[00:58:26] yes that is what I am using [01:21:54] it is strange because if the SD is not detected then it should show "Partition not found" (or something similar), did you decompress rockbox.zip (or install RB using RockboxUtility) into the SD?, if so then there must be X:/.rockbox/rockbox.ipod file on your device, does this file exist? [01:38:31] not sure how to check that. as far as i can tell there are no rockbox files on the device. I extracted the zip file then ran the rockboxutility.exe [01:44:24] i am figuring you only installed the bootloader, you must enter "disk mode" or launch OF and connect the iPod to your computer to mount the SD card, it should appear as an external HDD on your Windows and you should be able to browse (Apple) files on the CF, then use RockboxUtility to install Rockbox (not bootloader, it seems it is already installed) [01:47:40] to enter "disk mode" press SELECT+MENU to reboot, once you see blank screen then release MENU and press PLAY until a white screen appears, see https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic-v8/README.mk6gboot.txt (Dual-Boot section) [01:58:58] Ahhhhh I was messing up the reboot. for some reason I thought select+menu and select+play were for 2 separate things. Dis not realize it was all for the reboot. It looks to all be working now thankyou! [01:59:14] nice! [02:06:56] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~quassel@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [02:13:00] *** Quits: benedikt93_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (*.net *.split) [02:36:49] *** Joins: mekkel (4ac73621@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:37:40] hello, i have an iPod Classic 6th Gen. Attempting to install the latest RockBox on it. I have the iPod in DFU mode, I have installed the DFU drivers successfully, but the iPod does not show up in Windows Explorer whatsoever. It will show up in Device Manger however. [02:38:26] It has a SD card adapter installed in it as well. [02:39:52] mekkel: are you installing using https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic.html [02:40:01] ? [02:40:16] yes [02:40:25] using the exe installer yes [02:40:46] RockboxUtility? [02:43:34] yes [02:43:35] RockboxBootloaderInstaller_iPodClassic_v8.exe [02:44:10] it installs the RockBox utility. when i open the utility, it cannot detect my iPod (which is in DFU mode). It does not give a drive letter or anything [02:44:25] i have tried it on a couple of different computers, different USB ports, etc [02:45:05] you dont need to enter DFU mode before running RockboxUtility, just launch original firmware and connect it to your computer, it should appear as external HDD, then run RockboxUtility [02:45:17] RockboxUtility will tell you when to enter DFU mode [02:45:29] ooooooooooo [02:45:42] damn, i didnt read it that way. thank you, i will try that right now! [02:45:51] uncheck "unssuported targets" (or something similar) to autodetect the iPod [02:46:34] i will update if it works, rebooting the ipod into regular firmware now [02:47:03] the easy way is first install Rockbox (only check Rockbox), then install only the bootloader [02:47:27] ok [02:49:24] what is easier about that way? i am trying to completely remove the stock firmware because it is only compatible with 128gb. just wondering [02:52:31] using RockboxUtility you are going go get the same 128gb as with the original firmware, to remove the stock firmware you must use the mk6gboot.exe with --single option and reformat the iPod using the bootloader USB mode, it is a bit more complicated that RockboxUtility [02:53:55] didnt know that. so what do i install to see all 256gb ? [02:55:08] what FW do you have? 1.1.2? [02:56:06] let mecheck [02:58:36] 2.0.1 PC [02:59:56] some about this: http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/3525 [03:02:21] summary: you must use mk6gboot with the --single option to get rid of the OF and then format the iPod using Windows and see if all 256Gb are recognized by Rockbox [03:07:39] there is other problem, the versions of bootloader and mk6gboot.exe in https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic.html does not support USB mode [03:08:20] a lot to take in [03:08:26] what do you suggest i do? [03:09:15] for now only the RockboxUtility is valid, we will try to build and publish updated versions as soon as possible [03:10:01] but that will not detect all 256gb, correct ? [03:11:02] right, but you can try it and stay with 128GB for a few days and then try with the new versions, it is not so difficult, ask me for that [03:11:55] note that you will need to reformat the HDD again [03:12:38] i have no problem reformatting again [03:12:54] so you think that the newer versions will be updated to support the larger capacity ? [03:14:50] they are not for more capacity, but it adds "USB mode" to the bootloader to allow to get rid of the OF and to format the HDD without OF (it is formated by the bootloader) [03:15:20] ahhhh [03:15:33] actually if you remove OF then there is no way to format the HDD to 256GB or whatever [03:15:38] thank you. how will i know when this update exists? are you one of the writers of the software ? [03:16:28] yes, i will try to compile it today or tomorrow and send it to user890104 to replace the current versions by the latter ones [03:17:49] so ask me in the next days [03:25:16] wow, thank you for your hard work in helping to create rockbox. i will be donating [03:27:51] nice! [03:29:50] talk to you soon. thank you again, have a great day/night [03:30:38] see you [05:07:06] *** Quits: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [05:20:36] *** Joins: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ [07:44:55] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [07:45:02] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [15:50:14] *** Quits: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ (Quit: Bye) [18:01:24] quick question, [18:01:57] can RockBox read album art that is saved to the folder rather than to the song tag ? [18:35:40] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:36:37] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [18:43:44] mekkel: please ask in #rockbox [18:50:06] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [18:51:04] ok thank you [18:51:26] *** Quits: mekkel (4ac73621@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:07:22] *** Joins: sic__ (4f231bd0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:09:39] *** Quits: sic__ (4f231bd0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit)