[05:36:18] *** Joins: godzirra (~slooker@codeforvegas.org) [05:36:22] Hey guys. [05:37:32] I'm trying to intsall EmCore using the linux instructions, but when I boot into UMSBoot, it doesn't ever mount. [05:37:36] And it said to ask for support if it didn't. [05:38:24] <[Saint]> Do you know if your distro automounts? Or are you doing this manually? [05:39:30] I'm doing it manually. [05:39:39] It did not see m to be automounted, but I didn't think to check. [05:39:43] It's ubuntu 14.04 [05:40:00] <[Saint]> Ubuntu definitely should be automounting. [05:40:09] It's definitely not mounted. [05:40:45] <[Saint]> Very odd. [05:40:48] I wonder if I should try just completely reformatting the ipod in itunes or something. [05:41:28] <[Saint]> That shouldn't have any effect, as the "disk" it is mounting in this case is not a physical disk at all. [05:41:47] <[Saint]> Its RAMdisk, so it doesn't care what's on or isn't on the original drive. [05:41:58] <[Saint]> The HDD neen't even actually exist to progress this far. [05:42:02] <[Saint]> *needn't [05:42:23] Gotcha. [05:42:51] Yeah, it just never seems to actually mount. [05:42:57] It just hangs. [05:43:17] <[Saint]> That's very odd behavior. [05:43:25] <[Saint]> TheSeven: (logs) any ideas? [05:44:22] <[Saint]> It failing at this stage for both the Windows and Linux install variants is...very weird. [05:44:59] No, I didn't get very far on the windows version [05:45:18] after you warned me, I stopped and switched to linux. [05:45:31] <[Saint]> Aha. I must've misread. [05:45:51] Oh. Actually does Windows automount when you're in UMSBoot? [05:51:41] If it does, It didn't pop up for me then, either. [05:54:49] It worked on windows that time. [05:56:42] Back to installing rockbox. Woot. [06:01:55] [Saint]: Thanks for your help. [06:06:25] *** Parts: godzirra (~slooker@codeforvegas.org) () [06:52:18] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:52:25] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:55:23] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) [06:55:42] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [19:50:41] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)