[00:59:33] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) (Quit: !sucide) [01:01:33] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) [05:45:35] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:33:57] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:34:06] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [13:25:06] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (*.net *.split) [15:12:12] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [15:18:55] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [15:19:02] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [15:22:57] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [15:23:06] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [17:32:55] *** Joins: Poddie (~Poddie@ip4da0461f.direct-adsl.nl) [17:33:22] hey all [17:34:44] a little while ago I was having some trouble with an ipod + ssd, and couldn't get an answer due to time differences [17:34:55] honestly, I have no idea what problem I was facing then [17:35:05] but yet another issue has popped up [17:36:51] during boot and in disk mode, I'm getting these errors: storage init error: 80000006; FS mount error: 80000000; and only when in disk mode: *PANIC* Number of sectors is zero! [17:37:08] (counting those zeros was a pain, hehe) [17:38:06] again any help would be appreciated. I'd also like to know what the latest version of emCore is as of now [17:39:42] some more info: every time I fix an issue and get everything working smoothly, the whole thing fucks up again, and always after transferring files. this is extremely annoying seeing as I've been at this for months! [17:41:11] <[7]> this suggests stability issues with the SSD, possibly related to power supply [17:41:27] <[7]> I remember tarkan having a lot of trouble with some SSD models [17:43:46] strangely enough I haven't had these errors before [17:44:08] do you think it's more of a hardware or software instability? [17:44:42] <[7]> probably hardware instability + SSD firmware unable to handle that properly [17:45:18] <[7]> this happens after bursts of large writes, yes? [17:45:39] well yes exactly, problems always appear that way, but not this problem specifically [17:45:43] this is the first time [17:49:12] it's an EVO 840 btw [17:49:52] I might be returning it, as I'm getting pretty tired of troubleshooting [17:51:25] <[7]> let me quote tarkan: [17:51:38] <[7]> "** mSata Offline mode :- I am still learning about this, but this the information I have at the moment. [17:51:38] <[7]> Both Crucial and Samsung mSata card I have do this. If the mSata drive gets too hot or becomes unhappy (maybe low battery voltage or sudden shutdown) - it enters what I call Offline mode - the mSata stops working and looks like it is faulty / unresponsive. - even connected to a computer it looks like it is not working. [17:51:38] <[7]> To get out of offline mode - install mSata in to external mSata enclosure, attach power but not Sata cable - leave for a few minutes. Then attach Sata lead and the wait till the mSata drive appears in Windows Explorer, and leave for at least 10 minutes - then remove from enclosure and re-install in to iPod - the mSata drive will now appear and work ok in the iPod." [17:52:05] <[7]> not sure how accurate that info is, but it might be a pointer for further research [17:53:10] <[7]> "I know, I cannot find any documention for this - but this is what I am getting. First time this happened, I assumed the card was faulty and needed to be sent in for warranty. I spoke to Crucial / Micron Support, they gave me the advice of power down for 20 minutes, reconnect power without Sata Lead, wait then connect Sata Lead and again wait 20 minutes. <- and it worked card started working again. [17:53:10] <[7]> Maybe the times do not have to be long but the basic idea does seem to work." [17:55:16] <[7]> not sure if tarkan ever found out the root cause of this, but if you're using one of his adapters, it might be worth a try to contact him and ask if there has been any followup on that mSATA offline mode thing [17:57:15] <[7]> the EVO series is especially suspicious (and probably just not designed for this kind of workload) with its SLC write cache [17:58:02] <[7]> it's an attempt to increase write speed by buffering writes and taking care of them in the background later - which relies on the drive being powered while it's idle, which is not true in an ipod [17:58:36] <[7]> I'd expect the ipod to be unable to exceed the SSD's maximum continuous write throughput, but this could be confusing the cache mechanism regardless [17:59:09] <[7]> maybe we're also not allowing the drive enough time to clean up before we cut power after notifying it [18:00:47] <[7]> the SSD is now likely in a state where it needs to do a large amount of internal rescanning before being able to respond to accesses, and we're probably not allowing it enough time for that before running into a timeout and powering it back down again [18:02:28] good info [18:02:45] I'll try to contact Tarkan and see what he's got to say [18:03:29] this does kind of confirm my suspicion: this ssd is just too advanced for an ipod's needs, and thus, causing trouble [18:05:20] <[7]> you might want to ask tarkan for a list of known compatible SSDs, I think these samsung ones are the ones he had most trouble with [18:05:57] I'll do that, thank you very much for the help [18:06:45] <[7]> oh, I found some more reports in old emails (july 2014): [18:06:47] <[7]> "The Samsung EVO 840 mSata 500Gb - Unstable, while the files are copying it is very very slow to access the iPod folder - it is like the iPod is suffering from very heavy i/o load. Rockbox is causing the mSata to enter offline mode (** explained below). Transfer speed is around 12Mb/s." [18:07:05] <[7]> "The Crucial M500 240Gb - did not work before (BBT Panic), it is now working ok. Transfer speed is around 12Mb/s, you can access the iPod drive while file copying - no slow down, and view various folders / file properties no slow down. I have transfered around 100Gb so far and no problem." [18:07:35] I was having trouble /during/ writing too btw, with windows giving 'file unaccessible' errors once every few files [18:07:44] sounds like offline mode to me [18:07:47] aha! [18:07:56] any more? [18:09:56] <[7]> no, he didn't seem to name more models in his emails, but suggests that he has tested several other models as well [18:10:20] hehe, funny enough the 1TB 840 EVO seems to give no problems at all: http://www.tarkan.info/20141213/tutorials/1tb-ipod-classic-restore-sync-video [18:10:26] just my luck [18:13:51] <[7]> well, that is with the apple firmware and a special 12V charger [18:17:04] which is even more incredible, no? I didn't even know the original firmware could handle 1TB [18:33:51] I saw you commented on Beyondwind's site btw [18:33:59] that guy's just plain unreachable [18:43:23] <[7]> oh, the original firmware has the same capacity limits as ours (32 bit sector number => ~2TB) [18:44:03] <[7]> and it likely has a somewhat more robust HDD interface implementation, given that apple developers have access to the documentation of the hardware that's involved [19:33:25] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:17:07] *** Quits: Poddie (~Poddie@ip4da0461f.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:59:21] *** Joins: Poddie (~Poddie@ip4da0461f.direct-adsl.nl)