[03:48:49] *** Joins: samizdat (~samizdat@samizdat.baconseed.org) [03:50:11] I just got a new HD for my ipod, which already had rockbox on it. I'm getting a weird data abort message when I eject the ipod after putting the .ubi file on the ipod. Help me, please. [06:20:12] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [06:21:26] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [18:34:10] *** Joins: RavenJKB (47ed5e75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:35:31] I have a question about the installation process - I'm in the middle of it now, I was wondering how long it should take? It's been on the 'Formatting' screen for about 10min or so now, and Windows failed to install a driver for 'emCORE debugger'. [18:37:43] does the formatting screen show a status bar? [18:37:55] (it shouldn't last longer than about a minute usually) [18:38:11] if there isn't even a status bar yet, emcore has trouble writing to the HDD at all [18:38:47] if so, which ipod model is that? any hardware mods? (especially SD/CF card mods or 3rd party HDDs) [18:40:25] No, no status bar. I'm upgrading, it's an iPod Classic 160GB - the weird one with the CE drive, I'm doing the Tarkan Akdam upgrade using a PNY 256GB SDXC card. I recreated the MBR via the instructions on his page. [18:50:04] Am I able to start over or revert, or did it already nuke the apple firmware? What about the failed debugger driver install? [19:59:27] Nevermind, got it. Bonehead mistake, had the flexprint upside-down on the adapter board. [20:10:07] *** Quits: RavenJKB (47ed5e75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)