[00:02:41] *** Quits: ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) (shutting down) [00:05:05] *** Joins: ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) [00:05:05] *** asimov.freenode.net sets mode: +o ChanServ [00:49:40] *** Joins: jan_bee (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) [00:50:33] *** Quits: jan_bee_ (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:50:34] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:52:06] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:37:36] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:38:25] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [11:17:06] *** Joins: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [16:05:32] *** Joins: INeedToUninstall (444b1a05@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:05:46] Hi guys, Im back. [16:06:28] I tried what you said, but when I force DFU mode, iTunes immediatly says "Could Not Contact Download Servers" [16:07:01] I tried shifting when forcing dfu mode like [Saint] said, but it doesnt work. [16:09:07] what do you mean by "doesn't work"? [16:09:19] it should show a popup window where you can select a file [16:11:49] No. As soon as i force DFU, that window pops up. [16:12:14] I might try this. http://www.methodshop.com/2002/05/erase-ipod.shtml [16:12:28] can you tell me what are you doing, step by step [16:12:35] starting with plugging the ipod in usb [16:13:05] 1. I plug in my iPod, and wait for it to come up in the file browser. [16:13:25] 2. I force DFU mode, with itunes open [16:13:35] 3.That window comes up [16:13:46] Thats it [16:14:41] the window tells you that the ipod needs to be restored [16:14:48] No. [16:15:09] It just says that it could not contact download servers. [16:15:33] does it show a window like this first: http://www.ijailbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Capture3.jpg [16:15:38] I have already tried re-installing itunes, and resetting drivers. [16:15:50] Nope. [16:17:00] Hold on, I will upload a screen cap. [16:17:19] ok [16:17:46] Thanks for your help. Everyone I have interacted with has been so nice. [16:19:54] Hold on, its uploading. [16:20:33] Just a sec. [16:21:09] i have to use that bathroom, hold a sec. [16:21:55] https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By4vaitdRV3cR1hjSk8xNndYOEU/view?usp=sharing [16:27:24] Im back. [16:30:31] Hello? [16:34:22] Are you gone? [16:35:02] *SIGH* [16:42:28] Bye [16:45:41] If anyone else can help, please leave your 2 cents. [16:45:55] I will be back @12:30 EST [17:08:10] ok, looks like a real itunes issue. i can help you restore the ipod to factory settings without itunes [17:28:18] *** Quits: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:42:46] Ok.Im back! [18:42:56] user, how do I do that? [18:48:16] Should I try this? http://www.methodshop.com/2002/05/erase-ipod.shtml [18:52:16] Fuck. I tried it and now its telling me there is no partition. [18:52:45] And my computer doesnt recognize it. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [18:55:18] <[Saint]> Did anyone ask you to do that? [18:55:22] I need help BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. [18:55:27] <[Saint]> I'll answer for you - no. [18:55:32] No. Im an idiot. [18:56:02] I thought "GEE! WHATS THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?" [18:56:03] <[Saint]> user890104 said he would help you, you being impatient is your problem. [18:56:19] Well, lesson learned. [18:56:29] <[Saint]> Your iPod is fine, you're just being impatient. [18:56:44] Hopefully there is a patch for my brain where I learn my lesson. [18:56:56] Well, what now. [18:57:59] <[Saint]> As stated, user890104 said he would help you. He never specified a specific timeframe though, did he? [18:58:12] <[Saint]> Patience. [18:58:23] Is there a way to undo my previous mistake? [18:58:35] <[Saint]> Yes. Be patient. [18:59:01] So, if I stare at it long enogh, it will fix itself! [18:59:42] Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... [19:00:06] <[Saint]> I'd you quit being an idiot and realize that people can't help you at the very specific minute you need it, because they have lives, jobs, families, etc. this would go a LOT smoother. [19:00:23] <[Saint]> If you behaved like this on the Rb forum, I'd have banned you. [19:01:28] Well, I dont have a time machine do I. I know what I did was dumb, but there is no way for me to undo it. [19:02:05] <[Saint]> That doesn't mean you're suddenly the most important thing in this people's lives though does it? [19:03:06] <[Saint]> The entire way this works is detailed in the channel topic. [19:03:39] <[Saint]> People can't suddenly be available to help you just because you want them to be. [19:04:05] Look, im sorry I did that. I thought it was the right thing to do. [19:04:15] What do you want me to do. [19:04:54] <[Saint]> For the fourth time now...be patient. [19:05:03] <[Saint]> That is all I want you to do. [19:05:09] If you dont have the time to help me just say so. [19:05:26] <[Saint]> user890104 will assist you when or if he becomes available. [19:05:54] Then why did you respond to me in the first place? [19:06:09] <[Saint]> Because you were acting like an idiot. [19:06:42] Was there a reason you needed to point out my lack of technical know-how? [19:07:44] <[Saint]> Was there a reason you repeatedly failed to read the topic of the channel you joined several times? [19:07:50] <[Saint]> ..someone had to do it. [19:07:57] <[Saint]> I'm just not as subtle. [19:09:10] You mean this? "[www.freemyipod.org project support channel. | Please stay! You may need to wait some time to get your answer, DON'T leave after a few minutes because you think nobody is there! | If you can't stay and wait, please post your question to the mailing list | Please just ask your question directly and don't 'ask to ask' | This channel is logged on logs.freemyipod.org]"? [19:09:41] <[Saint]> I do. [19:09:41] Cuz I didn't do anything wrong if thats what you a referring to. [19:09:57] <[Saint]> "You may need to wait some time to get your answer" [19:10:13] Yes? And? [19:10:20] <[Saint]> Spamming and yelling doesn't achieve anything. [19:10:48] <[Saint]> When I tried to help you last, you just left. [19:11:07] <[Saint]> K was waiting for an answer and you said bye and left. [19:11:08] I have a life to you know. [19:11:48] Whatever. this discussion isnt helping a damn thing. [19:11:57] I'm out. [21:03:37] this is getting interesting [21:04:07] ok, so my suggestion is to use DFU to upload apple's recovery files, then use ipodscsi to restore the original firmware [21:05:01] i've done it successfully on my 120 gb ipod a couple of times, and it works everytime, no matter what errors itunes shows (because it doesn't use itunes or its drivers at all) [21:07:06] this is basicly what you need to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEz0cCDBqnQ [21:07:41] but, there's one requirement - don't do ANYTHING ELSE with the ipod, unless i tell you to [21:08:18] otherwise i'm not going to waste my time explaining how to fix it, and finding out that you didn't follow the steps [21:24:08] * user890104 finally decides to write a tutorial on restoring ipod without itunes [22:34:49] *** Joins: CyR4[x] (4f36c2c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [22:35:01] hi [22:35:23] someone here? [22:36:07] yes [22:36:16] hi TheSeven [22:36:26] are you part of the support team? [22:37:36] sure [22:37:54] could you help me? [22:38:10] depends on what kind of help you need ;) [22:38:36] i have my ipod classic stuck on the first white screen [22:38:50] the "loading emcore" one [22:39:02] everything worked fine till some days ago [22:39:13] this morning i put the bastard in charge [22:39:22] and stopped like that [22:39:45] so it's saying "loading emcore" without any further messages? [22:40:07] I assume you already tried rebooting it, and it goes into that state again? [22:40:50] yes [22:41:05] i tried to restore it from itunes [22:41:08] just to... [22:41:25] and itunes remains in "waiting for ipod" [22:41:39] did you put it into DFU mode for the restore? [22:42:42] yes [22:42:52] but DFU doesnt appear [22:43:09] i mean [22:43:15] ipod goes in DFU mode [22:43:29] but if i take a look to my peripherals in windows [22:43:36] i don't have a DFU one [22:43:53] i have an "apple usb service..." something like that [22:44:11] so something ipod-related does show up in the device manager? [22:44:19] yes [22:44:26] but non DFU related [22:45:32] what precisely is it? (properties => details => device instance path or something like that) [22:46:00] i don't know now [22:46:22] now i have a DFU device recognized [22:46:38] because i have installed these drivers [22:46:39] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUNoiTunes [22:46:53] just because itunes didn't worked [22:47:02] but if i run bootstrap [22:47:18] he says that everything gone good [22:47:22] but nothing happens [22:48:42] 64mb drive should mount but i don't have any [22:50:22] nothing on the ipod's display? [22:50:27] nothing [22:50:36] black like DFU [22:50:51] hm [22:51:08] then i disconnect usb [22:51:17] press the DFU combination [22:51:23] and i have the white emcore screen [22:51:25] this looks like some kind of obscure hardware fault [22:52:47] it's so strange [22:52:56] my ipod classic worked so little [22:53:02] so it's really like new [22:57:08] https://scontent-a-mxp.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10989264_840192986037977_655756872179794049_n.jpg?oh=35ae59ed1bbfd3925c1866612eb77ab1&oe=5550FE62 [22:57:20] https://scontent-a-mxp.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10983404_840193469371262_6417625068360473129_n.jpg?oh=0d2f25fd6fe3a0aa3e11c496eea1743c&oe=554FF317 [22:57:27] take a look at this [22:59:19] CyR4[x]: you can try restoring it to factory firmware, and see if it handles such cases better than our software [22:59:34] user890104: i can't [22:59:41] itunes gets stuck [23:00:04] i'm writing a detailed guide on how to restore a classic without itunes at all [23:00:10] i cant let my pc see the thing as DFU device [23:00:17] to let itunes restore [23:00:32] i'm a bit past the half, so if you wait about half an hour, it should be complete [23:00:56] now i have a USB DFU device installed [23:01:08] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUNoiTunes [23:01:11] with this drivers [23:01:26] if itunes restore works for you, try it [23:01:40] doesn't work [23:01:41] i tried [23:01:44] the No-iTunes method is using an old version of umsboot [23:01:58] and we weren't able to update it [23:02:07] so you might have issues with it [23:02:55] maybe i should try to install just itunes drivers [23:03:00] i don't know [23:03:06] ok, try it [23:03:10] it shouldn't hurt [23:03:19] but if you have itunes already, you also have the drivers [23:03:24] let me try [23:03:29] you just need to reinstall the device with apple's drivers [23:03:34] using device manager [23:03:35] no i don't [23:03:40] i took off itunes [23:03:50] ok, try the drivers method then [23:04:06] it uses a recent version of umsboot [23:04:27] the old ones have issues and the 64 MB disk doesn't appear sometimes at all [23:04:53] i hope my ipod isn't bricked [23:05:18] i don't have money to buy another mp3 player now and i use it for work [23:06:16] the only way to (temporary) brick these, is to intentionally rewrite some part of the memory which contains model, serial number, etc. [23:06:48] as long as it's not a handware fault (e.g. dead hard disk, defective CPU...), you can undo it only by software [23:07:43] if it's really defective, you can restore the original firmware and get it replaced/repaired at the apple service center near you [23:07:48] i see on this guide [23:07:57] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/InstalliTunesDrivers [23:08:04] our firmware doesn't leave any traces after a full restore [23:08:13] (at least i hope so) [23:08:29] that i need to install AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi [23:08:49] yes, or without 64 if you're on 32-bit windows [23:09:17] but in the latest itunes package i have AppleMobileDeviceSupport6464.msi [23:09:23] i assume that it's the same thing [23:10:26] well, probably [23:11:37] CyR4[x]: is the backlight on (but dim) on your first photo, or is it completely off like in DFU mode? [23:11:44] now i have in the devices lis [23:11:47] list [23:11:59] it looks like the latter, but the camera flash might be fooling me [23:12:13] TheSeven: it's the white emcore screen [23:12:26] so the backlight is on? [23:12:35] i was writing [23:13:09] now i have just an APPLE DEVICE SUPPORT DRIVER installed in USB CONTROLLER [23:13:19] yes [23:13:23] the backlight is on [23:18:19] nothing [23:19:49] i cant see the dfu recovery device [23:23:47] installed manually the driver [23:24:00] but it remains APPLE DEVICE SUPPORT DRIVER [23:59:38] *** Quits: INeedToUninstall (444b1a05@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)