[06:18:33] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:18:38] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:52:42] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [11:52:56] *** Joins: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [11:54:24] hi everyone [11:55:10] user890104: great news, I just cleaned the logic board and usb connector with some alcohol and now my computer recognizes the ipod! [11:55:58] there is the "plunk" sound in windows 7. however windows doesn't recognize what to do with it. probably driver issue [11:56:24] also I just realised I forgot to put in some screws, so I have to open the ipod again :) [11:59:34] MightyBora: that's great! [12:05:24] I know right? :) I was so surprised when I heard that sound [12:24:14] user890104: What is suposed to happen when I restart in DFU mode? I hear the usb plunk-sound in windows at the moment DFU mode is activated, but also in this mode the device is not recognized. iTunes (9.2.1) doesn't see it either. I would like to restore back to original Apple firmware. [12:24:56] MightyBora: you might want to use the non-itunes restore method [12:25:06] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Restore_iPod_without_iTunes [12:26:04] instead of "python ipoddfu.py xxxx.dfu" you can use the new mk6gboot.exe utility, which can be found here: http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic-v8/RockboxBootloaderInstaller_iPodClassic_v8/mk6gboot.exe [12:26:07] cool thanks, I'll try that guide! I was following this one initially http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Uninstallation [12:26:32] is that the dual boot option? [12:26:57] this is one of the tools needed for dual boot installation [12:27:04] but it can also be used for itunes restoring [12:27:22] so instead of "python ipoddfu.py xxx.dfu" use "mk6gboot.exe --dfusend xxx.dfu" [12:27:33] the other commands are the same [12:28:19] okay, I'm going to read the guide for a sec! [12:28:35] first you can use "mk6gboot.exe --dfuscan" to see if there are any DFU devices found [12:32:09] MightyBora: also, if you have itunes installed, it should have picked a driver for the dfu device [12:32:18] so you don't need to install a custom one [12:32:39] it will also work, but it is not needed if dfuscan finds it with the stock one [12:33:55] okay, I have itunes installed, but windows still says unknown device connected when I switch it to DFU mode, doesn't that mean the DFU driver isn't properly installed? Anyway I'm not at that point yet, still reading the guide :p [12:35:04] ah ok, then try the custom driver [12:50:31] user890104: in Zadig, the ipod in DFU mode shows up as 'unknown device', can I continue the process like that ? [12:51:17] MightyBora: can you open device manager first [12:51:28] then double-click the unknown device [12:51:33] go to the last tab [12:52:01] and select details - hardware ids [12:52:21] and tell me what's in the text area below [12:53:37] okay I'm looking for the unknown device in device manager, but it looks like it doesn't have the usual yellow question mark, I'm going to look in 'view by connection' [12:54:57] hardware-id just says USB\UNKNOWN :-/ [12:56:48] I don't know if it makes much difference but please remember that I have an old version of both emCORE (v0.2.3 r859) and Rockbox (644b83e - 120701) [13:03:17] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [13:08:06] on my other pc (windows 8), ipod booted in Rockbox hardware Ids : USB\DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE [13:08:42] General device status: Windows has sopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43) [13:10:20] in DFU mode, same errors [13:14:50] in Windows 7 general status is 'no drivers installed' [13:16:24] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [13:17:12] I wonder what else is wrong with this ipod ... :-/ I'm going to eat my lunch now, see you in a bit [13:44:52] back [13:45:04] I'm going to boot a linux live CD, see what happens there... [13:56:03] *** Quits: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:02:08] *** Joins: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:08:38] *** Joins: MightyBora_ (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:09:18] I'm back... ipod wasn't recognized in Linux either [14:10:43] *** Quits: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:20:13] user890104: what do you think I should do ? [14:26:59] MightyBora_: what does it show if you type lsusb? [14:27:44] oh I'm back in Windows now. I'll boot back to Linux, hold on! [14:30:07] will boot into linux once my downloads finish... [14:33:54] *** Joins: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:34:33] *** Quits: MightyBora_ (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:35:39] user890104: ipod booted in rockbox http://pastebin.com/6XuapWu2 [14:36:40] in DFU mode http://pastebin.com/CwdV2WV1 [14:37:27] looks like it's not recognized at all in Linux ? [14:37:58] its ubuntu live version, booted from an usb drive btw [14:39:25] MightyBora: yes, it's not recognized [14:40:09] but since you saw it under windows, it means that the usb connection is working, but not stable [14:40:24] could be some dirt in the connector, bad plug/cable and so on [14:40:27] uhu... [14:40:58] so please try to clean all the connectors in the chain [14:41:09] and use DFU mode for testing [14:41:15] what do you mean with chain ? [14:41:18] rockbox may give false positives [14:41:59] i mean the usb connector on the computer, the usb plug on the cable, dock plug on the cable and the dock connector on the ipod [14:42:51] so try to get it to enter DFU mode, then do the tests with plugging and unplugging, and trying to clean any dirt in the connectors [14:43:05] it should be recognized as 05ac:1223 in lsusb [14:43:49] okay, I'll try to clean that stuff, but I would be surprised if that works, because I can connect other ipods with the same cable and usb-port [14:44:04] ok, so it's an issue of the dock connector [14:44:57] can you have a look at the board? is it possible that one of the USB traces is disconnected or damaged? [14:46:16] I took a look at it earlier this morning when I was cleaning it. I coudn't see any damage altough it's all so tiny I can't say for sure [14:47:22] well, i'm out of suggestions, maybe [7] or [Saint] might have an idea [14:47:36] is it possible because of a faulty hdd ? When I first tried to boot the ipod after repairing the broken LCD screen, it seemed to be stuck in a bootloop and I could clearly hear the HDD restarting [14:48:15] but then it magically booted all of the sudden [14:50:22] but at least in windows, it gets recognized as an unknown device. So I could try to install the custom DFU mode with Zavig... but that might brick it completely ? [14:51:42] also, I already ordered when of those SD card adapters from www.iflash.xyz, I could try to connect that instead of the orignal HDD and see what happens [14:52:28] MightyBora: if the usb does not work, it's not a hdd issue [14:52:51] if the hdd is faulty, it will show as usb device, but show read/write errors (if it boots at all) [14:53:55] please stay online to see if someone else has an idea about this, i'll be out for a while [14:53:59] i don't know much about that stuff... emCORE and DFU-mode is stored on the internal memory chips I guess? [14:54:37] I read on one of the documentation pages that old versions of emCORE remove the Apple software completely, this might include DFU mode? [14:59:47] alright user890104 , thanks again for your help! very much apreciated! I'm going to clean the motherboard of the stubborn ipod once again, extra hard this time [15:00:13] then going to let it dry and come back tomorrow. I got some other stuff I got to take care of [15:00:31] MightyBora: DFU is in a read-only memory, it cannot be deleted unless you use a laser or acid :) [15:01:02] and yes, emcore loads from a read/write flash memory, not hdd [15:01:08] so it will boot even without hdd [15:02:22] let's hope the previous owner didn't have access to acid or laser then :D [15:08:02] alright, see you next time, thanks again! grtz [15:12:19] *** Quits: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:19:15] *** Joins: MightyBora (5ee3227b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:06:07] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:38:55] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:30:48] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [19:36:38] <[Saint]> MightyBora: All I can say is it is definitely, definitely, definitely hardware at this point, and, no it is definitely not the HDD. [19:37:42] <[Saint]> It might seem surprising and perhaps counterintuitive, but a HDD is not required for this process at all. [19:39:04] <[Saint]> A fair bit of the hardware is entirely superfluous to this actually. LCD, hold/lineout, heck...you wouldn;t even need the clickwheel either if it wasn't required to actually enter DFU mode in the first place. [19:39:23] <[Saint]> My immediate guess at this point would be a failed ribbon cable. [19:40:15] <[Saint]> (these ribbons are _REALLY_ fragile...really, really, really fragile - and you did say there was an obvious (and apparently brutal) attempt to open the device by the previous owner, and yourself) [19:49:37] hi [Saint] thanks for your feedback, I did some more thourough cleaning of the motherboard. I found some more gunk in the USB connector, I found you can remove the small strip of black tape on the connector to reveal the individual pins on the backside, removed the gunk there also [19:50:12] I'm about to reassemble everything after dinner. Will post my findings here. I really hope that extra removal of gunk will fix it... [19:50:56] As far as I can see, there is actually no ribbon cable in this case. The usb-connector is soldered directly to the motherboard for this generation ipod looks like [19:51:18] which is actually a shame, otherwise I could order a seperate part :) [21:30:13] user890104, [Saint], it didn't work, still the same error. Should I try the Zadig method while it's recognized as an unknown device, or is it no avail? [21:31:09] MightyBora: if there aren't proper usb ids in device manager - properties - details - hardware ids, installing any drivers won't make any sense [21:31:27] the problem is in the usb communication, not in the driver [21:32:00] by proper usb ids i mean something like USB\VID_05ac&PID_xxxx&..... [21:32:02] 05ac = apple [21:32:29] pid 1223 is DFU, 1261 is normal mode [21:32:39] uhu I understand. DFU mode should show up no matter what [21:32:53] as long as you see USB\UNKNOWN or something like this, there's a communication failure [21:32:58] yes, definetely [21:33:30] so the ipod looks like it's in dfu if you hold the buttons for 12 seconds, right? [21:33:41] i mean it doesn't reboot and the screen stays black? [21:34:13] if it doesn't enter dfu, it's because usb needs to be connected [21:34:23] and you end up in a chicken-egg situation [21:35:05] yeah I think it's in DFU. It reboots after a couple of seconds into the emCORE settings menu and a couple seconds later screen goes black, hdd spins down, and PC detects a differen unknown device [21:35:54] it's about 12 seconds, I counted it [21:36:38] there's nothing more I can do I guess, what a dissapointment :) [21:38:14] so it somehow detects the usb connection... [21:38:20] otherwise it won't enter dfu [21:38:44] yeah and windows also detects "something" [21:38:53] it will just keep rebooting over and over every 5 seconds [21:38:53] if you hold down the buttons continuously [21:39:47] that's what it would do if there is no DFU mode ? [21:40:12] what do you mean by "there is no dfu mode"? [21:40:23] that's what i would do if there is no usb connection [21:40:43] i'm not sure if it needs a usb host (like a computer), or a wall charger will also make it happy [21:40:53] :) [21:41:03] it* [21:42:24] just double checked that, when there's no usb plugged in, the screen won't go blank [21:42:42] so I'm definately in DFU mode when the usb is plugged in [21:44:52] and i just confirmed that a wall charger is all it needs to enter dfu [21:45:05] so it's probably just checking for a charger [21:45:45] which is bad, because we can't decide if the usb pins are working [21:50:15] sigh :( [21:51:11] do you know somewhere online I can find cheap logic boards for this ipod type? they're normally around 80$ which is way to expensive :-/ [22:30:02] <[Saint]> MightyBora: a device in DFU mode definitely should not show up "no matter what". [22:30:32] <[Saint]> Just like any USB device, if it can't communicate with the host, and we have zero evidence that it can in this regard, you're not gonna get squat. [22:31:16] <[Saint]> Also - no. [22:31:35] <[Saint]> There's really no such thing as a "cheap logic board" for the ipod6g. [22:32:02] <[Saint]> It is often cheaper to buy a secondhand device outright than it is to buy a logic board standalone. [22:32:15] <[Saint]> Pawn shops are a gold mine sometimes. [22:33:09] <[Saint]> But vendors these days are VERY aware that this iPod model was (fairly recently) discontinued and fairly sought after, and can and will capitalize on this fact. [22:34:14] <[Saint]> Even if I could find a cheap logic board, I wouldn't trust it. [22:34:34] <[Saint]> Not without being wrapped in the rest of the device for some degree of safety and security during shipping. [22:34:57] <[Saint]> Domestic postal services don't lend themselves well to shipping delicate components. [22:35:44] you're probably right about that... I got 'lucky' with this one, I got it for free... although also very unlucky it had so many problems :-| [22:43:12] <[Saint]> If there's some small Mon'n'Pop type pawn shops (ie. not large, branded, chain type stores) in your locale, go canvas them, it is well worth a look. [22:43:45] <[Saint]> If it looks even vaguely professional, they are probably quite aware of the value of the items they have in stock. [22:43:59] <[Saint]> But, this is based on my experience and your mileage may vary. [22:45:05] <[Saint]> I go around the pawn shops in my immediate area (+/-20km from the CBD) every few months, looking for iPods specifically, and I have been fairly lucky in this regard myself. [22:46:03] <[Saint]> But I am also fairly adept at feigning disinterest, and generally swaying conversations in my favor, and talking the retailer down from the sticker price. [22:46:23] <[Saint]> Again, based on my experience, all pawn shops seem to be very willing to haggle. [22:47:04] <[Saint]> (not the big boy chains, though they will sometimes be willing to haggle as well, I am referring again to the mom'n'pop type pawn shops) [22:50:07] <[Saint]> MightyBora: ^ [22:50:12] We don't really have pawn shops where I'm from. There are a lot of thrift shops, but I haven't seen any ipods there [22:50:31] <[Saint]> Oh. That's unfortunate. [22:50:36] I have the feeling people here just hang on to their stuff, even though there not using them... [22:51:04] <[Saint]> I find it hard to believe there's nothing analogous to a pawn shop in your locale. [22:51:05] Many people are also not aware they can sell there broken devices [22:51:11] <[Saint]> Not impossible. But difficult. [22:51:21] well yeah there are thrift shops [22:51:23] <[Saint]> There's desperate people everywhere. [22:51:46] <[Saint]> Perhaps you should raise some capitol and go into business. ;) [22:51:52] hehehe [22:52:21] I guess we have something similar now that you mention it [22:52:23] <[Saint]> I assure you that financial despairer exists in every locale, and predatory lending seems to be a socially accepted fact. [22:53:05] <[Saint]> People will always be willing to borrow against their property, and a large percentage of them will default on the loan. [22:53:16] <[Saint]> Its just a fact of life I suppose. [22:54:01] yeah I guess so :) [22:56:36] in my country there is unemployment-alimony (probably not the right word) for almost everyone, maybe that's why people aren't selling their stuff :) [22:56:53] <[Saint]> But, yeah, if there is something to that effect in your area - I highly advise checking it/them out. [22:57:59] But I also live in a small sized city, there's not so many less fortunate people [22:58:20] Yes I already have some places in mind [22:58:27] <[Saint]> It might indeed be different in your locale, I don't know, I have no idea, but at least in mine while unemployment does also have an (indirect) contributing factor to driving the industry, by far the biggest contributor to small electronics goods in pawn shops is theft/fraud/dishonesty crimes. [22:58:46] <[Saint]> Most often revolving around drug dependency. [22:59:51] <[Saint]> source for anecdotes: [22:59:51] * [Saint] has a fairly checkered past and is in active recovery for long term heroin abuse [23:00:38] are you serious? wow... hang in there! [23:00:53] <[Saint]> I am indeed. And thanks. [23:02:18] well I (luckily) don't have experience with that, but I know one or two pawn shop type businesses in my area [23:02:33] one that sells all sorts of sketchy stuff [23:03:42] in that regards it's a good thing that ipods can't be remotely locked I guess ... :) [23:04:19] where are you from anyway ? [23:04:50] <[Saint]> New Zealand. [23:05:20] Nice, would like to visit some day... [23:05:21] <[Saint]> Christchurch, specifically. And yourself? [23:06:22] I'm from Belgium , my city is called Mechelen, near Brussels [23:09:16] looks pretty beautiful where you live (If I can trust google maps :p) [23:14:32] <[Saint]> Like many places, there's a lot of beauty, and a lot of terrible terrible things. [23:14:32] <[Saint]> New Zealands main claim is a wide amount of diversity in many aspects in what is a very small package. [23:14:58] <[Saint]> It is definitely not like the tourism industry wants to project it is to the outside world. [23:16:18] <[Saint]> Those images are pretty fairly cherrypicked to present a certain image. [23:16:18] <[Saint]> But I suppose that is true of a lot of places. [23:17:12] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:17:56] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [23:19:28] yeah, I think that's true for every single thing... you won't see a picture of a rainy day on google maps for example :) [23:20:23] but still, there's a lot of beautiful nature in your country, at least that part is true (or is it?) [23:22:24] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:23:09] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [23:24:21] [Saint]: connection problems ? [23:29:46] can you see your house? :P https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/STS-116_spacewalk_1.jpg/1920px-STS-116_spacewalk_1.jpg [23:47:42] <[Saint]> MightyBora: no no, just the server that hosts my quassel core.