[00:45:53] *** Joins: Vaur (~vaur@lam06-3-82-240-162-128.fbx.proxad.net) [00:46:16] Hi ! [00:46:36] what's the project status for the ipod nano 4g ? [00:47:01] the installation page says that it's not supported by emcore [00:47:27] but the main page shows an ipod nano 4g running it [01:34:10] <[Saint]> Vaur: there isn't one. [01:34:35] <[Saint]> emCORE can be loaded, and booted, but that's it. Not being able to talk to the storage is a severely limiting factor. [01:34:48] I see [01:35:12] <[Saint]> basically, in the grand scheme of things, DAPs are dead and no one cared that much about the Nano4G to begin with. [01:35:35] DAPs ? [01:36:24] <[Saint]> Digital Audio Players [01:36:26] so I can give up on my ipod ever running linux ? [01:37:03] <[Saint]> it wouldn't have done so even with emCORE and Rockbox, so, yes. [01:37:31] s/linux/anything else/ [01:38:08] <[Saint]> Well, you can run emCORE on it, but you won't be able to do anything you would consider to be useful, so, yeah, probably. [01:39:44] humm, any hope that it will change in the futur ? if it's just time that is needed I can wait [01:40:01] <[Saint]> No. [01:40:07] ok :( [01:40:12] <[Saint]> Not unless you were to take on the project yourself. [01:40:24] <[Saint]> No one is working on it at this stage (and haven't been for a long time). [01:41:58] <[Saint]> Blame Apple for that one. [01:41:59] I know C but I have no experience in reverse engineering [01:42:09] yeah [01:42:18] I've got it before I knew apple was bad [01:42:50] <[Saint]> Ever since the iPod Nano 2G iPods have been resembling iPhones much more than the original iPods, and they went to some fairly great lengths to keep people out. [01:44:43] <[Saint]> Completing the Nano 4G port is certainly /possible/, it is just very non-trivial work, for very little gain (you really have to love what you do, and hate yourself...), and no one at this stage is doing so. [01:45:18] <[Saint]> The main problem with the iPod Nano devices can't be remedied, so people hate them. [01:45:58] <[Saint]> Most of us have hundreds to thousands of GB of lossless audio, and the storage on the Nano devices is laughable at best. [01:47:04] <[Saint]> My honest advice to you would be to sell it. [01:47:22] <[Saint]> Sell it, put some money together, and get an iPod Classic 6/7G while you still can. [01:47:25] that's kinda why I wanted to run something else on my nano [01:47:45] <[Saint]> Well, running another firmware on it won't give you more storage... [01:47:52] to encode my audio files into something else then mp3 [01:51:45] <[Saint]> But, yeah, if you like the idea of software freedom and a kickass audio player (Rockbox) - Get an iPod Classic [01:51:58] <[Saint]> Or, an iPod Video, but those are getting hard to find. [01:52:22] <[Saint]> Yes they are expensive. [01:52:28] <[Saint]> No you will not regret it. [01:52:29] <[Saint]> :) [01:53:13] humm [01:53:46] <[Saint]> head over to www.rockbox.org to check out your options [01:53:47] not really sure I'd go for another apple product ever again [01:54:03] <[Saint]> They're just so well made. [01:54:23] <[Saint]> And they're virtually impossible to destroy by user software accident. [01:56:12] I've had good experience with archos product sadly they dont make the kind of product I used [01:57:26] <[Saint]> A lot of people seem to go for the Sansa Clip variant devices. [01:57:55] <[Saint]> They're cheap, and actually quite powerful, reasonably robust, with a decent audio profile. [01:59:26] <[Saint]> Or you could go to the opposite end of the scale with the iBasso D* series players, which are foolishly expensive, and very well crafted. [01:59:59] <[Saint]> Based on audio profile alone, and no other metric, the iPod Classic devices are pretty hard to beat. [02:17:51] is sony stuff any good ? [02:18:34] I'm reading a review and I like the feature described [02:19:30] and then I saw the price ... [06:42:41] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:42:44] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [10:46:32] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:52:40] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@