[00:13:26] my whole life has been a lie :) [00:14:05] i thought we always create one, or at least reserve the space for it [00:14:21] nope [00:14:33] it's just the BBT code that bails out first if the disk isn't accessible ;) [00:14:43] (while it tries to check if one is present) [00:14:59] in this case, can we make the sector 0 error more meaningful? [00:15:42] something like - can't read the first sector of your media. pleae check the hardware/connection/etc. [00:16:38] well, it's the "read sector bypassing BBT" function (which is only used for reading BBT metadata of course) that fails [00:17:02] we could of course make that generate a different error message if it's the very first access that fails [06:37:23] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:37:31] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:04:07] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [10:45:26] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:46:59] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [13:21:00] *** Joins: fred_ (bc660b5e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [13:21:24] *** fred_ is now known as Guest46644 [13:36:24] Hey there! I'm modding my 7g ipod with a 500gb ssd. i've already reformated the msata ssd with fat32 and put it in the ipod. emcore and rockbox was previously installed, so now with the replaced ssd should i restore the ipod with itunes or can i use the reformat function in the emcore bootloader? [13:43:04] Guest46644: if you're going to use it wirk emcore/rockbox, you can just use the emcore's reformat, then reinstall rockbox using the fallback image option [13:43:21] with* [13:44:24] great!!! thanks for your time! :) [13:51:39] So how long does it should it take to reformat a 500gb ssd? 30min#ß [13:51:41] ? [13:57:13] no idea really [13:57:28] it's a quick format, so no more than 10 seconds [13:57:37] we don't physically erase the whole media [13:58:07] just create an empty FAT32 FS [13:58:51] in theory, if you have formatted it as a FAT32 without MBR (so-called superfloppy formatting), it should work as is [14:03:41] strange... i did reformat the ssd in my laptop with aomei... and now emcore is reformating the drive for at least 15min [14:09:49] ok i did reboot the ipod and the fallback rockbox img returns a panic message: ata error 8000000 while reading BBT (sector 0,count 1) [14:23:04] ok the ipod definitly hangs itself during reformating the drive as the clock stops the minute i started the reformating. [15:08:09] <[7]> looks like it has trouble accessing the SSD [15:08:29] <[7]> are you sure that all connectors are seated properly etc.? [15:08:58] <[7]> (I've also seen reports of compatibility problems with some SSD models, the cause of which is still unknown) [15:09:28] ok this required some reformatting with aomei. i'm using a samsung 500gb 850evo ssd just fyi. so emcore froze every time i was trying to reformate the drive. so i put it into my laptop, reformated the ssd and put back into the ipod again. [15:10:29] <[7]> can the ipod access it now? [15:11:22] <[7]> I'd actually be surprised if this would help - the ata error message suggests a problem accessing the SSD *at all*, way before the filesystem is being looked at [15:12:20] now it works like a charm... but yes [7] i've had a similar issue with my sdxc mod on my 5gen ipod. but this time i checked if the drive cable was probperly seated. [15:13:23] <[7]> I'm wondering if this is going to work stable or just intermittently [15:13:24] yeah the hdd cable is a bit tricky to work with... [15:13:44] <[7]> might well be that our FAT formatting code has issues with drives >160GB as it was designed with ipod disks in mind [15:13:51] <[7]> but that doesn't explain the ATA error at all [15:14:24] well right now i'm pretty sure it was the cable. i've rebooted the ipod several times now and never got the error again... so kudos to you [15:15:11] so what is the preferred sector size? while formating in fat32 [15:15:28] <[7]> 32K at that media size [15:16:04] thanks again for your time! :) [15:16:05] <[7]> I remember Tarkan Akdam (the developer of those SD/mSATA adapters) reporting massive issues with Samsung SSDs, while Crucial ones worked much better... this has never been fully figured out, but we were suspecting that the iPod has trouble coping with the SSD's peak power draw [15:18:11] yeah i read that too on his page. i curious if this will be an issue during file transfer. 3d-Vnand is supposed to be less power hungry but i'm still not so sure. [23:08:40] *** Quits: Guest46644 (bc660b5e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)