--- Log opened Wed Aug 31 00:00:45 2011 00:48 -!- posixninja [~textual@74-137-103-115.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #freemyipod 01:23 -!- posixninja [~textual@74-137-103-115.dhcp.insightbb.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 02:45 -!- TheSeven [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has quit [Disconnected by services] 02:45 -!- [7] [~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven] has joined #freemyipod 02:53 -!- soap [~soap@rockbox/staff/soap] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:10 -!- soap [~soap@rockbox/staff/soap] has joined #freemyipod 04:24 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@eng340.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 04:52 -!- posixninja [~textual@h69.39.190.173.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #freemyipod 05:00 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:01 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 06:09 -!- powell14ski [~powell14s@c-174-51-194-6.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: powell14ski] 06:10 -!- n1s [~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s] has joined #freemyipod 06:36 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has quit [Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.] 06:39 -!- [Saint] [~st.lasciv@] has joined #freemyipod 09:40 -!- n1s [~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:59 -!- bco85 [~c@] has joined #freemyipod 10:59 < bco85> hello 11:00 < bco85> [7]: i remember that some time ago you disabled cpu throttling 11:00 < bco85> in classic 11:00 < bco85> not its running 100% 11:00 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:01 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 11:01 < fmibot> New commit by user890104 (r768): bootmenu, installer: integrate the graphics into the bootmenu, instead of installing them as separate files on the bootflash 11:01 < bco85> i was wondering: what about force to run the cpu at lowest voltage/speed posible to increase battery life? 11:02 < fmibot> r768 build result: emcore: All green! 11:02 < fmibot> r768 build result: umsboot: All green! 11:03 < [Saint]> bco85: that wouldn't necessarily improve batetry life. 11:03 < [Saint]> as the CPU would be active for a lot longer to do tasks it used to do while boosted. 11:03 < [Saint]> the CPU boosts, unboosts as needed. This system is tried and true. 11:05 < bco85> debug menu > buffering thread: boost is always 100% 11:06 < bco85> in my classic2g 11:06 < bco85> cpufreq is running at 216 mhz 11:06 < bco85> all the time 11:07 < user890104> bco85: do you want to test the most recent changes i just made, before i make the build public? 11:07 < [Saint]> you have probably accidentally forced boost. 11:07 < bco85> user890104: ok 11:07 < bco85> [Saint]: how i did this? 11:08 < [Saint]> what does boost_counter: in Debug - CPU frequency say? 11:09 < bco85> in the debug menu? i dont find it 11:10 < [Saint]> Hmmmm...odd. 11:10 < [Saint]> there's no "CPU frequency" menu under Debug? 11:11 < bco85> "Debug (Keep Out!)" menu has no "CPU frequency" 11:11 < [Saint]> Hmmm, mustn't be implemented yet. 11:12 < [Saint]> Depending on what codec you're playing, it is quite possible you're boosting 100% during playback, though. 11:12 < bco85> im running rockbox r30307M-110814 that provided me user890104 (fixed lcd patch) 11:13 < bco85> but... i dont remember such menu in older versions 11:14 < [Saint]> Right, that's totally unimportant to me ;) 11:14 < [Saint]> As I said, depending on what codec you're playing, its quite possible the CPU will be boosting 100% of the time. 11:15 < bco85> playing almost mp3 11:15 < [Saint]> if you're playing incredibly low bitrate mp3, I'd be slightly concerned. 11:16 < [Saint]> the Classic should damn well be able to handle mp3 (even at 320) in realtime, without needing to boost 100%. 11:16 < [Saint]> Its quite possible too that the boost value displayed is totally inaccurate ;) 11:17 < bco85> thats why i was asking [7], because i remember some boost problems some time ago. he decided to turn off cpu throttling if i remember well. 11:17 < bco85> but im not really sure after this talk 11:17 < user890104> he turned off cpu undervolting 11:18 -!- posixnin_ [~textual@h207.20.190.173.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #freemyipod 11:18 < user890104> so the cpu and maybe some other piece of the hardware run at some higher voltages 11:18 -!- posixninja [~textual@h69.39.190.173.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:18 -!- posixnin_ is now known as posixninja 11:19 < user890104> i think i made a custom build with this change reverted for someone who was willing to test it 11:19 < user890104> because these lower voltages don't make problems on every ipod, only on some 11:20 < bco85> do you have freezes in your ipods¿ 11:22 < [7]> [Saint]: classic doesn't have boosting support yet 11:22 < [Saint]> Ahhhh...right. I thought it did. 11:23 < [Saint]> My mistake. That explains terrible battery life ;) 11:23 < [7]> it did at some point, but that did massively increase the lockup frequency 11:24 < [7]> and apple doesn't do boosting either 11:24 < [Saint]> Oh, right. I was pretty sure I remembered it having boosting, but, its been a while since I snooped in the Classic code. 11:24 < [7]> so that's certainly *not* what's causing the terrible battery life 11:24 < [Saint]> It can't help. 11:25 < [7]> i have a suspicion that apple has a better way than WFI to completely shut the CPU down 11:25 < [7]> they can't be powering down the whole SoC though as they need the DMA controller for audio playback 11:27 < [7]> i have no idea how they are achieving that, but both the nano and classic playing music in the OFW outperform an idle emcore power-wise, let alone rockbox 11:27 < [7]> it's just that this effect is much bigger on the classic than on the nano 11:28 < bco85> maybe they manage better the hdd spin 11:38 < user890104> bco85: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-2937db72.html 11:42 < bco85> checking it 11:42 < bco85> this is r768? 11:43 < user890104> yes 11:44 < user890104> there won't be any change that you would notice 11:44 < bco85> with r764 umsboot mounts really fast! 11:44 < user890104> r764 compared to which revision? 11:44 < bco85> to everything 11:45 < bco85> in the past 11:45 < bco85> r768M is working in my classic2g 11:47 < bco85> what happened with: FS#12233 - iPod 6G/Classic: LCD not displaying rockbox correctly if using emCORE >= r746 11:47 < bco85> ? 11:47 < bco85> http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12233 11:47 < [7]> committing that is on my todo list 11:47 < bco85> nice! 11:48 < [7]> [13:28:03] maybe they manage better the hdd spin << i'm talking about power consumption while the hdd is turned off. i'm fairly sure that rockbox does a better job at spin handling than apple 11:51 < bco85> maybe a selective shutdown 11:52 < bco85> maybe black magic 11:52 < [7]> it can't be just clock gating, we're doing that as well 11:52 < [7]> (for the peripherals) 11:52 < [7]> the CPU should in theory gate itself when getting a WFI instruction 11:53 < user890104> bco85: r768M? there shouldn't be an "M" at the end, this is supposed to be a clean build with no patches 11:53 < [7]> hm, maybe they have their PCM buffer in the internal SRAM and manage to shut down the external DRAM and/or its controller most of the time 11:55 < user890104> ah. my mistake 11:56 < bco85> is there a way to check fisically the cpu voltage? if its possible, would be nice to compare original firmware with emcore firmware 11:56 < [7]> might be possible 11:57 < [7]> could even be doable by a software way 11:57 < bco85> A/B checks 12:01 < user890104> bco85: please install http://www.datafilehost.com/download-dd0df979.html and check the version number while the installer loads up, and after installing (in the console) 12:01 < [Saint]> fiscally? 12:01 < [Saint]> Oh...ah, whoops. 12:08 < bco85> tested and checked 12:09 < bco85> user890104: the M has gone 12:09 < bco85> umsboot mounts really fast now! 12:09 < user890104> [7]: what should be the CFLAGS for emcore app that are supposed to run on more than one target? there are different ARM_ARCH values and -mcpu ones too 12:11 < user890104> bco85: there weren't any recent changes in the umsboot code, the last one was in r757 12:12 < bco85> thanks user890104. 12:13 < user890104> thank you for testing 12:13 < bco85> i suscribed to the freemyipod freesvn changelog RSS 12:13 < bco85> http://websvn.freemyipod.org/rss.php?repname=freemyipod&path=%2F&isdir=1&peg=768 12:13 < bco85> to check for interesting updates 12:14 < user890104> you can get these by email by subscribing to the freemyipod-commits mailing list 12:14 < user890104> http://lists.freemyipod.org/listinfo/freemyipod-commits 12:15 < [Saint]> you guys need a twitter account. 12:15 < [7]> user890104: the minimum one it needs to run on 12:15 < [Saint]> Copy whatever implementation Rockbox is sing. Some CIA/Twitter script iirc. 12:15 < [7]> so e.g. if it needs to run on the nano2g, ARM_ARCH=4 and -mcpu=arm940t 12:16 < [Saint]> s/sing/using/ 12:17 < user890104> [7]: thanks 12:17 < [7]> this could cause a huge slowdown for libui/libpng on the nano4g though 12:17 < [7]> so we might want to build that one separately 12:36 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:37 -!- user890104 [~Venci@6bez10.info] has joined #freemyipod 12:37 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@eng340.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has joined #freemyipod 12:42 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@eng340.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has quit [Client Quit] 13:02 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@mey343.wireless-pennnet.upenn.edu] has joined #freemyipod 13:32 -!- n1s [~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s] has joined #freemyipod 13:44 -!- bco85 [~c@] has left #freemyipod 14:03 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@mey343.wireless-pennnet.upenn.edu] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 14:27 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@hil226.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has joined #freemyipod 15:01 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@hil226.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:10 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has joined #freemyipod 17:00 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:01 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 17:49 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@eng340.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has joined #freemyipod 17:52 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@eng340.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has quit [Client Quit] 17:56 -!- Keripo [~Keripo@eng340.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has joined #freemyipod 19:04 -!- posixninja [~textual@h207.20.190.173.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: http://www.textualapp.com/] 19:41 -!- benedikt93 [~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)] 19:59 -!- powell14ski [~powell14s@c-174-51-194-6.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 21:07 -!- posixninja [~textual@h207.20.190.173.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #freemyipod 21:26 -!- n1s [~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:00 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:01 -!- clustur [~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #freemyipod 23:56 -!- Liath_ [~Liath@fctnnbsc30w-142166244093.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nb.bellaliant.net] has joined #freemyipod 23:56 -!- Liath [~Liath@fctnnbsc30w-142166244093.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nb.bellaliant.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] --- Log closed Thu Sep 01 00:03:04 2011