[00:01:46] user890104, :) http://i.imgur.com/2RccpU4.jpg [00:02:21] ok, that's a good start [00:02:35] i can pack the source code for this if you want [00:03:55] or i can send you a patch to the current svn head [00:04:09] Patch for what? [00:04:16] I wasnt planning to dabble in the source anyways :) [00:04:32] Im not quite there yet [00:05:02] ah, ok then [00:07:16] so what's your plan then? the emcore.py script alone is somehow boring without filesystem access [00:09:32] user890104, Thats about it lol. I ghavent really gotten into programming yet [00:09:38] I just love seeing exploits in action [00:10:21] The TIFF exploit back on the 1.1.1 iPod Touch 1G and also the PSP... good times [00:10:30] i see. well, it works, and there's no way for apple or anyone else to patch this one on affected devices [00:11:08] user890104, Thanks for the help. I have a great starting point if I do decide to delve into things [00:11:42] no problem, you're welcome [00:18:40] user890104, Wth I dont have a bin folder in TNT [00:19:21] binutils-2.25 build-binutils build-gcc build-newlib gcc-4.9.2 gcc-multilib.patch newlib- newlib-lto.patch README [00:19:22] binutils-2.25.tar.gz build-binutils.complete build-gcc.complete build-newlib.complete gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2 newlib-2.1.0_libgloss_regression.patch newlib- newlib-optimize.patch toolchain.sh [00:19:38] I ran the toolchain.sh by itself [00:19:46] ah, i used --prefix=~/toolchains/TNT [00:19:54] so it doesn't install in /usr/local [00:20:07] that's where the bin folder came from [00:20:10] Well where did it install to then? [00:20:14] I didnt run it as root [00:20:26] Weird [00:20:58] PREFIX="$HOME/toolchain" [00:21:18] so it should be $HOME/toolchain/bin [00:21:50] Im just goning to redo this anyways. Made a mess of the filesystem [00:21:54] *going [01:17:50] This makes me miss my old iPod Mini [01:17:53] Aqua blue [01:18:06] iPod Linux was freaking awesome [06:30:18] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:30:24] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:49:07] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [14:49:44] *** [Saint] is now known as saint_iz_ded [14:51:40] *** saint_iz_ded is now known as [Saint] [17:38:19] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [17:46:49] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [19:54:39] *** Joins: stryker (5cfb4177@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:55:01] hi all, anyone here who can help me ? [20:01:46] oh just read the don't ask to ask:P trying to install emcore and I installed with the driver only method (i.e. installed applicationsupport only), but after booting in DFU mode windows can't find the driver. I'm using win10 not sure if its the cause? [20:04:56] i think i stumbled upon the solution at the Emcore site: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUNoiTunes [20:11:27] *** Quits: stryker (5cfb4177@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [20:12:09] *** Joins: stryker (5cfb4177@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:15:14] managed to install the dfu driver from Emcore site but when i run bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes it says cannot find dfu device [20:18:33] stryker: the driver you installed is for the other installation method [20:18:56] we do not provide an itunes-compatible drivers, those are released only by Apple :) [20:19:36] are they included with the AppleApplicationSupport64.msi [20:19:41] ? [20:23:17] yes, it's exactly that [20:24:01] for some reason win10 doesnt install the driver. im going to try the process on another pc with win7 [20:24:21] ah sorry, it's AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi [20:24:31] aa oops [20:29:10] ok seemed to work. is it normal that the screen is all like white noise after i ran the bootstrap? [20:32:19] yes, it happens for some classic models [20:32:26] i think something gone wrong, the usb mass storage driver has an ! and this is its status: [20:32:27] This device cannot start. (Code 10) {Device Timeout} The specified I/O operation on %hs was not completed before the time-out period expired. [20:32:39] as long as the installer is displayed correctly, it's ok [20:32:55] uhm, please retry the installation [20:33:01] it happens from time to time [20:33:04] so i just disconnect it ? [20:33:15] yes, and reboot it with menu+select [20:33:17] or reboot with the menu+middle button ? [20:33:19] then start over [20:33:20] k [20:35:22] ok so now the 64mb drive appeared, however the console app said error 996, overlapped io event is not in a signaled state [20:35:42] +messagebox umsboot has been launched [20:36:28] just try to upload the installer, and eject using right-click on the device [20:37:08] not sure if i should ask this here, but is this the part where i put the .rockbox folder in the device? [20:37:28] follow the instructions step by step [20:37:41] they include the rockbox installation [20:37:48] i am at the download part [20:37:57] of emcore [20:38:25] which tutorial are you following? [20:38:48] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot [20:39:17] thats the right one?, right? [20:40:02] yes [20:40:21] k now this ill put in drive: installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102 [20:40:36] yes [20:41:18] k got the boot menu on the pod :) [20:43:15] said no .rockbox directory [20:43:50] and now it re-connected as a device (not 64mb) full hdd [20:45:08] ok, continue with the instructions [20:45:24] and pay attention to the red text, it's there for a reason :) [20:45:48] i know just stopped looking at the instructions i tought i was done :P [20:46:38] yeah, that's why we put the red text [20:52:25] yay im done :) [20:53:09] thanks very much for the help and patience [21:18:47] *** Quits: stryker (5cfb4177@gateway/web/freenode/ip. ()