[00:06:22] *** Quits: halpplz (4b57d2aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:08:14] *** Joins: halpplz (4b57d2aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:08:34] sorry I left, I managed to crash my browser in a spectacular way :D [00:09:03] but i am running win 8 & hav an ipod classic 160gb 6th 0r 7th gen. [00:09:15] i believe i am very close to having it figured out [00:10:48] basically when i was trying to get into apple's dfu mode i was not getting a popup that that driver was being installed, despite my screen going blank [00:10:55] this was where i was stuck [00:12:18] i just went ahead and ran bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe and UMBoot(or something like that) came up [00:12:50] my screen looked very messed up when i did this though..so it scared me and i reverted [00:13:35] the screen was about 1/4 black and had different colored tiny dots all over the rest of the screen [00:14:27] but apparently that is ok and you can just follow instructions as normal and put in the .ubi file and etc... [00:16:48] 160GB is 7th gen [00:17:03] yep! Did it work for you? [01:21:29] *** Quits: halpplz (4b57d2aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:08:24] *** Joins: user890104_ (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [04:08:24] *** Server sets mode: +nt [04:16:19] *** Quits: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) (*.net *.split) [04:16:21] *** Quits: RickBrant (~jeh@ip68-7-211-199.sd.sd.cox.net) (*.net *.split) [04:16:22] *** user890104_ is now known as user890104 [04:45:07] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [04:45:14] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:38:33] *** Joins: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [06:53:27] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [06:54:22] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:06:44] Excuse me. Could someone tell me how to build the latest code(svn://svn.freemyipod.org/) ? [07:07:55] I'm using Ubuntu Linux. [07:10:39] <[Saint]> Don't. Basically. [07:11:02] <[Saint]> The toolchain and and other dependences are a fucking nightmare. [07:12:54] because my ipod's play & pause has broken, I need to change the installer%s code a little to avoid using the button. [07:14:40] <[Saint]> assuming that's the case and it happens, you've then got a virtually impossible fight on your hands to edit the Rockbox keymaps to be useable. [07:14:57] <[Saint]> unless you're willing to kiss a lot of functionality goodbye. [07:15:38] Oh.... [07:16:15] <[Saint]> One button missing is possible, but very difficult to work around. [07:16:23] <[Saint]> two, is suicide. [07:16:42] <[Saint]> new clickwheels are pretty cheap. [07:17:25] <[Saint]> its definitely /possible/, but its sure as hell not going to be easy. [07:17:43] <[Saint]> every key that gets re-assigned is going to create one or more conflicts down the line. [07:18:17] <[Saint]> We use all the keys in Rockbox, and several combinations of two keys at one. almost always involving select. [07:19:01] but select button wroks, only play button. [07:19:33] <[Saint]> Oh, sorry, shit I misread. Ok, yeah, that's going to be possible, but still very difficult. One sec. [07:21:01] thanks :-) [07:21:26] <[Saint]> http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=blob_plain;f=apps/keymaps/keymap-ipod.c;hb=HEAD [07:21:26] <[Saint]> have a look in that file for every instance of BUTTON_PLAY and BUTTON_PAUSE [07:21:53] <[Saint]> and remember that every time you re-assign a key, you'll need to either remove a function, or remove the conflict it creates. [07:22:56] <[Saint]> a few of them don't apply to this target, luckily, but there's still a LOT to re-assign. [07:23:11] <[Saint]> all the config_recording and config_fm defines can be ignored. [07:23:28] <[Saint]> and have_usb_hid [07:24:17] <[Saint]> there's about two dozen direct conflicts that affect the device at a rough count. [07:24:30] lol [07:26:28] <[Saint]> If you're willing to accept that a LOT of things won't work, it should be "OK". [07:26:54] <[Saint]> If you want to retain functionality, you've got a complete nightmare on your hands. [07:27:07] but actually I don't need to change these because I can't install rockbox [07:27:36] I mean, main.c in installer-ipodclassic says [07:27:57] if (button == 0x18) break; [07:28:07] else if (button == 4){ [07:28:22] { shutdown(false);reset();} [07:28:57] I only want to change 0x18 to 0x10 [07:29:22] this avoid using paly button and i will be able to install rockbox. [07:29:50] then I will change the keymaps.lol [07:30:37] <[Saint]> The main issue with building emCORE is that there's exactly zero documentation available for this that I'm aware of. [07:31:03] yeah... [07:31:40] <[Saint]> I'm not even entirely sure if TheSeven would be able to write this documentation now, due to both memory and time constraints. [07:32:32] <[Saint]> though its possible he could package up his toolchain and dependencies and archive this somewhere, this would still rely on him having the time to do so. [07:34:43] Thanks for helping me, I understood. [07:35:07] <[Saint]> If you can idle in here its likely that TheSeven will respond at some stage. [07:35:13] <[Saint]> Though I couldn't say when. [07:35:23] <[Saint]> Different locales and schedules, etc. [07:36:40] ok. I'll try waiting for him [07:51:06] Its worth it. I only had to wait a day for his response and he was able to fix my issue [08:59:39] *** Quits: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:09:36] *** Joins: luyikei (3d7dff14@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:09:50] sorry, I'm back now [09:30:07] *** Quits: luyikei (3d7dff14@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [09:35:06] *** Joins: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [13:00:23] luyikei: you basically need a somewhat recent gcc ARM toolchain (gcc-arm-embedded or TNT will do the job) [13:00:40] and you need to compile some tools from our svn before you can compile the actual code [13:01:08] that is the UCL compression tools, and elf2emcoreapp, which is the nightmare ;) [13:01:44] in order to do that, you need to grab libbfd and its header files from the gcc toolchain [13:01:50] <[Saint]> I'm not sure that accurately desribes it. [13:02:08] <[Saint]> though its close. [13:02:52] once you got that going, you can build most of the ipod classic stuff, except for the bootstrapper (which you probably don't care about) [13:03:02] <[Saint]> I'm pretty sure I resorted to geting you to package up your toolset at one stage. [13:03:11] <[Saint]> I believe user890104 did as well? [13:08:24] I successed compiling UCL compression tools and elf2emcoreapp [13:09:20] * [Saint] slow claps [13:09:41] finally I try to build installer-ipodclassic, but make says [13:09:43] <[Saint]> well done dear sir and/or madam and/or gender-agnostic human. [13:09:44] libemcore.DeviceNotFoundError [13:09:44] Makefile:65: recipe for target 'build/bootstrap-ipodclassic.dfu' failed [13:10:28] lol [13:10:39] <[Saint]> Ahhh, yeah, right, that sounds vaguely familiar. [13:11:14] <[Saint]> TheSeven: was there some reason a device actually needed to be present in order to compile this, or am I misremembering? [13:11:59] also, when I try make again, says [13:12:02] make: *** No rule to make target 'flashfiles/rockbox.ipod.ucl', needed by 'build/resources.o'. Stop. [13:12:19] only thsese errors [13:12:29] ls [13:12:57] sorry [13:13:21] <[Saint]> . [13:13:22] <[Saint]> .. [13:14:39] very difficult [13:22:50] where can I find rockbox.ipod.ucl ? [13:23:32] or how to generate this? [13:29:24] WOW [13:29:58] <[Saint]> hmmm? [13:30:09] I'm not sure it is right but [13:30:55] uclpack rockbox.ipod (from rockbox-ipodclassic.zip) rockbox.ipod.ucl [13:31:07] then generates rockbox.ipod.ucl [13:31:43] and built installer-ipodclassic successfully!! [13:32:42] But I ignored DeviceNotFoundError, is it ok? [13:46:24] What a wonderful day [13:47:06] I changed main.c and I successed installing emcore on my broken iPod! lol [13:54:21] <[Saint]> And did so largely unaided. [13:54:29] <[Saint]> I fear you may be some form of demon. [13:54:59] <[Saint]> ...is this a sign of the apocalypse? [13:55:04] <[Saint]> s/ [13:55:18] lol [13:56:09] <[Saint]> figuring out that .ucl binary workaround was awesome. [13:57:05] really ?! but "Trying fallback image" forever [13:57:41] <[Saint]> yeah, that's something I've never been sure of. [13:58:19] hmm..... [13:58:22] <[Saint]> I'm not sure how to package the Rockbox fallback in the emCORE installer. [14:00:15] <[Saint]> it must require some form of interaction with Rockbox's sources, but it seems weird that compiling the installer didn't cry about it being missing. [14:00:28] <[Saint]> or, that if it did, it didn't do so in any obvious way. [14:00:47] but i have rockbox.ipod.ucl [14:01:18] <[Saint]> ah, yes, right - so you do. [14:01:35] do you have any other method of installing rockbox? [14:01:54] It seems that I have to mount iPod [14:04:12] <[Saint]> there should be a (possibly unstable, your mileage may vary) USB storage option in the emCORE main menu. [14:04:47] <[Saint]> that would be functionally equivalent to the embedded fallback image for the purposes of installing Rockbox. [14:05:10] trunk version? [14:05:30] I compiled r859 [14:05:39] <[Saint]> ahhh, then, no. [14:06:03] <[Saint]> its in r9xx [14:06:55] Thanks [14:08:00] but trunk version ,like [14:08:01] src/protocol/i2c/i2c.c:30: error: unknown field 'txbuf' specified in initializer [14:08:01] src/protocol/i2c/i2c.c:30: warning: missing braces around initializer [14:08:01] src/protocol/i2c/i2c.c:30: warning: (near initialization for 'txn.transfers[0].') [14:08:45] there are many compile errors that like latest version on http://builds.freemyipod.org/ [14:09:31] so I try to find a correct way to generate rockbox.ipod.ucl [14:09:57] <[Saint]> the version I have on my devices is 958 [14:10:06] <[Saint]> but its also fairly heavily modified... [14:10:32] hmm... [14:10:34] <[Saint]> so, all I can say is, 958 compiled, at some point. [14:10:49] thanks [14:14:15] i think compiling rockbox can make a ucl file. [14:15:35] <[Saint]> if so, it never ends up in the .zip [14:15:37] waiting for building [14:16:13] <[Saint]> just rockbox.ipod gets packaged in the rockbox .zip [14:16:37] <[Saint]> I don't recall it ever generating a .ucl file, but if its not packaged, I may well have never noticed. [14:28:32] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@frbg-5d84e63b.pool.mediaWays.net) [14:28:52] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@frbg-5d84e63b.pool.mediaWays.net) (Changing host) [14:28:52] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [15:20:23] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:22:55] > just rockbox.ipod gets packaged in the rockbox .zip [15:23:01] I'll try this [15:28:20] failed [15:34:45] <[Saint]> I expected so. [15:36:34] I assume RomBox http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/RomBox [15:36:46] <[Saint]> no [15:36:59] No? [15:37:02] <[Saint]> no. [15:38:24] <[Saint]> that has an incredibly limited use case, for devices that virtually no one uses anymore. [15:38:59] <[Saint]> devices nearing 18 years old. [15:39:27] lol [15:43:47] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@frbg-5d84ec43.pool.mediaWays.net) [15:43:51] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@frbg-5d84ec43.pool.mediaWays.net) (Changing host) [15:43:51] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [15:47:10] successed! [15:47:36] use ucl2e10singleblk instead of uclpack [15:47:53] I can install now [15:53:06] Thank all who give me advice today! [16:15:37] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:18:12] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [17:25:45] *** Quits: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:35:50] *** Joins: pedro_ (5ce51df5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:44:14] hey there! i'm trying to install rockbox on my ipod classic 120gb. so far all went fine, but now i'm not getting to the emcore boot menu. so after running the installer.ubi and trying to follow the instructions, to press play and menu at once, it doesn't continue. clickwheel is working properly, so what else could it be? any suggestions? thanks in advance [18:47:39] [Saint]: yes, we need to run signing code on the ipod itself to generate a bootstrapper [18:48:20] uclpack is the wrong tool, this needs to be packed with ucl2e10singleblk or something [18:49:32] ah, I see you figured that out already... [18:50:20] pedro_: are you sure you're not mixing up buttons? you need to press top and bottom [18:50:52] if it ignores those key presses, try toggling the hold switch back and forth and retry the buttons [18:52:18] ok. [18:53:54] okay, i toggled the hold switch, but still nothing happens. am i supposed to hold it quite a time? [18:54:22] no, it should react immediately if you press those two buttons [18:54:36] and I've never seen it fail to do that so far [18:55:32] allright then. i 'm running the routine again, maybe he is changing minds. [18:56:05] scrolling is working, just that button combination isn't? [18:58:13] yes, i try it out, besides it's booting the firmware regularly, so the menu+select combination is working [18:58:36] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [19:05:01] the thing with the wrong packing tool, was it meant for me? and if so, what do i have to pack? [19:08:47] no, that was for some other question further above [20:39:09] *** Parts: pedro_ (5ce51df5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [20:44:33] [Saint]: oh, btw, a clickwheel replacement won't help on a classic with a broken play button [20:44:44] on the classic, the buttons are on the main board [20:45:01] the button itself might be repairable though [20:57:20] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [21:27:10] <[Saint]> TheSeven: is it in any way similar to how we run the n2g bootloader through the crypto unit? [21:27:23] yes [21:27:39] it's basically calculating some hashes on the header of the pwnage exploit container used for the bootstrapper [21:28:04] which are hardware key HMAC-SHA1 hashes [21:28:13] <[Saint]> could it be done off-device, like, is it just easier? Or is this esserntial? [21:28:42] you can't do that signing step off-device [21:28:57] you could possibly use pre-signed containers if you knew the exact size in advance [21:29:20] <[Saint]> yeah, sorry, that's approximately what I was getting at. just woke up. [21:29:33] (or could have a set of pre-signed ones for some predetermined sizes and then pad the bootstrapper binary to the closest (rounded up) size available) [21:29:51] * [Saint] nods [21:30:10] but this kinda isn't worth it - we only make a new bootstrapper once in a blue moon anyway [21:30:47] <[Saint]> yeah, I wasn't really wondering if it was practical, just, possible. [21:31:14] the usual "fix" is specifying the ubi file as the make target, not "all", which will just skip this step [21:31:31] that's also what the build server is (was?) doing [23:46:45] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [23:52:46] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93)