[00:03:38] *** Joins: ramiro9 (32011f7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:04:42] Unable to install the DFUNoiTunes driver--W7, Classic 7G. Any suggestions, please? [00:05:31] <[Saint]> Have you allowed install of unsigned drivers? [00:05:40] <[Saint]> (ask Google about this) [00:06:47] yes, I get a 'complaint', but always say, "Go ahead." And I have tried also with itunes, the DFU driver won't install. I get an abort/retry/ignore during install process. [00:07:30] <[Saint]> You can enforce this manually with start > run > "bcdedit /set nointegritychecks ON" [00:07:36] <[Saint]> then reboot. [00:08:15] <[Saint]> ("bcdedit /set nointegritychecks OFF" to revert) [00:08:31] I will try that. Man, I've been banging at this thing for hours, that would be phenomenal if this did the trick. I'll try it both my machines (One with Itunes, one without). Thank you, Mr. Saint. [00:08:53] I used to validate video drivers, had to do this sometimes. NEVER occurred to me to do this! Thank you again. [00:09:40] <[Saint]> If this gives you no joy, if you have a USB thumb drive handy with a couple of GB space we can do it in a linux based LiveUSB [00:09:55] <[Saint]> (this won't dual-boot, or edit the host configuration in any way, shape, or form) [00:10:24] <[Saint]> I can also guide you, if need be, on creating a LiveUSB drive. [00:10:28] That would be great! I am more than willing to try the live linux route. [00:10:44] <[Saint]> We'll go that route if we get no joy here. [00:10:59] Would much prefer not to touch my bootblock, it took me two days to make my system bootable. I added at least 3 grey hairs. [00:11:50] My grated my old W7 system to a new Samsung 951 SSD, had to convert the boot system to UEFI and oh the joy. [00:12:35] I was going to return the drive, but i figured I'd give one more try to get help. :) [00:12:42] I'll be back after rebooting. [00:12:56] <[Saint]> No problem. [00:13:03] *** Quits: ramiro9 (32011f7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [00:30:51] *** Joins: ramiro9 (32011f7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:31:19] [Saint], can you walk me through doing this with a live disk? [00:33:40] <[Saint]> http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows [00:33:47] <[Saint]> That would be the initial step. [00:35:27] distro? [00:35:39] <[Saint]> Ubuntu. [00:36:25] 14.04 or 15.1? [00:36:48] <[Saint]> 14.04 is the safer bet for any given hardware at this point still. [00:36:51] 64-bit OK? I've noticed a lot of the apple drivers seem to be 32-bit [00:37:17] <[Saint]> Realistically, the only things we need to work are disk access, USB, package management, and the GPU. [00:37:33] <[Saint]> Also, yes. We won't be making use of any Apple magic voodoo here. [00:37:56] Purity! [00:38:31] <[Saint]> After this your device will be almost entirely rid of Apple code. [00:38:46] <[Saint]> The original firmware, and its entire partition, gets removed completely. [00:38:57] I bought my sister a Zareason linux laptop, they put "Purity" stickers on them. [00:39:00] <[Saint]> Just a small subset of code for device bringup remains. [00:39:18] No contamination with rotten Apuls! [00:40:34] <[Saint]> I gather you're aware of how to boot from USB on this host? [00:40:55] gonna be an hour to DL the image. [00:41:03] <[Saint]> You may have to enable boot from USB specifically in the BIOS. But on modern systems, probably not. [00:41:22] Yes, I'm good with choosing a boot device. [00:41:46] It's thoughtful of you to consider the myriad ways people can get stuck. Thank you. [00:42:13] <[Saint]> OK, well, I'm not going anywhere any time soon, so you're free to ping me (mention my nick [Saint] specifically, and I'll get notified about it) when you're booted into Ubuntu and we'll go from there. [00:42:26] <[Saint]> Also, no worries. I wouldn't be here, or respond, if I minded. [00:42:31] <[Saint]> ANd thanks. [00:42:51] Are we going to do Pythong things? [00:42:54] Python [00:43:00] <[Saint]> We are. [00:43:30] We use it ALL the time at work. I guess its time to learn more. It will be handy, that's for sure. [02:01:57] Ping [02:02:39] Ready to burn-just burn it to my stick? Should I set the "Persistent file size" bla bla? [02:03:35] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiii) [02:03:53] <[Saint]> Yes. And, if you want to, but we don't need that much space available to work with. [02:04:27] OK, burning away. [02:04:46] BTW, "Saint" ? Is that like Leslie Charteris' character? [02:05:19] <[Saint]> Observant man. [02:05:24] <[Saint]> Yes, yes it is. [02:05:34] He da man. [02:05:38] Incredible life. [02:05:47] Did you know he was half-Chinese? [02:07:54] <[Saint]> I did. [02:10:52] OK, burn done [02:13:14] What do I do next, please? [02:13:39] <[Saint]> Boot to the USB Liveinstall. [02:13:59] OK [02:14:00] <[Saint]> And then reconnect with us here on IRC so I can poke and prod you further. [02:14:06] <[Saint]> ;) [02:14:17] I think I'd better do it on a different computer. :) [02:18:28] Your poking and prodding is Gentle Guidance. :) [02:19:44] OK, I selected "Try ubuntu w/o Installing" [02:19:54] * [Saint] nods [02:20:50] On the desktop. [02:22:22] And I have network connectivity! [02:22:23] :) [02:22:39] <[Saint]> Press Ctrl+Alt+T [02:22:46] <[Saint]> This will bring up a terminal session. [02:23:19] <[Saint]> I prepared this pastebin for you to run through, each line is a separate command to be run verbatim. [02:23:20] yes [02:23:25] <[Saint]> http://pastebin.com/raw/eQ4C9CgS [02:23:48] <[Saint]> copy/paste each line, end press Enter thereafter. [02:24:00] <[Saint]> Inform me if any error pops up during the course. [02:25:07] should I do them one at a time or just slam the whole clipboard into my terminal? [02:25:18] sorry, you already said. [02:25:56] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [02:28:26] Man, it is just ZIPPING along... [02:29:10] <[Saint]> apt-get update, I presume? [02:29:59] yes [02:30:21] I need to create the "pyusb-1.0.0b2" folder by unzipping the archive [02:30:29] gunzip ... ?? [02:30:34] somethign something [02:31:06] gunzip -??? pyusb-1.0.0b2.zip [02:31:13] <[Saint]> Oh, shit, sorry - "unzip pyusb-1.0.0b2.zip" [02:31:58] All done! [02:32:13] next? [02:33:28] <[Saint]> Awesome. OK. Plug the iPod in to USB, make sure the hold switch is off, and then press and hold menu and select for 10~15s until you enter DFU mode. [02:34:01] Why didn't you tell me to make sure ITOONZ isn't running? Did you forget? [02:34:03] :) [02:34:23] <[Saint]> http://youtu.be/Y_bIDtBohnE this is a video you can follow along with if entering DFU is problematic. [02:34:29] <[Saint]> (It is very time sensitive) [02:34:54] <[Saint]> Gimme a yell when you're in DFU mode. [02:36:02] YELL [02:36:04] :) [02:36:34] <[Saint]> sudo python ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-*.dfu [02:37:06] <[Saint]> after this completes, a 64MB volume named UMSboot should automount on the Ubuntu host. [02:38:40] <[Saint]> lemme know if it falls over. [02:39:48] no volume I can see, but the command line appeared to complete successfully [02:39:58] connected to bootrom bla bla.....upload....done [02:40:09] <[Saint]> sudo fdisk -l [02:40:28] <[Saint]> is the volume visible? [02:42:41] I see a lot of STUFF, but I don't know what I'm looking at [02:42:41] <[Saint]> it should be listed as "Disk /dev/sd: 67 MB, 67108864 bytes" [02:42:43] :( [02:42:49] Lots of sd? [02:43:00] but I had multiple partitions on this system [02:43:07] OS, backup, TCrypt [02:43:10] boot partition [02:43:12] <[Saint]> see above. A 67MB partition. [02:43:21] I don't think I'm seeing a teeny-weeny [02:43:58] <[Saint]> Does the device screen say "UMSboot v0.2.1 ...blah blah blah buncha crap"? [02:44:18] <[Saint]> (the iPod) [02:45:10] yes [02:45:30] Is there a way to tell fdisk to list in Megs instead of sectors? [02:45:34] Then I could tell [02:45:46] there's one that looks "funny" that might be it [02:46:17] <[Saint]> Ok, unplug it (totally safe) and re-plug it, then see if we get an automount. If not, we'll query 'sudo fdisk -l' again, and I'll have you pastebin the output. [02:47:17] cuz I have sda1, 2, 3, & 4, and sdb1. Unless the latter is the stick? [02:47:23] <[Saint]> It will be the only disk handle without a partition on the system. [02:47:40] ipod unpluggled, sdb1 still there, so that's not it [02:48:15] <[Saint]> Ok, do 'sudo fdisk -l' again, and pastebin the output for me please. [02:48:37] <[Saint]> I need the entire content of that command in a pastebin. [02:52:19] I think this is it: http://pastebin.com/FXBiQuT1 [02:52:42] <[Saint]> Ok. [02:53:11] <[Saint]> sudo mkdir -p /media/ipod [02:53:30] <[Saint]> then [02:53:30] <[Saint]> sudo mount /dev/sda /media/ipod [02:53:51] <[Saint]> Oh, fuck, no. [02:54:38] <[Saint]> That won't hurt anything - I misread, got the wrong disk. [02:54:39] space? [02:54:42] looks funny [02:55:32] i didnt type the mount command [02:55:32] <[Saint]> can you pick up the ipod and tell me if the disk is spinning by putting your ear to it please? [02:55:35] *** Quits: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:55:39] <[Saint]> ah, cool. [02:56:29] i don't hear anything, but the screen with the ubi stuff is still up [02:56:58] <[Saint]> This is most unusual. [02:57:21] maybe this is why it wouldn't work on windows. THere's something funny about the ipod? [02:57:26] 7G classic. [02:57:44] But it seemed normal until I started trying this stuff [02:57:54] Itunes saw it, normal menus on the ipod etc. [02:58:15] <[Saint]> sudo lsusb [02:58:15] <[Saint]> pastebin output, please. [02:58:48] <[Saint]> And, at this stage, you don't need to worry about data loss - we haven't actually installed or removed anything yet. [02:59:09] <[Saint]> If you were to reboot the ipod right now you'd be right back where you started with everything intact. [02:59:21] nothing in it, it's brand 'new' [02:59:39] it's useless to me w/o rockbox [03:00:17] <[Saint]> right, but we haven't removed the iPod OS yet. So, that's a bonus if we need to back out, no need to restore. [03:01:17] <[Saint]> The odd thing is is that at his point, the device doesn't even need to have a function HDD - the "disk" it (should) be presenting is a RAMdisk, that's why it's ~67MB, the RAM size of the iPod itself. [03:01:30] <[Saint]> We haven't committed anything a a real physical disk yet. [03:02:43] http://pastebin.com/vrjhJCiv [03:03:48] ya, yesterday I figured out I needed a RAMdisk on this. Made me nostalgic for my Amiga, used to boot off a ramdisk. [03:04:12] <[Saint]> That's interesting - we don't see it at all. [03:04:12] <[Saint]> Is this plugged in via a front mounted case USB port, and/or a USB3 port by any chance? [03:05:09] on an old laptop. 3 ports, 2 are blue, this one is not blue, so I figure it's the USB2 port. [03:05:23] Sandy Bridge generation. [03:06:16] <[Saint]> Can you try one of the other USB ports please? [03:06:24] On windows, I'd get so far in teh process and then get a message, "device could not start" or something like that. [03:06:39] certainly. [03:07:20] <[Saint]> TheSeven: you around hun? [03:08:02] plugged into one of the other ports [03:08:13] is there a 'refresh devices' command? [03:08:28] i tried fdisk -l, but i don't see anything different [03:09:23] <[Saint]> This is really odd. There's absolutely no reason as to why it would work up until this point and then abruptly vanish off the system. [03:09:47] aack [03:09:51] it just shutdown hard [03:09:53] battery [03:10:15] I had it plugged in, but moved the laptop too far and cocked the power cable [03:10:41] <[Saint]> This gives us an interesting opportunity. We can reboot the device (iOS will start), and see if the host detects it then. [03:11:00] <[Saint]> THen we can rule out either the host or the device, with some degree of certainty. [03:12:16] ok, it was just a 'hibernate' [03:12:18] I'm all back [03:12:24] what would be best? [03:12:33] you want me to bounce ubuntu? [03:12:43] shutdown -r now or something like that? [03:12:53] <[Saint]> No no, I would like you to see if the host can detect the device under iOS. [03:13:10] ... pop the ipod and reboot it? [03:13:20] or just reboot the ipod w/o disconnecting? [03:13:21] <[Saint]> Forcibly reboot the device using Menu+Select, no need to unplug it. [03:14:24] done and detected [03:14:33] "you have just installed an audio digital player..." [03:14:41] Put it back in DFU? [03:14:48] <[Saint]> Yes. Please. [03:14:49] Maybe I was DFUing it wrong [03:15:03] <[Saint]> Nah, if you got to UMSboot, you can't have been. [03:15:24] <[Saint]> But we can repeat the process and see if any magic happens this time. [03:15:32] <[Saint]> user890104: any chance you're around hun? [03:15:54] I've been holding down the 2 buttons through 2 stages [03:16:12] first I see the apple logo, I keep holding it down, tehn the screen goes black [03:16:15] is that right? [03:16:33] <[Saint]> Yes. If you got to UMSboot, and you verifiably did, you had it right. [03:18:28] I saw the ipod as sdd1, 159.8G [03:18:31] now it's gone [03:18:37] after putting it in DFU [03:19:11] <[Saint]> No, the iPod won't mount anything under DFU. It's just a conduit for lowlevel access. [03:19:38] <[Saint]> Probably just caught it during the first reset before DFU engages. [03:20:43] OK, fdisk shows my HD, sda, 750G, and my bootstick, sdc, 15.5G. [03:20:56] and the respective partition(s) [03:21:12] <[Saint]> Yes. This is expected. DFU mode presents no partitions to the host. [03:21:23] It's pretty late over there. I understand if you have to bail so you can get some sleep to go to work tomorrow. [03:21:46] <[Saint]> Its 1421 [03:21:47] .... so DFU wouldn't show any SD? ? [03:21:50] <[Saint]> No. [03:22:12] I feel better. :) thought it was 2AM over there. [03:22:24] <[Saint]> s/1421/half past 2 in the afternoon, likely tomorrow, wherever you are/ [03:22:35] I'm in California [03:23:07] 1722 [03:23:40] <[Saint]> We'll need to re-check this at least one more time trying with UMSboot before I concede defeat. [03:24:10] <[Saint]> cd ~/Downloads ; sudo python ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-*.dfu [03:25:19] we may have Liftoff [03:25:59] <[Saint]> Do tell. [03:26:33] or maybe not. ?? "sudo fdisk -l | grep sd" hangs [03:27:08] <[Saint]> 'sudo fdisk -l' should be displaying a ~67MB disk, with no partitions, and 4096b sector size. [03:27:36] <[Saint]> with an ID something along the lines of 'ID ffff:5562 ' [03:28:25] how cruel [03:28:39] ok / dev / sdd 67M [03:28:44] yea baby [03:28:50] <[Saint]> Awesome! [03:29:15] disk identifier is 0x00000000000 [03:29:53] <[Saint]> Ok. 'sudo mkdir -p /media/ipod ; sudo mount /dev/sdd /media/ipod' [03:31:27] <[Saint]> Linux may take some amount of time (~10m) to mount the disk under certain circumstances. [03:31:46] it's certainly taking time [03:31:51] <[Saint]> Not seeing a mounted volume straight away isn't /necessarily/ problematic. [03:32:18] since i saw it in teh file manager as a removeable drive, would an alternative have been to try and open it in teh file manager and let ubuntu auto whatever it does? [03:32:44] <[Saint]> Yes. [03:32:56] <[Saint]> We just did that for it, effectively. [03:33:57] <[Saint]> You can check if it has mounted, or where, with 'df -h' [03:34:02] It's cooking slowly like my low-temperature tea steeps. [03:34:14] I'm scared to touch it until the command returns. [03:34:26] <[Saint]> Ah, it's still running. Cool. [03:34:59] yes. :( [03:35:03] *worries* [03:35:03] <[Saint]> Well, as long as it hasn't stopped...it's not necessarily a bad thing. If it stops and /then/ we don't see it, it's back to head scratching. [03:35:08] OK. [03:35:36] I have to be careful there, there's not a lot on my head, the few remaining follicles are at high risk in the event of vigorous scratching. [03:35:42] <[Saint]> Nah, it's an odd situation where linux wants to parse out the entire drive, very very slowly. Happens on some *nix hosts for a reason I don't offhand understand. [03:36:31] ....looking for .... partition data in odd places? [03:36:39] searching the whole drive? [03:37:02] on a 67M ramdisk, shouldn't take long? [03:38:02] <[Saint]> Nah, it can take ~10m or so, for reasons I don't quite understand. [03:38:23] <[Saint]> It's a known issue with this step on a linux host, so much so that we specifically warn against it in the install guide flow. [03:38:31] OK. [03:38:37] You are part of emcore dev team? [03:39:04] <[Saint]> No. Rockbox. But there's understandably some overlap in the communities. [03:39:31] <[Saint]> I mainly keep my station posted here so that the very few people that have this skill set can help out people like yourself. [03:40:11] <[Saint]> This time of day I'm usually sitting around with my dick in my hand pretending to be working anyway. [03:40:22] It's certainly generous of you. The generosity of people in the open source movement can be baffling. [03:40:42] Well, it's certainly more satisfying to be productive than not. :) [03:41:41] At work I'm usually fending people off with a sharp stick. "Sorry, I have other high-priority tickets I'm working on, but if you submit a ticket for your project, I will discuss priorities with my manager." [03:41:42] <[Saint]> So...it's still churning? [03:41:49] yes [03:41:53] :( [03:42:23] i can try df -h in my other terminal window....? [03:42:42] But I fear releasing the Magic Smoke [03:42:43] <[Saint]> Yes, I was just going to sugegst that actually, got about halfway through typing it. [03:42:57] <[Saint]> And, no, these devices are pretty much indestructible. [03:43:17] <[Saint]> We still haven't actually committed anything to disk or written anything out yet. [03:43:23] yay! [03:43:25] happiness [03:43:28] life is good. [03:43:32] <[Saint]> mounted? [03:43:40] yes yes yes [03:43:43] 64M [03:43:47] <[Saint]> Excellente! [03:43:58] dev / sdd [03:44:13] "/dev/sddd" [03:44:20] "/dev/sdd" [03:44:30] *breathing hard* [03:44:36] <[Saint]> Now you can open up the /Downloads folder, and grab the 'installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi' file, and copy/paste it to the root of this volume. [03:46:04] "cp inblabla.ubi /dev/sdd/" ? [03:46:21] or do it through the GUI? [03:46:26] <[Saint]> Nah, just pick it up and right click copy/paste. [03:47:42] <[Saint]> After it has copied, run 'sync ; sync' in the terminal, then right click on the volume from Files and select 'unmount' [03:48:45] <[Saint]> Then the device should present some instructions for you to approve the install. [03:49:29] not working through the GUI [03:49:35] getting a wide assortment of error messages [03:49:38] <[Saint]> context? [03:49:40] how do I CLI this? [03:50:02] complains about 'unmounting' [03:50:07] what unmount? [03:50:20] but it thinks I'm trying to unmount mr. ipod [03:50:31] <[Saint]> You should be. [03:50:41] to copy a file? [03:51:16] I tried the simple right-click "copy" etc. [03:51:21] <[Saint]> Wait, so you got errors about unmounting on trying to copy a file? [03:51:23] ALso the right-click and "copy to" [03:51:25] Yes. [03:51:27] :( [03:51:34] so maybe through the CLI would work better [03:53:05] <[Saint]> If 'df -f' confirms it is mounted under /media/ipod, do 'sudo cp ~/Downloads/installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi /media/ipod/installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi' [03:53:11] <[Saint]> sorry, 'df -h' [03:53:34] OK, i can't CD to "/dev/sdd", but I can CD to "/media/ipod" [03:53:57] can I just cd there and copy to "." ? [03:54:24] <[Saint]> Yes. [03:55:01] OK, copied [03:55:09] Now I power off EVERYTHING! [03:55:12] just kidding. [03:55:14] what next. [03:55:26] <[Saint]> Ok, now you can eject/unmount /media/ipod [03:55:35] using the GUI, right? [03:55:49] <[Saint]> Yes. Assuming it doesn't bitch at us. [03:55:57] left or right-click on the little 'eject' icon? [03:56:02] I'm nervous. [03:56:27] <[Saint]> left. [03:57:17] "unable to unmount ipod" [03:57:33] is not in the fstab and you are not root [03:59:36] <[Saint]> If you right click on the volume, is there 'safely remove device'? [04:00:28] ok, there isn't, but the original icon, "UUI", does have that entry. I think my RAMdrive has a 'dual identity' [04:00:38] shall I safely... the UUI? [04:01:12] <[Saint]> Can't hurt. [04:02:12] <[Saint]> If the iPod springs into life and presents a new screen at you for confirming the install, we win. [04:03:58] OK, I 'safely ejected' but "/dev/sdd/" is still there and shows 2% used [04:04:12] still can't unmount "/dev/sdd" [04:04:15] UUI is gone. [04:04:39] do i yank the ipod usb plug from the laptop? [04:05:13] <[Saint]> No. It must be ejected. May I get the output of 'df -h' again please? [04:05:19] certainly [04:07:52] http://pastebin.com/4fTkSXx0 [04:10:09] <[Saint]> 'sudo eject /media/ipod' [04:10:42] BAM! [04:10:47] awesome possum [04:10:55] Big scary warning screen on mr ipod [04:11:00] do I pop it now? [04:11:33] or press menu and "play" ? [04:11:42] and which button is "play", the center or the bottom? [04:11:49] <[Saint]> No, we'll leave it plugged. FOr the sake of charging, and following along with the dig scary warning on the ipod telling you what to do. [04:11:55] <[Saint]> buttom. [04:12:00] here goes [04:12:05] <[Saint]> *bottom [04:12:15] Formatting [04:12:17] yahoo [04:12:19] [Saint]: yes, i'm around [04:12:46] <[Saint]> user890104: nevermind - magic ended up figuring it out, sorry. [04:13:26] <[Saint]> This iPod refused to mount under UMSboot for no explicable reason and stopped being detected after running bootstrap twice in a row. [04:13:26] oops [04:13:32] pretty screens on ipd [04:13:43] then ubunto complained about squashfs [04:13:43] * user890104 suggests using the rockbox bootloader for new rockbox installs [04:13:49] then ubuntu bounced [04:13:56] <[Saint]> select the 'Rockbox' option. [04:14:17] <[Saint]> It will complain at you about a missing rockbox.ipod, this is normal. [04:14:33] umm.... ubuntu is hung, and ipod is black. [04:15:16] ubuntu is hung with a few lines complaining aobut squashfs, and last two lines 'unable to read inode block blabla' [04:15:42] <[Saint]> You may reboot the Ipod, and go back to Windows if you desire. We're done with needing a non-shitty OS at this stage. [04:15:51] lol [04:16:14] <[Saint]> emCORE is written to the device, and the host relinquished control of it before it hung up. [04:16:17] ipod is popped [04:16:34] I have an emcore boot menu [04:16:46] <[Saint]> We're still not quite done yet witht he install, but we can finish it under Windows [04:16:53] select one and then connect to PC? [04:16:59] perhaps the Rb one? [04:17:18] i have 3 choices. Power Off, Rb, and terminal [04:17:26] <[Saint]> Select 'Rockbox' let it boot, it'll complain about missing files (totally normal), and then we'll copy the real Rockbox install to it. [04:17:41] selected [04:17:48] oh i miss this screen [04:17:51] <[Saint]> The Rockbox install embedded in emCORE is only to facilitate initial install/recovery. [04:17:54] been using rbox forever [04:18:06] now i connect it, right? [04:18:11] <[Saint]> Yes. [04:18:16] YES [04:18:28] <[Saint]> mount? [04:18:38] yes! [04:19:00] <[Saint]> Extract http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip to the root of the mounted volume, and eject the iPod. [04:19:12] <[Saint]> It will prompt you to ROLO into the new install. [04:19:25] <[Saint]> (ROckbox LOader) [04:20:09] umm.... I think this guy has a more recent build "https://www.iflash.xyz/howto-install-rockbox-on-the-ipod-classics/" for the 7G. But I will certainly do whatever you think is best. [04:21:00] he has this version [04:21:01] gcc: arm-none-eabi-gcc (GCC) 4.9.0 20140316 (experimental) ld: GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.24 Host gcc: gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2 [04:21:13] Version: 03c115cM-140729 [04:21:22] <[Saint]> That's a LOT older. [04:21:30] ok, you know best. [04:21:42] <[Saint]> July 29th 2014 [04:21:47] <[Saint]> (his version) [04:21:57] <[Saint]> The one I just pointed you at was built a matter of hours ago. [04:22:23] OK, I'd better dl it again then. I dled it Friday. [04:23:00] <[Saint]> All of the commits that are relevant to the iFlash based iPods are in Rockbox trunk now anyway. [04:23:03] OK, I copy the .zip? I don't unzip it? [04:23:12] <[Saint]> Extrat it to the root of the volume. [04:23:18] <[Saint]> (so, unzip it, yes) [04:23:21] ah OK [04:23:57] <[Saint]> And if the install of emCORE succeeded and allowed a mount you don't actually have any need for the iFlash stuffs anyway. [04:24:18] <[Saint]> That's for a specific subset of hardware mods which have trunk support since a long time ago. [04:24:26] I did the Iflash on my old 5.5 G [04:24:28] <[Saint]> There's no reason for Tarkan's builds to exist anymore. [04:24:36] it worked, but had "unintended consequences" [04:24:42] well, he does it for his flash cards [04:24:46] Never Again [04:25:07] Had to put Mr. Ipod in disk mode Every Time I wanted to update it. [04:25:12] <[Saint]> Yeah, but there's trunk support for that for the 6G and the 5.5G doesn't need special treatment here. [04:25:15] The flash goodness wasn't worth that hassle [04:25:25] Allcopied. [04:25:31] Eject and then.... ? [04:25:48] <[Saint]> Eject, and ROLO will (should) prompt you to boot into the new version. [04:25:54] <[Saint]> And you'll see Rockbox 'proper' [04:26:08] <[Saint]> (with theme, plugins, code/playback support) [04:26:12] OK, do I use explorer eject, or the system tray "Safely Eject" [04:26:34] <[Saint]> Either or, this step isn't picky about it. [04:26:38] whew [04:27:08] YES! [04:27:12] yesyesyesyes [04:27:28] Dude, I owe you a solid [04:27:31] <[Saint]> et viola. [04:28:02] talk to me [04:28:07] what can i do for you? [04:28:19] <[Saint]> Be happy, and enjoy it. [04:28:23] Man. [04:28:32] *sigh*. [04:28:34] Life is good. [04:28:37] Thank you so much. [04:29:02] <[Saint]> I'm as happy as you are, I dislike unresolved issues. [04:29:11] Do you use SSDs in your home box? [04:30:05] <[Saint]> Only for /cache and /tmp, I've got some bigass RAID60 arrays. [04:30:13] OK. [04:30:32] I have my old Patriot 128G tiny flash card I was using in my 5.5G ipod before it died. [04:30:39] Can you use that? [04:31:13] and a 180G m.2 stick I'm not using. [04:31:59] And if you want any traditional Argentine Tango music, I'm your man. I use my ipod as a backup device when I DJ tango dances. [04:32:00] <[Saint]> Like...big big. 12X 4TB RAID60 (32TB) and 12X 4TB RAID6 (40TB) [04:32:10] LOL, OK. [04:32:39] FWIW, the latest Intel PCIe NVM drives will eat the dust of any spinner under any circumstances. [04:32:41] *ahem* [04:32:42] :) [04:32:54] But for capacity, you are right, you need spinners. [04:33:23] Even the current generation, not the new 'optane' whatevers are superfast [04:33:36] but I can't easily get my hands on those. [04:35:07] <[Saint]> I don't do any of this for the promise of compensation. But I appreciate the offer. I'm entirely happy knowing you've removed that bullshit crippled iShit and are rockin' tunes to the hardware's potential without the chain-of-command iFuckery. [04:36:02] you da man. OK. [04:36:23] well thank you very much. I obviously coulnd't have done this without your help. [04:37:16] <[Saint]> Looking forward to perhaps seeing you around the Rockbox forums at some stage. [04:37:43] <[Saint]> I moderate/support/provide enthusiast csarcastic reponses there also. [04:38:35] OK. I will get an ID and see if there's something I can contribute. [04:44:31] <[Saint]> If you really hate yourself, and/or want to amuse/bemuse others, there's always http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=1260&target=ipodvideo [04:45:04] <[Saint]> I took down my original due to it being pretty questionable on a legal standing, but there's like a million adaptations of my iLike theme. [04:45:52] I made a theme, I can try to get all the pieces and zip it up and send it to you? [04:45:54] <[Saint]> s/a million/...8/ [04:46:03] It's kind of frankensteined [04:46:21] It had two purposes: Big buttons so I can see them easily when I drive [04:46:28] Lots of info for when I DJ [04:46:39] and my background picture. :) [04:46:50] <[Saint]> A lot are. There's a good ~100 or so themes scattered around the themesite based on something I wrote and since got bored of and removed. [04:48:18] <[Saint]> They're pretty easy to spot in the theme code. I had a pretty specific commenting/formatting style that ended up being used as a template for...lots. [04:48:58] <[Saint]> 100% of the stuff that gives attribution to "Hayden Pearce", and ~40% of the stuff that doesn't. [04:50:35] Nice. [04:50:48] <[Saint]> These days I just use the fallback theme (the horrible looking black theme you saw on the base install in emCORE), and a larger antialiased font. [04:51:29] <[Saint]> I used to be pretty heavy into the theme engine/syntax scene, but these days I just throw advice around occasionally. [04:51:52] makes sense. Time tends to bring you to simplicity and functionality. [04:51:58] I've seen it in a lot of areas. [04:52:05] And robustness, too. [04:52:47] <[Saint]> It eventually occurred to me that as fun as it was to play with, I spent 99.99% of the time playing with it in code, and 0.01% of the time actually looking at it. [04:52:57] yes [04:53:15] I became a 'functionality' guy some years ago. [04:53:30] Now I just want to get my stuff to work, and I don't tinker for the fun of it. [04:53:33] <[Saint]> Every MB saved on skin engine is a few minutes more audio playback between having to spin up the disk to recache. [04:53:35] I feel like I have too much to do. [04:53:47] <[Saint]> The majority of my time is spent on Android development these days. [04:53:57] oh awesome. it's a very hot field [04:54:23] [Saint]: did you try the dual-boot bootloader on your ipods? [04:54:23] hey I'm syncing right now. [04:54:36] ..... I always booted into Rockbox. [04:54:44] I think my first attempts had a dualie [04:55:01] <[Saint]> It can be. As usually happens eventually something you love as a hobby ends up being something you end up doing for employment and having the soul and life sucked out of it slowly. [04:55:07] Sometimes mr. ipod woudl get confused and boot into apple, but I would just reset and it would default-boot into rockbox [04:55:41] there are things i won't do for money. I always fear that happening. [04:56:06] I think I have a gift for some medical stuff, and I always fear that if I charge, the gift will be taken away [04:56:08] <[Saint]> AH, emCORE pro-tip, boot into the emCORE main menu, select 'Tools', then 'Settings' then 'fastboot action' then 'Rockbox'. [04:56:15] oh my [04:56:16] <[Saint]> It'll boot straight to Rb then. [04:56:27] what is pro-tip ? [04:56:30] <[Saint]> I forgot to mention that. [04:56:39] never mind, i understand now [04:56:41] :) [04:56:59] hey, i'm syncing, and I'm seeing usb2 speeds [04:57:01] <[Saint]> 'something potentially non-obvious in a settings area end users might be intimidated by and not touch', in this context. [04:57:06] I used to see usb1 speeds [04:57:23] is it the Rb sw, or the hw on teh classic? [04:57:52] thank you, that will be Extremely appreciated. Don't liek the extra step [04:58:57] <[Saint]> user890104: I have it installed on one of my Classics, but I lost whatever version it was and whatever IRC log it was I followed to get it installed. [04:59:05] <[Saint]> And its a very early version. [04:59:58] <[Saint]> ramiro9: if you any reason you want/need to get back to the emCORE main menu, hold any one of the clickwheel keys during boot. [05:00:14] Does the version you gave me have the AI logic to filter out the suck songs I occasionally put on my playlists? [05:00:25] If not, can I include it as a feature request? [05:00:29] [Saint]: you can update to v8, which I just posted to the head-fi forums :) http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/3510#post_12302874 [05:01:25] good night guys, i'm going to sleep, it's 0500 here [05:01:29] <[Saint]> ramiro9: No, we don't do any form of advanced weighting in Rockbox's Database/Playlists [05:01:42] :) [05:01:49] <[Saint]> user890104: night! [05:01:57] Good night! [05:02:21] <[Saint]> I don't even use the database to be honest. My builds don't even have it available in the main menu. [05:02:54] I DLed that file that user890104 mentioned. [05:02:57] <[Saint]> I just have Files/Resume Playback/Settings [05:03:03] What am i suposed to do with it? [05:04:38] *scared of breaking our hard-fought achievement* :( [05:05:18] <[Saint]> You can always, at any point, even if there's no LCD or HDD present, force DFU mode and restore with iTunes. [05:05:36] Oh, good to know. [05:05:41] <[Saint]> It takes serious and deliberate effort to destro one of these devices. [05:05:51] <[Saint]> And a readme is included in the archive. [05:06:28] <[Saint]> But it's only really useful if you're ever wanting to restore the original firmware and then want to dualboot Rockbox/iOS [05:06:59] <[Saint]> If you don't, there's no real want or need to use it. It's just the candidate for official bootloader support for the Classic in the ROckbox tree. [05:07:18] I am happy with something that works, don't see a big advantage to marginal improvement with latest version vs. risk of trashing our achievement. [05:07:35] You mean this will work without all the pain we just went through? [05:07:48] <[Saint]> (currently the Classic is 'unusable' in our (Rockbox's) device classification, due to the reliance on third party out-of-tree code (emCORE)) [05:07:52] This will work like on the 5.5G? [05:08:26] yes, so this build will let me plug in a new classic 7G, click on teh RockboxUtility.exe, and away it goes? [05:08:34] <[Saint]> Yes. Bugs notwithstanding. But to make use of the practical features it offers, you would need to roll back to the original FW first. [05:08:37] w / o all that DFU nonsense? [05:08:46] ummm.... [05:08:51] waht practical features? [05:08:53] <[Saint]> No. You'll need to force DFU manually, but it can take over from there. [05:09:02] but dfu didn't work [05:09:03] <[Saint]> practical features == dual boot. [05:09:12] i so don't need that [05:09:16] apple os [05:09:17] ptui [05:09:20] Unclean [05:09:22] SATAN [05:09:27] <[Saint]> DFU did work. It always works. The host was just unwilling to communicate with it for some reason. [05:09:38] sounds like my ex! [05:10:32] so if I bought another 7G, put it in DFU mode, I could just run this RockboxUtility.exe, it would work? [05:10:50] or would it not work because of the host-isnt-communicating problem? [05:12:52] <[Saint]> In theory at least it would present the same issues on Windows as you had with the emCORE tool set. [05:14:02] OK. Sounds like it isn't for me, then. I am soooo glad someone is still working on it. [05:14:17] Do you know if anyone is working on rbox for the FIIO? [05:14:25] <[Saint]> Yes. [05:14:33] Awesome. [05:14:45] I would like to get away from depending on old apple products. [05:15:48] <[Saint]> 2001~2014; "old" [05:15:50] * [Saint] weeps [05:16:10] well, no rb on the touch, right? [05:16:20] Latest supported are the 'classics'? [05:16:26] And they end around 2009? [05:16:32] <[Saint]> 2014 [05:16:40] Time is different in the IT world [05:17:09] The 7G? [05:17:11] 2014? [05:17:20] <[Saint]> Yup. [05:17:21] I thought only the "Touch" ipods ran that long [05:17:33] I stand corrected then [05:17:35] <[Saint]> Nah, the line was closed out in 2014. [05:18:04] <[Saint]> With a very very very minor HW substituion of zero consequence to us some time around 2012 [05:18:55] <[Saint]> technically speaking there is no '7G' [05:18:58] hmmm, ok [05:19:13] You mean the "3G Classic" ? [05:20:40] <[Saint]> There were only 2 variants of the 6G, though one of them got a minor HW late in the game. Its the 6G v2 that usually (erroneously) gets called either 6.5G or 7G. [05:20:56] <[Saint]> *HW substitution [05:21:16] ah, OK [05:21:32] that explains why the files we used were called "....6G..." [05:21:34] ?? [05:21:39] <[Saint]> Yes. [05:23:08] Well, I hope you won't think me rude or ungrateful if I sign off--I have to do Stuff [05:23:09] <[Saint]> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPod_Classic#Models [05:23:20] <[Saint]> Nah man, by no means. [05:23:24] Meditate, fold laundry, finish playlist [05:23:36] <[Saint]> Enjoy. [05:23:39] Study the tickets for my meeting tomorrow in the AM [05:23:41] :) [05:24:00] Some parts of this are more fun than Other parts. [05:24:01] :) [05:31:47] *** Quits: ramiro9 (32011f7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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[20:36:06] <[Saint]> Ended up getting myself into a tiny patch of dependency Hell while doing the picks, but I got there in the end. [20:36:52] <[Saint]> Also had a head scratching moment when it wanted libusb-1.0-dev instead of libusb-dev [20:37:04] <[Saint]> Put my glasses on, and, viola! [21:04:04] <[Saint]> Shit - is the ipodmanualrestore flow _just_ Windows? [21:07:27] <[Saint]> Fuck it. I guess so. The first part of the flow is all valid for *nix, but then you hit the ipodscsi dependency [21:07:43] <[Saint]> Fuuuuuuuuuck. [21:09:39] <[Saint]> I can find lots of things that are now dead that apparently point(ed) to an ipodscsi version for *nix that [7] wrote. [22:40:04] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:41:13] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@