[00:26:13] <[Saint_]> What part of "follow the instructions" is in any way unclear to that guy? [00:26:23] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [00:26:55] <[Saint]> Kept rambling on about the apple bootloader being gone. [00:27:11] <[Saint]> yes, it is, ...you replaced it completely. what'd you expect? [00:29:58] i tried to explain that :) [00:30:26] <[Saint]> Yes. I saw. :) [00:31:22] <[Saint]> I guess if you look briefly around the web and assume that all the other Rockbox/iPod documentation applies you'll get your head screwed on wrong. [06:32:55] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:33:02] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:38:59] *** [Saint] is now known as hayden [07:39:06] *** hayden is now known as [Saint] [13:23:53] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [13:27:27] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [15:05:00] *** Joins: pgw (d89ee67b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:41:34] oops again. that's the second message that seemed to vanish... please let me know if someone can help me. thanks. [17:12:13] i need to go now. goodbye [17:12:20] *** Quits: pgw (d89ee67b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:42:24] *** Joins: M1rr0r (55f776d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:42:37] Hello there. [21:43:09] <[Saint]> Hello. [21:43:32] I'm having a problem with Rockbox on my iPod Classic. Or rather, on the installation. [21:45:03] After following the steps listed carefully, I came across the step where you have to click the bootstrap file. When I do that, the UMSboot thing appears, I copy the .ubi file into the UMSboot drive, I eject the device and it just freezes on "Booting...". [21:46:20] <[Saint]> You may have to try this multiple times. Preferably alternating USB ports. And definitely not USB3 or front-case-mount USB. [21:46:37] <[Saint]> user890104: TheSeven: why am I seeing this so often lately? [21:47:01] I have done this multiple times, and I think I only have USB2.0 on my laptop. [21:47:27] I have restored my iPod from iTunes 4 or 5 times and tried again. [21:47:40] On 3 different computers, even [21:47:50] <[Saint]> Why is it you think you need to restore using iTunes? [21:47:59] <[Saint]> Nothing is installed at this point. [21:48:05] <[Saint]> Just reboot it. [21:48:10] I don't know. Just retracing everything. [21:48:32] <[Saint]> Nothing gets installed until the very moment the installer tells you there is no going back. [21:48:49] When I click the bootstrap exe, it opens that console terminal and it lists an "Error 31". [21:48:52] <[Saint]> it all gets gets copied to a tmpfs and gets blown away if you exit before then. [21:48:57] But it does connect the UMSboot. [21:49:09] umsboot version? 0.1 or 0.2? [21:49:15] 0.1 [21:49:33] <[Saint]> I...wha? [21:49:36] <[Saint]> Hmmm. [21:49:45] [Saint]: umsboot 0.1 + win8 + indexing service active known issue [21:50:01] <[Saint]> Do we still have UMSboot 1.0 binaries floating around? [21:50:01] I'm using win10. [21:50:09] yeah, "8 or newer" in that case [21:50:34] <[Saint]> errr, s/1.0/0.1/ [21:50:47] [Saint]: I have no idea [21:50:57] <[Saint]> I thought the older UMSboots got taken down, hmmm. [21:51:16] I'm sure I've taken down a lot of them, but there might still be some hiding somewhere ;) [21:51:36] <[Saint]> M1rr0r: where did you acquire these files from? [21:51:37] Uh, did I fail at something? [21:51:51] Let me see [21:52:00] M1rr0r: just wondering where we're still linking to that old (and known broken) thing [21:52:27] Can I link things here? [21:52:31] sure [21:52:39] First I followed these steps. [21:52:41] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic [21:52:52] With all the files you provided. [21:53:03] windows + itunes route? [21:53:17] However, when I ran the bootstrap file, the ipod screen colours would get totally mseed up. [21:53:20] Yes. [21:53:23] aha. [21:53:32] <[Saint]> Ah. there we go. [21:53:57] So then, I sought more recent versions of emCore and bootstrap file [21:54:01] And came across this. [21:54:06] https://www.tarkan.info/20140804/tutorials/howto-install-rockbox-on-the-ipod-classics [21:54:09] ...and actually found an older one ;) [21:54:14] <[Saint]> ironic. [21:54:27] ok, that explains where these are coming from at least. tarkan again ;) [21:54:33] And apparently I messed up. haha. [21:54:46] I should have figured. [21:54:48] <[Saint]> I guess I should try get hold of the fucker and get him to link to freemyipod or mirror freemyipod releases. [21:54:56] can you describe the display issue with the one that you tried first? black bar on the left third or so + junk on the right side? [21:55:04] Yes, exactly. [21:55:13] <[Saint]> That actually would've "worked". [21:55:13] just ignore that, and proceed with the instructions [21:55:16] <[Saint]> Funnily enough. [21:55:25] <[Saint]> It's just LCD corruption. Everything is fine. [21:55:43] So, the freemyipod releases are actually the best at the moment? [21:55:52] <[Saint]> Always are. [21:56:08] <[Saint]> Tarkan's changes were questionable at best. [21:56:15] <[Saint]> some entirely unrelated. [21:56:51] well, he had his reasons for providing his custom builds, but all the good aspects of them have been backported to the official ones quite a while ago [21:57:01] maybe I should actually fix that LCD thing once and for all ;) [21:57:38] <[Saint]> it's just that one variant, yeah? [21:57:48] it's the ilitek ones again [21:58:34] bounding box widths > 256 pixels are corrupted because of that weird 18 bit interface [21:58:57] but then again it might be a matter of weeks now until castor munoz's bootloader is ready to go [21:59:06] which would get us rid of all of this ;) [21:59:18] <[Saint]> dude's a machine. [21:59:43] yup, seems to have a lot of spare time, unlike me (sadly) [22:00:13] <[Saint]> I'm not positive but I have a feeling he's not bounded by getting old and needing to eat yet. :) [22:00:50] might be, but he's also incredibly clever and experienced, which makes me doubt that a bit ;) [22:02:11] and I'm not sure if any of the kids today would bother with those old crappy ipods, those tinker around with fancy web apps on smartphones and the likes [22:02:53] Well, I'm not exactly old, I'm 20 years old, but I bought the iPod because of the 160 GB. [22:03:19] <[Saint]> Well, yeah, but the type of interaction we're talking about is _extremely_ low level. [22:03:28] <[Saint]> Vs. installing someone's pre-made package. [22:03:43] <[Saint]> Birds of very different feathers. [22:07:25] Well, it seems to be working now.