[03:02:40] *** Joins: PritchardGSD (~dog@CPE-121-219-4-122.lnse1.lon.bigpond.net.au) [04:41:42] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:03:16] *** Quits: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [06:04:54] *** Joins: [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) [12:00:42] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [12:01:09] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [18:33:03] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:38:27] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:51:31] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [19:54:18] *** Joins: Massa (059e89a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:55:01] Hi everybody - somewhere online which has a iPod 6G (Fat)? [19:55:21] somewhere = someone ;-) [19:58:18] I have problems installing the rockbox bootloader - the USB disk mode does not work - no drive letter... [19:59:45] I used the v8-designware version [20:01:13] the web page says, that the bootloader USB mode uses the "new driver" and should work fine - it does not here... [20:25:53] I have to leave for an hour or so - will come back later [20:26:55] *** Quits: Massa (059e89a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [21:19:27] *** Joins: Massa (4fe8c9e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:21:34] hello again - anybody here? [21:27:00] hello [21:43:24] do you have an iPod 6G (fat)? Or at least experience with USB drivers in Rockbox / Bootloader? [21:45:47] i am one of the emCORE developers [21:46:11] and you most likely downloaded it from my page at freemyipod.org [21:47:05] yes - it was called "Rockbox Bootloader" :-) [21:48:32] I used the v8-designware (Beta) version and had no success in using the USB from bootloader - although the web page said "shoud work fine" ;-) [21:50:15] which operating system are you using? [21:51:33] is apple disk mode working well for you? [21:51:48] I tried it with WinXP and with Win10 - the device said "USB bootloader mode" (or similar) but no drive letter appears (and no error message) [21:51:59] yes, the apple disk mode works well [21:52:47] Even inside RockBox I have some problems with the USB mode - it works the first time but when I disconnect from PC, it fails and says that I should reboot the device... [21:53:11] the device is a iPod 6G with 160GB (FAT) [21:53:19] the usb mode inside rockbox is using an older driver, which has some issues [21:53:29] the final goal is to replace it with the new driver [21:53:41] but at the moment, it is only active in the bootloader usb mode [21:53:55] which does not work for you for some reason... [21:54:03] prof_wolfff is the main developer of the rockbox bootloader [21:54:42] yes, and I want to provide information to help make it work - even on my device :-) [21:54:46] if you leave your chat window open for a while, he shoud see your question and suggest what you could do [21:55:06] BTW, the channel log does not work since 2013? [21:55:11] yes, that would be helpful, but i'm not sure what you should do next [21:55:16] yes, i know about that [21:55:32] there are logs, but not sorted and published [21:55:55] it's a hobby project, we try to focus on the important things [21:56:07] <[Saint]> Should probably just nuke that from the topic. [21:56:38] well, i don't have access to change it [21:56:52] Farthen is the channel owner i think [21:56:55] or 7 [21:57:03] Of course... [21:57:14] <[Saint]> TheSeven is. [21:57:33] yup [21:57:38] I mean "of course it's a hobby project which focus on the important things" :-) [21:57:55] <[Saint]> And, there's no successor - which is...interesting. [21:57:59] the topis is about 5 years old :) [21:58:03] topic* [21:58:14] [21:08:54] * Set by Farthen on Fri Apr 15 11:37:13 2011 [21:58:19] <[Saint]> You should be set as successor at the very least so we have a valid case to claim the channel. [21:58:30] I was just wondering because I was in the cannel a few hours ago and had to log off - after logging in I wanted to look what happened in between.. [21:58:39] i can try bringing the logs to a usable/searchable format [21:58:49] <[Saint]> well, I'll be here, if you do. [21:58:51] <[Saint]> Prod me. [21:59:04] <[Saint]> My client/core setup is distributed. [21:59:14] <[Saint]> If my internet is up, I'm always here. [21:59:20] <[Saint]> (and therefore logging) [21:59:58] my bouncer logs the channels all the time, that's where i'll try to resurrect the last 3-4 years of data [22:00:48] BTW, I tried emcore and rockbox with my device a few years ago - but it was almost not usable (had to reformat the harddisk at that time and also had massive USB connecting problems) [22:01:14] the usb issues is what prevents most people from using it [22:01:30] <[Saint]> those people are universally on Windows hosts. [22:01:40] <[Saint]> ...unsurprisingly. [22:02:14] does it work with linux hosts? [22:02:14] <[Saint]> and having to format the HDD was an absolutely required step back then. [22:02:17] <[Saint]> Nothing unusual. [22:02:24] <[Saint]> The installer forced format. [22:02:29] <[Saint]> and, yes, yes it does. [22:03:27] in the past id did not for me - very often the device hanged during file transfer - even when using a linux host... [22:03:58] <[Saint]> sounds like your device has some serious issues then. [22:04:04] <[Saint]> that is very highly unusual. [22:04:39] <[Saint]> all the cases you list not working points to a single common factor, the device itself. [22:05:43] seems so - but with my old iTunes version it works without problems. [22:07:28] To my shame I nowadays use very seldom Linux - only on servers or on embedded devices [22:08:34] <[Saint]> It isn't shameful to use what works for you. [22:08:52] <[Saint]> Though I certainly hope that XP machine is either deceased or entirely airgapped. [22:09:02] <[Saint]> preferably the former. [22:11:24] it's a VM which only has access to the host system - it's also my "iTunes VM" :-) [22:20:49] Massa: i would try to use linux to see if the logs shows something, the latest builds of RB (from a week or so) includes the new designware driver [22:22:52] prof_wolfff: is it included already? i missed that [22:23:08] so no trace of the old driver on the classics and nano2g? [22:23:11] yes it was commited a few days ago for Classic and Nano2g [22:23:29] nice, i'll test it on both models [22:23:41] (if my n2g manages to power up) [22:24:01] i am preparing a patch to sync latest commits with gerrit bootloader