[05:13:13] *** Joins: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) [06:35:55] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:36:02] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:02:54] *** Quits: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving) [17:53:50] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:56:02] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [20:41:29] *** Joins: paulw_ (d89ee86e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:46:40] Hi! I have installed Rockbox on my iPod and I'm having no luck copying Playlists to my iPod that are created with MediaMonkey. Is the Rockbox Playlist capability limited to Playlists created on the Rockbox iPod? [20:48:48] <[Saint]> No. [20:49:36] <[Saint]> Playlists, all playlists, are just plain text lists of relative paths. [20:49:49] <[Saint]> No magic there I'm afraid. [20:51:16] <[Saint]> paulw_: if you would like to read the manual, see http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-build.html [20:52:04] <[Saint]> (it's for the iPod 5G/5.5G (Video) {the Classic has no manual due to the target status}, but it is feature identical to the iPod Classic - barring unimplemented features) [20:52:36] <[Saint]> Working with playlists, and, well...damn near everything, is detailed there. [20:53:01] I'm trying to drag-n-drop Playlists from MediaMonkey onto my iPod. I'm seeing in MediaMonkey the device "My iPod", which comes from the old Apple firmware. In addition, I see [20:53:56] <[Saint]> You're aware that the playlists have to have the same relative paths on both devices, yes? [20:54:04] <[Saint]> also - your comment clipped hun. [20:54:25] <[Saint]> "[2015 10 09 06:53:01] I'm trying to drag-n-drop Playlists from MediaMonkey onto my iPod. I'm seeing in MediaMonkey the device "My iPod", which comes from the old Apple firmware. In addition, I see " [20:55:58] a drive identified as G:\[UPNP] which is the Rockbox iPod. Where do I drop the MM Playlist? My choices are .apps, .rockbox,iPod_Control or Playlists. II [20:56:21] I have tried Playlists but nothing shows up on my iPod. [20:56:48] <[Saint]> Honestly, it doesn't matter at all where you put it. But generally speaking, don't touch .apps or .rockbox [20:57:27] <[Saint]> I think you might need to do some reading of our fine manual before trying to charge blindly into an unknown. [20:58:24] <[Saint]> The 'Playlists' folder there is just for the playlists catalogue, however playlists don't need to live there exclusively. [20:58:31] Well, under iPod_Control I see "Music", but this is loaded with all those Fxx subfolders (right now F00 thru F49). [20:59:32] <[Saint]> None of that should even be there. Sounds like the media player you're using is "dumb" and treated the iPod like an iPod, despite the fact that it is essentially an iPod no longer. [21:00:30] <[Saint]> Rockbox requires no media management software, in fact it only makes it more tedious. If you /did/ get playlists to export to the device properly, they would fail, because of this. [21:01:07] <[Saint]> The canonical way of working with media in Rockbox is simple drag-n-drop. [21:01:27] <[Saint]> paths must be relative for playlists. [21:02:25] <[Saint]> Rockbox will strip away sections of the path until it finds (or doesn't) a relative match. This will never happen with media files inside the iPod database with playlists created on your PC, not without some manual intervention. [21:03:30] <[Saint]> My best advice to you is to delete everything on the disk apart from .apps and .rockbox, forget that this device is an iPod, and stop trying to manage it like one, and just drag-and-drop your media folder to it. [21:04:02] <[Saint]> Treat it like it is. Generic removable storage. [21:08:38] ok. i installed rockbox, though, to copy "playlists" created in mediamonkey. but those are, i believe, mu3 files (or something like that). but even if they are simple txt files, dragging them onto the iPod does not mean that the tracks within them get copied over. [21:12:20] <[Saint]> No. It never, ever, ever will. [21:12:34] <[Saint]> I'm kinda surprised you thought it would to be honest. [21:13:17] well, i can drag-n-drop MM Playlists onto my Apple iPod without a problem. [21:13:42] <[Saint]> This is for all intents and purposes no longer an iPod. [21:13:50] <[Saint]> This is generic removable storage. [21:14:13] i get it. thanks for taking my questions. goodbye. [21:14:29] *** Quits: paulw_ (d89ee86e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:23:25] *** Joins: Jerycko (92c76016@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:24:18] Anyone available here to help me with the rockbox install on an ipod classic? [21:25:22] The installation seem to be stuck at booting... right after copying the .ubi and ejecting [21:25:40] I would really appreciate some tips :) [21:25:59] <[Saint]> what do you see on-screen? [21:26:58] white square on black background with the information to press menu+select to reboot then [21:27:17] loading UBI file... Rearranging files... Booting... [21:27:26] but nothing after that [21:27:29] <[Saint]> just reboot. [21:27:35] <[Saint]> it's fine. [21:27:56] <[Saint]> this happens sometimes...'cos...reasons. [21:28:17] Hehe I see [21:28:35] Shall I just try again? [21:28:45] This was the second time [21:29:03] <[Saint]> How are you electing the device? [21:29:07] <[Saint]> *ejecting [21:29:15] from the window explorer [21:29:25] right click eject [21:30:17] been using the files from http://www.tarkan.info/20140804/tutorials/howto-install-rockbox-on-the-ipod-classics [21:30:34] not sure if that makes any difference, but I thought it's better to mention it [21:32:01] <[Saint]> aha. that presnts a relatively unknown variable. I have no idea what he's doing or not doing. emCORE and ROckbox are both capable of supporting his shit, though. [21:32:42] <[Saint]> My gut always says to go with emCORE and Rockbox 'proper', vs. some random guy. [21:33:13] That's what I thought! [21:33:24] Shall I use this .ubi file http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 ? [21:33:30] <[Saint]> Yes. [21:33:42] Okay, let me give it a try [21:34:25] <[Saint]> The error you describe is rather similar to that which I have seen time and time again, however it is disssimilar in the fact that after forcing a reboot, Rockbox should be installed. [21:34:34] <[Saint]> This would be highly obvious to you were it the case. [21:34:41] <[Saint]> SO I suspect it is not the case. [21:34:50] <[Saint]> WHich is mildly curious. [21:36:10] Yes, it booted back into Apple OS. Let's see if that other .ubi makes it any different [21:39:29] <[Saint]> If /that/ doesn't work, I have _one_ more trick up my sleeve. [21:42:58] Sorry, I was just making usre to get all official files and foolow instructions on http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes [21:43:20] <[Saint]> No problem. [21:43:29] <[Saint]> To be honest, I'm mildly impressed. [21:43:29] I have made one attempt but now haven't been able to mount the UMSboot [21:43:38] :) [21:43:45] <[Saint]> The 'with iTunes' route is a massive clusterfuck of sorrow and woe. [21:43:56] <[Saint]> But...you got there. [21:44:00] <[Saint]> So, congrats. [21:44:57] Cheers ;) Let's save the champagne for later though! [21:45:37] <[Saint]> Is the disk spinning up at all? There's a chance it's just taking its sweet time parsing the disk. [21:45:56] <[Saint]> Oh. [21:45:59] <[Saint]> Derp. [21:46:07] <[Saint]> ...you can't tell, 'cos, CF> [21:48:06] <[Saint]> No luck yet I assume? [21:49:04] ahaaa! [21:49:06] <[Saint]> Give it another try with this .ubi file (rebooting at any point during installation is totally fine), preferably with another USB port (non-USB-3, non-front-case-mount), and if we don't have any luck getting a mount we'll move on. [21:49:08] I got further [21:49:14] <[Saint]> Aha, awesome. [21:49:27] it now says right after booting... [21:49:45] <[Saint]> seems it /was/ just parsing out the FAT table. [21:49:59] *PANIC* Undefined instruction at 0800000C! [21:50:24] <[Saint]> Interesting. [21:50:41] <[Saint]> Ok. Moving on...lets give http://www.datafilehost.com/d/855b081e a go. [21:51:08] <[Saint]> this is a pathced out emCORE .ubi that for all intents and purposes shouldn't be required by my understanding, but, lets run with it. [21:51:31] <[Saint]> Just reboot, same procedure as before. [21:51:37] oki dok! [21:55:58] Same error [21:56:18] <[Saint]> the fuck... [21:56:28] <[Saint]> TheSeven: user890104: ^ [21:57:15] <[Saint]> backstory: errors with Tarkan's .ubi, or release, and our "booyah-mega-ten-billion-pathced.ubi" [21:57:21] <[Saint]> *our [21:59:36] Hurra!! [21:59:42] <[Saint]> Magic? [21:59:43] Went through it again [21:59:51] and magic, yes :) [21:59:53] <[Saint]> Woo - magic. [22:00:06] now in the emCORE installer - Formatting [22:00:09] <[Saint]> That's a relief. [22:00:20] <[Saint]> I had no explanation for that failing. [22:01:11] It is an odd one, I haven't done anything differently [22:01:14] <[Saint]> I know the various peculiarities of the varying .ubi installers, and why some fail on some devices, but if I exhaust that revenue - I'm definitely not the man to talk to. [22:01:21] <[Saint]> So, that is indeed a good thing. [22:02:22] <[Saint]> I had a feeling our patched .ubi would be the winner, but with the way it failed and then just magically worked, I suspect that might not have been the qualifier for success. [22:02:46] *That's now the first time I go through the install. Is formatting a lengthy process? I have reset to factory just before, but it is still formatting [22:02:52] <[Saint]> anyhoo - good thing you only need to do this once and literally never ever have to update or touch emCORE ever again! :) [22:03:08] That's the idea :) [22:03:27] <[Saint]> ah. hmmm. formatting should take a couple of seconds. [22:03:27] *fingers crossed it isn't stuck now though [22:03:34] Hmm [22:03:42] <[Saint]> [22:03:51] hehe [22:04:04] reset? [22:04:20] <[Saint]> Give it a couple of minutes, we might get lucky. [22:04:26] ok [22:05:17] <[Saint]> But, yes, in a few minutes time if it has still not shown any visible sign of life, resetting is the only option. [22:06:01] <[Saint]> there's a good chance it did actually format and just fell over after the fact. these hardware adapter plates add a lot of variables. [22:07:14] <[Saint]> with any luck if it didn't the Rockbox fallback installation will present access to the volume to format it manually. [22:07:27] Might just be a matter of tryin it all again [22:07:47] I will reset now [22:07:53] <[Saint]> Well, emCORE is installed now, and you can format manually from the emCORE main menu if desired. [22:08:03] <[Saint]> I can't promise it will complete though. [22:09:03] <[Saint]> The device does indeed boot to the emCORE main menu, yes? [22:09:32] <[Saint]> If so, you could navigate to the tools section, and attempt to format the disk from there. [22:09:46] nope [22:09:56] I am back at the beginning [22:10:07] <[Saint]> what in the what? [22:10:13] <[Saint]> o_o [22:10:58] Back to formatting [22:11:12] <[Saint]> I had a big pile of whats before this conversation started. Now my whats are dwindling rapidly. [22:11:36] <[Saint]> It went straight back to formatting by itself? Or, I assume you restarted the process? [22:11:37] Sorry about that :/ [22:12:07] <[Saint]> Nah. DOn't be. It's not your fault. :) [22:12:21] I might try again with the other .ubi? [22:12:41] r859 [22:12:52] <[Saint]> It can't hurt. That's the important thing to remember I suppose. You literally can not hurt this device with our installation process. [22:13:03] <[Saint]> It is always recoverable, no matter where or how it fails. [22:13:18] yes, that's good to know :) [22:13:36] And it will be worth the effort [22:14:58] <[Saint]> what is the storage medium that you used to replace the original disk? [22:15:13] <[Saint]> Tarkan offers so many options these days I can't make any assumptions here. [22:15:33] <[Saint]> SD? CF? SSD? [22:16:22] Hurra! [22:16:32] now flashing and I see a progress bar [22:16:40] I haven't changed anything [22:16:47] I can see Rockbox :) [22:17:47] <[Saint]> This is indeed curious. [22:18:06] <[Saint]> I...wait, what? So, this isn't hardware modified at all? [22:18:31] <[Saint]> Makes me wonder how you found Tarkan then. That's relatively obscure. [22:19:32] <[Saint]> When you mentioned Tarkan's file set, I automatically jumped to assuming you had replaced the disk - because these disks are bloody terrible, and it will fail, if it isn't already. [22:19:58] <[Saint]> in hindsight that could be a part of the problem. [22:21:42] *** Joins: yy (4c44a176@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [22:22:06] *** yy is now known as Guest51124 [22:22:38] hello [22:22:59] <[Saint]> Wow. Lots of traffic here this morning. [22:23:06] <[Saint]> ...you guys come in waves. [22:23:13] :) [22:23:24] Just went through the rockbox install and all seem fine [22:23:32] <[Saint]> No support traffic in weeks. [22:23:38] <[Saint]> Then, three in 45 minutes. [22:23:47] * [Saint] shrugs [22:24:09] I haden't change any disk. But you see it's recommended I would? I guess ssd? WOuld you have a link to this? [22:24:24] Busy for you tonight! Thanks a lot! [22:24:35] Incredible support! [22:24:55] <[Saint]> http://www.tarkan.info/ has the adapter plates and pricing [22:25:07] <[Saint]> and, yes, sooner or later, this disk will fail. [22:25:13] *I had found tarkan's site simply through google ;) [22:25:32] <[Saint]> Ah. Weird. Most people stumble across rockbox.org [22:26:10] <[Saint]> I moderate and do support there also. Likely see you there at some point. [22:26:18] <[Saint]> Before you go, have this: [22:26:18] <[Saint]> http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-build.html [22:26:30] Yes, I did and knew that website for my sansa clip+ but couldn't find detailed installation steps there [22:26:38] <[Saint]> it's the manual for the iPod Video (Classic isn;t formally supported), but all applicable info is relevant for the Classic. [22:26:52] Awesome! Thank you! [22:26:57] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [22:28:35] *Quick question, is it possible to transfer files from a mac system? or is it only windows? [22:28:42] *and linux [22:29:00] <[Saint]> It is, but not without some fuckery. [22:29:20] <[Saint]> A Mac will always see the USB VID/PID and refuse to treat the iPod as anything other than an iPod. [22:29:28] <[Saint]> ie. not generic removable storage. [22:29:55] <[Saint]> To counter that, I can supply a build with a modified USB VID/PID, but, that's not exactly kosher. [22:30:21] <[Saint]> in USB spec terms it qualifies as "a dick move". [22:30:34] My main PC is a mac, so it would be convenient for it to work, although I could work around it [22:31:03] would a virtual machine work? [22:31:06] <[Saint]> PM me an email address and I can supply you a custom build by days end. [22:31:25] jerycko16@gmail.com [22:31:32] I'm in the UK though :/ [22:31:40] <[Saint]> and, no, it wouldn't. the host has to do USB passthrough for virtual environments. [22:32:02] <[Saint]> it's OK. I'm in NZ. It's 0831 here, likely tomorrow for you. ;) [22:32:17] <[Saint]> I can't do it right away but I'll get to it in a few hours or so. [22:32:43] That is tomorrow! [22:32:59] Ok, I will transfer via my windows machine meanwhile [22:33:12] Again... Thank you! :) [22:33:15] <[Saint]> Perhaps I should've specified /who's/ day's end. ;) [22:33:23] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [22:33:35] Tomorrow will be fine ;) [22:34:15] <[Saint]> Gotta run for now, mail you later. o/ [22:34:57] Oki dok! Have a nice day! [23:12:49] *** Quits: Guest51124 (4c44a176@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)