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[21:12:13] *** Jack is now known as Guest99755 [21:14:01] Hey guys. I'd really love it if someone could help me install Rockbox on my ipod classic 120gb. I've downloaded both emcore and the rockbox installer and aren't having any success with any. [21:14:46] so what are you having problems with? [21:14:58] <[Saint]> WHat is the actual issue? [21:15:48] * [Saint] makes a likely guess at failing to land in DFU mode and/or host drivers [21:16:03] <[Saint]> it's pretty much never not that. [21:16:20] Well I get my ipod showing UMSBoot, and the ipod appears on 'my computer' as a 63mb [21:16:55] I drag and drop the ubi file, eject the disk from 'my computer' and it either gets stuck on booting or I get a panic message [21:17:16] <[Saint]> are you getting the UBI from freemyipod? [21:17:43] <[Saint]> or did you stumble upon Tarkan's wonderful ancient builds he won't take down for some reason? [21:18:50] My ipod had mysteriously stopped working, totally dead, which prompted me to tinker with things and see if I could install Rockbox before buying an entirely new devide [21:19:18] I think I got it from freemyipod originally, but tried a few other sources [21:19:29] 'devide' = device [21:19:32] <[Saint]> Best to be sure. [21:19:55] <[Saint]> hard to help you if it isn;t clear what binaries you're working from or where they came from. [21:20:20] Okay I'll start again [21:20:29] Just downloaded from freemyipod [21:20:40] bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes [21:20:44] Is the file name [21:20:47] <[Saint]> and, perhaps interestingly to you, the iPod itself needs only a very minimal set of functional hardware for the install to succeed. [21:21:19] I get an error 31 but the ipod connects [21:21:24] <[Saint]> if you can get to DFU mode and UMSboot, there's (in theory) nothing stopping the install from a hardware POV. [21:21:32] <[Saint]> It doesn't even need a HDD to be present. [21:21:35] v0.2.1 [21:21:43] Oh okay that's interesting [21:22:08] <[Saint]> that's why it's a ~64MB disk image that pops up. [21:22:13] <[Saint]> it's a RAMdisk. [21:22:58] emCORE r859 (2012-01-02) - gone to this release [21:23:21] installer-ipodclassic.ubi - downloaded this file [21:23:26] I'll just drag and drop [21:23:41] <[Saint]> yes - that's the current emCORE release, despite the age. [21:24:02] <[Saint]> it's really best to be using the Rockbox bootloader at this point though. [21:25:09] I'm struggling to download just the ubi file for some reason - the same file is in the zip I can also download right? [21:26:28] Windows is asking what application I want to open the ubi file with, rather than letting me just download it first? [21:26:52] <[Saint]> right click, save target as? [21:27:05] <[Saint]> and, no, no it isn't. [21:28:22] Oh okay thanks [21:28:48] <[Saint]> the .zip is a Rockbox installation archive. [21:29:54] Okay [21:30:51] Just giving it another shot [21:31:28] Guest99755: you are advised to try installing the rockbox bootloader first, unless you are specifically told against doing so [21:32:32] Okay, message on ipod says 'boot flash contents are damaged no syscfg found [21:32:52] <[Saint]> Ohhhh, fuck me. [21:32:56] <[Saint]> Interesting. [21:33:13] ok, you should be able to fix this [21:33:23] As that message came up windows brought up a thing as if it was install a driver [21:33:29] it's not easy though [21:33:58] can you see the whole serial number on the back of the ipod? [21:34:07] Not sure why ipod suddently stopped working [21:34:17] I could if I didn't have a wrap on it [21:34:19] i can send you a copy of my ipod's syscfg, with your serial number in it [21:34:35] then you can try to restore the piece of data using emcore [21:34:55] Can I get the serial number via itunes diagnostics? [21:35:13] <[Saint]> if it is too scrtched up or whatever, if it touched iTunes on your host it should be caved there. [21:35:21] the error message suggests that the ipod itself cannot access it by means of software [21:35:37] <[Saint]> *saved [21:36:21] <[Saint]> I'm pretty sure I recall iTunes saving the devicename and serial in the My Devices thingo-ma-jigger bit. [21:36:24] to be honest, if you aren't going to use itunes, the serial number in syscfg shouldn't matter at all... [21:36:47] <[Saint]> well... [21:36:49] Okay just booting itunes to see if I can get serial number. Swear I've seen it previously [21:37:20] <[Saint]> perhaps a few peripherals that you don't own that Rockbox only half supports anyway would cry about a fudged or missing serial too? [21:38:04] Sorry I don't get your last question Saint? [21:38:45] Got the serial number - 8K911ZCH2C7 [21:38:59] <[Saint]> Oh, it was more directed at user890104. I was just saying that it's possible that there's situations under Rockbox were certain peripherals might also care about the serial were it missing or damaged. [21:39:35] I'll probably keep Rockbox on the ipod if I can get it on, but it would be nice to have the option to go back to stock [21:40:40] <[Saint]> You can always go back to stock. But doing so wouldn;t repair the damaged section of the config here. [21:40:51] Oh okay [21:40:58] <[Saint]> It is worth noting that the Rockbox bootloader also supports dual-boot. [21:41:10] <[Saint]> Whereas emCORE does not (in any practical fashion). [21:41:27] <[Saint]> One of the many reasons why it isn;t advisable to continue to use emCORE today. [21:42:28] I thought from what user890104 said I'd need to have the serial number to use itunes with stock ipod in future [21:42:49] Tbh I'm happy using either Emcore or the RB Utility if they get the end result [21:43:00] But I also struggled with the RB utility [21:43:34] <[Saint]> Did you actually grab the specifically modified RbUtil binary for ipod6g? [21:43:55] <[Saint]> THe Rockbox releases have absolutely no idea what to do with an iPod6g. [21:44:26] <[Saint]> It is worth noting also that the installation flow from RbUtil (the modified version) is *SIGNIFICANTLY* less cumbersome. [21:44:46] <[Saint]> You basically just start DFU mode, and press a button, and it does the rest itself. [21:44:59] Okay [21:45:03] <[Saint]> It even guides you on precisely how to start DFU mode for first time users. [21:45:24] DFU mode is centre button and menu button right? [21:45:36] When I do that with my ipod plugged in it does nothing [21:45:54] The only life I've got from my ipod has been when I've used bootstrap [21:46:01] <[Saint]> I would think it is possible that if all of that sounds foreign to you that you probably just downloaded the RbUtil release which has absolutely no idea how to install the ipod6 bootloader. [21:46:22] Sounds slightly foreign yes [21:46:47] <[Saint]> If RbUtil didn't present you with a very obvious guided session to install on the ipod6g it was likely a version that wasn't ever actually capable of installing the bootloader to begin with. [21:46:51] <[Saint]> Which explains a lot. [21:47:01] I think it was a recent version [21:47:03] I'll check [21:47:25] <[Saint]> Even the most recent version has no support for installing the bootloader on this target. [21:47:31] <[Saint]> It has no been mainlined. [21:47:50] <[Saint]> You need a specific modified version for this. [21:47:50] 1.4.0 [21:48:36] It shows ipod classic 6th gen when I select show disabled targets [21:48:54] <[Saint]> As mentioned it can not install the bootloader. [21:49:00] <[Saint]> It will even tell you this if you try. [21:49:16] Do I need the syscfg irrespective of which software? [21:51:13] <[Saint]> I am not certain of this. I know iTunes will kick up a massive fit. Rockbox...not so sure. In general, no, some accessories might care about it though. [21:51:30] <[Saint]> Needed or not, if you can do so - why wouldn't you? [21:51:39] Sure [21:52:24] Can you help with the syscfg? Or user890104? [21:52:48] <[Saint]> When user890104 surfaces again he'll be able to assist you with this. He'll also be able to point you to the modified RockboxUtility that you should be using. [21:53:20] No idea why my ipod has done this. Owned it from new since the model was launched but the most I've had to do is restore in itunes or do a soft reset. [21:53:56] Itunes doesn't want to play with it now. Says there are problems connecting to the servers on 3 different pcs, all of which I've previously been fine with [21:54:04] Okay [21:54:19] Thanks for your help/patience thus far! [21:55:14] user890104 - you able to help? [21:55:44] Guest99755: i've sent you a private message with the syscfg backup [21:56:01] since parts of it is copyrighted by apple, we are not allowed to distribute [21:56:18] but since you own an ipod, you can in theory download it yourself from the ipod [21:56:47] Okay - how do I access pms on this webchat? Sorry, not used any irc in a long long time [21:56:52] it contains your serial number in place of mine [21:57:02] uhm, let me see [21:58:01] there are tabs on the very top of the application [21:58:16] Status, #freemyipod-support, etc. [21:58:27] Yup [21:58:43] did you get my message there? [21:58:59] No - maybe cos I'm a guest? [21:59:32] no, it could be a spam filter [21:59:42] Got it now [22:00:06] add https://mega.nz/# in front [22:00:25] norflash-patched.bak [22:00:29] Downloaded [22:00:42] yes, this one is specifically for you, with your ipod's serial number in it [22:01:20] unfortunately, at the moment i won't be able to assist you restoring it [22:01:25] What do I do with it? my ipod doesn't show as a drive unless I use bootstrap [22:01:38] i might have some spare time later, or tomorrow [22:02:08] [Saint] TheSeven: can you help him restore a whole nor flash dump? [22:02:24] Okay that'd be great [22:02:52] Really glad I found this chat as otherwise I was looking at buying a new device [22:03:00] Probably iduoo x3 [22:05:20] Guest99755: so, did you try the correct rockbox bootloader installer? [22:05:30] https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic.html [22:05:32] this one [22:06:38] i'm not sure if it would be able to install the bootloader without a sane syscfg, but it's worth trying [22:06:38] Think that was the link [22:06:43] I'll redownload [22:07:06] Okay [22:07:31] this is the only available version which is capable of installing rockbox bootloader on ipod classic [22:07:38] The only way I can get my ipod to show on the RB utility is by running bootstrap [22:07:46] That's not right no? [22:08:05] I should be able to menu and centre button the ipod manually and it'd show? [22:08:46] can you please watch the video first, then follow the instructions? [22:09:04] forget everything you know about the emcore instllation [22:09:37] you need the EXE from this page, nothing else [22:09:57] Okay [22:09:57] it's a self-contained installer, it doesn't depend on having emcore beforehand [22:10:04] I'll watch and get back to you [22:10:16] ok, i'll be back in a couple of hours [22:10:32] please try this approach, and post here if there are any issues [22:14:13] I watched the video before - problem is that my ipod is pretty dead and isn't recognised as a removable disk in explorer, and so I can't select it using the utility [22:14:55] I'll come back in a few hours - thanks so far [22:17:13] <[Saint]> It'll charge when plugged you realize. [22:17:36] <[Saint]> If it can get to DFU/UMSboot, it can do mass storage. [22:37:07] I've had the ipod plugged in either at the wall or at computer and nothing shows on screen [22:37:33] I recently took it on holiday fully charged which is when I got the problem [22:38:11] <[Saint]> you haven't left it in DFU mode, have you? [22:38:30] Don't think so [22:38:47] How would I know? [22:39:00] <[Saint]> If you put it in DFU mode, and nothing (including yourself) took it out of DFU mode, and you didn't reset it - it'll still be in it, and it will appear as though it is powered down and unresponsive. [22:39:26] Okay [22:39:30] <[Saint]> If you hard reset it and you get life out of it, you'll know. [22:40:07] When I exit say bootstrap by holding menu and centre button the screen goes dead [22:40:13] Totally unresponsive [22:41:01] At the moment my ipod shows as a'ple mobile device' in devices and printers [22:41:08] 'apple mobile device' [22:41:57] When I go into that devices properties it refers to it as 'usb dfu device' [22:42:36] <[Saint]> so - exactly as I described, then. [22:42:44] <[Saint]> force a reset. [22:42:58] It doesn't respond to a forced reset [22:43:17] <[Saint]> Is it still plugged in by any chance? [22:43:51] I've pressed menu and centre button so many times, plugged in and not plugged in [22:44:25] <[Saint]> you didn't flip hold on, did you? [22:44:57] When I have forced reset in the past it has reset - apple logo comes up and a minute or so later it;s on [22:45:02] Now no such happenings [22:45:06] Hold is off haha [22:45:58] <[Saint]> unplug it, engage hold, disengage hold (yes, really, this is important), then hold menu+select for no more than 10s and release. [22:48:00] Nada [22:49:17] <[Saint]> can you check just for the sake of sanity that the DFU device isn't listed in device manager with the device unplugged, and then see if it (or any Apple device) appears when re-plugging the device again? [22:49:29] <[Saint]> That will help me to ascertain what state the device is in [22:49:57] The only time I've been able to get my ipod to respond to holding menu and select has been when in dfu mode via boostrap, which kills the screen [22:49:58] Okay [22:52:14] <[Saint]> To tell the truth I would actually be more bothered by it if the host does see the device, because it would mean that for some reason we seem to have lost clickwheel function. [22:52:25] I'm not seeing it in device manager unplugged [22:52:54] <[Saint]> The device should always respond to the menu+select keypress combination for reset (and when continued, for DFU). [22:53:12] <[Saint]> In order to even get to DFU mode you must've been able to force DFU mode manually. [22:53:24] <[Saint]> We can't automate this, so this is very confusing behavior. [22:53:41] No, not seeing it in device manager unplugged [22:54:12] <[Saint]> Ok, as expected (just wanted to check it wasn't some visible leftover in devicemanager tricking us). [22:54:24] <[Saint]> Now, does the host see the device if you re-plug it? [22:54:28] Plug it in, computer makes noise, and it then appears in universal serial bus controllers listed as 'apple mobile device usb driver' [22:54:33] <[Saint]> If it does, shit if officially Very Weird. [22:54:41] <[Saint]> s/if/is/g [22:55:27] <[Saint]> That's very interesting...I wonder if your LCD just died. [22:55:53] <[Saint]> You're getting NO screen output whatsoever at this point? [22:55:57] Can't be the lcd as I get text when I run boostrap [22:56:27] I thought it was either the lcd or the battery until I got back from vacation, googled a little, and got an illuminated screen and text when I run bootstrap [22:57:06] <[Saint]> when you were holding menu+select before, trying to get it to reset, was there any non-visible response? [22:57:16] <[Saint]> Like, could you perhaps feel or hear the disk reset? [22:57:19] None [22:57:22] <[Saint]> It is a fairly distinct noise. [22:57:26] No drive noise or vibration [22:57:54] It acts bricked [23:00:13] <[Saint]> this is....interesting. If it is plugged now, can you hold menu+select for 11 seconds to enter DFU mode (or try to) and see if the host notices the switch, if it happens? [23:00:52] <[Saint]> If you're managing to run the bootstrapper, you must be able to get into DFU mode, which means the menu+select combination is getting detected and applied. [23:01:16] <[Saint]> However a complete lack of disk function noises during that happening is worrysome. [23:01:45] <[Saint]> The disks on these things are loud, and it is hard to miss them doing a full reset and head retract. [23:01:59] No nothing [23:02:06] <[Saint]> You'd head an ugly sounding click and a whining/whirring/spinning sound. [23:02:20] I just had bootstrap on the ipod when plugged in [23:02:31] I held menu and select and computer made a noise [23:02:48] At the same time as text went off ipod [23:03:17] <[Saint]> That doesn't fill me with confidence as to the state of the harddisk. [23:03:25] When I now do a fresh menu and select press on ipod (nothing on screen and plugged into pc) there's nothing happen on either ipod or pc [23:04:33] <[Saint]> By any chance is it plugged in to a USB hub instead of directly into the host? Or do you have an official Apple wall adapter to plug it to? [23:05:26] <[Saint]> There's a possibility that the host wasn't supplying enough current to charge it. [23:05:39] <[Saint]> But that doesn;t explain the laundry list of other weird shit happening. [23:06:48] It's plugged directly into the pc. I've tried to get life out of it using both the wall adapter and a five port usb charger that it always previously charged with [23:21:38] Gonna call it quits for the night. Thanks for your help. I'll fiddle some more and maybe come back to it (if so come back to this chat). If not I'll just get another rockboxable device (one of the fiio models the iduo x3) [23:21:56] Thanks again [23:22:46] *** Quits: Guest99755 (50e5a124@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)