32 partition leads to the sub-cited message (I just tried it again :/) [00:20:29] <[7]> what's the partition type set to? [00:20:32] <[7]> and how did you format it? [00:21:24] Using GParted, after booting on the unfinished rockbox image (fallback), plugged on USB on my computer, it's a fat32 partition ... [00:22:14] <[7]> did gparted by any chance create a GPT partition table? [00:22:19] <[7]> emcore needs an MBR/msdos one [00:22:41] Nop, an msdos one. How do I access the hard-drive if the fallback rockbox does not start ? [00:23:07] <[7]> not easily, other than reformatting it with emcore [00:23:24] Ok, that's what I've done many time the last few hours ;p [00:24:20] It's weird because it worked when I did this in like 2012, so I'll try to find another version of GParted ... [00:41:00] I'll boot on a live GParted Testing and keep you in the loop. [01:28:48] Still "no partition found" with the latest GParated :/ [01:39:01] Dammit, I have no further idea now ... [02:00:56] (tried to do everything with fdisk, same result.) [02:15:48] Looks like I got something, with fdisk I managed to modify the partition size without touching the partition table, Windows sees it as a 47Gb drive, and linux is kind of hesitating as he sees two way to interpret it : directly /dev/sdX, or /dev/sdX1 ... Installing rockbox, then i'll try to move some files on, if I can move more than 16Gb og files I'me all right =D [02:18:47] Aaaaand, it fails. Apparently windows sees the equivalent of /dev/sdX1, while emCORE/rockbox sees /dev/sdX. Dammit >_< ! [02:22:07] It gets weirder : under rockbox I can see, in system/debug/partitions, that there is only one partition, which is P0, of size 48Gb, but while rebooting it dosn't seem to read that one ... [03:17:34] Giving up for the moment, I should've started this conversation on a screen to resume it later but it's too late, thank you for your support ! [03:17:43] *** Quits: Artymort (~artymort@bne75-6-82-229-247-110.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Quitte) [03:53:39] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [03:57:23] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:10:39] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:10:46] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:36:06] *** Joins: Sean_ (6305df13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [06:39:41] *** Quits: Sean_ (6305df13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [07:39:43] *** Joins: Sean_ (6305df13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:41:58] Hi there. I'm having trouble getting my comp to recognize that I have my iPod Classic in DFU mode. It sees a disk, I have the message telling me to move the files after I run the bootstrapper, but I don't see anything in My Computer. [07:51:44] I also got an error 31 if that helps [11:19:28] *** Quits: Sean_ (6305df13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [16:36:30] *** Joins: jan_bee_ (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) [16:40:24] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:02:09] *** Joins: Mendy (~chatzilla@ [19:02:54] *** Quits: Mendy (~chatzilla@ (Client Quit) [22:45:19] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93)