[01:01:18] MightyBora: sorry, i was away too [01:01:35] >>> but after a couple more seconds the screen goes blank and the HDD spins down [01:01:38] this IS DFU [01:02:00] can you open device manager? [01:02:09] then select View - Devices by connection [01:02:42] look for USB Hub and expand everything below on the device tree [01:54:58] sorry was away again, I'm checking now in device manager. Not easy, because there is some other stuff connected to the other USB ports. What exactly am I looking for? [02:00:55] I can't find anything that looks like my ipod. I was also looking at the device manager while I switched on DFU mode, nothing changed ... [02:07:42] *** Quits: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [02:09:58] *** Joins: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:10:32] user890104: woops lost my connection for a couple minutes there [02:11:14] but anyway... don't know what else there is to do, looking more and more like a hardware error... [02:11:41] it should have apple or dfu in the device name [02:11:43] or recovery [02:13:55] MightyBora: can you please try one more thing: download Zadig http://zadig.akeo.ie/ [02:14:12] then run it, and select Options - Advanced mode [02:14:39] then copy/paste all of the text in the lower part of the window to pastebin.com [02:14:45] and post a link here [02:15:29] first select Options - List All Devices [02:15:35] okay cool, hold on [02:15:35] forgot to mention that [02:16:06] ipod in DFU mode or normal rockbox mode or ... ? [02:17:01] try to enter DFU [02:17:12] then select List All Devices from zadig options menu [02:17:25] and then advanced mode, then copy/paste log [02:20:26] http://pastebin.com/mGaqvaXH [02:21:18] ok, no sign of anything related to apple [02:21:25] =( [02:21:26] so it's unfortunately a hardware problem [02:21:45] maybe the dock connector is dirty or damaged somehow? [02:21:49] isn't it weird that the charger works then? [02:22:06] no, the charging uses separate pins on the dock connector port [02:22:13] usb uses two more for data [02:22:22] i've tried cleaning already, there was some gunk in it, i removed that, looks pretty clean now [02:22:28] but pretty hard to see [02:22:32] oh i see [02:22:34] so looks like one (or both) of the usb pins are not making good connection [02:23:01] I'm going to try to see if I can borrow another cable from someone... you never know [02:23:08] yeah, try that [02:23:22] some fake cables do not connect all pins [02:23:28] or the connection is loose [02:24:08] let's hope so [02:24:10] http://www.allpinouts.org/index.php/Apple_iPod,_iPad_and_iPhone_dock [02:24:36] what are the odds of getting an ipod with broken screen and broken usb connector at the same time :) [02:24:41] basicly 16 and 23 are ok, so it's charging [02:24:55] 25 and/or 27 aren't [02:24:59] well... [02:25:13] if someone dropped it, quite high :) [02:26:19] dropped it on the screen and then bounced over and hit the usb? :) [02:26:46] more likely some cables inside could have disconnected [02:27:25] that would be really crappy, the usb connector is one of the only parts you can't order seperately :-| [02:27:33] note: opening an ipod classic is not recommended, if you want to keep it as one piece afterwards [02:27:38] makes sense [02:27:55] it is possible, but there are some crappy clips that hold the back panel [02:28:03] well I already opened it to replace the screen [02:28:19] ok, so you know it then [02:28:20] previous owner already "tried" to open it too [02:28:40] and made it much harder for me to open it in the process :) [02:29:04] yeah, it's definately not easy... [02:32:25] it's too hard to see if there's anything wrong with pin 25 or 27 [02:33:02] maybe tomorrow in daylight will be easier to see. [02:33:31] I think I have a magnifier laying around here somewhere [02:37:34] omg, this is the worst magnifier ever... [02:49:54] i'm going to sleep, good luck with the ipod [02:50:10] post your findings here, i'll read it in the morning (GMT+2) [03:13:58] alright, good night man! [03:14:04] thanks for your help! [03:16:17] I don't think there's anything left for me to check today. I'm going to need to find another usb cable somewhere. Can take a couple of days. But I'll come and post my findings. I also have a topic about this subject on this link: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,51201.0.html [03:16:23] see you later! [03:22:43] *** Quits: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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