[06:31:38] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:31:47] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:38:44] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [14:39:54] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [21:41:10] *** Joins: ParkerR (~ParkerR@unaffiliated/parkerr) [21:42:15] user890104, What's the last build available for the Nano4G? I see the logs on the build page but everu one just says "make: Nothing to be done for `all'." [21:42:25] *every [21:59:49] ParkerR: what do you mean by "build"? emCORE build? [22:00:24] user890104, I was reading up and it seemed it was at least possible to boot an image into RAM [22:00:35] I didn't know if there was still a way to do this [22:00:37] yes, that's right [22:01:18] Its mainly just curiosity. I understand it wont do much if anything but just wanted to play around with it [22:01:25] <[Saint]> Beep out Super Mario theme... [22:01:40] ok, i can help you run it [22:01:50] do you have python and pyusb installed? [22:01:55] And I am running Linux if that helps :) [22:02:00] I can heh [22:02:10] 2 or 3? [22:03:03] 3 should be fine [22:03:48] I only see 2 available https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python2-pyusb/ [22:04:23] <[Saint]> U used to get it from sourceforge [22:04:27] <[Saint]> *I [22:05:12] http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyusb/ ? [22:05:20] This uses that https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-pyusb-git/ [22:05:46] Ok its installed [22:06:32] ok, do you know how to enter DFU mode? [22:06:34] <[7]> ParkerR: you asked for a notes exploit example: http://www.datafilehost.com/get.php?file=39def280 [22:06:45] <[7]> put that in the notes dir on your ipod, then eject [22:06:55] <[7]> that's what we're using to fire up emcore builds for testing [22:07:45] user890104, Disk mode or is there an actual DFU mode? [22:07:52] Ive only done it on the iPod Touches [22:08:30] <[Saint]> Press and hold menu+select for ~12s [22:08:31] ParkerR: there's an actual low-level disk mode, but [7]'s approach is easier [22:08:45] <[7]> there's an actual DFU mode, but IIRC we can't initialize RAM and LCD from there yet [22:08:47] <[Saint]> And, yes, yes it is. [22:09:07] just get the file, put it in the Notes dir, eject - you're done [22:09:30] <[Saint]> Why the fuck did they not patch that out? [22:09:46] to go back to regular boot, reset the ipod with menu+select, then immediately hold down select+down until it enters disk mode [22:09:48] <[Saint]> It's not like we kept it a secret. [22:09:52] <[Saint]> They surely knew [22:09:54] then delete the file in Notes [22:09:54] <[7]> they just don't care anymore - there hasn't been an update for that device since the notes exploit discovery IIRC [22:10:10] <[Saint]> Hm, granted. [22:10:37] [7]: are you sure about the LCD, it works on mine [22:10:43] Hmm I did udisksctl unmount --block-device /dev/sdb1 [22:10:51] <[7]> huh? do we know how to configure the PMU for that? [22:10:51] Ill try eject from the file manager [22:11:21] <[7]> (it's been years since I played with that, so I might not be up to date ;) [22:11:24] <[Saint]> I think Farthen did some work on it since not knowing how to set up PMU no [22:11:26] IIRC the init code for different lcds is in our source code, with the untested ones commented out [22:11:28] <[Saint]> +? [22:11:48] <[Saint]> Or was it you user890104? [22:11:48] so i just tested it on mine, it was working, so i uncommented it and pushed it to the svn :) [22:11:59] <[Saint]> Ah, you. [22:12:09] Ok its ejcted and plugged in [22:12:11] Farthen did the work, i just enabled the code for my LCD type [22:12:12] At the main menu [22:12:34] Is it supposed to auto reboot? [22:12:44] <[7]> user890104: I'm wondering if we can even turn on the LCD's power supply from DFU yet [22:13:06] <[7]> hm, stuck in a boot loop? probably a broken notes file then... [22:13:13] No not stuck [22:13:20] It just enjected and went to the main menu [22:13:25] *ejected [22:13:29] <[Saint]> that's intended. [22:13:29] Hasnt done anything [22:13:37] Load the file now? [22:13:42] which firmware version do you have? [22:13:46] <[7]> try to view it, yes [22:14:02] it should reboot immediately after ejecting [22:14:03] <[7]> but it should really run into it right after ejecting [22:14:03] 1.0.4 [22:14:05] and show emcore [22:14:09] <[7]> maybe they *did* fix it after all? ;) [22:14:13] ok, i guess you either need to downgrade [22:14:21] or use the DFU approach [22:14:28] [7]: they fixed it a long time ago [22:14:36] <[Saint]> Well...fuck me. 1.0.4? Really? [22:14:40] there's even info on our wiki how to downgrade :) [22:14:42] <[Saint]> Huh. So they did. [22:14:49] <[7]> heh, I'm outdatey ;) [22:14:52] <[7]> outdated* [22:14:55] <[Saint]> Same. [22:15:00] <[7]> guess that firmware never made it onto my device ;) [22:15:15] <[Saint]> Nor I apparently. [22:15:23] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Firmware_downgrading [22:15:27] "The 1.0.4 firmware release for the nano 4g has patched the notes vulnerability. Do not upgrade to it (there are no new features). I would suggest not upgrading any other iPods either as of August 21. If you already upgraded to 1.0.4, use this file for the instructions above. " [22:15:29] Heh [22:15:45] Will do thanks [22:16:18] <[Saint]> Just force DFU. Might as well see if we can answer the question of whether or not it's set up to knit the LCD properly. [22:16:28] <[Saint]> *init [22:16:40] So long hold menu and select and then what key combo? [22:16:47] I know select and left is diag menu [22:16:57] <[7]> just menu+select for 12 seconds [22:17:00] <[Saint]> Just menu+select [22:17:04] Ahh [22:17:13] <[Saint]> It'll look like it powers off [22:17:14] From powered off or on? [22:17:19] <[7]> (let go between the 2nd and 3rd reboot cycle, one of which happens every 5sec) [22:17:21] <[Saint]> Either. [22:17:42] <[7]> first reboot is normal, second is DFU (display off), third is normal again [22:17:47] <[Saint]> If its off it'll just power up first. [22:18:00] [324104.025895] usb 1-4: new high-speed USB device number 16 using ehci-pci [22:18:02] Were good [22:18:06] <[7]> lsusb? [22:18:10] Bus 001 Device 016: ID 05ac:1225 Apple, Inc. iPod Nano 4.Gen (DFU mode) [22:18:13] <[7]> yep [22:18:18] <[Saint]> Huzzah [22:18:45] Ok now what? :) [22:19:03] <[7]> ipoddfu.py with some .dfu file [22:19:12] i guess we need a .dfu file [22:19:14] Links? [22:19:49] i found one which looks like it was built by me for the homepage photo of nano4g running the bootmenu [22:19:58] but i'm going to test it on my device first [22:20:11] <[7]> I ran across this while checking our server: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodnano4g/bootstrap-ipodnano4g.dfu [22:20:21] <[7]> the file name looks like it's an umsboot build for nano4g [22:20:26] yes, exactly [22:20:32] Ok will wait [22:20:50] <[7]> but the .ubi file right next to it seems to be a dead symlink or something [22:21:42] <[7]> IIUC that .dfu would also include powerup and SDRAM/LCD init code? [22:22:10] <[7]> guess this might be a working emcore build: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/emcore/emcore-ipodnano4g.bin (rename to .ubi) [22:22:47] http://pastie.org/pastes/10370889/text?key=lueafzpxldcjfy6ww3m8rq [22:24:04] looks like i made some kind of a semi-automated build system at some point [22:24:11] but half of the links are dead [22:26:00] http://pastie.org/pastes/10370893/text [22:26:36] <[Saint]> user890104: I recall that. It involved you leaving your N4G plugged and accessible did it not? [22:29:21] * user890104 wonders why zadig doesn't find his ipod [22:29:37] Haha Ive had this one terminal session running for so long I forgot I installed gnu-pricing. http://pastie.org/pastes/10370899/text [22:29:37] [Saint]: yes, for the AES crypto part [22:30:00] I only exported it manually [22:31:10] <[Saint]> user890104: zadig is a giant hunk of shit. [22:32:18] :O same guy that made rufus [22:32:27] [Saint]: but it just works [22:39:01] ParkerR [7]: ok, the dfu file works [22:39:04] http://i.imgur.com/NvyVnyq.jpg [22:39:35] Ok so what do I need to use to push the dfu file [22:40:52] svn checkout svn://svn.freemyipod.org/ [22:41:49] then go to tools/ipoddfu/ and run: python ipoddfu.py /bootstrap-ipodnano4g.dfu [22:43:07] then download the file that [7] linked to, rename it to emcore.ubi, and copy it to the UMSboot drive [22:43:32] :D It booted it [22:43:34] Copying file [22:44:41] No usable boot options [22:44:47] Waiting for USB commands :D [22:46:17] <[Saint]> user890104: except when it doesn't huh? [22:46:20] <[Saint]> ;) [22:46:24] ParkerR: ok, here you go [22:46:55] you can go to emcore/tools/ and run python emcore.py [22:47:00] to see all the commands [22:47:33] <[Saint]> You can break precisely nothing. Which is nice. [22:47:51] <[Saint]> It's entirely unfuckable. [22:47:53] unless you write to the PMU registers [22:48:08] <[7]> ...or other stuff that we don't know about [22:48:12] <[Saint]> Well even that's unfuckable technically speaking. [22:48:14] basicly, don't use i2cwrite :) [22:48:20] <[7]> but yeah, hard to break something by accident [22:48:29] I have an emcore/ with the sources and tools/ but no emcore in tools [22:48:39] uhm .. emcore/trunk/tools [22:48:40] <[7]> emcore/tools/ [22:48:44] Ahh [22:50:22] http://pastie.org/pastes/10370936/text [22:50:25] <[Saint]> piezo works here no? [22:50:38] <[Saint]> Show him the beeper code. He'll wet himself. [22:50:49] [Saint]: i don't think so [22:50:55] <[Saint]> Awwww. [22:50:56] only on n2g and classics [22:51:17] i tried to make it work, but it's complicated [22:51:28] Neat getprocinfo worked [22:52:28] http://pastie.org/pastes/10370943/text [22:53:05] Doesnt seem to support any filesystem commands [22:53:07] ls find etc [22:53:20] yes [22:53:27] we have no access to the storage [22:53:52] Thanks for the help :D Now I have something to play with [22:53:52] you can find a sample emcore app in apps/helloworld [22:54:09] it uses our api, which isn't really documented [22:54:12] Does that get copied over somehow? [22:54:38] emcore.py run yourapp.emcoreapp [22:54:52] Ahh [22:55:36] in theory you can run the bootmenu [22:55:50] you need to either patch emcore's clickwheel driver, or libui [22:56:21] but since we don't have a driver for the clickwheel, you won't be able to control it at all [22:56:48] you can kill processes (threads actually) with emcore.py killthread [22:57:42] Ahh I need the arm gcc to compile helloworld [22:58:57] <[Saint]> Nos you're one of like....4 or 5 people ever to run third party code on a N4G. [22:59:02] <[Saint]> *now [22:59:12] Would arm-none-eabi-binutils-2.25.1-1 arm-none-eabi-gcc-5.2.0-1 works or do I need the elf? [22:59:23] *work [23:00:10] Ahh it does not compile with arm-none [23:00:11] it's easier to use the TNT2 toolchain [23:00:34] https://github.com/EliasOenal/TNT [23:01:33] on our build server, it's installed in toolchains/TNT, and i have the following shell alias: [23:01:36] alias fmi='PATH=$PATH:/home/build/toolchains/TNT/bin:/home/build/freemyipod/tools CROSS=arm-none-eabi-' [23:01:55] then when i run some build script or make, i prefix it with "fmi" [23:02:00] So I just run the sh to compile it? [23:02:05] yes [23:02:27] i was explaining how to use after you install it [23:02:55] Yeah I got that [23:03:08] Im pretty familiar with Linux [23:04:36] ok, great [23:05:50] Been using it off an on (mostly on) since about 2009 [23:06:15] the tricky part is that in order to compile an emcore app, you need elf2emcoreapp from /tools [23:06:58] in order to build it, you need a version of binutils which is compatible [23:07:28] [parker@x3720 tools]$ pacman -Q binutils [23:07:28] binutils 2.25.1-3 [23:08:32] well, you need binutils for ARM i guess [23:08:39] Ahh heh [23:09:35] user890104, Packages (1) arm-none-eabi-binutils-2.25.1-1 [23:09:53] Does the toolchain not include binutils? [23:09:54] that's why one of the ways to obtain a usable headers+binaries is to run rockbox's toolchain installer, and either comment out the part that deletes build-binutils, or pause/kill the script before it deletes it, and use the produced files [23:10:13] i'm not sure about that, we used to build emcore with rockbox's toolchain [23:10:22] then [7] switched to TNT [23:11:01] honestly, i'm using an elf2emcore binary built by him, because i wasn't able to build it myself [23:11:25] it was either missing symbols, or crashed when run [23:11:25] Heh [23:11:31] 64bit? [23:11:36] Might as well shoot it my way [23:11:50] no, 32bit [23:12:00] Worth a shot if it really is that difficult to get compiled [23:12:03] Ahh [23:12:03] you can try to compile it for 64bit if you like [23:12:38] 32bit server what year is this :D [23:13:18] it's 64bit but [7]'s build of elf2emcoreapp is 32 [23:13:23] build@freemyipod:~/freemyipod-extra$ file arm-none-eabi-elf2emcoreapp [23:13:23] arm-none-eabi-elf2emcoreapp: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, BuildID[sha1]=0x1ac32416cc0d4c33f4fcd91dc9d31c2f4b217a76, not stripped [23:13:28] Oh so it should work [23:13:32] yes [23:14:08] I guess upload it comewhere and Ill try [23:14:12] *somewhere [23:14:22] Tollshan still compiling [23:14:24] *Tool [23:15:32] http://files.freemyipod.org/misc/arm-elf-eabi-elf2emcoreapp [23:16:05] Usage: ./arm-elf-eabi-elf2emcoreapp [vrzd] [-p ] [-s stack-size] [-o ] [23:16:06] Works [23:16:22] So just throw that somewhere in $PATH? [23:20:43] Crap... just realized I forgot to modify the toolchain.sh to use more than one core... I might be here for abit [23:40:33] ParkerR: in the meantime, you can download http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/freemyipod/apps/emcore-libpng-bootmenu-ipodnano4g.ubi [23:40:53] it's the development version of a bootmenu for ipod nano 4g [23:41:07] which, at the moment, does nothing but showing the background [23:41:10] Ok so copy that to the dfu mode thing as emcore.ubi? [23:41:22] yes, or just leave the name as-is [23:41:36] it only requires the file extension to be .ubi [23:42:19] Ahh [23:42:35] since we have accelerometer driver but no clickwheel driver for nano4g, my idea was to navigate the menu by tilting the device :) [23:43:00] but i never finished it [23:43:42] did you upload the file to your device? [23:45:29] Naah not yet [23:45:39] Helping somebody else with wifi in Linux heh [23:46:02] it actually runs emcore, so you can use emcore.py to communicate with the device after you see the menu background [23:46:06] <[Saint]> Step 1: set wireless hardware on fire [23:46:15] <[Saint]> Fin. [23:46:37] <[Saint]> That's my experience with wireless in Arch. [23:46:42] [Saint], Its is Broadcom.. [23:46:47] So yeah fire is the best option [23:46:48] Runs better [23:48:09] [7]: any idea why this fails? http://pastie.org/pastes/10371064/text [23:48:24] user890104, We have image! [23:48:24] <[Saint]> The myriad of cheap shitty Chinese silicon that reports as realtek but isn't. That's real fun. [23:48:34] <[Saint]> Don't buy $2 WiFi dongles folks. [23:48:40] <[Saint]> Anyway.... [23:49:13] <[7]> I've seen that before [23:49:17] <[7]> gcc bug [23:49:27] <[7]> CFLAGS=-ffat-lto-objects or something like that helped [23:50:18] CFLAGS_release := $(FLTO) -Os -fno-pie -fno-stack-protector -fomit-frame-pointer $(CFLAGS_RELEASE) [23:50:29] that's at the moment [23:53:25] ok, this fixed it [23:53:46] let's see if my SVN key still works...