[03:54:36] *** Joins: RickBrant (~jeh@ip68-7-211-199.sd.sd.cox.net) [04:33:09] I have a Q about the USB interface under emcore and rockbox [05:46:55] *** Joins: JJ___ (183e8341@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:47:18] Hey, had a quick question about installing Emcore... wondering if anyone was around? [05:48:49] I asked a Q over an hour ago... no response yet. [05:49:19] I have a 160gb Ipod Classic 6th gen (Fat). I installed a 256gb SD card using the Tarkan adapter. I plugged the Ipod in and restored using Itunes and everything was fine (except it showed 127gb as it's the 6th gen.) I was hoping to install Rockbox to get around this. Basically, I've followed all of the instructions to a T from freemyipod and Tarkan's site... the problem is when I eject the UBI drive (from My Computer, not the [05:50:07] my Ipod "Loading UBI Files..." "Rearranging files..." "Booting..." but it's been stuck on this screen for over an hour. I googled and saw a few other people had this problem, but couldn't find a confirmed fix. Was wondering if anyone had an ideas? [05:50:21] hm. [05:50:42] @Rick, maybe everyone's asleep! haha hopefully someone can answer your question (I'm very new at this) haha [05:51:01] I have the same hardware, 6th gen with tarkan + 256GB SD [05:51:29] Did you run into a similar problem? [05:51:36] no. [05:52:17] I used the eject command in the rockbox utility program, not the one from windows [05:52:37] I don't know if that's a significant diff. [05:52:38] What do you mean the rockbox utility program? Where's that? [05:52:51] uh... I'm new at this too. [05:52:53] Hold on. [05:52:59] Haha thanks dude [06:01:57] One big problem I have with this stuff is figuring out what state things are in, "where am I", what all the components are doing [06:02:27] I pretty much ignored the instructions on Tarkan's site and used just the wiki at freemyipod [06:06:48] I mean, it seems like both instructions are very similar. The freemyipod instructions also say eject it from "My Computer." This is why I'm confused. If I understand, ejecting it is what boots Emcore, but I don't know why it's hanging up on the booting screen for me. I've tried restoring it through itunes and rebooting several times ughh [06:13:56] Which SD card did you use? [06:17:58] PNY256gb [06:19:13] same here [06:20:14] OH FUCK I downloaded the installer from freemyipod instead of the one from Tarkan's site and it seems to be working! emCORE is installing. Hopefully it is smooth sailing from here! [06:21:25] ahha! [06:22:05] What was the problem you are having anyways? [06:23:05] You're not at the "Rockbox utility" step yet. [06:25:38] Just got there, is your problem that the 6th gen isn't listed? [06:25:45] no [06:26:12] hmm, what's wrong with yours? haha [06:26:23] It's working, but there are things I don't get [06:27:37] I want to know why booting from the emcore menu into the "usb" option is not useful for loading music files, but booting into Rockbox and then connecting it as an "ipod" (it even needs the ipod drivers, worse luck) works fine. [06:28:27] Oh man, that is way above my head. Wish I could help :/ [06:46:15] Are you not supposed to load using the "usb" option? I just did and the music is playing fine [06:46:27] (I'm not sure if I misunderstood your problem) [06:48:46] *** Quits: JJ___ (183e8341@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:57:42] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:58:58] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:53:03] *** Joins: lucifer (b511bfc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:53:50] *** lucifer is now known as Guest29014 [07:57:10] *** Quits: Guest29014 (b511bfc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [11:27:31] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [11:29:08] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [13:05:46] *** Quits: RickBrant (~jeh@ip68-7-211-199.sd.sd.cox.net) () [18:46:40] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:08:43] *** Quits: JayTheWhovian (444b1a05@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)