[00:31:10] *** Joins: boodyskarf (5d500404@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:38:57] *** Quits: boodyskarf (5d500404@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [01:43:10] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [01:44:12] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) [10:42:02] *** Joins: boodyskarf (5d500404@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [10:59:52] Hello! I am trying to setup rockbox on my ipod classic 160. After attaching ipod in DFU mode i run bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes: appears white window of USM boot but bootstrap claims it can not open DFU device, after that sometimes 64mb drive appears in system. According to the instuction i copy installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102, but after ejecting ipod USMboot starts panicking stating errors (Undefied instruction at... [11:01:42] I tried different computers with win 7 and 10, sometimes 64mb drive doesn't even appear in system. Please help! [15:05:47] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [15:21:02] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [15:24:42] boodyskarf: you can try this other method: http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/3420 [15:25:37] see messages #3420 and #3437, it seems the last version (v5) is working well for many people [15:26:31] use mk6gboot.exe for manual install, or RockboxUtility.exe for a graphical full install [15:43:03] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:43:04] *** Quits: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:43:37] *** Joins: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ [15:46:45] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [16:03:33] prof_wolfff: thanks for info. i've tried through ubuntu and it worked, terminal solves problems) [17:03:26] *** Joins: Ratjumper (42f95392@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:03:56] *** Parts: Ratjumper (42f95392@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [17:23:41] i've installed rockbox succesfully but still have problems: when trasferring music after several minutes hdd in ipod starts clicking an transfer freezes. what could cause that? [17:24:36] boodyskarf: are you using Windows or Linux? [17:26:00] anyway, the "clicking" looks like the HDD is failing (some bad sectors) [17:26:01] windows [17:26:45] try to lauch Apple original firmware instead of RB to transfer the files [17:27:08] *launch* [17:27:32] when i was on stock fw i booted in service menu to see smart data and it was ok, ni relocated sectors [17:27:47] *no [17:29:15] sometimes bad sectors are marked to reallocation, but not yet reallocated until the are written again [17:29:59] my hdd has uptime only 100 hours [17:30:38] btw no troubles in transferring in diskmode on stock fw [17:31:06] there is a SMART test in RB, System->Debug->View/Dump SMART data [17:31:47] the uptime hours is not so important (HDD spins for a few seconds every many minutes), more relevant is the spinup count [17:32:18] ok, where should i look there? and is there in RB kind of disk mode? [17:32:25] i have seen new iPods (out of the box) containing a few bad sectors [17:32:59] are you using emCORE? [17:33:56] yes, ipod classic doesn't support RB luncher, so i manages to install emCORE [17:36:48] AFAIK emCORE does not have a diskmode, i am not sure, other could confirm that [17:39:04] well.. it seems that latest emCORE versions include a diskmode [17:39:33] do they support my ipod? [17:40:45] to verify (not repair) if there are bad sectors you can try to read all disk (i.e. dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/null bs=32768), you will see warnings/errors when bad sectors are readed [17:41:56] note that reading the whole disk will take a long time [17:43:10] sorry, you are using Windows, should be lots of utilities to do that [17:49:19] you can also try to install the dual bootloader, then you will have Apple and Rockbox FW, and Apple diskmode and diagnostics [17:51:21] http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodClassicPort [17:52:00] that is outdated, see the link i posted before [17:52:20] it is a development version, but all on Classic is on development status [17:53:44] the USB issues are related to USB disconnects for some people on Windows, i am using Linux for years with no trouble [17:54:10] but not related with the "clicking" [17:55:15] your link still claims no dual boot for my device [17:55:25] what is your device? [17:56:58] it is not really clicking of dying hdd, it is more like sound of parking hdd heads [17:57:11] ipod classic 160gb [17:58:23] yes, it is supported, the latest 160gb (slim) is tested and also should work on the early 160gb (thick) [17:59:21] maybe you are confused because we are calling to the different Classic versions 1G,2G,3G and 4G [18:03:59] sometimes when USB power is insufficient the HDD disconnects and produces the parking sound [18:05:51] we are looking at these USB issues, but ATM i can not reproduce them on Linux, give a look to the dualboot, some people are using Apple FW to transfer files and Rockbox to listen [18:08:44] that sounds great! link that you've posted contain this info about dual boot? [18:10:38] yes, see the instructions on message #3420 and the README files, tell me if you have any doubt [18:12:02] you can see more technical info on http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/#/c/1221/ [18:20:57] thank you very much! i'll have a try tomorrow. btw what time zone do you live in? (in case i'll have more troubles and want to contact you here) [18:23:58] i am in Europe, but you can leave a message any time, be sure i will read it, if there is no answer then retry it (sometimes i get IRC disconnects) [18:24:18] ok, thanks again [18:27:21] good luck! [19:01:02] <[Saint]> prof_wolfff: boodyskarf: for what it's worth, please, DO NOT use the Disk Mode in the unreleased emCORE binaries. [19:01:25] <[Saint]> Unless you like filesystem corruption, of course. [19:01:33] <[Saint]> If that's the case, then, go right ahead. [19:02:27] ah! thanks!, really i din't knew about the diskmode on emCORE, i am using 859 version [19:02:43] <[Saint]> everyone should be. [19:03:02] <[Saint]> there's a reason it's the current release. :) [19:03:50] <[Saint]> a couple of later binaries seem to have escaped from here and leaked onto various audiophile forums, it is slightly problematic. [19:04:02] <[Saint]> Tarkan was also distributing them, and probably still is. [19:04:19] i compiled the latest version but IIRC had some troubles to crypt the new binaries with the old emCORE [19:05:36] <[Saint]> I haven't had much luck compiling emCORE because I refuse to setup the toolchain TheSeven uses. [19:06:07] well, i needed to change many things to compile it on Linux (mainly union definitions on structs) [19:06:52] <[Saint]> Ah. I got about halfway through changing it to compile on my systems. Sounds like you got further than I did. [19:07:42] yes, got all the binaries, but IIRC the 859 emCORE version could not be used to crypt these files, so i leaved it till now [19:08:18] <[Saint]> IIRC the problem with Disk Mode in the later binaries is some threading problem. [19:08:24] <[Saint]> A stall or race condition. [19:09:05] <[Saint]> There's a fairly high probablity of data corruption on transfer. [19:09:49] there was a problem on RB HDD driver related to cache line size that could result in things like this, was the emCORE HDD driver patched? [19:10:31] <[Saint]> By the way, has anyone noticed Michael has disappeared? [19:10:44] <[Saint]> (TheSeven; [7]) [19:12:07] maybe he is on holidays period? [19:12:48] <[Saint]> It's possible that he's away and doesn't have access to his quassel core, and it went down, but it does seem weird. [19:12:58] <[Saint]> EVen when he is "away", he's usually here. [19:13:48] <[Saint]> He did make it abundantly clear that he was passing the torch to you, but, I still like having him around. He's a really great guy. [19:14:12] <[Saint]> I can't say I'm not a bit concerned, but there's hopefully no need to be. [19:15:25] yes, he is helping me very much, and still will need more help, if you look at the code it is amazing the work he did [19:16:00] <[Saint]> my particular favorite, not sure if you've ever looked at it, but I bet you probably have, is the n2g FTL. [19:16:08] <[Saint]> That code is amazing. [19:17:09] not yet, see some conversation about it, for sure i will need to look this code for the nano3g port [19:18:12] <[Saint]> n3g is essentially "ready to go", in so far as it "only" needs the various bits of the Classic and n2g ports to be glued together to make it work. [19:18:42] <[Saint]> In many ways it is like a cross between an iPod Classic, a Nano2G, and a flash based iPod Video. [19:19:35] <[Saint]> It is actually kind of hilarious that the exploit that lead to the Classic port was discovered to be present on N3G first, yet, pretty much no one ever gave a single shit about that target. [19:20:04] * [Saint] never liked the Nano 3G, and apparently neither did a lot of other people [19:20:19] i bought a cheap nano3g "for repair" on eBay, the only issue is the holdswitch not working (always unlock), and weak battery [19:20:38] <[Saint]> Apple apparently realized that, because they very quickly switched back to the old form factor and tried to pretend the Nano 3G never happened. [19:20:55] the booloader is prepared for nano3g, is a matter to introduce the new target [19:21:02] <[Saint]> I suspect they pretty deeply regret the Nano 3G. [19:21:25] <[Saint]> ...ugly little thing. [19:22:21] it looks nice for me, but really i have never listen a whole song, only tested that it sounds, how is sound quality?, it seems it uses a different CODEC that Classic [19:23:28] <[Saint]> I recall seeing an RMAA outfile once, I might still have it actually. From memory it was on par with the iPod Video. [19:23:58] <[Saint]> ie. Not great, not terrible. Fairly flat, with the usual low end rolloff. [19:24:03] yes, i know the RMAA [19:24:57] * [Saint] wonders where he might have put this [19:25:16] <[Saint]> I used to have an archive full of RMAA outfiles for various Rockbox targets. [19:25:37] <[Saint]> (Classic reigned supreme here, no surprises) [19:25:54] i want to start with nano3g soon, but there are lots of things to do on Classic, mainly USB and charger stuff [19:26:18] <[Saint]> The output of the Classic is incredibly flat and accurate. It is really very amazing how flat it is. [19:26:50] <[Saint]> In my opinion the best mass market consumer digital audio player ever built. [19:27:19] and very clear sound, i have never see that on other player [19:27:26] <[Saint]> ...except for the shitty HDD firmware that commits suicide by repeatedly bashing the head against the platter. [19:27:30] <[Saint]> That sucks. [19:30:43] looking at Classic firmware, there are some nice parts and other code is mediocre, it seems some functionality (if not all) was done by different external business [19:31:26] <[Saint]> yeah, you can really see the coding style change in some places. [19:31:42] <[Saint]> some bits are extensively optimized, others not at all. [19:32:05] not code style (compiler also hides this), but algorithms for doing things is what i see [19:35:23] there are other things that i dont know if are intentioned or not, i.e. the OF supports IAP and jack remotes not compatible with Apple specs, i have a remote that does work on OF but not on RB because RB is standar IAP and OF is not [19:36:36] <[Saint]> wait...what? [19:36:47] <[Saint]> They have non-standard IAP implementation in the FW? [19:38:17] yes, i cant recall exactly, the IAP is related to the time the accessory have to send the first packet when it is connected, IIRC it should send 2 packets, but OF works if only one is send (may cheap remotes does that) [19:40:12] <[Saint]> Apple is the last one I would expect to see violating their own spec. [19:40:29] <[Saint]> Seeing as how they've been so aggressive in defending the AIP and its proper usage. [19:40:34] <[Saint]> *IAP [19:40:44] about the jack microphone, IIRC this device has somewhat like a enable/disable mode, OF uses these devices on always enabled, this allows non compatible devices to work [19:41:44] i have a patch (not sent to gerrit) that enables my 1$ remote to work, i works well on OF [19:41:56] *it works well* [19:42:28] did not sent it to gerrit because it is not IAP compliant [22:39:30] prof_wolfff: you can hide it behind a rockbox setting [22:39:45] "Allow non-compatible iPod remotes" [22:45:30] yes it could be done that way, i really don't know how many accessories are working this way, even the code could be modified to always support both types, IIRC my patch is a dirty hack on 6g code, but it is not a couple of lines to do it generic because IIRC the IAP code is a state machine driven by the tick, anyway should not be difficult to do [23:17:03] *** Quits: boodyskarf (5d500404@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)