--- Log opened Mon Nov 29 00:03:06 2010 00:03 -!- clustur [~logger@c-76-127-58-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 00:05 -!- nls [~n1s@nl118-174-240.student.uu.se] has quit [Quit: Lämnar] 01:12 -!- Jiss__ [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:12 -!- Jiss__ [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #freemyipod 02:25 -!- Jiss__ [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:25 -!- Jiss__ [Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #freemyipod 02:32 -!- Jiss__ [Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:32 -!- Jiss__ [Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #freemyipod 02:54 -!- AriX [~Ari@c-76-99-118-183.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:20 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:23 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod 04:03 -!- Jiss__ [Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has quit [Quit: Quit] 06:02 -!- clustur [~logger@c-76-127-58-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:03 -!- clustur [~logger@c-76-127-58-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 06:30 -!- yuriks [~yuriks@opentyrian/developer/yuriks] has joined #freemyipod 07:57 < yuriks> is there anything that needs to be done for the ipod 3g atm? 07:57 < yuriks> testing or programming wise 07:57 < yuriks> (I'm not sure how useful I am at reverse engineering, probably not at all) 07:57 < yuriks> nano 3g* 09:15 * teuf finds back his ipod cable 09:15 < teuf> TheSeven: I'll be able to run these tests tonight 09:25 < yuriks> so, how do you load code on n3g's right now? 09:25 < yuriks> I saw some unfinished iBugger stuff in the wiki but I'm not sure that's the most up to date exploit 09:36 < TheSeven> it is 09:37 < TheSeven> there's not much more than that for the nano3g yet 09:37 < yuriks> hmm 09:37 < yuriks> what do I need to try it? 09:38 < yuriks> (I'm setting up my linux vm atm) 09:38 < TheSeven> you don't even really need linux, i'm doing most of the work on windows 09:38 < yuriks> hm, I thought libusb required linux 09:38 < TheSeven> no, there's a windows version of it 09:39 < yuriks> oh 09:39 < yuriks> well, I'm sure linux will come in handy at a point so I'll keep it around anyway 09:39 < TheSeven> there's that drivier signing trouble on windows 7 though, so you might need to a BCD change to make the kernel accept unsigned drivers 09:39 < yuriks> oh, I'm in test mode already 09:39 < yuriks> so I just need to test sign drivers 09:40 < TheSeven> http://files.freemyipod.org/misc/windows_driver.zip 09:41 < TheSeven> then you'll probably want to check out a working copy of our svn 09:41 < TheSeven> and you'll need python (at least 2.6, i'm not sure if 3.x works), and pyusb 1.0.0alpha 09:42 < TheSeven> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyusb/files/PyUSB 1.0/1.0.0-alpha-0/pyusb-1.0.0-a0.zip/download 09:42 < yuriks> is that libusb 1.0 or 0.1? 09:42 < TheSeven> a fixed version of 0.1 IIRC 09:43 < TheSeven> alternatively you can try setting up with libusb1.0 or even winusb, but at least winusb didn't work quite right for me yet 09:43 < TheSeven> if someone figures out how we can use winusb directly without any crazy hacks, that would be cool :) 09:43 < yuriks> I'll wait until I get things working 09:44 < TheSeven> winusb would have the advantage that it won't have driver signing problems :) 09:46 < yuriks> how do I install the libusb drivers? 09:46 < yuriks> erm 09:46 < yuriks> nvm 09:47 < yuriks> if I got this ritght... plug in the ipod and manually override it's drivers in the device manager? 09:48 < TheSeven> yes 09:49 < TheSeven> if you already have drivers installed for it (itunes), you might also just use the libusb1.0 filter driver manager instead of the driver i provide 09:49 < yuriks> I don't have itunes installed, will that interfer with anything? 09:49 < yuriks> ah ok 09:49 < TheSeven> it will mean that you probably don't have drivers installed anyway 09:49 < yuriks> I use it as a mass storage device fine 09:49 < yuriks> win7 has drivers for it I guess 09:50 < yuriks> dunno if you need any other usb service though 09:50 < TheSeven> only for the mass storage device 09:50 < TheSeven> the exploit attacks dfu mode, so that won't interfere 09:50 < yuriks> hmm, are they called 'services' in usb? or... no, devices under a composite device, that's right 09:51 < TheSeven> to enter dfu mode, press and hold menu+select for between 10 and 15 seconds with USB connected (it will reset a second time and then stay dark) 09:51 < yuriks> installing driver software... 09:52 < yuriks> hmm, didn't know about this double reset before 09:52 < yuriks> that must've been why another one I was trying to diag (dead battery) died sometimes when I held it for too long =P 09:54 < yuriks> iPod Classic/Nano 3G Bootrom DFU 09:54 < yuriks> so that worked without signing anything I guess 09:54 < TheSeven> yep 09:55 < yuriks> uploaded that binary you sent me before 09:55 < yuriks> it detected another device 09:55 < yuriks> oh, unified ibugger 09:55 < yuriks> nice =) 09:56 < TheSeven> now you have full access to the hardware :) 09:56 < yuriks> what do I use to interface with the debugger? 09:56 < TheSeven> ibugger.py 09:56 < yuriks> is that on the svn? 09:57 < TheSeven> nope :) 09:57 < yuriks> oh, you card :) 09:57 < yuriks> http://www.freemyipod.org//data/theseven/releases 09:57 < yuriks> hmm, so, 404 09:57 < TheSeven> http://theseven.freemyipod.org/download/snapshot-201003100612-public.7z 09:58 < TheSeven> that's where all the old tools are :) 09:58 < yuriks> you should really leave some of these things accessible =P 09:58 < TheSeven> the link above broke when we moved to the new domain 09:59 < yuriks> aww, I can't even turn on the backlight :V 10:00 < yuriks> time to read up a bunch I guess 10:18 < yuriks> O_o, I can't put it into DFU mode anymore 10:18 < yuriks> it just boots to the apple os 10:20 < yuriks> oh, I have to release the buttons after a while =P 10:20 < TheSeven> yes, more than 15 seconds won't work 10:20 < TheSeven> it needs to be in the 10-15 range 10:20 < TheSeven> basically the only things that work in that ibugger are upload/download/execute 10:21 < TheSeven> and you only have 224KB of RAM so far 10:22 < yuriks> I'm trying to figure out how to write code to make it reset for now 10:22 < TheSeven> (only the on-chip ram of the processor, the big SDRAM isn't initialized yet) 10:23 < TheSeven> *((uint32_t volatile*)0x3c800000) = 0x100000; IIRC 10:23 * yuriks needs to get an arm assembler 10:23 * TheSeven uses the yagarto toolchain 10:25 < yuriks> >SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL 10:25 < yuriks> 'oops' 10:26 < yuriks> oh, the lcd interface is integrated right into the soic, that's good, I thought you had to poke around until you found the magic adresses for the display controller 10:27 < TheSeven> which datasheet are you looking at? s5l8700? 10:27 < yuriks> yeah 10:27 < yuriks> how different is it from the apple chip? 10:28 < TheSeven> that's not a hundred percent accurate for those SoCs, but all those apple chips share lots of things 10:28 < TheSeven> usually they use the s5l8700 as a starting point and improve it a bit :) 10:28 < TheSeven> some things are also similar to the s3c6400 10:28 < TheSeven> but we know for example the LCD controller pretty well by now 10:29 < yuriks> I was looking for the memory map, actually 10:29 < TheSeven> what's holding us back from using it is that we neither know how to power it on (no datasheet for the power management unit) or how to initialize that particular LCD 10:29 < yuriks> hmm 10:30 < TheSeven> the ahb/apb peripheral addresses in the s5l8700 datasheet are sadly off quite a bit 10:30 < yuriks> damned confidential manuals 10:30 < TheSeven> http://code.google.com/p/chronicdev/wiki/N72APDevTree and http://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=S5L8720_%28Hardware sometimes provide better information 10:30 < gevaerts> There's a version somewhere that has the "confidential" edited out :) 10:30 < yuriks> haha 10:31 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:34 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has joined #freemyipod 10:36 * yuriks needs to brush up on his arm... 11:19 < yuriks> gah, doesn't gas have a simply 'raw binary' output format? <_< 11:22 < TheSeven> no, you need to objcopy 11:23 < yuriks> that's dumb 11:23 < yuriks> but I guess that's gcc for you 11:28 < yuriks> TheSeven: yay, I managed to reboot it xD 11:30 < TheSeven> how did you upload your code? 11:30 < yuriks> upload 0x22000000 ..\..\binary.bin 11:31 < yuriks> execute 0x22000000 0x0 11:31 < TheSeven> oh, that was luck :) 11:31 < yuriks> D= 11:31 < TheSeven> you may use the 0x22008000 - 0x22020000 memory range 11:31 < TheSeven> the memory below that is used by ibugger 11:31 < yuriks> oh, figured 11:31 < yuriks> but since I'm rebooting anyway... 11:32 < TheSeven> oh wait, that's an 8702, so you can use 0x22008000-0x2203ffff 11:32 < TheSeven> and IIRC there's also some small chunk at the beginning of ram, 0x22000000-0x22001fff or something, that's probably why it worked 11:33 < yuriks> hmm 11:33 < TheSeven> if you only use 0x22008000 upward, you're on the safe side :) 11:34 < yuriks> so this memory map is completely bonkers xD 11:34 < TheSeven> yep 11:34 < TheSeven> as long as we don't have SDRAM, things are a bit funny 11:34 < yuriks> the s5l8700 datasheet says internal sram starts on 0x22000000 so I thought I would try there 11:35 < yuriks> I wasn't really expecting it to work 11:35 < TheSeven> usually we use 0x08000000 to 0x09efffff for userspace things and 0x22000000-0x22003fff and 0x09f00000-0x09ffffff for the kernel 11:35 < TheSeven> those parts of the datasheet are actually correct 11:37 < yuriks> so sdram is from 0x0800 0000 to 0x1fff ffff, assuming all memory modules 11:37 < TheSeven> there's only 32MB present on the nano3g, wrapping a single time 11:38 < yuriks> and internal sram is from 0x2200 0000 to 0x2203 FFFF 11:38 < TheSeven> 0x08000000-0x09ffffff and 0x0a000000-0x0bffffff end up accessing the same 32MB of SDRAM 11:38 < yuriks> mhmm 11:38 < TheSeven> the addresses above 0x0c000000 read zeroes IIRC 11:39 < yuriks> 0x09f00000-0x09ffffff 11:39 < yuriks> hmm, is that ram too? 11:39 < TheSeven> yes, that's the last megabyte of SDRAM 11:39 < yuriks> acoording to the mmap it's right in sdram 11:39 < yuriks> oh yeah yeah, nvm 11:40 < yuriks> I was associating kernel == sram, for some reason =P 11:40 < yuriks> no external sram, I take? 11:40 < TheSeven> yep 11:40 < yuriks> well, this is a better start than I was hoping for 11:40 < TheSeven> the boot flash is connected through SPI 11:41 < yuriks> now for the fun part, poking random bus adresses in search of devices 11:41 < yuriks> I feel like documenting this on the wiki 11:41 < TheSeven> reading disassemblies of the code accessing them is usually the easier way :) 11:41 < yuriks> oh, I guess 11:41 < TheSeven> feel free to do so, i'm usually too lazy :) 11:41 < yuriks> my IDA-fu is weak 11:42 < yuriks> but you have a point 11:42 < yuriks> in an ideal world we would just have nice datasheets but where's the fun in that 11:42 < TheSeven> yep 11:46 < yuriks> I should probably sleep a bit <_< I havn't slept in 26 hours 11:50 * TheSeven wonders why one starts dealing with such stuff when one hasn't slept for 21 hours :) 11:51 < yuriks> :) indeed 11:52 < yuriks> ack, the wiki editor removes all newlines from the textbox every time I paste something 11:52 < TheSeven> the wiki wysiwyg editor is full of bugs 11:52 < TheSeven> copy&paste is a bad idea if you try to use it :) 11:55 -!- aissen__ is now known as aissen 11:55 -!- aissen [~aissen@] has quit [Changing host] 11:55 -!- aissen [~aissen@unaffiliated/aissen] has joined #freemyipod 12:02 -!- clustur [~logger@c-76-127-58-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:03 -!- clustur [~logger@c-76-127-58-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 12:03 < yuriks> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Nano_3G/Memory_Map 12:03 < yuriks> I'll add as I learn, I guess <_< 12:11 < TheSeven> you can add the bootrom, 0xc800 bytes at 0x20000000 12:12 < TheSeven> and usually there's a mirror of the SRAM mapped to 0x00000000 12:12 < TheSeven> and most of this (everything besides the SRAM and SDRAM sizes) is applicable to all devices we're working on 12:12 < yuriks> oh, I wasn't sure if the layout was the same 12:13 < TheSeven> s5l8701 has 176KB SRAM, s5l8702 has 256KB, s5l8720 has 192KB 12:13 < yuriks> devices change though, don 12:13 < yuriks> don't they?* so if I add that later... 12:13 < TheSeven> and everything besides the ipod classic has 32MB of SDRAM being wrapped one time, the ipod classic has 64MB 12:20 < yuriks> boot rom is encrypted, right? 12:21 < TheSeven> nope 12:21 < yuriks> oh, duh 12:21 < yuriks> how would it be executed then =P 12:22 < TheSeven> everything else is encrypted, but the bootrom can't be for obvious reason :) 12:22 < TheSeven> reasons* 12:23 < yuriks> so, on the datasheet there are 4 remapping modes, and they change what's mapped onto 0x0000 0000 to 0x07FFF FFFF 12:23 < yuriks> which one is the 3g set as? 12:23 < yuriks> or does it start as boot rom and then change it to sram? 12:27 < TheSeven> i don't think this part of the datasheet is applicable 12:27 < TheSeven> as far as i understand, the bootrom is mapped during boot and afterwards the sram 12:27 < TheSeven> but they are handling that through the MMU 12:28 < yuriks> starting the processor with the rom mapped on an address and then replacing that with something else and not letting you change it back is a quite common way of protecting the rom 12:28 < TheSeven> they let you change it back 12:28 < yuriks> but since the rom is mapped up there it isn't the case here 12:29 < yuriks> well, I'll leave it blank 12:29 < yuriks> what's the OTG? 12:31 < TheSeven> usb on-the-go 12:32 < yuriks> isn't that the usb host for gadgets thing? 12:32 < TheSeven> it's basically bidirectional usb 12:32 < yuriks> hmm 12:32 < TheSeven> you can connect multiple otg-capable gadgets with each other and they'll negotiate on who's the host 12:40 < yuriks> http://code.google.com/p/chronicdev/wiki/N72APDevTree 12:40 < yuriks> where did this info come from? 12:49 < yuriks> TheSeven: I ran iBugger core and the usb went nuts 12:49 < yuriks> is that normal? 12:50 < TheSeven> this info comes from the ipod touch 2g, which uses an s5l8720 soc 12:50 < TheSeven> and ibugger core won't work yet 12:50 < yuriks> oh 12:50 < yuriks> but I mean, how was it gathered? 12:57 < yuriks> you think that messing around with the gpio could damage the hardware? <_< 12:58 < TheSeven> i wouldn't switch input bits to output at least 12:58 < TheSeven> and the devtree info was gathered from some structure that the darwin kernel on the ipod touch uses 12:58 < yuriks> oh 12:58 < yuriks> well, I figure all pins will come preset to a 'neutered' state 13:05 -!- Jiss [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #freemyipod 13:06 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 13:08 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod 13:16 < yuriks> well, I'm calling it a day 13:16 < yuriks> gonna get some sleep 13:16 < yuriks> thanks for the attention so far =) 13:21 -!- user890104 [Venci@Venci-Notebook-LAN.ipv6.6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod 13:55 -!- timccc [~timccc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:14 -!- MrShlee [~Default@] has joined #freemyipod 14:15 -!- timccc [~timccc@] has joined #freemyipod 15:07 < aissen> hello :-) 15:07 < aissen> yuriks: you're working on supporting nano 3G ? 15:14 -!- perror [~fleury@aldebaran.labri.fr] has joined #freemyipod 15:25 * benedikt93 is slowly understanding how that efi calling/allocation crap works 15:40 -!- Jiss_ [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #freemyipod 15:40 -!- Jiss_ [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:41 -!- Jiss_ [Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #freemyipod 15:42 -!- Jiss [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:48 -!- Jiss__ [~Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #freemyipod 15:52 -!- Jiss_ [Jiss@abo-199-13-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:54 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 16:09 -!- MrShlee [~Default@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:02 -!- clustur [~logger@c-76-127-58-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:03 -!- clustur [~logger@c-76-127-58-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 18:33 -!- perror [~fleury@aldebaran.labri.fr] has quit [Quit: Bye all !] 19:09 -!- Dreamxtreme [~Dre@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:23 -!- Dreamxtreme [~Dre@] has joined #freemyipod 19:33 < teuf> TheSeven: 00000000 0c 00 00 00 |....| 19:33 < teuf> when I get data.bin as you asked me to do yesterday 19:34 < TheSeven> oops 19:34 < TheSeven> the file you send should be 0x01 0x11 0x00 0x11 19:34 < TheSeven> (reversed) 19:36 < teuf> ok 19:41 < teuf> TheSeven: I got all 0 19:42 < TheSeven> hm 19:42 < teuf> I tried it twice 19:42 < TheSeven> so that's also an ata drive, not ce-ata 19:50 < teuf> ok 21:50 -!- liar [~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:54 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod 22:24 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] --- Log closed Tue Nov 30 00:02:48 2010