[01:15:10] gah, and when I finally have time to take a look in here they're all gone already. damn. [01:27:14] <[Saint]> I have NFI what RickBryant is on about. [01:27:24] <[Saint]> *RickBrant [02:39:41] *** Joins: JayTheWhovian (444b1a05@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:39:53] Anybody here? [02:57:23] *** Quits: JayTheWhovian (444b1a05@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:07:38] I think he was confused about the different USB interfaces (mass storage, debug, ...) [04:07:54] and possibly emcore disk mode, if he somehow managed to snatch a build which includes that [06:57:17] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [06:58:08] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:25:46] *** Joins: RickBrant (~jeh@ip68-7-211-199.sd.sd.cox.net) [08:08:57] I have a Q about the USB disk interface under Rockbox vs. selecting the USB option from the emCore boot menu. [08:10:10] When I put files onto the iPod when it's booted Rockbox, and it shows up as an iPod (and needs the iPod drivers), putting files on it works fine. If I try it from the USB interface under the emCore menu, the files seem to be transferred, but they seem to be invisible to Rockbox. [08:10:33] I would prefer to use the emCore menu USB b/c then I don't need iPod drivers on my host system (Windows). [08:14:23] <[Saint]> That USb implementation is a bit of a clusterfuck. [08:14:29] <[Saint]> It wasn't ever intended to see the public. [08:15:28] <[Saint]> You're using an emCORE build that is _way_ beyond the release version and includes quite a few experimental adaptations. [08:15:45] <[Saint]> Primarily to accommodate the Tarkan adapters. [08:16:48] <[Saint]> To summarize somewhat, that USB implementation in emCORE was designed as an absolute last resort if the shit hit the fan and you couldn't boot to Rockbox - it shouldn't be used. [08:17:11] <[Saint]> Honestly, end-users shouldn't ever even *see* emCORE. [08:17:25] <[Saint]> Set the fastboot option to Rockbox and forget it even exists. [08:19:49] <[Saint]> (FWIW, the situation of not being able to boot into Rockbox is almost impossible - its fairly safe to say that if you couldn't even access the fallback image that emCORE likely would have some fairly serious issues as well and you likely wouldn;t be able to use said USB implementation anyway) [08:22:00] <[Saint]> Also - the device /should/ be listed as "Rockbox Media Player" and needn't require any specific drivers other than those for generic removable storage. [08:34:33] <[Saint]> RickBrant: ^ [09:55:59] Got it. Ok, thanks. [09:56:27] Now if I just didn't need the never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed Apple drivers to see the thing...! [10:02:48] it shows up with a volume name of "iPodClassic". The most-specific USB hardware ID is USBSTOR\DiskApple___iPod_Classic____1.0_ [10:04:14] Uninstalling the Apple stuff so as to try again. [10:13:12] *** Joins: geese (49071120@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [10:15:21] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:46:08] *** Quits: geese (49071120@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [11:04:33] ok... I have a machine here that has never seen iTunes... the Rockbox appears under "Disk drives" as "Apple iPod Classic USB Device" [11:09:37] but... it is not being mounted. [11:09:38] hmm [12:08:52] RickBrant: while rockbox is running? [12:09:54] even a non-rockboxed ipod should be accessible on just about any system (basically any system that can handle USB thumb drives) without proprietary drivers [12:18:17] That's what I would think. [12:18:27] Yes, while RB is running. [12:19:40] I do have a non-RB ipod... I'll try it tomorrow. [12:19:46] Thanks so far! [12:22:22] well, rockbox can't really behave any worse than the original firmware in that regard [18:54:01] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:26:25] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:29:54] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [22:54:52] Yeah. I wish the emcore USB option was usable. [22:55:26] well it should in theory work, but it's very new and not properly tested code [22:55:38] and we've seen it corrupt data [22:56:27] but given that you're apparently running unofficial builds, you should probably tell us which ones precisely [22:56:47] and maybe try my latest testing builds instead: [22:57:17] http://theseven.homenet.org/~theseven/tmp/installer-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.ubi [22:57:24] http://theseven.homenet.org/~theseven/tmp/rockbox-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.zip [23:22:04] Um... I thought I just downloaded what the instructions at the fmi wiki told me to. And for RB itself, it didn't offer much of an option. [23:22:12] That is, the utility did not. [23:22:45] (yes, the emcore usb interface corrupted data) [23:22:51] s/told me to/linked to/ [23:46:24] the official emcore builds don't even have disk mode yet [23:46:50] so whatever you were using at that time can't have been an official build [23:49:32] (scratching head) [23:53:57] emcore v0.2.3 r967:960