[02:08:51] *** Joins: JasonFlannick (6c1485c9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:09:14] Hi, I had asked a question earlier about getting my iPod classic to mount on OSX [02:09:52] I noticed I had not installed the latest dev version (with support for file transfers before Rockbox is loaded), so I tried to update it [02:10:02] Now, for some reason, I am unable to install either version [02:10:27] Whenever I try, it copies the bootloader over but then fails when it says it is unable to remount the iPod [02:10:44] I was able to do this before no problem; I am wondering what I could have done to mess things up [02:10:52] Is there a way to start totally fresh? [02:44:15] JasonFlannick: what is exactly the error shown on ipod screen? [02:45:25] btw, to start totally fresh you need to restore the iPod using iTunes [02:46:19] I've tried restoring several times and each time am able to get it back to what seems like factory specs [02:46:35] The error on the PC is "Could not remount the device; try to do it manually, ..." [02:46:52] On the iPod screen it says "Entering USB mode... Bootloader USB mode" [02:47:30] The PC doesn't recognize the iPod; it shows up as a device but is not listed as mounted [02:48:11] i guess if the HDD is not formated [02:48:30] are you using Windows? [02:49:11] Yes [02:49:40] i suppose you have not data on the disk so you can try to format it [02:50:31] Yes, I've tried wiping it clean several times [02:50:40] Each time I format it, restore from iTunes, things seem fine [02:51:12] Then I use the utility to install and then it gets stuck at this step after it says "Restarting iPod, waiting for remount..." [02:51:45] it is the 500GB disk? [02:52:06] Yes [02:52:39] I was able to install earlier today no problem which is why I am so puzzled [02:52:52] I did try your suggestion of repartitioning after install and was able to do so [02:53:06] It was only after that when I tried reinstalling that I haven't been able [02:53:55] so you formatted it to 500Gb and since that the iTunes restore doesn't work as before? [02:54:51] iTunes restore works fine [02:55:01] It repartitioned back to 128GB but that is okay for now [02:55:10] I can get it up in iTunes, transfer music, everything works fine [02:55:20] Only when I try to install Rockbox do I get this mounting issue [02:57:33] the "Entering USB mode" message is because the bootloader cannot find the rockbox.ipod file, i could be because it is not installed (do you installed Rockbox using RockboxUtility?) or because the format is not recognized by the bootloader [02:58:44] to verify if rockbox is installed you can enter OF or Apple disk mode and see if it exists into .rockbox folder [02:59:04] I'm using the Utility [03:00:04] My guess is it is not installed because it hangs after it does the DFU transfer [03:00:19] Is the DFU transfer suppoed to install Rockbox or just the bootloader? [03:00:35] launch original firmware or Apple diskmode so you can see the HDD on RockboxUtility and then install Rockbox (not the bootloader that is already installed) [03:01:13] the DFU transfer installs only the bootloader [03:01:31] Okay let me try that [03:04:15] Okay so that worked thank you [03:04:34] My issue though is that OSX won't recognize the iPod when in bootloader USB mode [03:04:45] Is it expected that the latest dev version will have more support for that? [03:04:55] (OSX recognizes it in Apple Disk mode) [03:06:40] The two zip files on the website look extremely similar so it's hard for me to be sure I'm installing the newest one [03:06:44] i tested it on a borrowed Mac mini 10.11 a few days ago, it was recognized using rockbox USB mode, but forgot to test the USB mode, i will test it and if it doesn't work it will be fixed [03:07:14] *the bootloader USB mode* [03:07:37] What would be the reason you can see in on a Mac mini 10.11 but I wouldn't be able to see it on my MacBook Pro? [03:07:41] Newer OSX version? [03:08:44] really i am out in the Mac world, simply got a borrowed one to test it and not much more, is it recognized in Rockbox USB mode? [03:08:58] No [03:09:26] I guess OSX may not be the issue though [03:09:38] what is your OSX version? [03:09:42] Upon closer look it doesn't look like windows recognizes it in Rockbox USB mode or in bootloader USB mode [03:10:30] i tried it with the new bootloader with designware driver (masked as beta version on the web) [03:10:49] Windows sees it as a device but it isn't mounted [03:11:07] I just tried to reinstall the beta version (just overwrote the install of the stable, assuming this works) [03:11:25] Shut down the iPod, started it into Bootloader USB mode [03:11:30] And recognized as device but not mounted [03:13:25] so you are getting the error again? [03:13:35] No I was able to install it now [03:13:47] But once installed I can't get it recognized in anything but Apple Disk mode [03:14:10] I noticed that both the beta and stable versions of Rockbox Utility have the exact same version in the "About" window; is this expected? [03:14:29] I'm trying to make sure I did indeed install the newer bootloader; is there a way to verify? [03:14:37] but you can run Rockbox on the ipod?, you can try to restart windows maybe that could help? [03:15:19] Yes, I can run Rockbox [03:15:20] That is working [03:15:48] I just want to get music on it; I can use Apple Disk mode for that but it limits me to the 127 GB [03:15:56] yes RockboxUtility is the same [03:16:30] is it recognized when you run the original firmware on ipòd? [03:17:17] Yes [03:18:51] you can also press CENTER+RIGHT at boot time to enter bootloader USB mode and see if it is recognized by Windows [03:19:01] Yes I just tried that [03:19:13] Bootloader comes up, it says "Entering USB mode...Bootloader USB mode" [03:19:19] But then I see nothing [03:19:41] On Disk Management I see the disk with a 127GB partition and an unallocated 349GB partition [03:19:47] But it doesn't appear as mounted [03:19:59] (this is all on windows; just trying to get it to work here before I move it to the Mac) [03:21:19] If I click "Properties" under devices, it says under "Device status": "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" [03:21:24] (for IPOD) [03:22:02] There are two other device functions: Apple iPod Classic USB Device and USB Mass Storage Device both of which don't have a warning [03:24:52] i do not use Windows so cannot help much on that, but it is rare it is recognized when you use OF and not recognized when you use RB, did you configured it as mass storage device (or something similar) on iTunes, you can also try to kill iTunes process [03:25:12] I couldn't see an option for that in the version of iTunes I have [03:25:15] I'll look closer [03:26:00] i cannot remember exactly the name but for use the the iPod as external disk and allows you to copy any file [03:28:40] It works in Apple Disk mode so presumably it is configured as an external disk? [03:28:52] I do see the box checked "Enable disk use" [03:28:54] i said it is rare because i cannot recall any case where the format made by iTunes restore is not recognized, guesss if it could be an issue related to the 512GB HDD [03:30:27] What is the way to confirm it is recognized by the OF? [03:30:38] Just now, I restarted, held down menu, it booted up and iTunes recognized it [03:31:13] If I turn off and hold down select+play, it boots into disk mode and both iTunes and Windows recognize it [03:31:30] But when I boot into bootloader USB mode or I boot into Rockbox USB mode I see nothing [03:31:36] Could I be missing something? [03:31:47] (I'm not super familiar with windows and how to recognize drives) [03:33:22] no it seems you do it ok, the iPod should be recognized in the same way as when you use OF, just to be sure you can try to do it again: restore using iTunes (be sure is is a complete restore with HDD format), and then install the bootloader again [03:33:37] The beta version? [03:34:01] So I will boot into OF (not disk mode, full OF), then click restore [03:34:06] Then install beta version [03:34:12] ? [03:34:15] both versions should work but it is better that you use the beta version [03:35:20] use iTunes restore, launch itunes and find the restore option, i cannot remember where it is, it will warn you that the HDD will be formated and you must say ok [03:36:14] once you do that the bootloader is erased and only OF is installed on iPod, then install the bootloader and rockbox using the RockboxUtility as you did before [03:37:33] So I booted to OF, the iPod screen showed as connected, OS recognized it as drive E:, but iTunes didn't pick it up [03:37:39] Trying to unplug and replug [03:38:12] it should be recognized by iTunes, if not try to reboot windows [03:38:25] Okay replugging in, now Itunes recognizes it [03:38:59] Clicked restore [03:39:09] Then iPod rebooted [03:39:18] But into USB bootloader mode [03:39:24] Not recognizing Rockbox [03:39:38] So sounds like iTunes erased everything but the bootloader is still there [03:39:41] Is that expected? [03:39:56] I got this before and manually rebooted from bootloader into OF [03:41:26] it is not expected, the restore should erase the bootloader and format the HDD [03:42:11] I saw this before when I restored; I had to go into a separate disk utility and erase it to fully get rid of the bootloader [03:42:18] I just assumed it was normal [03:42:44] Should I reboot it into OF and continue with the iTunes restore to see if it cleans it? [03:42:47] try again and if you get the same then launch OF and remove the bootloader using the RockboxUtility [03:43:25] once the bootloader is removed using the RockboxUtility then you can try again to restore the iPod using iTunes [03:45:16] Okay I rebooted from the bootloader, held down menu, it booted into OF [03:46:26] iTunes asked to set it up [03:46:30] Now I will reboot again [03:46:55] This time it went to OF, so looks like bootloader was removed after the second reboot [03:47:20] Now going to install from the Zip file iPodClassic_V8+DesignWare [03:48:05] before that restore it using iTunes, you will se and black screen with the apple logo on iPod screen while it is being restored [03:48:32] *will see a black* [03:50:38] Okay will restore from iTunes again [03:51:04] It is definitley a bit flaky; it doesn't recognize the iPod 100% of the time in iTunes; sometimes I need to restart iTunes or unplug/replug [03:51:11] I wonder if another process is competing with it or something [03:51:56] try to reboot the windows machine [03:52:16] Okay [03:59:14] Rebooted, iPod recognized by iTunes, will now install [03:59:59] do a iTunes restore, after that the iPod should be in pristine state, as unboxed [04:01:09] It still hangs at "Restarting iPod, waiting for remount..." [04:01:27] That is really weird; I know it did not do that earlier today [04:01:37] There very well may be some issue with the PC I'm using... [04:02:27] I can get it to continue install if I manually reboot into disk mode, but my guess is that will just persist the problem of not recognizing it in bootloader USB mode [04:02:37] did you make the iTunes restore?, you should see the typical black screen with apple logo and a percent progress on the iPod while the restore is in progress [04:02:46] you can try a different USB port [04:02:49] Yes, I did that a few times [04:02:59] Okay, I'll try one more restore and different USB port [04:04:40] after the restore launch OF and use the RockboxUtiity to install only Rockbox (not bootloader), once that then use RockboxUtility again to install only the bootloader [04:04:51] Okay [04:05:40] I should note that the restore process is also a little off...I boot into OF, click restore, iTunes reboots the iPod, then it still goes into disk mode [04:05:51] I manually reboot iPod, then I get black screen with Apple and progress bar [04:06:02] Then it reboots itself and back into OF [04:06:23] Sorry, *still goes into bootloader USB mode* [04:07:47] i think it is ok because you get the apple logo restore progress screen [04:08:51] you can check if iTunes restore really format the HDD if the .rockbox folder does not exist [04:09:12] After it booted up I restored again; this time the restore works as expected (reboots, goes to black apple, then reboots again into OF) [04:09:25] I will try to install just Rockbox first [04:10:00] yes, if you install Rockbox first then you will not need to enter Apple diskmode or OF to install it latter [04:10:29] I noticed now that I had "Open iTunes when iPod is connected" checked in iTunes [04:10:33] Not sure if this matters [04:10:39] I unchecked it this time [04:11:27] really it is not important, if it is unchecked you will need to launch iTunes manually, for my tests it was better to have it unchecked [04:11:46] Installed rockbox, went fine [04:11:51] Now clicked to install just the bootloader [04:12:45] after installing the bootloader all things should be installed ok, so if the problem persist then i wonder if it is a issue specific for the 512GB HDD [04:12:48] This time it installed and booted into Rockbox USB mode (as expected) [04:13:42] is the HDD recognized by windows when you are into Rockbox USB mode? [04:13:49] No sadly [04:13:58] Recognized, yes, by the disk manager [04:14:09] But not mounted [04:14:45] i do not have a windows at this moment, is any way to try to mount it manually in windows? [04:14:53] However...it does seem to be recognized in OSX [04:14:57] So it could be a windows problem [04:14:59] So that is progress! [04:15:10] maybe some driver? [04:15:21] I still only see 127GB so now need to try to repartition, but at least OSX now recognizes it in USB mode [04:16:16] you can try to make one big 512GB partition while in USB mode, it will not be recognized by OF but probably it will be recognized by Rockbox [04:16:28] format the partition using FAT32 [04:17:15] Is it okay just to extend the existing 127GB partition? [04:18:07] i suppose it is ok to do so, while you get only one partition [04:19:05] you dont see a also a small partition (about 192MB IIRC)? [04:20:04] Yes I see a small 192MB [04:20:10] A 127GB FAT32 [04:20:21] And then a 360 unformatted [04:20:32] then you need to erase both partitions and make only one 512GB partition as FAT32 [04:20:37] I just extended the 127GB to subsume the 360GB [04:20:44] Oh, it isn't okay to keep the 192MB? [04:20:50] What is that partition for? [04:21:07] maybe it could also work but now a i am not sure [04:21:41] the small partition is made by iTunes restores, it is not seen if you use OF diskmode or OF usbmode but is is visible when you use Rockbox or bootloader USB mode [04:22:03] So, I just extended the partition on Windows, ejected, now hooked into OSX [04:22:13] The IPOD is recognized and df -h shows 477GB free [04:22:18] Does this mean it's likely working? [04:22:26] Or are there any gotchas I should look out for? [04:22:48] if you can launch Rockbox on the ipod and you can mount it and copy file, then it is working [04:23:40] but it will not be recognized if you launch OF, really i dont known exactly what error you are going to get if you try to launch OF [04:24:02] If it shows 477GB through df -h does that mean the partition was successful? Or might it run out of space when I try to copy everything? [04:24:05] I guess I will find out [04:24:17] I will try to wipe out the 192MB partition while I am at it [04:24:20] Do I just delete it? [04:25:10] if you can copy music and launch Rockbox and play that music you can leave the 192Mb partition, it seems it should not harm [04:25:26] Okay let me try [04:26:13] Can I delete all of the directories at the root? [04:27:13] not all but the apple ones [04:27:25] iPod_Control [04:28:08] Okay I copied a few albums over and they are playing! [04:28:28] and other apple folders can be deleted, just leave .rockbox folder, then you can create a new folders in root and copy music there [04:29:06] Okay [04:29:10] nice! [04:29:18] I will copy over all 200GB of my music and see whether it all fits [04:29:38] Thank you so much for your help [04:29:56] I spent like 10 hours on this today and was about to give up but I am so glad I at least made it this far [04:30:04] Can I ask you one more thing? [04:30:22] I bought this iPod with the hard drive installed and it came with an older version of Rockbox based on emCORE [04:30:23] it should :), you can build the database (long press on menu entry) to search the music [04:30:42] I used it successfully for a few months, but I had a lot of random issues [04:31:00] E.g. occassionally music would copy and become corrupted on the iPod (randomly get cutoff, etc.) [04:31:14] Recopying would always fix it but as the iPod filled up new tracks were more and more prone to it [04:31:24] Is that something that could signal a HDD problem? [04:31:36] Or could it have been related to the older version of emCORE/Rockbox that I was likely using [04:31:37] ? [04:31:44] the new rockbox version has many updates, still a few minor issues that hope to be fixed in future [04:32:32] Okay, it is already much slicker without emCORE [04:32:37] there is a SMART entry in the debug menu so you can see HDD healty [04:32:48] I appreciate everything you guys are doing; this is really great software and I truly appreciate the support [04:33:30] thanks, tell me if you have any other issue [04:44:42] *** Quits: JasonFlannick (6c1485c9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [05:07:09] *** Quits: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [05:20:54] *** Joins: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ [10:50:24] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [10:50:46] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [18:38:36] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:51:21] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@