00:50 *** Jiss has quit IRC (Quit: Quit) 03:07 *** TheSeven has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 03:11 *** TheSeven has joined #freemyipod 05:00 Session Start: Thu Nov 04 05:00:18 2010 05:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 05:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 06:27 *** fmibot has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 06:28 *** fmibot has joined #freemyipod 06:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o fmibot 07:35 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 07:52 *** n1s has quit IRC (Quit: Lämnar) 08:02 *** TheSeven has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 08:41 *** TheSeven has joined #freemyipod 09:05 < TheSeven> user890104: success :) 09:08 < user890104> TheSeven: what did you succeded :) the notes installer? 09:08 < TheSeven> yep 09:10 < user890104> is it available for testing, i still have not filled my nano 2g with anything after the wiping and format 09:10 < user890104> so even if something goes wrong, it won't cause any data loss 09:15 < TheSeven> i'll automate the build process, add the rockbox installer, and then commit it to svn 09:17 < user890104> ok, i'll try to figure out how to extend libipodcrypt's functions, and if it is successful i'll post a patch 09:39 *** timccc has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 09:41 < S_a_i_n_t> TheSeven: Congrats? 09:41 < S_a_i_n_t> two installer releases in two weeks? nice ;) 09:41 < TheSeven> well, this one will be really cool :) 09:42 < TheSeven> take a factory-state ipod, copy a file to it, unplug it, wait a bit, and you'll have iloader and rockbox on it :) 09:43 < S_a_i_n_t> what the!?! I understood getting iLoader on it...but how is it doing the RB installer? is iLoader installed first, then launching the RB installer? or both done at once? 09:43 * S_a_i_n_t is curious as to its method. 09:44 < S_a_i_n_t> Nice work, btw...very nice. 09:44 < TheSeven> the iloader installer will just also copy the rb files 09:44 < S_a_i_n_t> This, coupled with the recent "make it really easy to un-fuck a borked Nano" makes installation *very* painless. 09:44 < S_a_i_n_t> good job. 09:45 < TheSeven> no need for ipodpatcher or rbutil any more, just copy a file to the notes folder :) 09:45 < S_a_i_n_t> Could a similar thing be done for RB? 09:45 < TheSeven> if someone writes an on-device installer for the rockbox bootloader, yes 09:46 * S_a_i_n_t looks around for "someone" ;p 09:46 *** timccc has joined #freemyipod 09:46 < TheSeven> what i've done yesterday is just writing a stub that you prepend to an executable, copy it to the notes folder, and it will run it 09:46 < TheSeven> this can work with basically anything 09:46 < TheSeven> you could even boot e.g. disk mode that way :) 09:46 < TheSeven> not that it would make any sense though 09:46 < S_a_i_n_t> nice. 09:47 < S_a_i_n_t> I'm guessing we'll notably see installation/update related fuckups drop off now. 09:47 < TheSeven> i've basically maxed out what's possible with a note... there are a whopping 21 bytes of free space in it, and it's already compressed :) 09:48 < S_a_i_n_t> we *really* need to get people out of the habbit of re-booting RB with menu+select 09:48 < S_a_i_n_t> I realise you've made all attempts to make that as safe as you can now, but, it's simply no good. 09:49 < S_a_i_n_t> I just wonder what makes people think it's correct to do so. 09:49 < S_a_i_n_t> ...and if I can do anything to change that assumption. 10:19 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 10:19 *** n1s has quit IRC (Changing host) 10:19 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 11:00 Session Start: Thu Nov 04 11:00:20 2010 11:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 11:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 13:16 *** perror has joined #freemyipod 13:58 *** benedikt93 has joined #freemyipod 15:18 *** aissen has joined #freemyipod 15:19 *** aissen has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 15:20 *** aissen has joined #freemyipod 15:49 < TheSeven> user890104: do you want to try it? :) 15:49 < user890104> yep 15:49 < TheSeven> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/installer-nano2g.7z 15:50 < TheSeven> extract that to the notes folder 15:50 < TheSeven> that will install iloader and rockbox 15:50 < user890104> do i need to restore with itunes first? 15:50 < user890104> the ipod's ftl is currently wiped, then the data partition is formatted 15:51 < TheSeven> restoring using itunes might be helpful, yes 15:51 < user890104> i doubt if there are any remains of OF on the FW partition 15:52 < user890104> ok, so time to switch to Mac as i don't have iTunes on windows (and don't have any plans of installing) 15:52 < TheSeven> if you want to test the usual installation use case, restore using itunes, set the language if the ipod asks you to, and then connect via usb again, remove the instructions note and drop mine in instead 15:52 < TheSeven> urgh 15:52 < TheSeven> it won't work with macpods 15:52 < user890104> damn .. so ... 15:52 < TheSeven> you need a fat32 data partition 15:52 < TheSeven> and mbr-based partition table 15:53 < user890104> i remeber that itunes asks if i want to format it for mac or for pc 15:53 < user890104> the fist time i connect it 15:53 < TheSeven> if that works, fine :) 15:55 < user890104> http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodConversionToFAT32 15:55 < user890104> i'm gonna try "the easy way" 15:55 < user890104> will be back in about 15 mins 15:55 *** user890104 has quit IRC () 15:58 < Farthen> TheSeven, S_a_i_n_t: can anyone of you explain this? menu+select - start rockbox??? http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodnano2g/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-280003.1.2 16:00 < Farthen> well, could mean that you can boot rockbox from the osos with menu+select 16:00 < Farthen> well, but we definitely need to make the people stop using menu+select 16:00 * Farthen considers a warning message the first time you press the rockbox button in iloader 16:02 < TheSeven> "In the unlikely event of a software failure, hardware poweroff or reset can be performed by holding down Menu and Select simultaneously until the player shuts off or reboots." 16:02 < TheSeven> this should be pretty much clear, isn't it? 16:03 *** user890104 has joined #freemyipod 16:03 < user890104> TheSeven: it has actually been reformatted as a single-partition 4gb drive 16:03 < TheSeven> and it's also missing the possibility to boot the of by holding menu 16:03 < user890104> after the ftl wipe and restoring 16:03 < TheSeven> interesting 16:03 < TheSeven> no firmware partition? 16:03 < user890104> and itunes does not recgnise it as an ipod 16:03 < user890104> yes 16:04 < user890104> but it's mounted as a flash drive 16:04 < TheSeven> even in disk mode? 16:04 < user890104> it's in disk mode now, and itunes does not list it 16:05 < user890104> disk utility says it's a single partition, and the device is named 4.06 GB Apple iPod Media 16:06 * TheSeven will go home now 16:06 < TheSeven> i'll be back in ~1h 16:06 < user890104> ok, i'll try to restore it in some way 16:10 *** TheSeven has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 16:23 < user890104> filling MBR with zeroes helped itunes finding it :) 17:00 Session Start: Thu Nov 04 17:00:20 2010 17:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 17:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 17:08 *** TheSeven has joined #freemyipod 17:14 < user890104> is the iloader uninstaller compatible with macpods? 17:14 < TheSeven> nope 17:15 < TheSeven> at least if they use GPT partition tables 17:15 < TheSeven> it needs an MBR partition table to find the firmware partition 17:18 < user890104> so how to uninstall the remains of iloader? restore the nor backup? 17:18 < TheSeven> either that, or format it as a winpod 17:44 < user890104> i'm trying another method - i've dumped the firmware partition that itunes restored, then repartitioned the ipod as mbr(leaving space for the firmware partition), and now i'm putting the firmware patition back 17:45 < user890104> what type is the firmware partition on mbr? 17:54 *** user890104 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 18:00 *** user890104 has joined #freemyipod 18:18 < TheSeven> user890104: usually type 0 (free) IIRC 18:19 < TheSeven> i've updated the installer note again: http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/installer-nano2g.bootnote 18:22 < user890104> vmware + windows xp mode save the day, uninstalled iloader successfully, time to test the note 18:26 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r251): emBIOS: iPod Nano 2G FTL: Get rid of some avoidable division operations and cache number of pages per block 18:26 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r252): Kill some Evil Tabs(tm) 18:26 < fmibot> r251 build result: All green! 18:26 < user890104> freezes with the second one 18:27 < fmibot> r252 build result: All green! 18:27 < user890104> should i try the first? 18:29 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r253): New feature: Notes exploit-based installer for iPod Nano 2G, including Rockbox if extracted to the fsfiles folder. 18:29 < fmibot> r253 build result: All green! 18:29 < TheSeven> user890104: what freezes? 18:30 < TheSeven> you boot the apple firmware, copy the note, unplug it, it locks up and nothing happens? not even a beep? 18:30 < user890104> after ejecting, the ipod displays its main menu and freezes 18:31 < user890104> actually, 2 beeps 18:31 < TheSeven> a quick low-high beep? nothing after that? 18:31 < user890104> a lower, then a higher tone 18:31 < user890104> yep 18:31 < TheSeven> did you give it at least 10 seconds of time from that point on? 18:31 < TheSeven> it needs to fetch the rest of the file from the flash (takes ~6 seconds on mine), then it will beep again and boot it 18:32 < user890104> i left it for about a minute 18:32 < TheSeven> you have a 2GB flash, right? 18:32 < user890104> still no second beep 18:33 < user890104> i think it's 4 gb 18:33 < TheSeven> hm 18:33 < TheSeven> how many banks does it have? 18:33 < user890104> how do i check that 18:37 < TheSeven> hm, let me try something 18:37 < TheSeven> damn, space is tight in that note :/ 18:40 < user890104> no space for debugging code? 18:40 < TheSeven> i updated the note file 18:40 < TheSeven> can you try the new one 18:40 < TheSeven> there are now a whopping three bytes of free space in the note 18:41 < TheSeven> this might fix a possible bug with the nand bank detection 18:42 < TheSeven> (i had removed some timeouts due to space reasons) 18:46 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r254): noteboot: Pad the file name to be loaded with spaces instead of "A"s. The iPod accepts it, and it will allow for some version information or similar things in the note header. 18:46 < fmibot> r254 build result: All green! 18:47 < TheSeven> user890104: is the new one doing better? 18:55 *** n1s has quit IRC (Read error: Connection timed out) 18:58 < user890104> let's see 19:00 < user890104> that's cool :) 19:02 < user890104> i guess appleos.bin wasn't created 19:16 < TheSeven> it should have been, but this isn't related (this code hasn't changed in ages) 19:17 < TheSeven> user890104: so the new one worked? 19:17 < user890104> yes, booted fine 19:17 < user890104> rockbox did too 19:17 < TheSeven> ok, I'll commit that change then 19:17 < user890104> appleos did, after copying the old appleos.bin in place 19:18 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r255): noteboot: Add some more timeouts to the NAND driver to make bank detection work correctly 19:18 < TheSeven> hm, no idea why that wasn't created 19:19 < fmibot> r255 build result: All green! 19:19 < TheSeven> this usually points to trouble reading/parsing the firmware partition 19:19 < TheSeven> was there anything special about that, or was it restored by itunes or windows? 19:20 < user890104> i restored it on a 32-bit windows xp sp3 (a.k.a. MS's windows xp mode) under vmware player 3.1.2 running on windows 7 x64 19:21 < user890104> to avoid installing itunes on my host os 19:22 < TheSeven> did it ask you if it should remove the firmware partition? 19:22 < TheSeven> if yes, what did you choose? 19:23 < user890104> i choose no 19:24 < user890104> i did it the same way with the normal installer, and an appleos.bin got created 19:24 < TheSeven> let my revert mine to factory state and check... 19:25 *** perror has quit IRC (Quit: Bye all !) 19:25 < user890104> i'm gonna try apple's ftl eraser, did you have time to review/run it? 19:26 < TheSeven> not yet 19:27 < user890104> it reads: 19:27 < user890104> iPod Flash Burn-in 19:27 < user890104> 0.50 03/15/2007 19:27 < user890104> NAND FLASH DRIVE 19:28 < user890104> Seq. WriteVerify 19:28 < user890104> R-LBA 0x00000000 19:28 < user890104> 4-5 empty lines 19:28 < user890104> 0:01:28:29 left 19:29 *** ChanServ changes topic to 'www.freemyipod.org project development channel. Please use #freemyipod-support for support questions or #freemyipod-chatter for everything that's entirely off-topic. | This channel is logged on logs.freemyipod.org | We do NOT support any iOS device and don't help you jailbreak them | The server will be down for 30min - 1h on 8/11/2010 at 8 am UTC for a scheduled maintenance.' 19:29 < user890104> the "R-LBA" changes to "W-LBA", then back 19:33 < TheSeven> dammit 19:33 < TheSeven> it also failed on mine 19:34 < user890104> so it seems i restored it correctly 19:34 < TheSeven> do you know the svn revision of the last known-working installer? 19:37 < TheSeven> user890104: did it work with r250? 19:37 < user890104> let me see what's my working copy's rev 19:38 < TheSeven> hm, it wasn't changed since like r150... 19:41 < TheSeven> so it must have been affected by something else 19:41 < user890104> i don't remeber what was the first version i used to install on this ipod 19:42 < TheSeven> do you know any known-good one? 19:42 < user890104> i mean that the updates didn't have to re-create appleos.bin because i left it there 19:44 < user890104> my WC is at 246, so is the last installer that i tried 19:44 * TheSeven wonders what could have affected it 20:35 < user890104> i'll try to compile previous versions of the installer 20:35 < user890104> to see which one creates the appleos.bin 20:55 * TheSeven facepalms 20:55 < TheSeven> user890104: forget about it 20:55 < TheSeven> it's trivial 20:55 < user890104> what is it 20:57 < TheSeven> it searches for the "osbk" copy of "osos" that ipodpatcher moved away, which it can't find for obvious reasons 20:59 < user890104> so this method does not touch the firmware partition at all? 21:00 < TheSeven> yes 21:00 < TheSeven> fully transparent to itunes if you don't remove it 21:00 < user890104> exactly 21:01 * TheSeven just uploaded a fixed version 21:01 < user890104> btw, how is the nor reconstructed on uninstall? and what is changed actually? 21:02 < TheSeven> the nor is reconstructed based on the "aupd" image in the firmware partition 21:02 < TheSeven> and partly based on the nor's contents (sysconfig) 21:02 < user890104> some information in diag mode is full of junk chars (which i think is being read from where syscfg used to be) 21:03 < user890104> namely serial number, hardware id and some other version data 21:03 < TheSeven> yes, apparently diagmode has nice bug regarding this :) 21:03 < user890104> in Other-Status 21:03 *** S_a_i_n_t has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 21:03 < TheSeven> i understand how this can cause garbage info to be displayed (even though the fact that they try to show it at all means that they are doing absolutely *no* sanity checks) 21:03 < user890104> i don't know if the OF manages to read it correctly (for example the s/n) 21:03 < TheSeven> but what i don't understand is how this can lead to garbled chars 21:03 < TheSeven> it can't possibly 21:04 < TheSeven> what serial number does it report via usb? 21:04 < user890104> my ipod displays a nice error message after almost hour and a half of nand testing 21:05 < TheSeven> which is? 21:05 < user890104> let's see if i can read.. the backlight is off 21:06 < user890104> Read Scan 21:06 < user890104> R-LBA 0x0000006b00 21:06 < user890104> Errors 1 21:06 < user890104> PWR Unplugged 21:06 < user890104> EC ffff0000 21:07 < user890104> 0:00:11:25 left 21:07 < user890104> seems like it runs all kinds of tests for a specified time (90 mins) 21:07 < TheSeven> probably hit a bad page 21:08 < user890104> or probably i unintentionally unplugged the usb and the battery went flat 21:08 < user890104> so it powered off itself 21:08 < TheSeven> you can't drain the battery that fast 21:09 < TheSeven> the worst i've managed is like 4 hours 21:10 < user890104> the cable was actually unplugged 21:10 < user890104> it doesn't use the battery :) 21:11 < user890104> as soon as i unplug it, it displays that and freezed 21:11 < user890104> freezes* 21:11 *** n1s has joined #freemyipod 21:11 < user890104> the backlight turns off and the error appears 21:11 < TheSeven> ok 21:12 < user890104> so .. after wiping the flash again, it's time to restore (again) 21:12 < TheSeven> the new note should hopefully work flawlessly :) 21:18 < user890104> everything is in place 21:21 < user890104> i've compared the 2 nor backups, and they seem different 21:21 < TheSeven> which areas of them? 21:24 < user890104> http://dox.bg/files/dw?a=75e329ac59 21:25 < user890104> i've compared them using winhex 21:25 < user890104> the one in New folder is the more recent one 21:25 < user890104> the other is from the initial install of iloader a looooong time ago 21:26 *** Dreamxtreme has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 21:27 < user890104> you actually have the second file in my norboot.zip file 21:32 *** Dreamxtreme has joined #freemyipod 21:34 < TheSeven> user890104: apparently i don't restore those unknown factory testing images 21:36 < user890104> what is the point of containing them in aupd, if itunes does not modify the nor? 21:37 < user890104> and the other data that you are restoring from aupd 21:37 * TheSeven doesn't get the question 21:38 < user890104> i mean why apple put stuff which itunes does not use during the restore 21:38 < user890104> in the aupd image 21:39 < user890104> if it uses them, it should be able to restore the nor when using "Restore" 21:43 *** benedikt93 has quit IRC (Quit: Bye ;)) 21:44 < TheSeven> itunes isn't accessing the nor 21:44 < TheSeven> it's all done by the aupd updater 21:44 < TheSeven> and this one apparently does *not* contain those images 21:44 < TheSeven> that's why they're missing in your new dump 21:47 < user890104> so the aupd updater is capable of restoring the norboot.8701 for example, but it doesn't restore it? 21:47 *** Jiss has joined #freemyipod 21:47 < user890104> and iloader remains on the nor even after a restore 21:48 < user890104> i don't get apple's point - why they aren't restoring it 21:48 < TheSeven> they can't 21:48 < TheSeven> the nor reflashing is initiated from, guess what, the bootloader in the nor! 21:49 < TheSeven> if there's iloader instead of the apple bootloader, nobody will care about the aupd file on the firmware being flagged to be executed on the next boot 21:50 < Farthen> design fail IMHO 21:50 < user890104> oh.... 21:50 < user890104> it was that simple 21:50 < Farthen> if they made the bootrom reflash the nor it would look different 21:51 < TheSeven> either that (but i undestand why they don't want to access the nand in the bootrom), or have the main firmware do it 21:54 < fmibot> New commit by 3theseven (r256): iPod Nano 2G installer: Use osos instead of osbk and don't tell the user to remove the installer using ipodpatcher on failures if the it was launched through a bootnote. 21:55 < fmibot> r256 build result: All green! 22:04 < user890104> so if the uninstaller just flags aupd to be executed and then extracts norboot from aupd to the ram and executes it... it should do whatever it is supposed to do ... or there's something else preventing it 22:06 < TheSeven> the flag is set by itunes 22:07 < TheSeven> the uninstaller loads the aupd into ram and parses the images out, and flashes those itself, then resets. norboot will boot, see the flag, run aupd again, and it will flash again 22:07 < TheSeven> if i would execute aupd directly, it would get confused by my nor flash layout, because it expects to be doing an update, not a restore 22:11 < user890104> what about the unknown images, are they present in aupd? or they are wiped when first instaling iloader to the nor, and then they are not restored anymore? 22:11 < TheSeven> honestly i don't know 22:12 < TheSeven> i would guess they're gone 22:12 < TheSeven> your flash dump also points to that 22:13 < user890104> i'd like to make another test, but the last time i used writebootflash, it just hangs and doesn't update the nor 22:14 < user890104> i want to see if aupd erases them or just skips them by flashing my initial nor backup, then restoring with itunes 22:17 < TheSeven> user890104: flash at most 0x8000 bytes at once and it will work 22:17 < TheSeven> doing more at a time causes weird timeouts, i haven't figured out their root cause yet 22:23 < TheSeven> and i'm pretty sure that aupd won't wipe them out. it will probably leave them untouched 22:25 * TheSeven has to leave now 22:25 < TheSeven> feel free to pass that note file link around to everyone who wants to help testing 23:00 Session Start: Thu Nov 04 23:00:17 2010 23:00 Session Ident: #freemyipod 23:00 *** clustur has joined #freemyipod 23:42 *** n1s has quit IRC (Quit: Lämnar)