[01:02:08] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [01:33:24] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [06:22:35] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:23:58] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [11:10:31] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [11:30:19] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [12:45:11] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [13:13:58] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [14:47:11] *** Joins: krnlyng_ (~liar@ [14:48:14] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [14:49:16] *** krnlyng_ is now known as krnlyng [15:28:15] *** Quits: Poodlemastah_ (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-219.customer.t3.se) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [15:52:41] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiii) [15:53:53] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [16:46:23] *** Joins: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-219.customer.t3.se) [17:36:45] *** Joins: markatlis (4e85218e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:00:21] *** Quits: markatlis (4e85218e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [18:03:18] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiii) [18:20:10] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [20:05:55] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:20:03] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [21:15:03] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [21:28:22] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [22:22:35] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:36:13] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:05:45] *** Joins: heartagram_616 (5ad28652@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:06:20] hello [23:06:46] <[Saint]> hi [23:07:06] im trying to install emcore on my ipod classic (thick 07) [23:08:05] ive got UMSboot v0.2.1 booted, copied the file but nothing happens next [23:08:27] how are you ejecting the UMSboot disk from your computer? [23:08:35] <[Saint]> how, or are, you electing? [23:08:42] <[Saint]> *ejecting [23:09:19] <[Saint]> the notes in the install are pretty clear on this but there's a non-small chance that you're not even using freemyipod docs [23:09:23] via the safely removing windows 7 btw [23:09:45] try doing it from explorer, not from the tray icon [23:10:01] no! ill try now!! [23:10:02] that seems to make a difference for whatever reason [23:10:09] <[Saint]> heartagram_616: are you not using freemyipod's interactive docs? [23:10:15] yes [23:10:21] <[Saint]> this is detailed there. [23:10:27] <[Saint]> it specifically says to not do that. [23:10:38] it worked via explorer :D [23:11:57] <[Saint]> "If you are using Windows, open Windows Explorer and right-click on the drive, then select Eject" [23:12:11] yeah thats what ive done [23:12:30] <[Saint]> Yeah, what I'm saying is, this is exactly what the instructions say to do. [23:12:39] <[Saint]> So it's weird that you're using them, and didn't. [23:12:47] <[Saint]> But - hooray. [23:12:53] thing is now i cant confirm with the installer as i think the play button is messed up [23:13:06] ah sh*t didnt see that [23:13:11] my bad [23:13:45] <[Saint]> It happens. The reason I asked is there's a lot of outright wrong and/or incomplete docs on other sites. [23:14:14] ah thats alright appreciate the help so far :) [23:16:12] <[Saint]> Not sure what I can do about it if you're Play button is fucked up though. [23:16:33] <[Saint]> I can't build emCORE on this machine, so I couldn;t edit it even if I wanted to. [23:16:46] <[Saint]> But emCORE would be the least of your worries really. [23:16:55] <[Saint]> If Play is fucked up Rockbox will be near unusable. [23:17:09] <[Saint]> without some pretty extensive keymapping. [23:18:17] ah seriously? going through the key test and its not working -_- [23:24:04] i got it working after beating it a few times [23:31:15] thanks for your help anyways though!! [23:31:16] im off [23:31:18] peace [23:31:21] *** Quits: heartagram_616 (5ad28652@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [23:42:56] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [23:47:25] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:54:12] *** Quits: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-219.customer.t3.se) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:55:58] *** Joins: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-219.customer.t3.se)