[00:17:26] *** Quits: PritchardGSD (~dog@CPE-124-180-129-1.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:18:15] *** Joins: PritchardGSD (~dog@CPE-124-180-129-1.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au) [08:27:01] *** Joins: cilmeron (8d655d52@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:28:01] hi, anyone any idea if bootstrap-ipodclassic can be used from windows 10 because it doesn't seem to work on my pc and all other machines in the house are running windows 10 as well [10:50:14] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [11:32:12] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Quit: Quit.) [11:33:41] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [12:33:20] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [12:45:28] *** Joins: d (c629f39f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [12:45:52] *** d is now known as Guest66585 [12:46:40] emcore r489 ubi does not flash ipod 6 classic 80GB [12:47:36] *** Quits: cilmeron (8d655d52@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [12:49:13] sorry emcore r859 does not flash ipod 6 classic 80GB [12:59:05] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [13:01:32] <[Saint]> I assure you it does. [13:15:08] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Quit: Quit.) [13:42:37] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:10:39] *** Quits: Guest66585 (c629f39f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:16:23] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:32:27] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@