[06:42:50] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:44:13] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [17:18:10] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [17:39:55] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:40:32] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [17:41:14] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [18:53:35] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:35:27] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:28:02] *** Joins: ginger (52089f21@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:28:50] hi another newbie here [23:33:31] hello, what is the problem? [23:35:22] ok purchased a classic ipod of the bay with issues, its obviously had rockbox on it at some time no itunes on it, has umsboot and emcore console, can see the 64mb patition on a windows pc, but cannot seem to get anywhere with it, try to boot into RB trying fallback image bounces back to RB boot menu, any ideas ??? [23:40:14] <[Saint]> RB boot menu? I think you might be confused. No such thing exists. [23:40:20] <[Saint]> emCORE you mean, perhaps? [23:40:40] yes it could be [23:40:54] <[Saint]> It is. :) [23:41:13] <[Saint]> Either way, the most useful state to be in at this stage for the sake of debugging is a clean one. [23:42:07] <[Saint]> Force the device into DFU mode (plug USB, and hold Menu+Select for no less than 10 seconds, and no longer than 15 seconds), and then launch iTunes. [23:42:24] <[Saint]> iTunes will detect the "damaged" iPod, and prompt to restore it. [23:42:25] <[Saint]> Do so. [23:43:07] <[Saint]> It is recommended that you use iTunes 9.2.1 for this process: [23:43:08] <[Saint]> http://appletoolbox.com/2010/09/how-to-downgrade-itunes-10-to-itunes-9-2-1/ [23:43:30] tryed that it just carrys on booting and thats after holding both buttons longer than 30 seconds [23:46:47] round and round we go rb bootmenu to emcore screen with version number for a split second then back to rb bootmenu [23:49:12] itunes does not recognise either whilst doing it [23:50:08] <[Saint]> The process will not work if you fuck up entering DFU mode. [23:50:24] <[Saint]> Which you will do so, if you hold the button combination for that length of time. [23:50:36] <[Saint]> You absolutely _must not_ exceed 15s. [23:51:03] <[Saint]> That is the very top end of this. That's why I said, no less than 10s, and no more than 15s. [23:51:15] need to downloaded the 9.2.1 version you mention, lol fuck up dfu mode still have 8 more fingers [23:52:01] <[Saint]> A lot of people seem to have difficulty entering DFU mode, because there is no obvious prompting for this. [23:52:15] <[Saint]> FOr all intents and purposes it will appear as though the iPod is switched off. [23:52:21] <[Saint]> This confuses the living shit out of people. [23:52:35] think this device is fucked as its only on when plugged in to the usb [23:53:10] have used rockbox before on a phillips device [23:53:13] <[Saint]> It is possible that the battery is simply deep discharged. [23:53:41] <[Saint]> It will charge, albeit very slowly, with the device powered off if the battery is less than 90%. Or in the emCORE main menu. [23:54:22] it could well be, think i will plug in overnight leave it for 24hrs and get back to you then many thanks for your time [23:55:11] <[Saint]> regarding DFU mode, I feel this will help you immensely: [23:55:11] <[Saint]> https://www.youtube.com/v/Y_bIDtBohnE [23:55:24] thanks [23:55:44] <[Saint]> If the hardware is functional, and you can follow simple instruction, you can't not enter DFU mode with this method. [23:56:12] <[Saint]> I think the problem a lot of users have is that there's no obvious "Hey, I'm in DFU mode now!" from the device. [23:56:27] <[Saint]> It simply appears as though it reset and then powered off, for all outward appearences. [23:56:50] mine seems to be looping through the screen never goes blank [23:57:06] <[Saint]> Is USB plugged? [23:57:22] <[Saint]> USB must be plugged. [23:57:54] yes i think thats the problem and possibly the very low battery power [23:58:16] <[Saint]> USB must be connected for it to enter DFU mode. [23:58:24] it is [23:59:26] <[Saint]> That doesn't give me a whole lot of hope. The area that governs this is not touched by Rockbox or emCORE at all. [23:59:47] <[Saint]> And the device needs a surprisingly small subset of hardware to actually boot and function.