[00:11:46] that might be some tarkan build or whatever, but surely nothing that we released officially [00:12:14] you might want to try the builds that I linked above, which aren't official either, but will likely work better [00:12:20] ok. Not much problem to start over. [00:12:34] just fire up umsboot and drop in the ubi file [00:13:05] then, after emcore installation finishes, boot the rockbox fallback image from the tools menu, and extract the rockbox zip file as usual [00:13:11] Yeah. Thank Ghu I don't have to get it back into "ipod recovery mode". This iPod is very reluctant to do that. [00:13:45] oh, it will happily do that if you get the timing right [00:13:54] yes. If. :) [00:14:01] menu+select for 12 seconds with usb connected, and it will work like a treat [00:14:21] it isn't that picky, it just wants it to be in the 10-15 seconds range [00:15:31] maybe. [04:01:42] *** Joins: PR0XIDIAN (18086f9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:01:52] Hello All! I wanted to see if anyone might be able to help with an issue I'm having on my ipod classic [04:03:41] I have a 6.5'th Gen ipod classic (the "thin" 120GB) I took it apart and added a 256GB MSata drive today using an adapter from here http://www.tarkan.info/store. I had rockbox before I changed the drives. I told it to format the drive (which it did pretty quickly) and then I used the recovery image of dropbox. [04:04:35] For some reason, the ipod radomly froze during a sync. I had to reset it. Now When I go into DFU mode, it doesn't mount the 64mb partition on my PC. (Windows 8.1) It does boot the emcore menu, but rockbox gets a "panic" [04:09:48] Currently I'm waiting on EMcore to try and do a format. I hope it works, its been trying to for a while now. [04:24:23] *** Quits: PR0XIDIAN (18086f9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:24:40] *** Joins: PR0XIDIAN (18086f9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:24:54] IF someone responded to my last messages I didn't get it because my browser crashed. [06:55:28] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:56:39] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:59:31] hmm. I can't seem to get windows to mount the UMS drive :( [07:00:19] Any ideas? [07:00:32] Its an ipod classic 120GB (But I replaced it with an Msata SSD) [07:12:56] it just says "could not open DFU device" when I run the boostrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [07:33:11] The ipod shows up in device manager "umsboot ramdisk usb device" but it doesn't pop up in explorer [07:58:10] PR0XIDIAN: if it shows up as a UMSboot device (and shows the UMSboot screen on the ipod), it certainly isn't in DFU mode [07:58:25] which explains why the DFU utility (which is supposed to start UMSboot through DFU mode) can't work [07:58:55] can you please tell us the exact panic message of rockbox? otherwise the information that it panics is rather useless. [07:59:17] if emcore started to have trouble formatting at the same time that rockbox started panicing that suggests a problem while accessing the SSD though [07:59:47] which will mean that either it's something trivial such as a loose cable, or possibly the SSD itself acting up [08:00:46] tarkan reported that some SSD drives (I think those were sandisk ones) didn't like sudden power cuts and would react in a similar way (and recovering them back was a rather tricky task, involving removing them from the ipod) [08:38:16] crap. I hope that isn't the case. I was able to fully restore it to the stock firmware just fine is the strange thing. Although its only 128GB. [08:38:32] This adapter was ordered from Tarkan. I got one of the approved SSD's on his list, but I got the 256GB instead of the 500 [08:39:17] I no longer have the rockbox error message because I restored it to stock with itunes. I'm trying to reinstall rockbox after formatting it at this point [08:39:34] The instructions I'm following are from here http://www.tarkan.info/20140804/tutorials/howto-install-rockbox-on-the-ipod-classics [08:45:01] This is the SSD I used with Tarkan's Adapter http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LNEWN98/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 [09:20:47] I'm attempting to start over... [09:21:48] Having several issues. [09:26:25] If I try umsboot from the emcore tools menu, no recognized USB device shows up. hardware ID USB\UNKNOWN [09:28:56] if I get into DFU mode (I guess it is) by holding down menu and select for a long time, I get a recognized device... "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver", device description is "Apple Recover (DFU) USB driver", vid 5ac pid 1223 [09:29:01] which all seems correct [09:30:51] but then, when I run bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes, I get a popup - failed to open DFU device [20:20:52] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:24:58] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:29:50] ^ after retrying this about 10 times, with nothing changed in the procedure, software, or hardware, it finally worked. [23:45:09] It now says emcore v0.2.3 r859 .