[01:11:08] *** Joins: kennakr (c730f22c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:14:18] When selecting Rockbox option from the emCore boot menu I get ATA error 80000003 while reading BBT (sector 0, count 1) [01:17:03] <[Saint]> That basically means that Rockbox can't read from the storage volume. [01:17:14] *** Joins: kennakr_ (c730f22c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:17:15] <[Saint]> You don't have one of those fucky Tarkan adapter plates do you? [01:17:35] Yes I do [01:17:52] *** Quits: kennakr_ (c730f22c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [01:18:25] <[Saint]> And you used his supplied emCORE and Rockbox packages I guess? [01:19:14] No, I used the links from freemyipod.org [01:20:37] <[Saint]> One sec hun, uploading. [01:21:41] <[Saint]> http://www.datafilehost.com/d/681fb013 :: installer-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.ubi [01:21:41] <[Saint]> installer-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.ubi :: rockbox-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.zip [01:21:47] <[Saint]> bah. [01:22:04] <[Saint]> http://www.datafilehost.com/d/91aeb1ef :: rockbox-ipodclassic-with-all-patches.zip [01:22:24] <[7]> have these been upstreamed by now? [01:22:34] <[7]> (apart from the USB one) [01:22:46] <[Saint]> AFAIK, no. [01:23:39] <[Saint]> Those files are the builds you pushed out a while ago to get around this Tarkan bullshit. [01:23:56] <[7]> yeah, but I think the ATA fixes have been committed by now [01:24:22] <[7]> tbh this isn't to be blamed on Tarkan, it's actually our code that had the bugs ;) [01:24:34] <[Saint]> I had another guy with the same issues with the latest emCORE release and a Rockbox git head binary, and this fixed it for him. [01:24:42] <[Saint]> So perhaps it is merely masking the real issue? [01:24:43] <[7]> interesting [01:25:12] <[7]> nah we know what exactly is going on with these tarkan adapters - it's voltage on the data lines still being applied after powering the drive down [01:25:26] <[Saint]> Well...we'll know in a minute or two either way I guess. [01:25:39] <[Saint]> It'll be interesting if this does work for OP as well. [01:26:06] <[Saint]> If all these patches are indeed in upstream for both projects, figuring out the difference might be an interesting endeavour. [01:26:21] <[7]> http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/#/c/897/ [01:26:25] <[7]> this is the relevant one [01:26:31] <[7]> and that has indeed landed quite a while ago [01:26:49] <[7]> almost exactly a year ago [01:27:13] <[Saint]> One sec...there was something else I wanted to bring up. [01:27:15] <[Saint]> Lemme find it. [01:29:31] <[Saint]> Ah, yes. Here we go. [01:29:42] <[Saint]> Do we know the reasoning behind http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,48640.0.html needing to exist? [01:30:07] <[Saint]> The reports seem to indicate that the ATA fix(es) from the aformentioned patch set broke CE-ATA? [01:30:37] <[7]> yes, I think a fix for that has landed as well [01:31:48] <[Saint]> Ah. Hmmmm. [01:31:56] <[Saint]> Ah. I see. He even seems to have merged it. [01:32:06] <[Saint]> I wonder why he still believes his port needs to exist. [01:32:30] <[7]> took quite a while for us to find that bug, that was broken for several months [01:32:42] <[7]> only affected ceata though [01:33:18] <[Saint]> The guy is still actively maintaining the port. Made me think there was still a reason for it to exist. [01:33:22] <[Saint]> ...interesting. [01:33:26] <[Saint]> I wonder if he knows. [01:33:36] <[7]> probably has some other patches in there [01:33:46] <[7]> (likely ones which we rejected for a reason) [01:34:25] This worked. Thanks much. [01:35:32] <[7]> kennakr: can you please also try the latest build from the regular emcore installation instructions, ignoring the fact that you have an SD mod? [01:35:54] <[7]> would be an interesting data point whether that works as well [01:36:07] OK, I'll give it a try [01:36:12] <[7]> my understanding is that disk access should work just fine - however there might be issues with USB with that build [01:36:32] <[7]> (you can always use the fallback image to put a working build on it again if that happens) [03:50:45] *** Quits: kennakr (c730f22c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [06:56:03] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:56:10] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:07:01] *** Quits: go3m (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving) [07:07:18] *** Joins: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) [09:54:44] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [09:55:05] *** slenselink__ is now known as STeeF [20:06:03] *** Joins: q1029 (92c85e2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:09:33] Hi. I'm currently trying to install rockbox on an ipod classic. I've run the bootloader and and its loaded umsboot onto the ipod but the UMSboot drive does not appear at which point it says to come here for help. Any ideas? [20:58:10] I decided to try from scratch on a linux system and it worked must be a windows thing. [21:31:57] *** Quits: q1029 (92c85e2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)