[00:00:02] <[Saint]> TheSeven: do you still have a version of your hddscan tool laying around? [00:00:13] <[Saint]> I mean, for this user, it can't make things /wrose/, yeah? [00:00:23] <[Saint]> *worse [00:01:07] <[Saint]> Even if it takes a week to recovery half the HDD surface, its _something_ worth trying. [00:01:29] <[Saint]> I thought I had the file on hand myself, but I appear not to. [00:15:26] should be somewhere on files.freemyipod.org, but it kinda deserves a rewrite now that we have much better control of ATA from userspace [00:17:43] <[Saint]> While that is true, it wouldn't help the user right now. :) [00:18:17] <[Saint]> aha, found it. [00:18:40] <[Saint]> fa: you can try flashing this .ubi image to attempt to recover the disk [00:18:41] <[Saint]> http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/hddscan2.ubi [00:19:26] <[Saint]> Be advised that this process will take days, to weeks, and that if the device loses power during this time and depletes its battery, you'll have to start it all over again. [00:20:36] <[Saint]> Flash that .ubi image, make sure the device is powered (preferably from a wall charger, not USB on your host system), is somewhere where it will not be disturbed, and forget about it for a few days at least. [00:21:11] <[Saint]> The process will take a VERY long time to complete, and may not ever actually succeed, but you have literally nothing to lose. [00:24:44] Many thanks Saint, I gonna wait for some change on the screen. [00:25:17] <[Saint]> Change on the screen from what exactly? [00:26:11] a diferent message, saying that the process is done; [00:26:33] <[Saint]> Oh, so you have already flashed the .ubi file linked above? [00:27:45] <[Saint]> Disconnect the device from your host, as it will be actively discharging, despite claiming otherwise, and plug it in to a wall charger somewhere safe where it cannot be disturbed, and forget about it for a while. [00:28:03] <[Saint]> This process will take days to complete on an even moderately damaged HDD. [00:28:23] <[Saint]> Of a severaly damaged HDD, the process can take WEEKS. [00:28:27] <[Saint]> *On a [00:33:59] *Instructions followed* [00:35:07] Thanks Saint: I gonna comeback here when I have different news. [00:35:46] <[Saint]> really, thank TheSeven. He was the one who wrote that tool to salvage busted up HDDs in the first instance. [00:36:09] <[Saint]> I'm just the messenger, relaying the news of his success. Him and user890104 are the brains of the project. [00:36:11] <[Saint]> :) [00:36:33] <[Saint]> But your thanks are appreciated nonetheless. [00:42:43] Oh, in this case, thank you TheSeven and user890104 and you to "messenger". [00:44:05] you too* [01:16:00] *** Quits: fa (b3b95d53@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [02:05:12] *** Joins: pedro (bb91c523@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:06:29] Hello. I just installed umsboot in my ipod, then rockbox. Today i tried to connet my ipod and windows doesnt detect it. I deleted the drivers from my computer and i selected " [02:06:46] reformat data partition, clear rockbock database, clear rockbox configuration [02:07:32] Windows still doesnt detect my ipod. How can i make my ipod recognizable? Its all lost? [02:07:36] Thank you [02:18:15] <[Saint]> Rockbox doesn't actually use any specific drivers, it is presented to the system as a generic removable storage volume. [02:18:53] <[Saint]> Try booting the embedded Rockbox fallback image from the emCORE main menu [02:20:54] <[Saint]> Clearing the Rockbox database/config and/or formatting the data partition has precisely zero effect on the system detecting the device. [02:36:03] thanks [02:40:19] *** Quits: pedro (bb91c523@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [06:40:31] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:42:04] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:48:13] *** Joins: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [16:09:14] *** Quits: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:30:04] *** Joins: TheOldGuy (4305a934@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:34:47] *** Quits: TheOldGuy (4305a934@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [19:10:39] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:15:22] *** Joins: TheOldGuy (4305a934@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:21:28] I've gone through the "EmCORE Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes" instructions, but it created a 32MB boot partition instead of the 64MB expected. Instructions were to come here for help. [20:22:59] TheOldGuy: this means your ipod has 32 MB of RAM, not 64 [20:23:05] it should be safe to continue [20:25:27] Thank you. I have the iPod 120GB g6.5 and I've installed emCore and Rockbox. All works well until I load more than 12-13000 music files, at which point the FAT32 file system corrupts. Does the smaller RAM have anything to do with that ? [20:27:12] probably not [20:27:20] how do you upload the files? using rockbox? [20:28:58] I should mention that I've replaced the HDD with an 256GB SDXC card in a SD to CF II adapter with a CF to ZIF card. [20:29:39] I've tried uploading files with Windows Explorer & MediaMonkey. [20:29:48] i mean on the ipod side [20:30:07] you are running rockbox (from emcore's main menu), and then plugging in the usb cable, right? [20:30:16] Yes. [20:30:46] ok, try somrthing else: power off the ipod (holding down PLAY), then power it on and go to Tools -> Run fallback Rockbox image [20:31:05] and use this version only for file transfers [20:31:24] use the other one in the main menu for listening to music [20:32:14] the fallback version is a known-good, i have used it to upload ~30k files on my 120gb ipod classic [20:32:16] I'm not sure I understand the difference between choosing Rockbox at startup and going to the fallback image. [20:33:22] they are two different versions. the fallback one comes embedded in the installer, and installs at the same memory as emcore (not on the HDD, SD in your case). the normal version is on the HDD/SD in folder /.rockbox [20:35:01] Oh ! I wondered about how that worked. Thanks. I'll give that a try. I've tried every variation that I could think of and it's failed 9 times now. My collects is currently about 15k songs & 135GB. I wanted the increased storage as I'm converting to all FLAC. [20:37:57] there's of course the possibility to use a card reader, but i'm not sure if it's trivial to make a filesystem/partition table that's compatible with emcore/rockbox [20:38:27] and opening these devices frequently isn't recommended, as the clips tend to break [20:39:31] I've already figured out how to open the case easily, so go in and out frequently while trying to solve this problem with the file system corruption. [20:40:33] it's caused by rockbox's usb/mass storage driver [20:40:46] I've found that the file system is only recognized on one side or the other. It's either formatted in emCore as FAT32 and can only be seen there or it's FAT32 in Windows 7 and can only be seen there. [20:41:20] yes, because emcore uses a bad block table (BBT) at the beginning of the media [20:41:37] which works well for hard disks, and is a bit pointless for SD [20:42:03] That driver is probably the root of all the problems that I've experienced in trying to get this to work ! [20:42:11] yes, most likely [20:42:53] I've seen several conversations where people say it works, but I bet they've not tried with a lot of really large files with very long file names. [20:45:17] Thanks for the help user890104. I'll take this information and see what I can do with it. Bye for now. [20:45:30] filenames and size doesn't matter. if the bug gets triggered, some sector of the card gets trashed. and since fat32 isn't very good at repairing itself, you experience filesystem corruption [20:45:42] goodbye [20:46:30] *** Quits: TheOldGuy (4305a934@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [23:47:21] <[Saint]> user890104: What the!?! [23:47:33] <[Saint]> ...there's 32MB Classic variants? [23:47:47] well... that's what it looks like :) [23:48:25] <[Saint]> That's _reaaaaaaally_ weird. [23:48:27] i'm more curious how did umsboot find out the RAM size [23:49:15] <[Saint]> I wonder how many other variant specific differentials that we don't know about. [23:50:48] <[Saint]> Rockbox assumes they all have 64MB. [23:50:58] <[Saint]> That might cause some problems down the road. [23:51:04] <[Saint]> ...but I'm really not sure. [23:51:16] #define RAMDISK_SECTORSIZE 4096 [23:51:16] #define RAMDISK_SECTORS 16384 [23:51:21] <[Saint]> I haven't followed buffer allocation ever since bufflib [23:51:55] that's 64M ... i have no idea how did it show only the half of it [23:52:04] but somehow it worked! [23:52:41] is it possible that he tried to format it with different sector size, and the OS screwed up the FAT table?