[00:32:19] hi [00:46:43] *** Quits: ginger (52089f21@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [02:44:41] user890104: the video looks like he just pressed menu+select too long [02:44:59] note that he already pressed it at the start of the video, so I guess the start of the video was already more than 15 seconds pressed [02:45:09] that would match the ipod's behavior at least [06:37:47] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:40:35] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:41:56] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:55:07] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [14:38:41] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [14:52:07] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [15:30:12] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [15:43:58] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [16:57:38] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [17:10:48] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [18:38:35] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:58:47] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [19:27:37] *** Joins: ginger (52089f21@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:52:15] happy holiday [20:38:07] merry christmas [20:38:27] ginger: here's what TheSeven wrote after you left: [20:38:37] [02:44:43] user890104: the video looks like he just pressed menu+select too long [20:38:37] [02:45:02] note that he already pressed it at the start of the video, so I guess the start of the video was already more than 15 seconds pressed [20:38:37] [02:45:12] that would match the ipod's behavior at least [20:52:31] too long????, you can see it in a boot loop [20:55:11] did the screen go blank no [20:57:54] ginger: the video shows exactly what the ipod would do if you pressed the buttons for more than 15 seconds (it would reboot every 5 seconds) [20:58:08] however the second reboot in that sequence goes into DFU mode [20:58:23] the first, third, and any further reboots are just normal boots [20:59:19] sorry i must be missing something are you saying in the video it enters dfu? [21:02:47] just done it again and for a very very small period of time less than 0.1 of a second the screen does go blank but jumps back into the boot sequence [21:03:31] there is no way i can release the button that quick [21:03:58] the video doesn't show it entering DFU mode [21:04:07] but the video also doesn't show you *starting* to press the buttons [21:04:18] so I can't really tell for how long they have been pressed [21:06:02] start of video was start of button press, it makes no difference you cannot release buttons quick enough [21:07:06] the usual behavior is: [21:07:06] - 0sec: you start pressing the buttons [21:07:06] - 5sec: screen goes black for a split second, emCORE kernel screen comes up [21:07:06] - 7-8sec: emCORE boot menu comes up [21:07:07] - 10sec: screen goes black [21:07:09] [21:07:11] - 15sec: emCORE kernel screen comes up [21:07:13] - 17-18sec: emCORE boot menu comes up [21:07:15] - 20sec: screen goes black for a split second, emCORE kernel screen comes up [21:07:18] - 22-23sec: emCORE boot menu comes up [21:07:20] - 25sec: screen goes black for a split second, emCORE kernel screen comes up [21:07:22] - 27-28sec: emCORE boot menu comes up [21:07:24] and that then repeats over and over. the video would be consistent with an ipod that had the keys pressed for more than 15 seconds already at the start of the video. [21:10:15] ok just tried again even practising the timing for the split second the screen goes blank no joy it just carries on [21:11:29] so what does the dfu screen look like again [21:11:34] just black [21:11:55] can you make another video where I can see the time when you start pressing the buttons? so that I can check whether the ipod is behaving as expected? [21:12:18] and on the video how long would you say you saw the screen black [21:13:09] the screen should be black for 5 seconds, but only during the *second* reboot, not any subsequent ones [21:13:10] trust me this is not normal [21:13:59] oh how i wish i could see the screen blank for a second [21:14:42] i cannot release my fingers quick enough [21:14:45] I can tell you whether this is normal or not if you send a video which actually starts before you press the buttons [21:16:13] I'm not completely sure how an ipod with a completely missing battery would behave [21:16:59] there's a remote possibility that this could cause it to not enter DFU mode (if the CWC loses power during reset for some reason), but I consider that highly unlikely [21:17:12] given that you seem to have battery trouble, taking a look at that first might be worth a shot though [21:18:40] remember i did buy of the bay and the seller did say for parts only, he did'nt mention the duff battery though [21:23:45] so crack it open and check if there even *is* a battery, and if so, if it's connected properly [21:34:06] now thats a great idea [21:40:29] * user890104 bets there's no battery [21:41:09] TheSeven: what would emcore's battery meter show if the battery is not connected? [21:41:18] can we show a X or something else? [21:48:32] we can't easily detect that case AFAIK [21:48:57] if there's sufficient USB power, it would look like a fully charged battery [21:49:33] hm, or wait [21:49:40] I vaguely remember something [21:51:23] hm, some code that I've written a few years ago suggests that the battery voltage would read very low if there is not battery [21:51:32] no idea why it would do that though [21:51:43] anyway, read_battery_state(0) should return BATTERY_STATE_NONPRESENT [21:51:46] in dfu [21:51:49] so yeah, the boot menu could check for that [21:52:45] actually we show a "No battery connected." warning on the kernel boot screen if we detect that, but only in very recent builds [21:53:11] was trying to get the back of when it sprang to life, loose connection, connected back to pc tried again now in dfu itunes starts telling me needs recovery [21:54:42] now what to do?????? [21:55:05] let it recover the ipod, it should behave like a brand new one after that [22:03:38] just creating an apple id [22:19:27] now have a very faded apple logo followed by a red circle with x in the middle, wish i had rockbox back or at least the boot bit [22:23:54] looks like a hard drive issue just tried the big slam that worked now have a battery charge symbol appear may leave it a while [22:27:33] have decided to hook up the ipod to a wall charge outlet, as at least this time its asking for it, think it may have been a loose wire initially but with your help we are getting there. many thanks [23:03:24] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [23:14:31] *** Quits: ginger (52089f21@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [23:16:44] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@