[05:10:07] *** Joins: Riseagainst (d8b9fb93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:10:40] *** Quits: Riseagainst (d8b9fb93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [05:11:03] *** Joins: RiseAgainst (d8b9fb93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:13:03] *** Quits: RiseAgainst (d8b9fb93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [05:20:35] *** Joins: riseagainst (d8b9fb93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:23:11] So I am attempting to install rockbox on my recently rebuilt ipod classic 6th generation. I repaired a number of things on it but the major change i made to the ipod was swapping out the harddrive with a sd card adapter/sdcard. [05:23:40] The problem I am having is that after i eject the ipod i get the following [05:24:07] *panic* error formatting hard drive 8000001C [05:27:12] I have no doubt my hard drive replacement is causing issues with the installation i am wondering if there is anything i can do to modify the installation process that will allow it to overlook the hard dive discrepency. The whole setup works with the stock apple OS so im sure im just a few small quickfixes away from getting this to work [05:27:48] crossing my fingers that this support chat is still monitered ;) [05:28:15] Thanks in advance [05:28:27] <[Saint]> What emCORE version is this? And - did you format this card manually to FAT32 prior to installing it in the device? [05:29:03] <[Saint]> If you're using any of Tarkan's emCORE or Rockbox files - dpn't. [05:29:09] <[Saint]> *don't [05:32:13] <[Saint]> From the sound of things the card is larger than 128GB, yes? And you restored it with iTunes during this process? [05:33:07] <[Saint]> riseagainst: ...you there hun? [05:33:14] i do believe i formatted the drive to fat 32. its a 64 gb sd card. and ive been following the wiki up to this point [05:33:22] <[Saint]> hum. [05:33:56] emCORE r859 (2012-01-02) [05:34:49] <[Saint]> Do you have iTunes available to initiate a restore? [05:35:11] <[Saint]> force DFU mode and see if iTunes is willing and able to perform a restore. [05:35:24] <[Saint]> it should prompt to restore a device in DFU mode automatically. [05:35:37] i have the setup file here somwhere [05:36:36] it did y [05:36:36] <[Saint]> The basic rule of thumb is that if iTunes is willing to restore this device then there's no good reason why emCORE shouldn't address it after the fact. [05:36:58] the restore worked when i tried this a coiple weeks ago [05:41:13] it is indeed asking to restore the ipod [05:45:01] succesfully restored [06:02:04] after attemting the installation again i have gotten to the boot menu! Thanks for the input! :) [06:10:30] okay so now when i select the 'rockbox' option i get the standard rockbox.ipod file missing error then i get a *panic* ATA: Error 80000003 while reading BBT (sector 0, count 1) [06:31:10] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [06:32:37] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:40:12] So now that i finally found some more modern chat logs I realize this means it for some reason cant even read the very first sector of the SD card [07:54:21] riseagainst: yes, exactly. TheSeven might be able to further help you [09:48:22] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [12:20:24] riseagainst: yes, the behavior that you're describing suggests that emCORE has trouble accessing the SD card at all [12:20:58] and if emCORE does so, rockbox will likely behave similarly [12:23:29] the likely cause for that was fixed in emCORE r965, which wasn't officially released yet [12:24:14] user890104: want to send him a dev build? [12:26:22] rockbox latest builds should already include the necessary patches [12:54:59] TheSeven: i need to check where i store these [12:55:48] ah, here it is: http://files.freemyipod.org/~build/apps/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [12:56:19] riseagainst: please use this file instead the original .ubi file from the tutorial, and redo the installation [12:56:55] that's r968, if my build script is correct [15:25:36] *** Quits: riseagainst (d8b9fb93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)