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[15:24:16] :) [17:05:23] *** Joins: orpheu (c2d2c184@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:57:39] *** Joins: Ivan_ (71ff8712@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:00:53] *** Quits: Ivan_ (71ff8712@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [20:10:02] *** Quits: orpheu (c2d2c184@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:47:36] *** Joins: Markatlis (4e855b80@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:48:41] Hi, can someone please give me the emCORE installer which includes a 'Disk Mode' emCORE application? I am using an iPod Classic [21:57:28] Markatlis: please don't use it [21:57:39] it is known to randomly corrupt hdd contents [21:58:44] You mean the 'Disk Mode'? [21:58:52] a better solution is to uninstall emcore, and use apple's disk mode using rockbox's bootloader [21:58:59] yes, the disk mode app in emcore [21:59:34] it is an experimental software, and didn't get finished [21:59:43] I got the impression that since I have an iPod Classic 7th Generation, the only way to install Rockbox is to have Emcore installed. [22:00:18] yes, but there is an alternative way since a month or so [22:00:31] Really! That is cool! [22:00:38] which is going to be supported by rockbox, and deprecating emcore [22:00:57] so you are advised to switch to it [22:01:37] Can I ask a hint where it is? I am searching right now, but could use a bit of help :) [22:02:09] http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/3345#post_11985427 [22:03:50] and since they removed my links, you can find them here: [22:04:02] dualboot-installer-ipod6g.dfu: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/85869923 [22:04:16] dualboot-uninstaller-ipod6g.dfu: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/727658fc [22:04:33] rockbox.zip: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/a4d434f3 [22:04:38] i hope they're still working [22:04:44] That is great. You are very kind! [22:06:21] make sure you uncheck the Use our download manager and get recommended downloads checkbox [22:08:37] otherwise it downloads some software full of ads [22:08:53] Thanks very much. I'll give it a try asap. :) [22:37:58] Markatlis: did it work? [22:38:22] the files are now available here: http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/rockbox+bootloader/ [22:41:51] I am trying to understand the following step that you listed: 1. use freemyipod's ipoddfu.py script to upload the installer [22:42:21] I have all the files, and I think I need to use the following command: python ipoddfu.py dualboot-installer-ipod6g.dfu [22:42:58] But I am stuck at that. Do I need to use a particular software? Right now I am on Windows 7 [22:43:43] Can I use the bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe file to upload the bootloader? [23:00:18] Markatlis: no, you need to download python, then download pyusb and install it [23:00:38] bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe will install emcore's bootloader, not rockbox's [23:01:16] i'm using WinPython x64 on my Windows 7 laptop [23:02:30] then download pyusb from http://walac.github.io/pyusb/ [23:02:43] extract it somewhere, open a CMD window [23:02:52] type:cd Desktop [23:03:07] python setup.py install [23:03:17] and pyusb should be installed [23:03:32] then download zadig: http://zadig.akeo.ie/ [23:03:43] go to Options - List all devices [23:04:11] enter DFU mode on the ipod, select Apple USB DFU device from Zadig's menu [23:04:19] press the big button to install the driver [23:04:30] after it's complete, type in the cmd window: [23:05:07] python ipoddfu.py dualboot-installer-ipod6g.dfu [23:05:40] in case you get an error about the paths, please check if you're in the right directoy, and change it with the command "cd" and the full path [23:05:59] for example, cd /d D:\ipod [23:06:10] in case you put all the files in D:\ipod [23:06:42] (/d means change the current drive in addition to the directory) [23:38:21] *** Quits: Markatlis (4e855b80@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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