[00:45:11] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [04:29:37] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:45:09] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [07:45:18] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:25:23] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [08:50:46] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:36:17] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [12:44:38] *** Joins: steveww (545c4e35@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [12:45:11] Hi, how to install on a classic using Linux? [12:47:39] steveww: one option is to install virtualbox and an evaluation version of windows inside it, then share the usb port from your linux computer to the virtual machine [12:48:23] I don't have any copy of Windoze. I use Mac and Linux. [12:49:10] I have the mk6gboot util compiled. Not sure which rockbox binary to use? [12:53:34] use the development one, which rockbox utility installs [12:53:47] if you have mk6gboot, you're almost set [12:53:54] i just need to find the right command [12:54:12] then you can use rockbox utility to install everything else, besides the bootloader [12:54:21] which you'll already have installed [12:54:58] installer link: https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic-v8-designware/RockboxBootloaderInstaller_iPodClassic_v8+DesignWare/dualboot-installer-ipod6g.dfu [12:55:24] the command line is: mk6gboot --dfuscan [12:55:32] if you find the device, then install with [12:55:44] mk6gboot --dfusend dualboot-installer-ipod6g.dfu [13:05:11] Alas mk6gboot --dfuscan does not find any dfu devices with my iPod plugged in [13:05:35] please check lsusb and dmesg [13:06:04] lsusb sees it and I can mount it as a regular drive [13:10:35] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [13:10:35] *** Server sets mode: +nt [13:11:08] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [13:11:11] *** Server sets mode: +nt [13:11:20] *** Server sets mode: +nt [13:14:11] steveww: my connection droppped, did you post anything after my message about lsusb and dmesg? [13:17:29] <[Saint]> "steveww lsusb sees it and I can mount it as a regular drive" [13:19:49] Yes. lsusb sees the iPod and I can mount it as a regular drive [13:20:29] [sdb] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA [13:21:14] Just used the rockbox util to install rockbox OK [13:22:26] Using Ubuntu 16.04 [13:24:37] Is there any "magic" I have to do on the iPod to get it in to DFU mode? [13:27:12] <[Saint]> "installing Rockbox" using rbutil without the bootloader process is entirely non-interesting. [13:27:28] <[Saint]> All it is is extracting an archive to / [13:27:46] <[Saint]> And, no. No magic. It's all hardware driven. [13:28:14] <[Saint]> If the device boots and has functional keys it is capable of entering DFU mode. [13:28:57] <[Saint]> Which very highly suggests you're not actually managing to hit the key combo correctly. [13:29:20] <[Saint]> It can be a bit of a bitch but the window is fairly large, so...I dunno. [13:29:38] What it the magic key combo? Select menu reboots? [13:31:13] <[Saint]> The wiki quite literally has a step-by-step install guide that provides a video link that walks you through each step involved in entering DFU mode. [13:33:06] <[Saint]> If the hardware is functional and firmware intact (it wouldn't boot if it weren't) it is pretty much impossible for the device to not enter DFU mode if prompted to correctly. [13:33:23] <[Saint]> And unfortunately nothing can progress until this happens. [13:33:52] <[Saint]> DFU mode is absolutely required for this and we can't automate entering it. The user has to do so. [13:33:59] OK got in to DFU mode now. You have to wait until after the reboot starts, I was letting go too soon. [13:34:11] <[Saint]> Yes. [13:35:28] <[Saint]> That's awesome, now you may proceed. [13:35:57] <[Saint]> Without that first hurdle any other work is nullified, so yeah, that's awesome. [13:36:50] Cool - Rockbox just appeared on my iPod. Thanks for the help :-) [13:39:09] *** Quits: steveww (545c4e35@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [13:51:45] <[Saint]> Well, that was straightforward. [13:58:43] [Saint]: i forgot to tell him that manual installation starts from dfu mode [13:59:28] you had some builds of mk6gboot, can you please upload them to your freemyipod folder, so I can link to them in the installation page [13:59:34] and add some instructions [14:18:18] [Saint]: i mean builds for linux [16:11:42] *** Joins: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) [16:12:15] *** Quits: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [16:13:20] *** Joins: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) [16:14:25] *** Quits: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:21:12] *** Joins: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) [16:23:41] help i want to free my ipod - im looking at ipodlinkux but this does not look well supported - i dont want to brick it - what do you guys suggest? [16:30:52] <[Saint]> don't judge a book by its cover. [16:30:59] <[Saint]> you will not brick your ipod. [16:31:27] <[Saint]> not surprisingly many developers care more about having a project that works over a fancy looking website or wiki. ;) [16:32:22] <[Saint]> but, speaking of the wiki, please note the installation instructions specify this project is deprecated, support will be offered for the Rockbox bootloader though. [16:33:00] yea but they actually have no website - all links are broken to their forum etc - empty IRC channel [16:33:23] it seems only the sf repo remains [16:33:30] <[Saint]> You are factually incorrect on many levels. [16:34:01] <[Saint]> on every statement made in that sentence, actually. [16:34:55] take a look http://www.ipodlinux.org/ - doe not mention the projects anywhere [16:35:13] <[Saint]> Why the Hell are you looking at ipodlinux? WHo mentioned ipodlinux? [16:35:23] http://ipodlinux.sourceforge.net/installation.shtml still has the docs but you see the support links like forum are broken http://www.ipodlinux.org/forums/ [16:35:48] i meantioned ipod linux when i asked the question [16:35:49] <[Saint]> This project isn't now and hasn't ever been related to ipodlinux nor has ipodlinux ever run on the ipod6g. [16:36:23] i did not think that this project was related - i was just asking because i do not know anything about ipods [16:36:49] <[Saint]> Sorry, I misread the initial question otherwise I would've said right off the bat. My mistake. You do not want iPod Linux. [16:36:58] the ipodlinux chat room no longer exists but found this onw [16:37:16] ok then i am glad i asked [16:38:11] your website is not so clear what to do or what will i get - i have seen rockbox - as i understand it is a replecement for the original ipod functionality - ie it only plays tunes [16:38:33] <[Saint]> see: https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic.html [16:38:44] <[Saint]> see also rockbox.org [16:39:18] thats ok actually - that is probably all that i would do with it - but the idea of putting a real OS on it seems quite nerdy and interesting [16:39:40] <[Saint]> Rockbox is quite a bit more than an audio player, see the rockbox website our #rockbox for what it is/isn't. [16:40:43] <[Saint]> Rockbox definitely isn't a "real OS" in the conventional sense that a user might think, but it is infinitely more capable than the fashion crap Apple ships on it. [16:40:52] <[Saint]> And, hey, it's literally your only option...so ;) [16:42:05] ok so rockbox is stable and wont brick the thing im happy to give it a try [16:42:54] i think the one problem i might have is i dont know which version the device is - would there be something in the menus that identifies the device [16:43:08] <[Saint]> bricking an ipod takes deliberate action. [16:44:03] <[Saint]> and the device version doesn't matter, Rockbox covers all the full-size iPod variants. [16:44:48] <[Saint]> though support for ipod6g is only in the modified Rockbox Utility linked via the page above. [16:45:52] <[Saint]> if you're not sure of the version of the ipod then Rockbox Utility is perfectly capable of auto-detecting this for you. [16:45:58] all i know about this one is it has 80G disk - its at least 5 years old i didnt ask [16:46:25] ok sutodetection nifty [16:54:07] bill-auger: if you can read the serial number, there are websites which show you the model based on S/N [16:55:14] or you can simply use this page: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204217 [16:56:48] <[Saint]> even if he uses the modified Rockbox Utility the iPod version really doesn't matter. [16:57:02] <[Saint]> As long as he knows it isn't a nano, or touch, he's fine. [16:57:05] i dont think that would help - lsusb does not see it [16:57:30] and so o/c rockbox doesnt see it [17:48:10] *** Quits: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:10:36] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [18:12:28] *** Joins: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) [18:36:51] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:51:42] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [20:33:15] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Quit: krnlyng) [20:36:33] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [21:05:07] *** Quits: bill-auger (~quassel@68-191-63-157.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection)