[02:25:06] *** Joins: spyroboy (~spyroboy@tuxhacker/spyroboy) [02:26:07] so atm I have an iPod 6G 80G that has emCore and rockbox installed to it [02:26:34] that being said, "freemyipod" came up in dmesg when I plugged it in so I'm not sure if I should be here or at rockbox's channel [02:27:50] judging from the website, this seems to be the right place. [02:29:44] that being said, I already have emCore and rockbox on my ipod but I'm looking for the most latest revision [02:29:48] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/ThirdParty [02:30:00] I've come to this screen and I'm not sure how to answer this [02:35:08] nvm. I think I figured it out. [02:56:22] I see that in the SVN activity, stuff as recent as july has been committed but the emCORE release page lists a build from 2012? [02:56:28] is there a better place to get builds? [03:01:22] *** Quits: Ecaz (~z@unaffiliated/ecaz) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:12:04] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p5088F8FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [06:12:05] *** Joins: steffengy1 (~quassel@p5088FDD0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:52:29] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [06:53:26] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [15:48:46] *** Joins: ecaz (~z@unaffiliated/ecaz) [21:36:54] *** Joins: n1s (~n1s@c-4eea70d5.010-215-7570701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [21:36:54] *** Quits: n1s (~n1s@c-4eea70d5.010-215-7570701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Changing host) [21:36:54] *** Joins: n1s (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) [23:55:53] *** Quits: n1s (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) (Quit: Ex-Chat)