[00:52:15] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [01:15:45] *** Joins: m00n (~chrstfer@2604:9a00:2010:a08f:2::) [01:35:34] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:39:06] *** Joins: danishguy (4dd5a9ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:39:58] yo, me agin. I lost connection, so if i got an answer please repeat. Otherwise, stay frosty [03:06:37] <[7]> danishguy: sorry, that battery thing doesn't look like a software problem at all [03:06:58] <[7]> danishguy: and you're stuck at entering DFU mode? [03:07:29] yeah, it doesn't pop up with any new USB drivers [03:08:03] <[7]> so if you disconnect/reconnect the ipod, there's not even a sound? [03:08:41] What makes you say it-s not software? The motherboard is brand new, and i replaced te battery twice since the i got it. I bought i from some guy in berlin, and the touchwheel was partially unresponsive, so i ended up almost rebuilding it from scratch [03:09:16] there's a sound, but i can't find anything to indicate what it means :/ [03:09:39] <[Saint]> if there's a sound, it should pop up in the device manager [03:10:02] <[Saint]> it may be listed as a device with errors, but it should be there. [03:11:13] <[7]> I'm just saying that if the ipod appears to boot up and shut down correctly otherwise, I can't really imagine how such a battery drain could be caused by software [03:11:43] <[7]> you could try entering diagnostics mode and putting the ipod into deep sleep from there [03:12:11] <[7]> I'd expect it to still drain the battery, which would also happen with emcore/rockbox then [03:12:23] well, i can't figure out what else it could be /= i've replaced all relevant hardware. [03:12:54] <[7]> how long does it take to discharge from 100% to 0% when off, roughly? [03:14:42] it ranges from 2 hours to 1 day, regardless of whether it's been used or not. [03:15:26] <[7]> a few wild guesses: battery self discharge (bad batteries), moisture somewhere, badly seated connectors, electronics damage on the main board, bad clickwheel assemb [03:15:27] it's very inconsistent as well. [03:15:28] <[7]> assemblyÜ [03:15:31] <[7]> * [03:15:58] <[7]> it being inconsistent would point at one of the latter things, a short in some connector or something like that [03:18:04] <[7]> one thing worth trying: disconnect the battery, wait a minute or so, reconnect it, but don't power it up [03:18:18] i have considered whether it's a bad connection causing the drain, but i'd have no idea what to look for if i opened it up again. I've had it opened 3 times, and picked it apart each time, first to replace the wheel, then the motherboard, then the chlikwheel again. [03:18:19] <[7]> it should be in deep sleep and not use any noticable amount of battery power [03:18:37] how do i know if it's using any, then? [03:18:51] <[7]> wait a day or so, then power it up and check the battery state [03:19:24] <[7]> if that drained it, the software on it can't possibly have had any influence [03:20:10] <[7]> so, feel free to continue with emcore installation if you like, but I wouldn't have much hope that this actually helps with that battery problem [03:21:13] <[7]> does it also drain the battery if it's off and the hold switch is in the locked position? [03:21:35] <[7]> that should power down the clickwheel controller as well, which would usually stay awake [03:22:04] right, good idea. i'll try that. If that doesn't work, i'll have to bite the bullet and spend some more money on it. i found some guys and hour and a half from here who'll fix it for about 80 bucks, but i really don't fell like spending any more on it /= [03:22:23] it drains it with or without hold bottun, yes. [03:22:41] <[7]> that makes the clickwheel assembly unlikely to be the cause [03:22:56] <[7]> which basically leaves only mainboard and battery [03:23:13] so i guess the board i bought was bad... [03:23:29] <[7]> it seems rather unlikely that the old and new board would have the same problem though [03:23:54] * [7] would probably start poking at the electronics now ;) [03:24:24] <[7]> measure battery current, disconnect some components, etc. [03:24:41] well, same for the battery. I've had 3 different ones in it. bought two from ifixit.com [03:25:10] <[7]> at a 2 hour discharge time, whatever is the cause would be heating up significantly [03:25:18] <[7]> at a day... not so much [03:25:19] <[Saint]> right [03:25:28] i figured as well, but i haven't noticed any heat [03:26:22] <[Saint]> In theory it isn;t even possible to deplete this battery in 2 hours. [03:26:39] <[7]> oh, if you torture it enough it certainly is [03:26:53] <[Saint]> I can't make the math work in my head. [03:27:08] i know i'm not the only one with the proplem. i found severel threads with people who had the same issue [03:27:13] <[Saint]> EVen if the disk was spinning constantly and every irrelevant thing was enabled. [03:27:15] noone had any solutions, though [03:27:22] <[7]> how many mah does that battery have? the HDD eats like 400-500 if you torture it + lcd (100ma-ish at full brightness) + ... [03:27:31] <[Saint]> 800 no? [03:27:38] <[Saint]> or is that just the fat ones? [03:27:43] <[7]> no idea [03:27:52] this is the thin one. [03:28:07] <[Saint]> 650 then, I think. Hmmm. [03:28:15] i might have just wasted 250 $ and a lot of time, huh.. [03:28:20] <[Saint]> So, yeah, I guess it is possible. But it would get mighty warm. [03:28:40] <[7]> another thing to try: connect it to USB, then power it down, leave it for a few hours, check if it charged or discharged [03:29:02] <[7]> and by powering it down I mean deep sleep, not just putting it into standby [03:29:21] what would that check for? [03:29:22] <[7]> in that state it would draw almost exactly 100mA from USB [03:29:45] <[7]> so if there's a significant battery leak, it would actually discharge despite USB being connected [03:30:39] right. but a leak woulnd't be this inconsistent, would it? [03:31:03] <[7]> depends on the cause... if it's a short that gets more or less conductive based on heat or mechanical movement... [03:32:12] <[7]> anyway, if I were to diagnose this, first thing I'd do is putting it into deep sleep and checking the behavior (beacuse that can be done without opening it up), second thing would be disconnecting the battery and measuring actual current consumption in different modes [03:32:32] <[7]> if you have some kind of USB current meter, you could also try measuring USB current with a fully charged battery [03:32:53] <[7]> that should drop to ~1mA with the battery being full and the ipod in standby or deep sleep [03:33:34] <[7]> (that mA is wasted in the charger circuitry and not actually drained from the battery if it's not powered exernally) [03:35:35] i don't have a meter, but i might know someone who does. i'll find out and test the battery. Thanks a lot for your help, i'll try these things out and see if i can find out whats going on. [03:37:51] gotta get to bed, though. Bye, and thanks again [03:37:59] <[Saint]> a usb breakout cable is pretty cheap, to save you from having to destroy a data cable. [03:38:07] <[Saint]> about $4 [03:38:25] <[Saint]> anyhoo... o/ [03:40:13] a classmate of mine is really into building tech, and has a lot of these things. now that i know what to look for, i can propably get him to help me. he just didn't know anything about ipods and didn't feel like poking around with it too much.7 [03:41:31] *** Quits: danishguy (4dd5a9ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:24:26] *** Joins: dripp (6174bc9c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:24:49] hey all [04:25:07] got a 160gb ipod classic [04:25:48] got the bootstrapper working but the 64MB USMBOOT will not show up as a storage device on win8.1 [04:26:42] shows up as a device but unable to drag the file onto it [04:39:26] <[Saint]> are you an administrator? [04:39:48] <[Saint]> (or have administrator-like privileges) [04:41:19] *** Quits: dripp (6174bc9c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:52:58] *** Quits: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [04:53:05] *** Joins: dripp (6174bc9c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:54:33] *** Quits: dripp (6174bc9c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [04:54:57] *** Joins: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) [05:56:16] I have an old iPad that has not updated since the end of last school year, or before; its running iOS 7.0.6 [05:56:39] it /IS/ rooted (jb'd) whatever [05:59:32] is there any special precautions I should take? [06:01:31] <[Saint]> For what? [06:02:02] <[Saint]> emCORE and the freemyipod project have absolutely nothing to do with iOS devices whatsoever. [06:02:26] <[Saint]> There is nothing this project can offer you. [06:04:12] <[Saint]> If there is something that lead you to believe this is the case then perhaps it might be worth changing. [06:04:30] <[Saint]> But I can assure you that no iOS devices are supported. [06:47:30] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:47:36] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:03:07] I mean opinion pieces on what I should do with it [08:14:19] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [08:26:56] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (*.net *.split) [10:01:30] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [10:08:31] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:11:54] hi there [10:12:01] hey [10:12:13] how's it going? :) [11:18:28] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@kg-0-55.mobile.uni-freiburg.de) [11:18:38] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@kg-0-55.mobile.uni-freiburg.de) (Changing host) [11:18:38] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [11:36:02] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [12:42:05] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [13:14:55] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:18:16] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [15:18:18] *** Server sets mode: +nt [15:34:41] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:02:23] *** Joins: nus_ (56df8e88@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:03:26] hi everybody ! is anyone available to help me on installing rockbox on my ipod classic 7g ? I'm stucked at one of the last step... [16:06:39] Oh, I just read the "don't ask to ask mention"... So, this is my problem : I managed to copy ...r859...ubi file in the UMSboot folder. Then, I can see the information screen which ask me to press Menu and Play to agree with everything. And there, nothing happens. When I try to press it longer (5sec), the ipod rebbots and original firmware is back. [16:22:00] I found where was my problem ! I'm french and I made a bad translation of "Play" button, I thought this was about "Select" one... Bye ! [16:22:13] *** Quits: nus_ (56df8e88@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)