[05:24:03] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:24:52] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:29:49] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:29:55] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [12:00:00] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:00:51] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [13:55:03] *** Joins: qwebirc685282 (6d43b163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [13:55:47] Hi guys, is there anyone currently monitoring the channel and can give a hand to a lost soul :) ? [14:02:06] ask your question, and we'll try to help you [14:02:26] asking for permission to ask won't get you much attention :) [14:04:14] Fair enough... [14:05:04] so, I'll try to make my (rather long) story short. iPod classic 6g, thick 160GB. Worked perfectly until a week ago. [14:05:25] 2 years ago I installed emCore and rockbox on it [14:05:59] been with them for about 6 months and then changed back to the original fw (out of convenience) [14:06:53] As said, everything went well until a week ago I've purchased a sony car stereo with the ability to control playback of the iPod. [14:07:06] Played the device in my car, everything is well [14:07:21] took it back home after one of the rides in order to update files. [14:07:45] turned it on and it went into reboot loop (apple logo screen) [14:08:09] done my research, self diagnostics (select+previous buttons) were ok [14:08:31] couldn't restore the device with itunes (error 1439, unknown error) [14:08:56] couldn't format it to fat32 (too big for windows and wasn't recognized by gparted linux dist.) [14:09:17] at this point I contacted applecare at the state [14:09:46] had a conference call with 2 "senior technical advisors" about the problem [14:10:04] clearly they had nothing new to tell (though they were very nice). [14:10:14] Suggested to try and restore on a mac machine [14:10:48] went to a local Apple retailer to consult with what they call "Genius". well... nice again but no success there either [14:11:42] meanwhile, ordered on eBay set of devices disassemble tools (hoping for the best and preparing for the worst) [14:11:54] Found the python module of pushing fw directly to the device [14:12:10] watched this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEz0cCDBqnQ [14:13:03] couldn't locate any of the files mentioned there (not the wtf and not the x1223 and not the x1245) [14:13:18] went on and followed the installation process of emCore [14:13:36] after a few bad driver installations (win7 machine) [14:13:53] I managed to get the DFU device recognized by the os [14:14:01] copied the ubi file [14:14:35] ejected and the situation is currently (for about 15 minutes by now) in the "installing..." screen. [14:14:48] any suggestions what have happened? [14:14:55] What should be my next steps? [14:17:04] moment... the installation has finished. I'm going to continue the installation instructions, will update shortly. [14:26:14] hmm... looks promising. Finished installation. It recognize that almost 100GB out of the 160 are used. Building DB to see if it is recognized the actual files [14:29:03] Moving forward to try and uninstall emCore. Is it necessary to use itunes 9.2.1 as stated here: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Uninstallation? or can I use the latest ( [14:29:23] shit. [14:30:07] after turning off rockbox and turning back on I got a msg "ata error: -2147483542" press on to debug [14:30:19] As I suspected, faulty HDD [14:30:33] wanna join me to the debugging session? [14:32:22] pressed "on", currently in a screen with GPIO 0 to 15, running hexes and usec indication in the bottom. Is it the emCore bad sector checker? [14:46:56] no, that screen is just showing some signal levels inside the ipod that might help developers diagnose problems... not really useful here [14:47:09] and yes, this does indeed look like a faulty HDD [14:47:22] which, sadly, is nothing unusual for a few year old ipods [14:47:45] I'm aware of dozens of reports of similar issues [14:47:56] these drives just aren't made to last [14:48:37] How sad. What I find suspicious is that this whole story started after playing from the car stereo. [14:50:06] hm, unlikely to be related. this seems to happen more or less randomly, sometimes related to mechanical shock [14:50:17] I can't imagine what in the car stereo control could trigger such disaster. [14:51:05] Empirically speaking, it worked great for 7 years. Once connected to the car and poof it's dead [14:51:37] will try to downgrade iTunes to 9.2.1 and restore from itunes. [14:52:47] If it won't work, can you recommend a replacement HDD? I saw some on eBay but I'm not sure which model should I have. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-MK1634GAL-160GB-FOR-iPod-Classic-6th-7th-MacBook-Air-Sony-Camera-Hard-Drive-/200880048089?pt=US_Internal_Hard_Disk_Drives&hash=item2ec56247d9 [14:53:40] thick 160GB is CEATA [14:54:01] so you either need that thick drive, or you'll have to replace the HDD cable as well [14:54:04] Is this the HDD model name? [14:54:24] people tend do do SD card mods these days instead of replacing HDDs [14:54:36] however that will also require you to change the HDD cable type [14:54:49] (the mods are designed for the thin version) [14:54:58] Interesting, any useful reading starting point? [14:57:45] http://tarkan.info [15:02:42] Great. I'm going to reboot my machine after the itunes uninstall and before the new installation. Wish me luck... [15:03:01] Thank you very much for your assistant (and the great work you're doing) [15:03:08] Cheers [15:04:58] *** Quits: qwebirc685282 (6d43b163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [15:37:04] *** Joins: classic-troubles (6d43b163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:37:20] Dear community, god bless you all :) [15:37:31] (especially you TheSeven) [15:38:25] It seems that iTunes 9 isn't supported anymore by Apple (it couldn't connect to the software server) [15:39:00] Moved back to the new iTunes, and FINALLY IT IS FULLY RESTORED [15:39:50] The ipod seems to function properly and it seems like there won't be any use for the disassemble tools after all [15:41:19] btw, following you're (@TheSeven) observation regarding the lack of correlation between the car stereo and the malfunction, would you advise against taking it again for a ride? [15:48:11] the disk drive probably remapped the bad blocks now, but will be unreliable and fail again in the future [15:48:23] check diagmode SMART values for further clues about what's going on [16:09:40] testing now [16:11:08] So... Retracts: 166 [16:11:12] Reallocs: 1 [16:11:19] Pending sectors: 0 [16:11:31] powerOn hours: 562 [16:11:52] Start/Stops: 801 [16:12:02] Temp current: 25c [16:12:06] min 10c [16:12:10] max 53c [16:12:16] That's it [16:13:17] see anything alarming? [16:33:06] reallocs:1 is a sure sign [16:33:29] but this tells me that the trouble is just starting, and way worse issues are still to come [16:38:15] Aren't we just full of joy today :) so doctor, what should I expect from here? [16:48:49] can be anything from filesystem errors (unreadable/corrupted files), to lockups during boot or installation [17:17:08] No disrespect intended, I'm just happy with my success and (sigh) was upset to hear about the problematic future. [17:18:05] ok, will hope for the best. Thanks again. [19:32:43] *** Quits: classic-troubles (6d43b163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)