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(Client Quit) [09:49:07] *** Quits: alberthrocks (~alberthro@unaffiliated/alberthrocks) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:02:33] *** Joins: alberthrocks (~alberthro@pool-108-22-226-78.bltmmd.east.verizon.net) [10:02:34] *** Quits: alberthrocks (~alberthro@pool-108-22-226-78.bltmmd.east.verizon.net) (Changing host) [10:02:34] *** Joins: alberthrocks (~alberthro@unaffiliated/alberthrocks) [12:59:12] *** Quits: [Saint] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) (Quit: rebooting) [14:00:20] *** Joins: clustur (~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) [14:00:20] *** Quits: clustur (~logger@c-98-249-104-118.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:51:05] *** Joins: [Saint] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) [17:59:03] *** Joins: nieuwbie (~user@ip5452ef7d.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) [17:59:38] Hey, I was reading extract2g code and I found DIRECORY* type. [18:00:05] Not really sure what it means, any ideas? [18:17:21] it's a structure of data found in n2g's firmware image [18:17:28] and also in other nanos' [18:18:08] yes, but my question is why it's DIRECTORY* directories, and not DIRECTORY *directories. [18:18:45] ah [18:18:50] probably a typo [18:19:06] ... [18:19:06] That's a matter of style [18:19:11] actually it doesn't matter [18:19:29] you can write the asterisk in both places as gevaerts said [18:19:35] <[Saint]> It shouldn't matter. [18:19:41] Yes, but mixing styles isn't a bad habit? [18:19:46] i thought it was DIRECORY* vs. DIRECTORY* [18:19:51] <[Saint]> Ah, well...I'm late :) [18:20:27] nieuwbie: maybe. To be honest I probably wouldn't even notice [18:20:59] There are *much* more problematic bad habits in the world [18:20:59] gevaerts: My C isn't brilliant so that's why I was wondering. [18:21:54] <[Saint]> There's weird style mismatches dotted throughout freemyipod/Rockbox sources. It happens. [18:22:20] <[Saint]> As long as it doesn't break shit...its cool. Its a side effect if many cooks and one broth. [18:22:31] <[Saint]> *of many [18:23:03] [Saint]: So why not clean this mess up to avoid waisting the time on answer [18:23:08] trivial question? [18:24:00] <[Saint]> Because its time consuming, and it really doesn't matter, not when there's genuine bugs to worry about. [18:24:05] nieuwbie: because (a) it's a lot of work, and (b) it clutters commit history [18:24:24] Also, it allows us to spot C beginners :) [18:24:32] hahaha [18:24:56] well, you got me there. [18:25:11] <[Saint]> If someone wanted to fix it, I'm sure a patch wouldn't be rejected...its just a fair amount of work for essentially no gain. [18:26:00] I'm not sure if I'd be in favour of committing that. I really like (git,svn) blame to give useful output [18:27:00] <[Saint]> Hmmm...good point. [18:27:26] Although git blame seems to have an option to ingore whitespace changes. I'll have to see if that works well [18:30:22] anyway I assume that extract2g can be use to extract firmware from classic 6g as well. [18:33:09] <[Saint]> /maybe/ [18:33:41] <[Saint]> There's no reason to extract the firmware on this device afaik, so that may be a dangerous assumption. [18:33:56] Why is that? [18:34:05] <[Saint]> The fw is trashed on install, its of no use. [18:34:17] <[Saint]> Unlike the n2g [18:35:24] So first I would have to restore my ipod and then try to extract the firmware? Is that it? [18:35:48] <[Saint]> Not dangerous as in "bad things will happen" but dangerous as in "not necessarily correct" [18:35:55] <[Saint]> #badwording [18:36:54] [Saint]: bad as in misleading? :) [18:37:27] <[Saint]> Lets start with /why/ you're extracting the firmware. What am I missing here? [18:37:35] <[Saint]> Or, wanting to. [18:38:23] Well, the thing is I want to learn something about my iPod. [18:39:03] <[Saint]> RE isn't really a great first project. [18:39:29] My prime goal in general is to make usb kbd working with iPod 6g. [18:40:33] <[Saint]> Well, the original firmware isn't the best start there. [18:41:04] <[Saint]> It would be best to work off of the existing emCORE/Rockbox code base. [18:41:37] I see. [18:41:46] <[Saint]> So you don't have to redo things that have already taken many hundreds of man hours. [18:43:38] <[Saint]> Brush up on C, write yourself a plugin or two, jump in and have a look at the existing outstanding bugs (in either project), etc. [18:44:09] <[Saint]> Implementing USB OTG isn't really what I'd class as beginners work either. [18:44:12] ok, I'll try that [18:45:38] <[Saint]> And having and understanding of the source will definitely help, which poking at bugs can definitely give you. Jumping in the deep end /sometimes/ pays off, but I have seen many with high goals get disheartened too. [18:45:57] <[Saint]> And I wouldn't want to see that happen here if ifs avoidable. [18:46:15] Thanks. 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