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[15:07:10] can someone please help me uninstalling emCORE? [15:12:38] <[Saint]> Force DFU mode, restore with iTunes. [15:12:44] <[Saint]> We do have docs on this. [15:13:19] <[Saint]> DFU triggering is governed by hardware. It literally can't not work. [15:13:52] <[Saint]> ITunes will automagically prompt to restore a device in DFU mode. [15:14:26] <[Saint]> Though there's also docs on a manual restore. [15:18:00] i can't seem to get into dfu mode. i've been following the manual uninstall w/o itunes instructions, but i'm getting stuck on an error message "no backend found" [15:19:09] <[Saint]> I don't know what to say. It must be user error. [15:20:50] <[Saint]> But, I honestly can't see how you could manage to mess up holding two buttons for between 12 and 15 seconds with USB plugged. [15:20:59] <[Saint]> We even supply a video guide. [15:27:16] yeah, it's a puzzle for me too, so please help me. meanwhile, i'm stuck for the past 2 days. zadig has installed the USB Dfu driver, but the WTF utility keeps coming back with the same error. with the USB Dfu driver installed, should i be able to see the ipod as a drive in My Computer? [15:27:58] <[Saint]> No. [15:28:45] ok. i guess the same goes for itunes.. [15:28:53] <[Saint]> If you can't get into DFU mode. I can't help you. [15:29:14] <[Saint]> And there's zero reason why you wouldn't be able to get into DFU mode. [15:29:24] <[Saint]> It doesn't rely on the host at all. [15:29:32] can you not think of any reason why i can't seem to get into dfu mode? [15:29:47] <[Saint]> Other than user error, no. [15:30:00] <[Saint]> I suspect you're just confused. [15:30:22] <[Saint]> It is very hard to distinguish between DFU and a powered down state. [15:30:42] <[Saint]> The device gives no outward indication DFU mode has been achieved. [15:31:50] i can understand that. so how can i tell the ipod is in dfu? [15:32:02] <[Saint]> Device manager. [15:33:32] <[Saint]> What I believe is happening is that you actually are entering DFU mode but your drivers are in some fucked up state from the no-itunes install method. [15:35:02] what am i looking for in device manager? [15:35:40] <[Saint]> I can't remember offhand. It'll clearly state 'DFU' at the very least. [15:36:03] <[Saint]> 'Apple DFU Device' or some such. [15:37:14] <[Saint]> I don't think any of us use Windows. [15:37:26] <[Saint]> Not if we can avoid it. [15:38:13] i see it, under USB Devices, it says "USB DFU Device" [15:38:42] <[Saint]> That leads me to the earlier scenario then. [15:38:50] <[Saint]> Messed up driver state. [15:39:27] USB DFU Device should be the name zadig gave it (based on the usb descriptor) [15:39:34] <[Saint]> Honestly, its going to be infinitely easier for you to just uninstall the current driver for the DFU device [15:39:38] <[Saint]> And just use iTunes. [15:39:46] <[Saint]> It "just works". [15:39:53] so, to restore with itunes you need to select Update driver, next, next then select apple' [15:39:59] apple's * [15:40:13] then itunes will see the device [15:40:16] <[Saint]> I believe he wants to do a manual restore [15:40:30] <[Saint]> But I want to knock out fail cases... [15:40:46] <[Saint]> Itunes is a LOT easier for this. [15:40:57] [Saint]: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Restore_iPod_without_iTunes ? [15:41:16] <[Saint]> Possibly, I have no idea. He just mentioned manual restore. [15:41:45] <[Saint]> I imagine that's the doc he's working from. [15:42:14] well, i can't describe the procedure more detailed than this... [15:42:20] <[Saint]> I would like to stress NOT doing that, though. [15:42:30] <[Saint]> Just use iTunes dude. [15:42:30] hi user-890104. problem is that itunes will not recognize my ipod. [15:42:43] <[Saint]> Yes...like I said. Drivers. [15:43:01] <[Saint]> Is English not your first language by any chance? [15:43:17] well, then the question is, how to unscrew my driver mess? [15:43:30] as i wrote earlier: [15:43:33] [15:39:53] so, to restore with itunes you need to select Update driver, next, next then select apple's [15:43:39] <[Saint]> It's literally explained like three or four lines above man. [15:43:49] <[Saint]> It's like you're not even trying. [15:45:26] <[Saint]> I try my best not to get frustrated, and I'm sorry if I seem to be so. It's just slightly annoying having to repeat one's self. [15:45:35] where do i get to "update driver" in itunes when my itunes doesn't recognize there's an ipod connected to my pc? [15:46:05] <[Saint]> Not in iTunes. Device manager. [15:47:29] ah, now you're helping. [15:47:54] <[Saint]> You make it very difficult to want to help you. [15:48:05] <[Saint]> Exceedingly so. [15:55:06] problem solved. thanks for your help, saint. you're a self-centered prick with the manners of a badger, and i cannot fathon how on earth you ended up in a support forum. i really hope i will never have to contact this forum again, this happy outcome notwithstanding. goodbye [15:55:27] *** Quits: pgw (ce48cd6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)