[01:22:09] *** Joins: mkj (634aa914@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:22:50] *** Quits: mkj (634aa914@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [01:24:26] *** Joins: mkj (634aa914@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:26:20] Hi, I have a problem with my ipod classic 160GB... [01:27:04] I've previously used rockbox for years, on this and other devices, so I'm pretty familiar with the install, etc. [01:29:26] Just recently, I've been successfully using emCORE 0.2.3 r859 on the ipod with one of the latest (Nov 2014) rockbox versions [01:30:28] I noticed that I would have to run rockbox fallback image on my XP and Win7x64 machines to update the files, but still, everything ran relatively fine [01:30:56] A few days ago, I had to install iTunes to handle another device and since then all hell broke lose [01:32:37] I can no longer access the ipod files on any computer (even after uninstalling iTunes). When I plug ipod in via USB, it shows up for a few seconds, then disappears, then the process repeats approx every 10 seconds, indefinitely [01:34:11] I cleared the rockbox database, configuration, then reformatted data partition (all via the emCORE boot menu), and yet I still can't get it to open as a drive [01:35:37] at this point, i also tried to reset it back to original Apple firmware, just to see if I could start over, but iTunes doesn't see the device so I don't know how I could revert the firmware [01:36:22] the ipod wasn't dropped or anything, so I'm pretty sure this isn't a physical problem [01:36:50] any advice would be very much appreciated!!! [01:37:17] thanks in advance! [01:40:05] hm, sounds weird [01:40:16] the behavior changed even on PCs that did never have itunes installed? [01:40:26] otherwise I'd guess it's some kind of driver mess [01:40:54] might help to show nonpresent devices in the device manager and clean out whatever is left in there (usually shitloads of thumbdrives that your pc has seen years ago etc.) [01:43:15] yes. well, all the PCs had iTunes installed at some point, it's just that i uninstalled it/reinstalled it to see whether it would change anything [01:44:27] another confession (that may be related to the drivers as you suggested): when the trouble started and i started seeing weird things in the device manager, i would right click and uninstall drivers, hoping that eventually it would "find a new device" and then i could install the emCORE drivers [01:45:22] trying the hidden devices in the device manager now... [01:46:32] do you think it's better to do all this in XP, Win7x64, or no difference? [01:49:43] and second question, in general do you think it's better to uninstall iTunes before working with rockbox (given my ipod classic config) or should it not matter as long as i stop all the apple processes/services prior to connecting the device? [01:58:29] update: i didn't see that many devices in Device Manager when I went to View/Show hidden devices. I uninstalled all the "Generic volume"s because I noticed that something the ipod would show up as that. Still the same behavior. [02:00:38] Also, when I press Menu on the ipod while it's plugged in and doing its restart every second thing, the behavior changes -- it stops the restarting every second, and it then shows up under USB controllers in the Device Manager as "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" with a yellow exclamation mark [03:50:12] got it to work again -- i had to do a restore via itunes on a mac and then start over with emcore/rockbox [03:51:08] i saw that there exists emcore installer that includes "Disk Mode" [03:51:31] http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=47895.0 [03:53:17] would that help with being able to access files on the ipod with RB? i can access the hdd fine when i plug it into my old XP machine, but when i plug it into Win7x64, I'm still not seeing a drive in My Computer [06:26:05] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [06:27:13] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:05:16] <[Saint]> No. That won't help. [09:05:35] <[Saint]> Just use the fallback image. [09:06:05] <[Saint]> If the fallback image doesn't work, the issue lies with the host. [09:08:55] <[Saint]> also - regarding iTunes/Rockbox, ...just uninstall the fucker (iTunes, I mean), its largely useless to you now, as far as it is concerned your iPod is broken (because we removed the original firmware completely), and there's plenty of better audio programs out there (foobar2000 for instance). [09:09:01] <[Saint]> mkj: ^ [09:10:29] <[Saint]> If you don't uninstall iTunes, at the very least, forcibly uninstall any drivers that may have been applied to handle the device and let your PC handle it as a generic removable storage volume. [09:11:40] <[Saint]> But in the greater scheme of things, and from the standpoint of the fact that I fucking _hate_ iTunes with a passion, from my POV iTunes is largely useless to you now with a Rockbox'ed iPod. [10:41:05] cool. thanks for the advice! [10:41:21] and thanks for the development! [10:41:27] *** Quits: mkj (634aa914@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [17:22:37] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:23:40] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint)