[06:41:39] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:43:12] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [15:38:02] *** Joins: Lamont-Cranston (nup@d110-33-163-54.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) [15:40:17] Hi, I am attempting to follow these instructions http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Restore_iPod_without_iTunes but I am pretty hopeless with computers. I have installed zadig and python and got pyusb + libusb but they appear to be folders not programs, and I've put ipoddfu.py libipoddfu.py x12230000_Recovery.ipsw [15:40:21] zadig works fine [15:40:38] but when I follow the instructions for the next step c:\ just says it does not know python [15:40:51] when I copypaste python ipoddfu.py WTF.x????.RELEASE.dfu [15:42:20] am I missing something? [16:05:44] Lamont-Cranston: you need to either specify the full path to python.exe [16:05:57] oh okay [16:06:08] or change the working directory to the one where python is installed (using "cd") [16:06:48] maybe the first method is easier, so you don't have to type the full path to the other files (firmware, scripts, etc) [16:07:03] did you watch the youtube video? [16:07:23] so if its on desktop I would write python-2.7.10.exe ? [16:07:44] did you install python, or just downloaded the installer? [16:07:56] downloaded and installed it [16:08:04] ok then, in which folder? [16:08:13] c:\python27 ? [16:08:27] yes [16:08:32] ah okay I write that? [16:08:33] ok, so the correct path is [16:08:40] c:\python27\python.exe [16:08:44] okay [16:08:49] instead of just python as in the examples [16:09:00] and the other things ipoddfu.py libipoddfu.py x12230000_Recovery.ipsw go on desktop right? [16:09:16] yes, and in cmd you need to be at the desktop folder [16:09:24] c:\users\ by default you're in your user dir, so you need to type [16:09:44] cd Desktop [16:10:00] if it shows: [16:10:10] C:\Users\....\Desktop> [16:10:14] then you're good to go [16:12:00] argh [16:13:11] if there's any error message, paste it to www.pastebin.com [16:13:25] and post a link here [16:13:41] *** Joins: Lamont-Cranston2 (nup@d110-33-163-54.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) [16:13:44] well thats annoying [16:15:29] *** Joins: Lamont-Cranston3 (nup@d110-33-177-70.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) [16:15:35] it never rains but it pours it seems :O [16:16:12] *** Quits: Lamont-Cranston (nup@d110-33-163-54.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [16:16:32] did you see the copypasta? what did I do wrong? [16:17:31] no, please repost the link [16:17:39] your connection got cut off [16:17:52] *** Quits: Lamont-Cranston2 (nup@d110-33-163-54.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [16:18:24] *** Joins: Lamont-Cranston (nup@d110-33-166-247.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) [16:18:27] ARGH [16:18:52] *** Quits: Lamont-Cranston3 (nup@d110-33-177-70.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:20:05] lets see how long til I dc again [16:22:08] maybe okay now? [16:22:20] so did you see the copypasta? what did I do wrong? [16:22:40] should the pyusb + libusb folders be somewhere else? I have them on the desktop [16:22:56] do I need to take files out of them and put on desktop? [16:26:19] please report the link [16:26:23] repost* [16:27:34] C:\Users\Lamont Cranston\Desktop>c:\python27\python.exe ipoddfu.py WTF.x1223.REL [16:27:34] EASE.dfu [16:27:34] Traceback (most recent call last): [16:27:34] File "ipoddfu.py", line 26, in [16:27:34] import libipoddfu [16:27:35] File "C:\Users\Lamont Cranston\Desktop\libipoddfu.py", line 27, in [16:27:35] import usb.core [16:27:36] ImportError: No module named usb.core [16:28:10] same thing when I left it as ???? I thought 1223 might be the correct way :\ [16:31:57] what have I done wrong? [16:36:02] *** Joins: Lamont-Cranston2 (~nup@d110-33-166-247.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) [16:36:59] well either irc or freenode or my internet connection are fucking around, and combined with my being complete oblivious with programming I think I will call it a day and either take it to a shop or smash it [16:37:02] *** Quits: Lamont-Cranston (nup@d110-33-166-247.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [16:37:15] sorry for so many stupid questions [16:37:17] *** Quits: Lamont-Cranston2 (~nup@d110-33-166-247.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Client Quit) [17:57:47] *** Quits: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-219.customer.t3.se) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:04:09] *** Joins: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-219.customer.t3.se)