[06:50:49] *** Joins: Urmshahur (1812437e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [06:51:31] i plugged the UBI in and now it just sticks on the "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" screen [06:52:31] qq [08:13:00] well i fixed that but now rockbox says the mountpoint is un-writable [08:39:22] *** Quits: Urmshahur (1812437e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [09:48:54] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [09:59:02] *** Joins: jan_bee (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) [10:00:17] *** Quits: krnlyng_ (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:00:18] *** Quits: jan_bee_ (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:04:38] *** Joins: krnlyng_ (~liar@ [16:49:37] *** Quits: krnlyng_ (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:54:42] *** Joins: krnlyng_ (~liar@ [17:05:37] *** Quits: krnlyng_ (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:08:28] *** Joins: krnlyng_ (~liar@ [20:29:18] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (*.net *.split) [20:31:35] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl)