00:42 *** S_a_i_n_t has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 00:44 *** S_a_i_n_t has joined #freemyipod 01:59 *** Jiss has quit IRC (Quit: Quit) 03:09 *** TheSeven has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 03:13 *** TheSeven has joined #freemyipod 05:00 Session Start: Tue Nov 02 05:00:21 2010 05:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 05:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 06:16 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 06:46 *** n1s has quit IRC (Quit: Lämnar) 08:25 *** perror has joined #freemyipod 09:41 *** Jiss has joined #freemyipod 09:54 *** perror has quit IRC (Quit: Bye all !) 09:54 *** perror has joined #freemyipod 10:06 *** cac2s has joined #freemyipod 10:15 * TheSeven just booted rockbox through umsboot :) 10:15 < TheSeven> well, it froze at some point, but at least it showed its logo 10:16 < user890104> TheSeven: on which device? 10:16 < TheSeven> nano2g 10:17 < user890104> nice 10:18 < TheSeven> 168772 of 180224 bytes of sram used 10:18 < TheSeven> that was tight :) 10:18 < TheSeven> a whopping 11kB of free RAM 10:19 *** liar has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 10:19 < TheSeven> executable size: 14192 bytes (8496 bytes when compressed) 10:20 < TheSeven> i've seen UCL do better... 10:20 < TheSeven> so that's another 3 flash pages 10:22 < TheSeven> fits perfectly 10:26 *** liar has joined #freemyipod 11:00 Session Start: Tue Nov 02 11:00:16 2010 11:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 11:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 11:01 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r239): libipoddfu: Fix device detection 11:01 < fmibot> r239 build result: All green! 11:02 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r240): emBIOS: Shut down USB controller before powering off or executing firmware image (disk mode fix part 1/2) 11:02 < fmibot> r240 build result: All green! 11:03 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r241): iLoader themes: Wait 200 milliseconds before executing disk mode (disk mode fix part 2/2) 11:03 < fmibot> r241 build result: All green! 11:07 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r242): UMSboot: Fork from emBIOS trunk 11:07 < fmibot> r242 build result: All green! 11:11 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r243): UMSboot: Initial commit 11:11 < fmibot> r243 build result: All green! 11:13 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r244): UMSboot: Remove leftover folder 11:13 < fmibot> r244 build result: All green! 11:26 < TheSeven> who wants to test it? 11:47 < S_a_i_n_t> what's UMSboot? 11:48 < TheSeven> S_a_i_n_t: a tool that should hopefully finally ease recovering borked ipods 11:48 < S_a_i_n_t> Ah. 11:48 < S_a_i_n_t> Mice 11:48 < S_a_i_n_t> *nice 11:48 < TheSeven> haha :) 11:48 < TheSeven> it will provide access to a pre-formatted ramdisk via the usb mass storage protocol 11:48 < TheSeven> you just copy a *.ubi file to it, unplug it, and the file will be executed 11:49 < TheSeven> no more need for python, libusb etc. 11:49 < TheSeven> (besides for the really fubar'd ones of course) 11:51 < TheSeven> now we need try getting rid of all possible embios bootup panics 11:51 *** cac2s has left 11:52 *** cac2s has joined #freemyipod 12:00 < TheSeven> the ubi file will be moved to 0x08000000 and executed from there, the ramdisk file system will be shrunken to the minimum possible size, moved to the end of RAM, and a pointer to the beginning of the ramdisk will be stored in the last word of sram (0x2202bffc) 12:01 < TheSeven> you shouldn't reformat the partition or create folders on it or it will explode :) 12:12 * TheSeven wonders how to get rid of the various possible FTL panics 12:14 * S_a_i_n_t boggles at "you shouldn't reformat the partition or create folders on it or it will explode :)" 12:14 < S_a_i_n_t> errr....huh? 12:14 < S_a_i_n_t> ;D 12:15 < TheSeven> well, it's relying on some assumptions... 12:23 *** Jiss has quit IRC (Quit: Quit) 12:28 *** cac2s has left 12:29 *** cac2s has joined #freemyipod 12:38 *** cac2s has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 12:40 *** cac2s has joined #freemyipod 12:42 *** fmibot has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 12:43 *** fmibot has joined #freemyipod 12:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o fmibot 13:20 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 13:20 *** n1s has quit IRC (Changing host) 13:20 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 13:42 *** cac2s has left 14:20 < user890104> TheSeven: how do i test this one? 14:20 < user890104> i got my music/data backed up, so i don't mind wiping it 14:21 < TheSeven> no need to wipe anything 14:21 < TheSeven> just svn up, compile an installer (don't forget to re-run make flashfiles) and run that 14:21 < TheSeven> you should have a "umsboot" option in the fallback menu 14:22 < TheSeven> if you boot that, you'll see a 32MB ramdisk 14:22 < TheSeven> copy e.g. an embios.bin or rockbox.bin to that, rename it to *.ubi and unplug 14:23 < user890104> just a moment to launch my ubuntu VM which takes care of building installers 14:31 < user890104> [LD] build/ipodnano2g/umsboot.elf 14:31 < user890104> arm-elf-eabi-ld: build/ipodnano2g/umsboot.elf: section .ramdisk vma 0x8000000 overlaps previous sections 14:31 < user890104> [OC] build/ipodnano2g/umsboot.elf 14:32 < user890104> is this safe? 14:32 < user890104> i mean is it expected 14:33 < TheSeven> yes 14:33 < TheSeven> i still have to find a way to suppress that warning 14:33 < TheSeven> that the initcode section is re-used as ramdisk space later is intentional :) 14:35 < user890104> do i need to repartition it now or ot uses the nor flash, not the firmware partition? 14:37 < user890104> i still don't fully understand the whole stuff 14:37 < TheSeven> repartitioning has some advantages and disadvantages. it's not required, but i generally recommend as long as you don't want to use itunes. 14:41 < user890104> 0xffff 0x5562 is that the ramdisk? 14:44 < TheSeven> yes 14:47 < user890104> got an ibugger running, but after usb init ... ok it seems to have frozen 14:51 * TheSeven doesn't trust ibugger too much 14:51 < TheSeven> probably it's relying on something that doesn't hold true when booting through umsboot 14:51 < TheSeven> as long as it boots embios fine, i'm happy :) 14:53 < user890104> the embios binary itself, or the embiossed iloader installer? 14:55 < TheSeven> they should both work 14:56 < user890104> rearranging files seems to corrupt the display buffer 14:56 < TheSeven> how did you manage to trigger that? 14:57 < user890104> oh, i uploaded a bad file 14:57 < TheSeven> such things shouldn't happen nevertheless 14:57 < TheSeven> what exactly did you do? 14:58 < user890104> i extracted osos.fw from the OF, but forgot that it's encrypted and put it straight away, renamed 14:58 < user890104> it doesn't check the image, does it? 15:00 < TheSeven> no 15:00 < user890104> the installer seems to run fine 15:00 < TheSeven> it just picks it based on the file name extension 15:00 < TheSeven> nevertheless i can't see how this could possibly lead to lcd buffer corruption 15:04 < user890104> after "booting", the screen got really screwed up, the upper half was totally random and the lower was almost filled with black dots, and some small remains of the console message 15:06 < TheSeven> interesting 15:06 < TheSeven> but this definitely happened after it printed "booting"? 15:06 < TheSeven> then it seems like the encrypted file actually made up valid code writing to the lcd... that's funny. 15:07 < user890104> the booting line was visible, so i guess it actually started running the code 15:09 < TheSeven> i need to know if that corruption might have happened while it was swapping blocks to defragment the file 15:09 < user890104> the first one did 15:09 < TheSeven> if the booting line was perfectly fine but everything else was garbled, that point to such an issue 15:09 < TheSeven> if the booting line is also affected, it probably happened after booting the image 15:10 < user890104> i think it was blurred, too 15:10 < user890104> will try it again 15:11 < user890104> embios runs fine, too 15:15 < user890104> so, this time i uploaded the unencrypted apple f/w, and something simmilar happened 15:16 < user890104> loading ... still fine, right after loading the screen buffer got shifted left by like 5-6 px and lightly corrupted with black dots, then the arranging message appears 15:17 < user890104> after arranging just before booting message, the corruption got more colorful - literally 15:17 < TheSeven> that's pretty certainly evidence of a nasty bug in the filesystem code 15:18 < user890104> then the booting message appears, and then freezes 15:18 < user890104> could you reproduce it on your device 15:18 < user890104> i was using the appleos.bin backup from iloader instalation 15:19 < TheSeven> let me try 15:19 < TheSeven> it will probably just happen with any file that's bigger than a few kilobytes 15:20 < user890104> what does the rearranging actually do? 15:20 < TheSeven> basically defragmenting and shrinking the ramdisk 15:21 < TheSeven> hm, i'm also seeing some corrupted pixels with a 3.5MB mp3 file renamed to ubi 15:21 < TheSeven> it's also taking way too long 15:21 < user890104> yes, that too 17:00 Session Start: Tue Nov 02 17:00:19 2010 17:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 17:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 17:30 *** n1s has quit IRC (Quit: Lämnar) 18:14 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r245): UMSboot: Add missing SVN ignore property for build folder 18:14 < fmibot> r245 build result: All green! 18:15 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r246): UMSboot: Fix problems that occurred when more than 2MB of the file system were used 18:15 < fmibot> r246 build result: All green! 18:21 < TheSeven> user890104: this seems to have fixed most of the problem, but not all 18:21 < TheSeven> even with this version i managed to get a few pixels of lcd corruption once 18:22 < TheSeven> judging from debug output i have the impression that something might be wrong with the RAM 18:23 < TheSeven> can you test stuffing the ramdisk with some crap and placing a single known-good ubi file somewhere in between? 18:23 < TheSeven> make sure that the ubi file isn't copied unless at least some megabytes of space are used 18:23 < TheSeven> if you want to stress test it even more, delete some files again and copy other ones, to cause fragmentation 18:23 < TheSeven> do you still manage to make it fail somehow? 18:52 < user890104> let's see 19:14 < user890104> this time the loading was sooo fast 19:14 < user890104> then some rearranging 19:14 < user890104> and after booting i guess it crashed and restarted 19:14 < user890104> i used an appleos.bin 19:14 < user890104> and store a 23 MB pdf before that to fill up the space 19:16 < user890104> there's a limit of 25 files per folder according to my windows 7 19:17 *** perror has quit IRC (Quit: Bye all !) 19:20 < user890104> now the limit changed to 16 19:21 < user890104> every time i delete something and create a new file, the limit changes to a lower number 19:28 < TheSeven> not really 19:28 < TheSeven> the limit is dependent on the file name length 19:28 < TheSeven> there are 63 directory entries 19:28 < TheSeven> everything that's more than 8.3 format and not all-lowercase will eat multiple of them 19:32 < TheSeven> i've found a file system image that makes it lock up during the rearranging stage... 19:37 < user890104> oh, that explains it, i'm copying the files over and over and windows adds ...copy (1) copy (2) at the end of the name 19:37 < user890104> so after filling up with junk, it booted successfully embios 19:37 < user890104> let's try the encrypted file 19:38 < TheSeven> mine is getting stuck in a fat entry cycle :/ 19:40 < user890104> no corruption now 19:40 < user890104> and of course nothing boots since it's encrypted 19:40 < user890104> i'm gonna try the unencrypted & uncapped OF 19:43 < user890104> i think rearranging got stuck 19:44 < user890104> can i get some kind of debug what's rearranging on the ipod's console 19:46 < user890104> for example print something from within the loops 19:50 < TheSeven> char buf[30]; 19:50 < TheSeven> snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d => %d\n", src, dest); 19:50 < TheSeven> lcdconsole_puts(buf, 0, 0xffff); 19:51 < TheSeven> putting that at the beginning of the swap function in umsboot/main.c should provide some hints 19:56 < user890104> main.c: In function ‘swap’: 19:56 < user890104> main.c:110: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘snprintf’ 19:56 < user890104> what's missing, string.h? 19:58 < TheSeven> doesn't matter 19:58 < TheSeven> should work nevertheless 19:58 < TheSeven> and IIRC that would be stdio.h 20:04 < user890104> booting corrupted 2 or 3 of the pixels, and it didn't actually boot 20:04 < user890104> (appleos.bin renamed to .ubi) 20:04 < user890104> is it actually possible to boot it that way? 20:04 < TheSeven> i don't know for sure 20:35 < TheSeven> urgh. 20:35 < TheSeven> long file names. 20:45 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r247): UMSboot: Fix issues with long file names 20:45 < fmibot> r247 build result: All green! 20:46 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r248): libc: Optimize for performance instead of code size. Uses ~600 bytes more but is several times faster. 20:46 < fmibot> r248 build result: All green! 20:50 < user890104> TheSeven could you please explain the structure of the directory entries at the end of nano 2g's nor flash, i've found them but don't know which bytes hold the address and the length of each image 20:51 < TheSeven> hm they're documented at the ipodlinux wiki, but that's down :/ 20:52 < TheSeven> judging from some of my code, the address is at filename+0xc and the size at filename+0x10 20:53 < TheSeven> the size is apparently not including the header, so you'll need to add 512 20:54 < TheSeven> btw, trying to boot the of through umsboot just locks up on mine 20:58 < user890104> locks up after "booting..." ? 20:58 < TheSeven> yes 21:04 < user890104> same for me 21:12 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 21:12 *** n1s has quit IRC (Changing host) 21:12 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 21:17 < user890104> TheSeven is the norflash.bak encrypted? 21:17 < TheSeven> the file itself isn't, but the images contained in it are 21:17 *** Jiss has joined #freemyipod 21:18 < user890104> so how do i decrypt them? i remeber ibugger has an decryptnor command 21:18 < user890104> remember* 21:18 < TheSeven> ipodcrypt.py nano2g-decryptdfu should work 21:18 < TheSeven> at least for the norboot.8701 part of it 21:19 < TheSeven> i don' 21:19 < TheSeven> i don't remember how the other ones are encrypted 21:19 < TheSeven> could be also decryptdfu or possibly decryptfw 21:20 < TheSeven> you'll probably have to change it to use the uid key instead of gid 21:20 < TheSeven> what are you planning to do btw? 21:22 < user890104> i'm trying to extract and decrypt the disk mode image and run it with runfirmware or umsboot 21:23 < TheSeven> it should be easier to grab it from the bootflash after iloader has been installed 21:23 < TheSeven> that's just compressed, not encrypted 21:23 < user890104> so i've managed to extract 4 images (2 of them being the apple logo i guess), diskflsh and diagflsh 21:23 < TheSeven> ucl2e10singleblkunpack should do the trick 21:23 < user890104> yes, but i like doing thigns the hard way to learn how the others did them 21:24 < TheSeven> i did that ages ago and don't even know if it's possible using only released tools 21:25 < user890104> i tried to run ibugger and use that decryptnor command, but it doesn't run from within embios' runfirmware 21:25 < TheSeven> hm... ibugger loader or core? 21:25 < user890104> i guess i'll go back to the time when we used the notes expoit combines with an ibugger loader 21:25 < user890104> a loader 21:25 < TheSeven> that should work in theory 21:26 < user890104> actually, yes but it freezes 21:26 < user890104> usb init ... ok, then freeze 21:26 < TheSeven> depending on the version you might need to load it to a different address though 21:26 < TheSeven> 0x09000000 should work for every version 21:26 < user890104> i missed that, tried 08000000 21:26 < TheSeven> some earlier ones had a usb transfer buffer at 0x08000000 21:27 < TheSeven> that was fixed later on, but i don't know which one you're currently dealing with 21:27 < user890104> i think it's the latest 21:27 < user890104> snapshot-201003100612 21:28 < TheSeven> hm 21:28 < TheSeven> it also fails for me through umsboot 21:28 < TheSeven> but it works through embios 21:29 < TheSeven> oh 21:29 < TheSeven> it doesn't any more 21:29 < user890104> Running firmware at 0x9000000. Bye.ERROR: Problem with USB connection. 21:29 < user890104> and then it's not detected 21:30 < TheSeven> this was probably broken by r240 21:30 < TheSeven> apparently ibugger relies on the usb controller already being powered up 21:31 < user890104> so disk mode powers it up? 21:31 < TheSeven> yes 21:31 < TheSeven> if you want to boot ibugger, use embios loader recovery mode 21:31 < TheSeven> and then embiosldr.py run .../loader.bin 21:33 < user890104> yep, booted now 21:37 < user890104> do i need the 512-byte headers when sending file to be decrypted or i could just strip them when extracting? 21:37 < TheSeven> no idea 21:37 < TheSeven> you won't need it, but the tool might want to strip the header itself 21:39 < user890104> decryptnor seems to be the right way 22:56 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r249): emBIOS: Handle FTL problems more gracefully on iPod Nano 2G 22:56 < fmibot> r249 build result: All green! 23:00 Session Start: Tue Nov 02 23:00:20 2010 23:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 23:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 23:13 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r250): Release emBIOS v0.1.4 23:13 < fmibot> r250 build result: All green! 23:20 *** soap has joined #freemyipod 23:20 < TheSeven> release completed. 23:20 < TheSeven> let's write some news 23:25 < TheSeven> the r220 installer has been downloaded a whopping 188 times total, the updater 32 times 23:26 < TheSeven> er, i mean 208/35 times 23:28 < TheSeven> most of the visitors came through the wiki, but quite a bunch of them came from http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/psgroove-ported-rockbox-ipods-66820/index96.html