[00:08:18] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [03:08:13] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [03:08:21] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [03:09:31] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [03:09:39] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:57:05] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [08:57:35] *** Quits: [Saint_] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:55:42] *** Joins: _tnull (~tnull@x4d0ccdb0.dyn.telefonica.de) [13:56:30] <_tnull> hello! Anyone here to help? I try to install rockbox on my ipod classic. I use a windows 10 host in a virtualbox vm. [13:57:34] <_tnull> So far, i killed the ipod support daemon, the itunes helper and MobileDevice daemon via the task manager [13:58:15] <_tnull> and windows recogizes the ipod in dfu mode. Running the bootstrap however fails with "Could not open DFU device" [13:58:27] <_tnull> Any suggestions how to proceed? [13:59:42] <_tnull> Ah, btw: this is on a OS X machine. Meaning when i connect the ipod itunes automatically wants to restore it (even if i connect it per default to the vm). [14:00:14] <_tnull> However, after the device is attached the vm seems to recogize it just fine... [14:00:31] <_tnull> (other from bootstrap not finding the dfu device0 [14:00:33] <_tnull> ) [14:01:21] _tnull: you can try the RB bootloader instead emCORE, see http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/#/c/1266/6/rbutil/mk6gboot/README and http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/3510 [14:02:07] but you need Windows or Linux [14:09:06] <_tnull> Ok. But does that mean that i just try to use rockbox tool from http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/3510 normally? [14:09:20] <_tnull> Without dfu mode if not requested otherwise by the program? [14:11:50] DFU must be entered, you can use command line tool mk6gboot.exe or graphical RockboxUtility.exe, if you have appropriate drivers in Windows/Linux it should not be problems to recognize the DFU mode and install the bootloader [14:15:17] <_tnull> Hum, the graphical installer fails to recognize a device. If i try to manually choose ipod classic i can't select a mount point [14:15:30] <_tnull> This is in DFU / recovery mode [14:16:05] <_tnull> I quit all apple related tasks [14:16:38] <_tnull> and Windows 'Devices' tab in settings lists "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" under connected devices. [14:16:41] If you use RockboxUtility then connect it in normal mode (no DFU), it must have OF correctly installed and running, the RockboxUtility will tell you when to enter DFU mode [14:17:03] <_tnull> Ah, ok. And should I enable disk mode prior to that? [14:17:19] <_tnull> Is this then the mount poitn for the disk? [14:17:22] the RockboxUtility will also pause/resume iTunes, but there is no problem if they are already killed [14:18:06] <_tnull> Wow ok [14:18:11] <_tnull> will try [14:18:26] is the iPod is mounted normally then RockboxUtility should detect it [14:22:04] <_tnull> Ok. When I connect it normally the "Connected Devices" Tab now shows "Driver Error" [14:23:03] is the iPod detected correctly by iTunes? [14:24:16] <_tnull> It was before... Now not anymore.. Seems something is messed up now. [14:25:30] <_tnull> Ok, iTunes under OS X still detects it correctly... Rebooting the vm [14:26:49] note that using a VM you need to "reattach" the USB device each time the mode changes during installation (normal->dfu->normal) [14:29:03] <_tnull> I added both devices/modes to the vm's device list [14:29:11] <_tnull> so virtualbox does that for me, if possilbe [14:31:48] <_tnull> Does the mk6gboot.exe need "normal" access? Or is DFU mode enough to get rockbox on there? [14:32:14] <_tnull> I'm reinstalling itunes now and hope that will fix the driver issue [14:33:57] you can run "mk6gboot --dfuscan" to see if the iPod is in DFU mode, when it is in DFU mode you must run "mk6gboot --bl-inst bootloader.ipod" and this should install it in less than 10 seconds [14:34:46] <_tnull> Where do I get mk6gboot? [14:35:17] <_tnull> Ah, from the zip? [14:35:26] yes [14:42:52] <_tnull> Hum. mk6gboot does recogize the device. --bl-inst yields "DFU image sent successfully" [14:43:53] <_tnull> However ipod stays black (in dfu mode, no sounds) [14:44:08] <_tnull> When i restart ipod manually it is back to normal of [14:44:11] <_tnull> OF [14:45:15] the iPod emits a beep when it receives the bootloader and a second beep when it is written to flash, no beep? [14:46:21] <_tnull> no beep [14:46:24] <_tnull> puzzling [14:47:04] but the iPod reboots itself after --bl-inst, or remains black ? [14:49:04] <_tnull> It remained black. Now it worked. [14:49:30] <_tnull> Wait - is there actually a difference between dfu and recovery mode? Could it be that I pressed the button too short? [14:52:11] in dfu mode device id is 1223 iirc and 124x in recovery mode, must be dfu mode [14:54:19] <_tnull> So, how do i proceed now. It beeped twice, it boots the rockbox bootloader (yeah! thank you!) [14:54:32] <_tnull> Select + play for disk mode? [14:56:43] yes you must enter diskmode, or OF and uncompress the latest rockbox.zip and then reboot again to enter RB [15:05:07] <_tnull> Ok, i used the utility for that [15:05:28] <_tnull> however the bootloader still states "no partition found" [15:05:31] <_tnull> ?! [15:06:35] <_tnull> It is a FAT partition [15:08:07] <_tnull> ".rockbox" folder exists on that [15:08:54] sometime i get that error when i format it with mkdosfs, but not when it is formatted by iTunes, i solve it doing "mkdosfs - F 32 -s 4" on Linux to set the cluster size to 4, try to reformat it using Windows [15:13:48] <_tnull> Does rockbox have the same support for harddisks? [15:14:04] <_tnull> This is actually a SSD in there [15:16:37] i think that the partition should be detected, AFAIK RB detects FAT32 and FAT16, but sometimes it refuses to mount when some parameters are rare (i.e. the cluster size is too high), but i am not sure if it could be a problem with the SSD not being an original (and supported) HDD [15:17:39] it seems there are problems with some non-original HDDs but not with others [15:18:05] but it think that if OF supports it then it must work on RB [15:19:19] <_tnull> Hum, reformatted with cluster size 4, still "No partition found' [15:19:27] <_tnull> OF has no problem with the drive [15:26:43] ufff, the problem is that for any reason RB cannot recognize the partition... i suppose it was originally formated using iTunes [15:28:59] <_tnull> Nah, got it [15:29:05] <_tnull> thank you for your help! [15:29:16] nice! enjoy! [15:29:17] <_tnull> Finally it find the partition, I'll finish it in a bit [15:29:26] <_tnull> Thanks a lot! [15:44:27] *** Quits: _tnull (~tnull@x4d0ccdb0.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [16:24:31] *** Joins: _tnull (~tnull@x4d0ccdb0.dyn.telefonica.de) [17:07:17] *** Joins: StuMac (54093119@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:07:34] *** Quits: _tnull (~tnull@x4d0ccdb0.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:07:36] Hi was hoping someone would be able to help [17:08:05] trying to install emcore but keep getting error formatting drive on the ipod classic [17:08:37] tried two different SSD and also an iFlash SD [17:08:55] the ipod is a 120GB gen 6.5 [17:22:20] *** Joins: _tnull (~tnull@x4d0ccdb0.dyn.telefonica.de) [18:12:57] *** Quits: _tnull (~tnull@x4d0ccdb0.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:25:05] *** Joins: _tnull (~tnull@x4d0ccdb0.dyn.telefonica.de) [18:36:06] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [18:49:39] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [19:39:26] *** Quits: StuMac (54093119@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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