[03:19:16] *** Joins: jtgc (288bd60e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:25:00] *** Joins: mekkel (450eb93f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:27:04] hello all, i have an iPod classic 6th Gen. Running the latest Rockbox bootloader v8-designware. According to this page, https://www.iflash.xyz/howto-install-rockbox-on-the-ipod-classics/ , the iPod should reflect all ~256 GB of my installed SD card. i am only seeing ~128 GB [04:30:40] mekkel: try to format the disk to 256GB (or extend the partition) using the bootloader USB mode, then probably it will be detected by RB, but not by OF that is limited to ~128GB [04:32:01] ok let me try now, thank you for the help [04:32:37] i am assuming you mean, plug in the iPod (rockbox USB mode), open Windows Explorer, format, etc etc ? [04:33:53] no, bootloader USB mode, press CENTER+RIGHT at boot time to enter bootloader USB mode, then format (or extend) the HDD using your operating system, if you cannot enter USB mode then install the latest bootloader (beta) [04:35:12] yeah it seems like it will not enter usb mode, let me try installing latest bootloader [04:35:20] you will see on the iPod the boot blank screen with a message "USB mode entered" or something similar [04:35:58] maybe you are using an old bootloader, use the latest (beta) that includes the USB mode functionality [04:36:32] just reinstall the latest bootloader over the current one, no need to install and then reinstall the bootloader [04:36:55] *no need to uninstall and then reinstall* [04:37:07] ok i forget, when i open the rockbox utility, how do i get it to recognize my ipod [04:37:15] do i have to be in Disk Mode [04:37:37] yes, in apple disk mode, apple usb mode or RB usb mode [04:37:53] uncheck some option to show unstable targets [04:39:24] last update was 6/28 correct? [04:39:36] yes, i think so [04:44:38] ok cool, i was able to install the new bootloader and got into bootloader usb mode. when i plug in the ipod to my windows pc, i opened Disk Management. It says that there is a 110 GB partition unallocated. i cannot seem to extend the main partition to it [04:46:48] sorry, i cannot help too much because i don't use windows, probably you should use some utility to do that, the other day another user extended the partition and it works well for him but IIRC he was using a Mac to do that [04:47:19] i think youre right, this is a windows limitation [04:47:22] you also may try to format the whole disk (FAT 32) and see if it works [04:48:13] if it it does not work you can restore the ipod using iTunes and install the bootloader and RB again [04:48:42] Hello all. I was checking to see if there was a Emcore update and saw that there is a Rockbox bootloader now. I've not been able to find the answer anywhere else, so was wondering if there is a way to replace the Emcore I have already installed with the new bootloader. [04:49:45] jtgc: see https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic.html#usage [04:50:01] Thank you so much!! [04:50:29] mekkel: no need to say that you must backup your data first, if not already done [04:50:56] thank you [04:52:42] using MiniTool Partition Wizard, seems to be working so far. Detected ~256 GB [04:53:29] well, check if you can copy files and play them using RB [04:55:46] When I formatted successfully, the iPod screen turned white with some text and it said Panic. I am assuming it wiped out the Rockbox installation. So i put it back in Apple Disk Mode, opened Rockbox Utility, attempted to click Next and it says Mountpoint is not writable [04:56:47] is the panic a blank screen? [04:56:55] or white? [04:57:02] white screen [04:57:19] i am in Disk Mode now tho. [04:58:20] can you check if the white screen says something like "invalid partition" or "partition not found"? [05:01:16] give me one sec [05:03:34] cannot load rockbox.ipod, file not found [05:03:39] thats where im at now. it is a black screen [05:04:07] oh, i think i can use the utility now to reinstall [05:05:40] wooooooo, we did it. i have rockbox installed, and it is detecting the whole SD card. Very excited! Thank you for the help. I have one more question, is there a way to be able to press the select button during playback and toggle on and off shuffle ? [05:07:48] *** Quits: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [05:09:25] *** Joins: prof_wolfff (~prof_wolf@ [05:23:16] *** Quits: jtgc (288bd60e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:12:54] *** Quits: mekkel (450eb93f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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[11:54:42] wodz: i have used it on Linux for Classic, so dont know too much about internals, it appears in lsusb as ffff:e000 IIRC, then "sudo python ./emcore.py" works for me [12:02:27] prof_wolfff: see my msg on #rockbox [12:02:56] smells like some incompatibility between emCORE r859 and current emcore.py [12:12:12] r891 change in libemcore.py breaks device detection with emCORE r859 running on device [12:12:46] wodz: i am using r859 with the emcore.py included in that release, remember that did a unix2dos to omit to call the interpreter and do just "sudo ./emcore.py" but ATM i cannot recall if i did other changes, anyway i can send you the emcore.py i am using [12:13:47] i see on my lsusb bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubclass and bInterfaceProtocol = 0xff [12:15:04] with emcore.py from r859 I get this http://pastie.org/10926764 [12:16:50] are you using sudo? [12:17:28] yes [12:19:04] i am going to see if my emcore.py was patched... [12:33:00] wodz: it seems i am wrong and i was using the emcore.py included in r708 after doing a dos2unix on it, but all other files (libemcore.py etc seems from r859), i will see in more detail to try to confirm it [12:40:41] prof_wolfff: thanks for support [12:42:14] prof_wolfff wodz: compatibility was broken indeed [12:42:31] we switched from bulk transfers to control transfers on endpoint 0 [12:42:54] in order to enable user-mode usb host apps [12:43:28] user890104: anyway I can use any version of tool BUT r859 emcore.py doesn't work as well [12:44:05] wodz: which version of emCORE do you have installed? [12:44:48] ipod displays emCORE v0.2.3 r859 [12:45:42] ok, then you should use the same revision of the tools [12:46:21] i can't remember the syntax for svn, but should be something like: svn checkout -r 859 svn://svn.freemyipod.org/trunk freemyipod [12:46:57] (assuming that our SVN server process hasn't crashed recently) [12:47:04] user890104: I did try to use this particular revision emcore.py and got http://pastie.org/10926764 [12:47:32] which version of pyusb are you using? [12:47:53] looks like an old one, which doesn't know about the fifth parameter of write (timeout) [12:48:11] you should be using 1.0.x+, not 0.43 [12:49:23] 1.0x [12:49:59] do you have the full version string? [12:50:14] there were some 1.0 alphas/betas, which are not compatible [12:50:14] python-usb_1.0.0~b2-2_all [12:50:21] ok, let me see [12:50:34] its official ubuntu xenial package [12:53:49] user890104: btw, when you are around could you give me resetftl.bin ? To remind you I am trying to resurect n2g 4G which had FTL in inconsistent state without using iTunes. [12:56:46] unfortunately cannot confirm what mix i was using in the past, but just tested the emcore.py included in r859 and it is also working well here [13:00:58] hmm [13:01:11] prof_wolfff: which version of pyusb are you using? [13:05:49] i was trying to verify that but it seems that although the package is available (ubuntu 15.04) it was not installed using dpkg, probably it was installed manually... let me see [13:13:21] it was installed using python-pip on ubuntu 12.04, version pyusb-1.0.0.a3 [13:13:49] sorry, 1.0.0a3 [13:21:08] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:22:09] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [13:28:35] we always install this one manually, from source [13:28:46] python setup.py install or something like that [13:29:07] i'm pretty sure it's an API incompatibility between pyusb versions [13:29:29] lovely [13:29:39] https://github.com/walac/pyusb/releases/tag/1.0.0 [13:29:52] this one should work fine (haven't tested it) [13:30:14] we used to get the sources from sourceforge, but it looks like the project has been migrated to github [13:30:50] sorry for the lack of information, but i haven't used this script in more than an year [13:34:44] user890104: I put usb folder from this release into emcore/trunk/tools/usb and still the same error [13:41:08] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:42:15] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [13:48:47] wodz: doing the same (r859 + https://github.com/walac/pyusb/releases/tag/1.0.0 + python 2.7) works well for me [13:54:02] hmm [13:55:59] I am out of ideas [14:20:25] wodz, rechecking again removing precompiled pyc, renaming my old pyusb version and using https://github.com/walac/pyusb/releases/tag/1.0.0 i get the same error that you, so it seems it is pyusb version, try to find 1.0.0a3 [14:27:27] will do [14:29:18] prof_wolfff: With this version it works! (at least does not bomb out immediately) https://github.com/walac/pyusb/archive/1.0.0a3.zip [14:30:51] user890104: Can you provide me resetftl.bin to nuke FTL? [14:36:01] wodz: good! i just kept that package in a safe place [15:03:30] https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/resetftl.bin [15:03:32] wodz [15:04:11] user890104: Isn't emcore.py ipodnano2g_wipenand what I am looking for to nuke ftl? [15:04:35] wodz: no idea, sorry [15:04:42] please ask [7] [15:04:57] just found this .bin in my fmi folder [15:05:11] user890104: thanks for file, I'll try to catch [7] [18:32:23] *** Joins: sigrokBlack (5d80147f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:33:19] Hi, just flashed my ipod classic and it works great! Thanks for the development guys! [18:37:40] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:50:32] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [19:22:00] *** Quits: sigrokBlack (5d80147f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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