[00:05:06] *** Joins: user890104_ (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [00:05:07] *** Server sets mode: +nt [00:09:40] *** Quits: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [00:09:40] *** user890104_ is now known as user890104 [00:09:41] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [00:11:42] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [00:50:04] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [01:49:04] *** Joins: eadomin (babc02cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:52:12] I I got the black screen but the )DFU= driver did not download [01:52:57] The ipod is connected to the pc,the scren is still black but no diver [01:53:22] *** Joins: Bagofsheep (4a818a26@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:53:31] Hello? [01:53:41] Hello [01:54:47] I have an iPod Classic 7th gen 160GB. I had Rockbox installed on it for the longest time but was having weird issues so I have decided to reinstall. I reinstalled iTunes and went through the procedure of restoring it to Apple's original firmware. That worked fine. Now I'm trying to enter DFU mode but am not seeing the 64mb drive pop up in my computer. [01:56:34] Now it is sitting here with a black screen and I can't seem to get it to turn back on. [01:57:10] I have the same problem [01:57:20] Ah. [01:57:25] So no idea how to fix it? [01:57:39] Black scren and no driver being downloaded [01:58:07] I just joined the support web to get help [01:58:36] Ah. [01:59:04] <[Saint]> DFU mode doesn't expose a storage volume at all. [01:59:26] According to the emcore installation instructions it does. [01:59:30] <[Saint]> UMSboot does. But that comes later, and requires DFU mode. [01:59:37] <[Saint]> No, it doesn't. [01:59:46] "The display of your iPod should now stay black, and a new USB device called "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver" should connect to your PC." [01:59:46] <[Saint]> DFU mode does not expose a storage volume. [01:59:53] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes [01:59:59] <[Saint]> That is not a storage device. [02:00:28] <[Saint]> The storage volume won't present until the device is bootstrapped. [02:00:36] Ah I see. [02:00:53] I misunderstood what it was saying. [02:01:07] <[Saint]> It could possibly be more clear. [02:01:51] Well that helps a lot. Now to wait for iTunes to take its sweet time while it re-recovers my iPod and I do the same process over again. [02:02:23] The reason I'm reinstalling in the first place is I kept having weird issues with Rockbox freezing and lagging. [02:02:36] Or if I try to transfer a lot of files at once it will freeze up. [02:02:37] would* [02:02:39] Or corrupt files. [02:04:34] The first time I tried to install I saw the UMSboot in my ipod but then the driver in my pc got an error after being installed properly. I did not know how to save the installer ipodclassic ubi [02:05:47] Well no USB device is showing up either. [02:06:13] I rebotted the ipod and tried the process again an this time the driver did not download. Here I am withmy black screen waiting [02:07:37] <[Saint]> Bagofsheep: are you certain? It depends on what you might be expecting to happen. The device should be visible in the device manager. [02:08:30] I see the "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" but no "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver" [02:09:18] <[Saint]> WHat install method are you using, the "with iTunes" one, presumably? [02:09:25] Yeah. [02:09:35] <[Saint]> That would seem to indicate that not all Apple processes were killed. [02:10:10] Well I killed them all but one of them starts back up every god damn time. I force stopped it in the services manager. [02:10:16] Please tell me I don't have to start all over again. [02:10:54] <[Saint]> You don't have to restore the device evry time, no. You can just restart the device. You haven't actually changed anything on the device at this stage. [02:11:24] Do I also need to end "IpodService"? It doesn't specify that. [02:11:28] <[Saint]> right up until the very last second of the installer we don't actually modify anything on the device. [02:11:34] Ah I see. [02:11:38] <[Saint]> Yes. [02:11:55] <[Saint]> ANything vaguely Apple-y [02:11:56] Alright, I'll stop all of it in the services manager and try again. [02:14:34] *** Quits: eadomin (babc02cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:14:43] Well I stopped all of it and now it isn't letting me reset it. [02:14:55] Holding both the menu and select buttons is yielding no result. [02:15:27] I take that back. [02:15:30] I had to unplug it I guess. [02:15:52] It's still just "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" [02:16:57] Looks like the boot strapper is working anyways. [02:17:54] It failed to come up with the drive after running it. AAAAAAAARGH [02:18:43] Alright, the second time it worked. Lol. [02:19:21] Is r859 still the latest version of EmCORE? [02:19:28] <[Saint]> The Windows/iTunes install method(s) are pretty crazy. [02:19:33] Yeah. [02:19:49] <[Saint]> Yes. It is the latest release version. [02:19:58] Alright. [02:20:42] <[Saint]> There are later version with a few changes but they aren't really too interesting unless you're using an iPod modified with solid state storage an a Tarkan adapter plate. [02:21:18] <[Saint]> Joe User shouldn't ever even really see the emCORE main menu. It is best to set the fastboot to 'Rockbox' and forget it exists. [02:21:57] I see. [02:22:05] <[Saint]> It is a bit too powerful to be in the hands of Joe User, but it does require a lot of additional effort to wield that power and everything is largely recoverable so its OK. [02:22:32] Is it possible to use the latest version of Rockbox with the Rockbox utility? I'm hoping if I use the latest version from here I'll have no more weird freezing issues: http://www.rockbox.org/dl.cgi?bin=ipod6g [02:23:13] <[Saint]> Yes. But there's no reason to use Rockbox Utility. You can just extract the archive to the root of the device. [02:23:22] <[Saint]> That's literally all Rockbox Utility is doing. [02:23:34] Oh ok, why do they suggest that then? Also I just realized those are for 6th gen, I need 7th gen. [02:23:46] <[Saint]> They're the same. [02:24:22] Ah alright, thanks for the help. [02:24:49] <[Saint]> And, I honestly don't know. If a user manages to fight their way through this install, they can extract an archive. Heh. [02:25:08] True indeed. I have plenty of experience with extracting archives lol. [02:25:32] There's a bunch of left over shit from Apple's firmware on here, I guess I can delete that? [02:25:39] <[Saint]> It makes sense to use the GUI installer for the devices where Rockbox Utility can handle the entire installation and removal process, but the ipod6g isn't one of those. [02:25:51] Yeah. [02:26:47] <[Saint]> Yes. You can nuke everything on the disk if you want to. [02:27:07] <[Saint]> There's absolutely nothing on the storage volume that is essential to functionality. [02:28:01] <[Saint]> Even if you wipe out the emcore data dir, it'll recreate itself, and there's a fallback version of ROckbox embedded in the emCORE binary to allow booting and USB transfer. [02:29:14] <[Saint]> So if you face issues like massive corruption in the future all you have to do is boot to the emCORE main menu, select 'Tools', and then 'Reformat Data partition' [02:29:38] Awesome. [02:30:02] <[Saint]> ANd then reboot to the fallback installation of Rockbox (it'll do this automatically) and extract a new Rockbox binary to the root of the storage. [02:35:34] Sweet, it works. Now I'm going to turn on the fast boot so I never have to navigate through the EmCORE menu again. [02:36:53] Now for the moment of truth. If it doesn't seize up when I throw 100GB of music at it I will be victorious. [03:02:59] *** Joins: eadomin (babc02cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [03:54:38] *** Quits: Bagofsheep (4a818a26@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:03:56] *** Quits: eadomin (babc02cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [04:20:46] *** Joins: rvcjew (6cb90c89@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:24:29] Hi, I have a quick question if anyone is willing. I have the daily build for rockbox for the 6th gen classic ipod and it only mounts via usb with the fallback image (that's fine though) but I was wondering if there is a newer emcore than 859 at this point that I should be installing? I have looked at the page that says at yoru own risk and it seems to show a newer one that has passed for this device but i can not find a u [04:24:34] drive* [04:30:16] <[Saint]> emCORE is entirely irrelevant to this. [04:30:32] <[Saint]> Once Rockbox takes over, there is nothing emCORE is, or could, do. [04:30:34] <[Saint]> So, no. [04:32:13] Okay thanks for the reply, so 859 is the most stable version at this time then for the classic? [04:32:37] <[Saint]> Yes. [04:33:12] <[Saint]> There is no reason to update it, and it has no control over Rockbox even if you did. [04:33:31] <[Saint]> Once Rockbox has booted, emCORE's job is already over. [04:40:33] <[Saint]> Though admittedly that isn't obvious and society has taught people to update things when seemingly random problems appear. [04:48:38] Agreed, and I found the post now about you saying They should jsut use the fallback for usb and seems to work fine so that's okay.I found a build that had the PC id in it so it would mount as a hdd instead of a portable unit but I think that throws off my usb 3 ports so I will stick to the daily and fallback image. Thanks for all yoru help Saint. [04:50:33] <[Saint]> Ah, yeah. There's am emCORE build floating around being pushed by a few people I don't know that wasn't ever supposed to hit the public really. [04:51:05] <[Saint]> It includes a buggy USB storage option in emCORE that no one should use because it almost certainly will trash your data. [04:51:38] <[Saint]> Normal users should basically just set emCORE to fastboot Rockbox and forget it exists. [04:52:40] <[Saint]> Regarding USB3, in theory, USB3->USB2 fallback should "Just Work", but that would require having a well written and perfectly functional driver. [04:54:14] The usb works fine always in fallback, I meant that their is a build of rockbox itself that was supposed to mount the USB normally. [04:55:02] And it might work but not on my desktop I have a lot of crap in my pc so sometimes power to the usb ports specficaly if they are not self powered have issues. [04:56:27] <[Saint]> I can make an educated guess and assume you're using Windows then? [04:56:39] Yes [04:56:48] <[Saint]> *nix is a _lot_ more permissive with the USB driver in Rockbox and has no such issues. [04:57:18] Yeah im sure its a windows issue I'm very aware of that. [04:57:19] <[Saint]> We seem to be pissing off some weird timing issue in Windows, but I'm nowhere near skilled enough to track it down. [04:57:33] <[Saint]> It should work. It just...doesn't. [04:57:39] they have always had horrible usb drivers imo [04:58:04] under mint pretty much all usb issues are just gone. [04:58:56] <[Saint]> USB is a bit of a mess. If every USB driver in the world suddenly started functioning to USB spec, everyone's devices would just abruptly stop working. [04:59:25] <[Saint]> I can honestly say I don't think I have ever encountered a single USB device that didn't have at least one spec violation. [04:59:34] <[Saint]> So it's a balancing act. [05:00:05] Actually I think my Note 3 mounts on all pc's and mac's I can throw it at which impressed me. [05:00:43] can't wait for usb c to get more purpose [05:00:45] <[Saint]> Huh. It's pretty rare for WIndows to not mess up MTP. That is somewhat impressive. [05:00:49] in mobile devices. [05:01:29] oh no MTP is garbage but Iv never had it disconnect on me during at least a transfer. [05:01:39] <[Saint]> Sadly, I think it will be a fair amount of time before it does any real good. Seeming as how the EU has only just recently settled on USB micro and requiring that fucking stupid "device must ship with charger" ruling. [05:01:52] <[Saint]> *seeing [05:02:27] <[Saint]> USB-C is a good thing. But mass market adoption is a long way off I think. [05:02:39] <[Saint]> Though I want to be wrong. [05:02:43] yeah Im still suprised apple made only one on the new macbook (not to mention the new macbook seems likea worthless product for a very nich market) and not two like the pixel [05:03:23] some x99 motherboards are shipping with the c connector now. they are very enthusiast though. [05:04:10] <[Saint]> We'll see USB-C in mass adoption in the same year as The Year Of The Linux Desktop [05:04:16] <[Saint]> ...har har har [05:06:00] Ithink it will become more mainstreem once some big maker like samsung or microsoft stick it on a phone. [05:06:18] i would love a c connector vs the micro b 3 [05:06:44] <[Saint]> Then PC manufacturers and USh-HID manufacturers will just do what they did with PS2. [05:06:55] <[Saint]> Keep shipping PS2 but put an adapter in the box. [05:07:05] <[Saint]> (I may be showing my age on that one..oh dear) [05:07:17] <[Saint]> *USB-HID [05:07:24] lol yeah I'm one to talk on that my keybaord is still ps2 so that I got NKRO [05:07:53] <[Saint]> I keep a PS2 keyboard in my car [05:08:01] Could only find an extesion for it in grey>.> [05:08:02] <[Saint]> for dealing with shitty BIOSes [05:08:43] <[Saint]> A find a LOT of my clients have BTLE or USB mouse/keyboard, but a shitty old BIOS that only wants to speak over PS2 [05:08:59] <[Saint]> (making it impossible to reach any BIOS function) [05:09:09] Yeah I ran into an issue where I wass messing around with osx 10.10 on here and it didnt have a keyboard as it does not even support ps/2 devices had to swap cables. [05:09:15] <[Saint]> So, I learned that very quickly. [05:09:24] <[Saint]> I always carry a PS2 keyboard in my car. heh [05:09:59] yeah a lot of decent usb keyboards now have switchs to tellthe bios its older or not. [05:10:18] <[Saint]> I hope I'm wrong, but, I think the cheap and obvious manufacturer solution is a USB2->USB-C adapter dongle [05:10:37] <[Saint]> ...man I hope I'm wrong. [05:10:58] <[Saint]> It happened with USB, so I see no reason for it not to happen with USB-C [05:12:03] 3.1 is along way off for being well in stable area for real world type stuff.I basicaly want it on my phone and I would be happy. I don't plan to update my pc for a real long time at this point besides maybe gpu. [05:13:29] <[Saint]> I have quite a lot of GPU grunt in my main desktop but rarely use it. [05:13:56] <[Saint]> I very rarely even have a window manager or GUI up on my systems actually. [05:15:56] I'v spent a lot getting it to what I need for mine and friends projects needs. [05:16:04] Your running Nix i take it then? [05:16:31] What I have found works best for my needs is this: http://pastebin.com/cNmqQ7ak [05:19:46] <[Saint]> I run Ubuntu Server on 'the mothership' and Archlinux on everything else. [05:20:47] <[Saint]> I have a server with some fairly considerable horsepower and a fairly massive array, a fairly mediocre desktop, and my new toy an i7 X1 Carbon ThinkPad. [05:22:53] ah yes thinkpads look so ugly but are built so well. Even after lenovo got it. [05:24:44] I have a yoga 2 pro cause it was cheap and i needed something small and light. Once you ditch almost all of lenovos drivers and get good ones its a good bargain if you ask me. [05:25:23] well nice talking to you Saint I'm off to work see you around. [05:25:27] <[Saint]> o/ [05:26:04] *** Quits: rvcjew (6cb90c89@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:46:09] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:46:17] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:05:47] *** Joins: go2m (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) [08:08:49] *** Quits: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [09:46:54] *** Quits: go2m (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [14:37:28] *** Joins: eadomin (babc02cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:39:09] The first time that I tried to install Emcore, I got the screen in the ipod with the UMSboot. [14:40:31] I tried to find the 64 MB drive in my computer and found nothing. The comouter drive thengo an error an had to reboot my ipod [14:42:18] I started the proces again and now when I try to download the DFU usb driver nothing happens [14:43:18] I have the black screen but cannot get th driver to download, what should I do? [14:49:10] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:47:20] Hello? [19:36:50] Hllo, I need some help? [20:44:37] ATA error: -2147483542 after turning my ipod 160 gb of and on again [20:50:39] It also says : Press on to debug???