[00:39:10] *** Joins: ltrudd (3253ebdd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:44:09] I am trying to install emCore on 7th gen Classic. following all of the tarkans instructions. when resetting ipod it will not load "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver [00:52:46] <[Saint]> Ha. Tarkan. [00:52:51] <[Saint]> That all but explains it. [00:54:14] <[Saint]> It also pays to note that the Windows-based instruction is fraught with potential for error. [01:01:51] Now im worried. Am I doomed? [01:04:16] <[Saint]> No. There's just really no good reason why you should be using third party instructions and then coming to us for support. [01:04:40] <[Saint]> Either use our builds and instruction, or go bug Tarkan. [01:08:14] I do apologize, I forgot to mention I initially tried emcore instructables both ways. 1st using itunes to restore then uninstalling itunes and using 7 Zip to manually try it. [01:10:02] <[Saint]> You can substitute the builds provided with some experimental builds that contain some workarounds for the odd Tarkan adapters, and some fixes for USB, among other things, with the builds provided here: http://theseven.homenet.org/~theseven/tmp/installer-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.ubi http://theseven.homenet.org/~theseven/tmp/rockbox-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.zip [01:11:11] <[Saint]> And, as I stated, the Windows installation is quite literally fraught with error, and requires a fairly capable and/or dedicated user, and any system weirdness (which Windows LOVES to present) will throw a spanner in the works. [01:11:33] <[Saint]> emCORE was never designed or intended for end-users. [01:12:04] <[Saint]> It just kinda happened organically as end-users discovered the project and spread the word. It certainly didn't happen by any effort on our part. [01:14:06] <[Saint]> Your error seems to be that you're not able to correctly get into DFU mode, however. [01:14:15] <[Saint]> And that is system-agnostic. [01:14:41] <[Saint]> The freemyipod instructions provide a helper video that explains exactly how to enter DFU mode. [01:16:28] I understand completely and I am grateful for help. I am more than capable of getting this to work if someone will provide some insight if i have a problem. thanks for help I will try the video. [01:17:10] <[Saint]> Basically, if you can't enter DFU mode (which has nothing to do with any freemyipod project code at all), no one will be able to help you. [01:17:32] <[Saint]> That step is integral to the process. [01:18:11] <[Saint]> If you follow the helper wizard we provide, verbatim, then all _should_ be well. [01:18:57] ok...working on it. [01:19:06] <[Saint]> ...you _do_ actually have a modified iPod using one of the Tarkan adapters, correct? [01:19:15] <[Saint]> Or are you just using his instruction for some reason? [01:43:57] yes 128gb sdxc into CF adapter that is built onto the Tarkan adapter. I changed the sd to fat32 instead of exfat using AOMEI.... before trying EmCore does the newly formatted card have to be restored using Itunes? [01:44:38] <[Saint]> No. [01:46:00] I only used his fitting instructions to install the adapter into Ipod. then I referred to this link on his page....http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation [01:46:29] <[Saint]> It doesn't matter. There's no need to format the disk at all. [01:46:43] <[Saint]> There doesn't even need to be a disk _present_ in the device. [01:46:51] <[Saint]> And we format the disk during setup anyway. [02:42:26] *** Quits: ltrudd (3253ebdd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:31:06] *** Joins: ltrudd (3253ebdd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:34:59] ok. managed to get emCore installer to show up on ipod. but after copying "installer-ipodclassic.ubi" file to UMS boot volume and ejecting I get no driver found for emCore Degguer...Clickwheel will not rotate down on ipod. [04:36:49] hm, try locking the hold switch and unlocking it again [04:37:01] <[Saint]> ^ beat me to it. [04:37:06] never heard of the clickwheel not working in the installer before... [04:40:33] that worked. lets proceed [06:00:48] *** Quits: ltrudd (3253ebdd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:11:32] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [06:12:38] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:53:36] *** Joins: Sullivan (62b07b39@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:56:53] *** Quits: Sullivan (62b07b39@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [07:59:13] *** Joins: RickBrant (~Sullivan@ip98-176-123-57.sd.sd.cox.net) [08:00:01] I have a problem with missing files on my ipod classic (i) with emcore + rockbox. [08:00:58] I've put ~30GB of music files on it, can't find them anywhere in the directory structure, they're not in the database... but the space used on the disk seems to say that they're on there. [08:02:25] <[Saint]> that sounds like you've got yourself a fine case of corrupted filesystem there my man. [08:02:31] <[Saint]> and/or woman. [08:03:41] Seems like it. I'm not opposed to starting over, if that's what it takes. [08:04:19] <[Saint]> We offer a "format data partition" option from the emCORE Tools menu. [08:04:35] There's a separate data partition? [08:04:45] hm! [08:04:47] <[Saint]> the entire disk is the data partition. [08:05:07] <[Saint]> its just semi-odd wording. [08:05:10] ah. [08:05:32] <[Saint]> technically speaking, its a superfloppy volume. [08:06:05] oh, whatever :)\ [08:06:48] So that will re-establish all the files that were there after Rockbox's first boot? [08:07:23] <[Saint]> No. It'll format the entire volume. [08:07:46] <[Saint]> It'll bott to the embedded fallback image, allowing you to connect the device and install an updated Rockbox version. [08:07:50] <[Saint]> *boot [08:11:44] I don't think there's a more updated version, since I just d/l'd it, but ok :) [08:12:12] <[Saint]> its updated compared to the fallback image, though. [08:12:28] <[Saint]> and its an absolute necessity if you enjoy actually playing media. [08:12:38] <[Saint]> the fallback image contains no codecs. [08:12:50] Oh, I get that. [08:13:03] <[Saint]> np [08:13:14] I meant I doubt I need to d/l a new one to install, since this one was only a day ago. [08:13:23] <[Saint]> right. [08:30:37] hmm.... where are emcore tools? [08:32:14] <[Saint]> The rightmost icon of the emCORE main menu. [08:32:25] oh, nm. found... yes. [08:32:46] <[Saint]> sorry, I was perhaps a little vague. [08:33:01] <[Saint]> I forget this terminology isn't familiar to most people. my mistake. [08:33:51] I never scrolled the main menu over that far before. [08:34:21] I love the way the "are you sure?" menu for the format command is made. No habitual yes-clicks there. [08:35:27] <[Saint]> If you've ever seen an early Android recovery menu, its the same principle. [08:35:47] <[Saint]> we have to make sure its a conscious descision. [09:03:21] Ok... I'm getting a symptom I saw the last time... [09:03:37] I created a dir in the data partition, \Music [09:03:45] (using Explorer) [09:04:16] And without doing anything else to the iPod/Rockbox, it appears to have a bunch of nonsense in it. [09:05:05] Many files of size 3KB and "funny characters" for names. A few of size "262144 KB", with similar names. [09:09:03] But they don't show up within Rockbox (when I drill into Files). My new directory does, it appears empty. [09:30:40] <[Saint]> Are you safely ejecting the volume? [09:30:49] <[Saint]> y'know that's really important, right? [09:31:11] <[Saint]> you absolutely cannot just pull the device without ejecting it. [09:31:15] yes [09:31:21] each time [09:31:24] <[Saint]> Hmmmm. [09:31:39] <[Saint]> That is not good at all. [09:31:57] <[Saint]> TheSeven, any ideas? [09:32:51] <[Saint]> this is really behaving very much like a toasted filesystem. [09:33:15] <[Saint]> but having it toast itself immediately, right after formatting, is incredibly unlikely. [09:33:29] <[Saint]> not impossible, but _very_ unlikely. [09:34:10] And... similar results. I put files on it. The files appear, in the RB file system, in Explorer, in the expected place. Eject, restart RB... they're not there. [09:34:57] <[Saint]> are you ejecting, or "safe removing". [09:35:12] <[Saint]> there's an unclear distinction between the two to end users. [09:35:29] <[Saint]> the latter actually ensures the write cache has been flushed to the disk first. [09:35:43] There was a note somewhere that said I should use Eject, from within Explorer. [09:36:07] Not the "safely remove" from the status tray. [09:37:34] <[Saint]> That's only relevant to the install process. [09:37:41] <[Saint]> Not for generic removeable media. [09:37:52] <[Saint]> which is what, at this stage, the device is. [09:38:17] <[Saint]> perhaps we should make that clearer, but the instructions freemyipod provides aren't relevant to Rockbox at all. [09:38:21] <[Saint]> only emCORE. [09:39:52] So... what's the right thing to do? [09:39:55] <[Saint]> for the sake of generic removable media, safely removing the volume is an absolute necessity if you like your files intact. [09:40:09] Interesting. [09:40:10] <[Saint]> as I just said. sorry if I've been in some way unclear. [09:40:42] I do Windows drivers for my living. I haven't done a full file system, but I've done FS filters. I've never seen Eject not flush the caches. [09:41:00] <[Saint]> it certainly can happen. [09:41:37] <[Saint]> most often users seem to just get away with it, probably out of sheer luck. [09:42:00] <[Saint]> but the USB driver here isn't exactly free from error either, so, yeah. [09:42:23] Do you have any idea how? They both result in an IRP_MN_QUERY_REMOVE_DEVICE being sent down the storage stack. [09:42:33] <[Saint]> perhaps TheSeven has more idea what's going on here, if its not a case of failing to safely remove the volume thenI have absolutely zero idea what's going on. [09:43:07] well, I will try again using "safely remove". Probably tomorrow. (But hey! The problem is repeatable!) [09:43:37] <[Saint]> One reasonably major issue is that pretty much none of us use WIndows. [09:43:42] <[Saint]> ...'cos, well, yuck. [09:44:01] The "funny files", however, show up before i've written anything else to it, or ejected it, etc. [09:44:05] :) [09:44:33] <[Saint]> yeah, this definitely needs TheSeven (project leader/head maintainer) to look into this I think. [09:44:46] <[Saint]> Its above my head getting this lowlevel. [09:44:59] Let me cycle it a few more times first. [09:45:06] I will also try another drive. [09:45:47] Probably tomorrow. [09:46:05] <[Saint]> If you're able to idle, as opposed to leaving and coming back, it may help a fair bit with being able to connect with TheSeven. [09:46:13] <[Saint]> different timezones/locales, etc. [09:46:15] I can idle. [09:46:30] But I'll be asleep in an hour or a few. [09:46:39] UTC-8 here. [09:46:54] <[Saint]> NZDT +12 here. :) [09:47:30] * [Saint] imagines "where?!?" [09:47:34] <[Saint]> :p [09:49:00] So you're on what most of us call CET. [09:49:52] Technically though you should be saying -12, since NZDT is alreadty UTC+13, and +12 would incur a wraparound error :) [09:50:31] <[Saint]> saint@saint-virtual-server-7:~$ date [09:50:31] <[Saint]> Sun Jan 11 20:50:02 NZDT 2015 [09:50:35] <[Saint]> there we go...that. [09:52:34] <[Saint]> or, as most of the world sees it, "tomorrow". [09:52:45] <[Saint]> I'll sell you lottery numbers cheap. [09:53:00] Nah. I am 100% convinced that I will NEVER win any lottery. [09:54:24] <[Saint]> and, sorry, yeah. NZDT +12 was a bit of a fuckup. It was /meant/ to be NZDT, GMT+12 [09:55:00] <[Saint]> since you're the first person I think I've ever talked to that hasn't immediately asked what NZDT was. [09:56:46] <[Saint]> though GMT is a bit of a relic these days isn't it. People seem to call it UTC now. Since all the acronyms weren't already confusing enough. [09:57:07] I travel a fair bit for work, so time zones aren't strange. [09:57:45] Right. GMT is what is now called UTC-1. Most of the world runs on UTC-0. [09:58:46] <[Saint]> which baffles me, because iiuc, its Coodinated Universal Time, not Universal Coordinated Time. But anyhoo... [09:59:08] <[Saint]> maybe they thought people would call it CUnT [09:59:39] We wanted it called "Coordinated Universal Time" (which is how it's said in English), the French wanted "Temps Universel Coord..." (spelling there is wrong). So we compromised on an initialism that matches neither. [10:01:52] (I'm something of a time geek. There is a leap second coming up at the end of June! Excitement!) [10:02:10] <[Saint]> Not if you're Linus Torvalds. [10:02:26] <[Saint]> WHich, thankfully, only one person is. One is enough. [10:02:33] Is he one of those who wants to ignore them? [10:02:39] <[Saint]> Indeed. [10:02:47] There are good arguments for that. [10:03:28] I don't think the world would be much inconvenienced if solar noon was allowed to slip by a second every few years. [10:03:51] <[Saint]> Well, for him, I think its because he thinks the earth revolves around him and he's too dense to know otherwise. [10:03:58] <[Saint]> (not really, but he's a douchebag) [10:04:40] lol. I will offer no opinion on that. [10:08:17] <[Saint]> I somewhat enjoy the fact that we've now created clocks so sensitive that they can't actually be used to any useful purposes on Earth. At least, not for time synchronization. [10:08:32] <[Saint]> As a self confessed time geek, I'm sure you do to in some way. [10:19:54] :) [10:21:05] I read somewhere that time is the most accurate measurement we have - so if you can somehow change something else you want to measure into an elapsed time, you can measure THAT very accurately. Assuming your transform is accurate. [10:22:09] <[Saint]> If that's true, that's somewhat disturbing. [10:22:21] <[Saint]> As our concept of time measurement is quite broken. [10:22:31] But yeah. I have a GPS-disciplined clock ($130 on ebay) that claims a long term deviatino of about 60 parts per ten to the -15th. [10:22:48] <[Saint]> time is affected by gravity, and we just absolutely fail to account for that and ignore it completely. [10:22:57] No... GPS accounts for it! [10:23:10] <[Saint]> Ah. Well, indeed. [10:23:27] <[Saint]> hmmm. very true. [10:23:35] * [Saint] goes back in his hole. [10:23:42] And it emits a 10 MHz reference signal that is also that stable. Use that as the reference clock for a frequency counter, and your counter is that accurate. And that's useful! [10:25:45] I'm working on other stuff... If TheSeven returns/wakes up, /msg to me will open a PM window, with appropriate sounds, to get my attention. [10:26:05] <[Saint]> okies. [11:41:03] RickBrant: how are you transferring the files? via USB while rockbox is running? [11:41:50] and what kind of operating system on the PC? [11:42:20] did the garbage directories show up right after formatting? [11:42:44] if not, when exactly can you see them for the first time? does that happen reproducibly? [11:43:24] and if you create another directory in the root dir while that crap is in there, that directory afterwards shows up on the ipod, however the other junk doesn't? [11:43:41] is the manually created directory still there after reconnecting USB? [11:45:08] this looks a bit like either the ipod or the PC has a misconception about where the root directory is on the disk (or, for that matter, the start of the user data area, offsetting all clusterchains by a few sectors) [11:45:36] is there anything special about that ipod? especially hardware mods? 3rd party HDDs, SD card mod, whatever? [11:45:44] if not, which disk/capacity model is it? [12:42:27] <[Saint]> [11:01:15 20:45:06] I will also try another drive. [12:42:42] <[Saint]> that seems to imply there's at least two around. [13:23:10] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) (Quit: !sucide) [13:31:43] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) [15:13:23] *** Joins: Noobie_ (51f0164d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:32:07] Hi [15:32:28] I own an "Ipod Classic 1G", also called Ipod 1G [15:33:11] I just installed emCore and Rockbox following this tutorial : http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPod [15:33:24] I've got an issue [15:33:46] When I launch Rockbox from emCORE, I encounter an arror message [15:34:13] "ATA error : -2147483542 [15:34:20] Press ON to debug" [15:35:12] Could someone help me troubleshoot this? The installation process went perfectly fine, except for this error which keeps me from launching Rockbox [15:39:50] I found the same issue in the Rockbox Forum but no solution is offered : http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,48706.msg230760.html#msg230760 [15:49:25] <[Saint]> This has precisely nothing to do with emCORE whatsoever. [15:49:48] <[Saint]> as soon as you leave the emCORE menu and boot Rockbox, its nothing to do with emCORE at all. [16:01:51] Okay [16:03:39] I saw your post here, i will continue searching : http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=48519.0 [16:45:00] Well none of your propositions resolved the problem, I'll comeback in one year on Rockbox to check if the bug is resolved, thanks for your help [16:48:33] <[Saint]> If that's what you want to do, suit yourself. [16:52:27] Still, while using Rockbox fallback image, i must the praise the work of the developpers, really nice UI and features. And the website and coumentation are crazy well organized + good support [16:56:15] *** Quits: Noobie_ (51f0164d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [16:59:34] *** Joins: jan_bee_ (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) [17:03:54] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)