[06:40:36] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:40:45] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:02:24] *** Joins: Gabe_ (544b463b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:03:56] Hi guys. I have a small question, maybe someone has a hint for me to get me on the right track [08:05:03] My harddrive broke down (once again) on my ipod classic (latest gen) so i went for the msata adapter from tarkan.info and today i got around to swap my dead drive with it [08:06:25] so far so good, after turning it on again emcore told me no partition found. so i restored it with itunes and was able to see my free space, i went ahead and installed emcore to use rockbox (did that process with 4 ipods the last few years.) [08:07:38] Now i have the issue that i can't copy rockbox or anything on my ipod, so i went ahead and tried to reformat the data partition in emcore, sadly it fails straight away with: *PANIC* Error formatting hard drive: 80000058 [08:08:55] Thanks in advance for any input (it's 7am here and i'm heading to bed, but will leave the webchat open, hope it wont disconnect me as i don't have an irc client on the machine i'm on.) [08:17:34] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [11:52:05] Gabe_: [7] should be able to help you finding the cause for this error 80000058 [11:52:54] it's obviously related to the storage driver, but looks like it did some initializing and it fails somewhere deeper in the code [17:49:10] I tried to delete the partition and now i'm getting FS mount error: 8000000A and error formatting hard drive: 8000005A i'm slowly assuming i need to get the drive out of the ipod again and find a way to do a proper low level formatting [17:58:44] low level formatting (with the ipod connected to the pc via usb) fails with umcore error *PANIC* diskmode: Send block overrun! [20:46:26] ouch [21:05:20] *** Joins: Gabe__ (544b463b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:06:07] (browser crashed) [21:07:39] *** Quits: Gabe_ (544b463b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)